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Digest and Assimilate.

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): It involves partial or total removal of female ex-
ternal genitalia. It is often performed with or without consent and has no medical be-
nefits. It can cause serious harm to women and girls. Some of the risks of FGM are;

1. Constant pain for the affected individuals.

2. Scar tissue and altered anatomy can make sexual intercourse painful and


3. it increases the risk of infections, which can lead to complications and even


4. The procedure can cause bleeding, cysts, and painful abscesses in the genital

5. procedure may lead to difficulties in urination and involuntary leakage of urine.

6. can cause severe physical and psychological harm.

Sex reassignment.: It`s also known as gender-affirming surgery. it is a series of sur-

gical procedures that alter a person’s physical appearance and sexual characterist-
ics to align with their identified gender. These procedures are most commonly asso-
ciated with transgender individuals, but they can also be pursued by cisgender and
non-intersex individuals. Sex reassignment aims to create physical traits that match
an individual’s gender identity. A good example of sex reassignment is;

Phalloplasty ls a complex surgical procedure to create or reconstruct a penis, carries

certain risks and potential complications. While these risks are relatively rare, it’s es-
sential to be informed before undergoing the surgery. Some of risks associated with
phalloplasty include;

1. Excessive bleeding during or after surgery can occur.

2. Injury to the urinary tract or rectum which can lead to severe complications.

3. Pain, concerns and discomfort during sexual intercourse .

4. Some individuals may not achieve their desired penis size or shape.

5. Infections at the surgical site can occur.

6. Accumulation of blood in pelvic or groin area.
7. The tissue used for neopenis construction may not survive entirely.

It’s crucial to discuss these risks thoroughly with your surgeon and follow their post-operative
instructions diligently. Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor your progress
and address any complications promptly. Remember that each person’s experience may
vary, and seeking professional advice is crucial for a safe and successful outcome.

Differences between Sex reassignment and FGM.

1. Sex reassignment is not prohibited within legal frameworks.

2. FGM is prohibited and should be reported if detected for conviction purposes.

3. Sex reassignment alleviate gender dysphoria and enhance quality of life.

4. FGM can cause severe physical and psychological harm.

5. FGM has no medicl benefits and is rooted on cultural basis.

6. FGM is not a major surgical operation compared to sex reassignment.


ACT no 32 of 2011) FGM is prohibited, and sex reassignment is not .

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