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Book Analysis Format

Title What’s the name of the book?

The mystery of manor hall

Author Who wrote the book?


Genre What’s the genre of the book?

A kind of tale

Setting Where is the story located?

In the castle by Uncle Henry

Characters Who are the main characters in the story?

• Uncle Henry
• Tom
• Milly
• Pirate ghost
Plot What’s the book about?
It is about some children Tom and Milly who
went to an old house that belongs to their
uncle Henry, their mother took them because
they did not have beds in their new house, so if
they had to stay at their uncle's house, their
uncle He showed the whole house so that later
they could see a music room, and like every
curious child, they wanted to know what was
there. One night they got up and heard a noise
in that room. They, very afraid, went and found
a pirate ghost whose name was Billy, he told
them his story of how he came to be in that
painting. When he had a boat he met an old
lady who told him that when you die, that
painting brings you closer to the sea and that's
how you will stay. When he died, he stayed in
that painting. Uncle Henry discovered the
children with the ghost and He was frozen
when he saw the white children and they both
met and became friends and then put his
painting in the living room and at breakfast
time heard their singing.

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