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Agile, DevOps & Business Agility!

The Business Benefiting S-Curve

By Paul Peissner
DevOps Enthusiast

People and careers-paths

Technologies and change tolerance
Processes and business/corporate predictability
Software-Driven Business Agility (DevOps Maturity)

Business Agility
Continuous Improvement

Continuous Delivery

Continuous Integration


People and careers-paths – Software teams
• People are by their very nature, change resistant
• The right culture can be fun and market competitive
• The new norm…is constant change…
• Be ready to learn, adapt and adjust

Not every organization can or should
adopt agile. But agile, in what ever
form that is appropriate for a business,
organizational structure or team, is the
now the new development standard.
People and careers-paths – Business teams
• Blend cross-discipline teams and integrate silo functions
• Invest in careers: education, training and mentoring
• Reconsider incentives that align
• Culture can a strategic advantage!

Continuous Integration

The collapse of the Dev/QA silos and

segmented Dev technologies, makes
more sense to integrate, automate and
collaborate as project scopes get
smaller and project cycles get shorter.
Technologies and change tolerance – Software teams
• Explore simplification and the modern innovative tools
• Create a culture that explores and experiments
• Get out of the legacy box and manual routines
• Collaborate to challenge the status quo

Continuous Delivery

As the project cadences speed-up, the

Operations and production teams need
to adjust established change patterns
and expectations; and explore the
benefits of innovative new technology.
Technologies and change tolerance – Business teams
• Cost of Change (it’s painful to disrupt organizational patterns)
• Cost of Not Changing (the fastest way to obsolescence)
• Invest in people and the changes they recommend
• Reward the right kind of team behaviors


As agile, automation, Cloud, mobile

and new technologies bypass complex
systems, org. bureaucracy and legacy
tools, it becomes more critical for
cross-discipline teams to collaboration.
Processes and corporate predictability – Software teams
• More visibility, access and automation for daily contributors
• Full-service development, Self-service tools & Feedback loops
• Embrace the powerful “flat or lean” models
Continuous Improvement

The new collaborative technology

culture, will quickly find innovative
ways to improve practices, decision-
making and adopt new technologies
that increase efficiencies and reliability.
Processes and business predictability – Business teams
• Continuous leaning (internal & external) and adapt quickly
• Team/Process is a competitive-edge and a source of
innovative differentiation
Business Agility

The efficiencies of the software

practices will require more feedback
loops to effectively measure and
quickly improve development efforts,
product quality and market relevance.
Agile, DevOps & Business Agility!
The Business Benefiting S-Curve
Business Agility Focus on
market changes,
Continuous Improvement team optimization
and new technology
DevOps Focus on options to leverage
the wider
Continuous Delivery technology
and cultural,
Continuous Integration Focus on integrations,
technology and feedback loops,
Agile the needed and org. process
integration changes
Focus on changes
Dev culture changes

Invest in each stage for software-driven business agility!

Differentiation - Competitive advantages - Corporate profitability

More Importantly,
What Is Your Next Stage to invest in?

Happy to discuss…

Paul Peissner
Paul (at) Peissner (dot) com


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