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Miguel Angel Becerra Ayala Friday, August 25th, 2023

"Feasibility of colonization of the planet Mars"


Humanity has always felt an innate fascination with the unknown, and few places awaken the
collective imagination like the red planet Mars. From the first telescopes that revealed its features to
the modern probes and rovers that have explored its surface, Mars has been the object of our
curiosity and aspirations. The idea of colonizing this neighboring planet has been present in science
fiction for decades, but is it feasible to turn this fantasy into a palpable reality? In this essay, we will
carefully examine the feasibility of Mars colonization, considering the technological and medical
difficulties, the necessary international collaboration, and the financial aspects involved in this
ambitious company.


Technological difficulties in Mars colonization: Current technology allows us to dream of Mars

colonization, but there are still insurmountable obstacles. One of the most crucial challenges is the
interplanetary journey itself. The average distance between Earth and Mars is approximately 225
million kilometers, a gap that requires advanced propulsion systems to shorten it in a reasonable time
and to protect astronauts from cosmic radiation during the journey. Today's rockets are not efficient
enough to make this trip efficiently. In addition, the creation of habitable structures on Mars is a
monumental technological challenge. The fine Martian atmosphere, composed mainly of carbon
dioxide, does not offer the necessary protection against solar and cosmic radiation. Designing
habitats that can withstand extreme temperature fluctuations and radiation is essential, but it is also a
complex and costly process. Securing resources is another crucial challenge. Water is essential to
human life, but carrying enough water from Earth would be unviable in terms of cost and logistics.
Therefore, technology must be developed to extract and purify water from the resources available on
Mars, such as the ice present on its surface.

Medical difficulties in Mars colonization: The health of settlers on Mars is a central concern. The
microgravity of space and cosmic radiation pose significant medical challenges. Prolonged exposure
to microgravity leads to loss of muscle and bone mass as well as cardiovascular problems due to a
lack of physical effort. Astronaut vision may also be affected. In addition, radiation in space and on
Mars is a danger to human health. High levels of radiation increase the risk of cancer and can
damage human DNA. Protection from this radiation would require the construction of shelters with
materials capable of blocking dangerous cosmic rays.

International collaboration in the colonization of Mars: The successful colonization of Mars will require
unprecedented international collaboration. Such a large project involves not only scientific and
technological knowledge but also political and diplomatic aspects. The combination of resources,
technology, and experience from different nations could accelerate progress and reduce costs. The
International Space Station (ISS) has shown that international collaboration in space is possible, but
Miguel Angel Becerra Ayala Friday, August 25th, 2023

colonization of Mars would require an even greater level of coordination and cooperation. However,
this collaboration also presents challenges. Political agendas and national priorities could clash, and
the distribution of recognition and benefits should be equitable for all the nations involved. The
creation of a legal framework and an international treaty would be essential to ensuring a collaborative
approach and avoiding conflict.

Mission Financing: Financing Mars colonization is a critical aspect. It is estimated that a manned
mission to Mars could cost hundreds of billions of dollars. Given the magnitude of this investment, a
combination of public and private financing is likely to be required. Governments can provide the initial
funding and resources needed for the research and development of advanced technologies. For
example, NASA has already been working on the development of advanced propulsion systems and
habitat research for Mars. Private investment can also play a crucial role. Companies like SpaceX,
founded by Elon Musk, have presented ambitious plans to colonize Mars. Private investment can
bring technological innovation and a business mindset that could speed up the process and reduce
costs. In addition, commercial opportunities, such as resource mining on Mars or the development of
space tourism, could generate sustainable long-term income.


The colonization of Mars is a bold goal that poses significant challenges in technological, medical,
political, and financial terms. While advances in technology and scientific understanding have brought
us closer than ever to the possibility of a manned mission to Mars, there are still major obstacles to
overcome. International collaboration will be essential for sharing knowledge and resources, and
public and private funding will need to be combined to support this ambitious enterprise. As we move
forward in our exploration and understanding of Mars, we may one day see the realization of this
dream that has captivated mankind for generations.


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Risks of Space Colonization | LET. (s. f.).
Brian Dunbar. (s. f.). NASA - the challenges of landing on Mars.
Mars. (s. f.). NASA Solar System Exploration.

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