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The formula for the area (A) of a rectangle with length (L) and width (W) is:
2. The formula for the circumference (C) of a circle in terms of its radius (r) is:
3. The formula for the volume (V) of a cylinder with radius (r) and height (h) is:
4. If a triangle has angles measuring 30°, 60°, and 90°, it is a special type of right-
angled triangle known as a "30-60-90 triangle." In such a triangle, the angles are in the
ratio 1:√3:2.
5. The sum of the interior angles of a pentagon is given by the formula:
The sum of interior angles of a regular pentagon = (5−2)×180∘ = 3×180∘ = 540∘
6. Identify the sentence with the correct use of the apostrophe: The cat's toys are
scattered all over the yard.
7. Choose the sentence with the correct subject-verb agreement: The choir sings
8. Select the sentence with the correct use of the semicolon: The weather was cold, we
decided to stay indoors.
9. Identify the sentence with the correct use of "their," "there," or "they're": They're going
to visit their grandmother over there.
10. Choose the sentence with the correct use of the word "effect" or "affect": The
change in weather will not affect our plans.
11. Choose the correct synonym for "ephemeral": Transitory
12. Identify the word that is the opposite of "meticulous": Careless
13. Select the appropriate synonym for "quaint": Charming
14. Choose the correct definition for the word "resilient": Able to recover quickly from
15. Identify the word that means "to speak or act in a vague or indirect way": Beat
around the bush
16. Read the following passage and answer the question:
"The sun sets over the horizon, casting a warm glow across the landscape. As the
evening unfolds, the sky transforms into a canvas of vibrant colors - hues of orange,
pink, and purple. People gather to witness this breathtaking spectacle, a daily reminder
of nature's artistry. What is the main focus of this passage?" The beauty of the evening
17. Read the passage below and answer the question:
"As the chef prepared the dish, the tantalizing aroma filled the kitchen, creating a sense
of anticipation. The sizzle of ingredients in the pan and the rich blend of spices added to
the sensory experience. Diners eagerly awaited the culinary masterpiece. What is the
main theme of this passage?" The sensory experience of cooking
18. Read the following paragraph and answer the question:
"The detective carefully examined the crime scene, taking note of every detail. The
scattered papers, the broken window, and the faint footprints told a silent story. As he
pieced together the evidence, a sense of determination filled the air. What is the
detective focused on in this passage?" Examining the crime scene
19. Read the passage and answer the question:
"The ancient castle stood atop the hill, overlooking the picturesque valley. Its towering
turrets and weathered stones whispered tales of a bygone era. Visitors marveled at the
architectural grandeur, transported back in time. What is the main idea conveyed in this
The historical charm of the ancient castle
20. Read the following paragraph and answer the question:
"The scientist conducted experiments in the laboratory, meticulously recording
observations and analyzing data. Each result brought new insights, contributing to the
advancement of scientific knowledge. The pursuit of discovery fueled a passion for
unraveling the mysteries of the natural world. What is the main focus of this passage?"
Advancement of scientific knowledge
21. Which of the following statements is equivalent to "If it is raining, then the ground is
wet"? If the ground is wet, then it is raining.
22. If all cats can climb trees, and Fluffy is a cat, what can we conclude? Fluffy can
climb trees.
23. If John is taller than Mark, and Mark is taller than Sarah, who is the shortest? Sarah
24. Which of the following is a valid syllogism? All dogs are mammals. Spot is a dog.
Therefore, Spot is a mammal.
25. If "All birds can fly" and "Robins are birds," what can be logically inferred? Robins
can fly.
26. What is the capital city of Brazil? Brasilia
27. What is the capital of South Africa? The capital of South Africa is Pretoria
(administrative), Bloemfontein (judicial), and Cape Town (legislative).
28. The capital of Russia is: Moscow
29. The capital of India is: New Delhi
30. The capital of Australia is: Canbera
31. Which of the following is a characteristic property of liquids? Viscosity
32. In which state of matter are particles closely packed in a regular, repeating pattern?
33. What is the critical point of a substance? The critical point of a substance is the
temperature and pressure at which the liquid and gas phases of the substance have the
same density, and the distinction between liquid and gas phases disappears.
34. What happens to the volume of a gas when the temperature is increased at
constant pressure? According to Charles's Law, when the temperature of a gas is
increased at constant pressure, the volume of the gas also increases.
35. What is the term for the resistance of a liquid to flow? Viscosity
36. If an object is moving with constant speed, what can be said about its acceleration?
Acceleration is zero.
37. If an object's velocity is changing with respect to time, it is experiencing:
38. If an object is at rest, what can be said about its velocity? Velocity is zero.
39. If a car travels 100 meters in 20 seconds, what is its average speed? 5m/s
40. What does kinematics study in physics? Motion
41. Which process involves the transfer of heat through the movement of fluid particles
(liquids or gases)? Convection
42. Which term refers to the total kinetic and potential energy of the particles in a
substance? Thermal Energy
43. What is the process by which a substance changes from a gas to a liquid?
44. What is the unit of power commonly used in the context of heating and cooling
systems? Watt or joule?
45. According to the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics, if two systems are each in thermal
equilibrium with a third system, then they are in thermal equilibrium with each other.
What concept does this law define? Temperature
46. What is the direction of conventional current flow in an electric circuit? From positive
to negative
47. What type of current is produced by batteries? Direct current
48. What is the magnetic property that makes a material attracted to a magnet called?
49. What is the function of an electric transformer? To increase voltage in a circuit
50. What is the relationship between the number of coils in a solenoid and the strength
of its magnetic field? Direct relationship
51. What is the phenomenon where a wave bends as it passes through a medium with
a different speed? Refraction
52. Which of the following types of waves requires a medium (solid, liquid, or gas) for
propagation? Longitudinal waves
53. What is the term for the maximum displacement of a particle in a wave from its
equilibrium position? amplitude
54. What is the phenomenon where two waves of the same frequency interfere
constructively or destructively? constructively
55. Which color of light has the longest wavelength? red
56. Which of the following is a sign that a chemical reaction is taking place? color
chage, formation of a precipitate, formation of a gas, odor change, temperaturechange.
57. What is the driving force behind chemical reactions? The tendency of systems to
move toward lower energy states.
58. What is the product of a neutralization reaction between an acid and a base? Salt
and water
59. What is a chemical reaction? A transformation that alters the composition of one or
more substances into new substances.
60. In a combustion reaction, what are the typical products? Carbon dioxide and water.
61. What is the primary focus of qualitative reasoning? Understanding underlying
62. In qualitative research, which of the following is a common data collection method?
In-depth interviews
63. What is the main objective of a "case study" in qualitative research? Exploring a
specific phenomenon in-depth
64. Which port is known as the "Gateway to Europe"? The Port of Rijeka
65. The Suez Canal connects the Mediterranean Sea to which body of water?
66. Which Asian port is a major hub for transshipment and one of the busiest in the
world? Port of Singapore,
67. The Panama Canal connects which two major bodies of water? Atlantic and Pacific
68. The Port of Durban is a key maritime gateway in which African country?
69. The Port of Sydney is a major seaport in which country? Australia
70. The Strait of Malacca, a crucial maritime chokepoint, is located between which two
countries? Indonesian island of Sumatra to the west and peninsular (West) Malaysia
and extreme southern Thailand to the ea
71. In a right-angled triangle, which trigonometric ratio represents the ratio of the
adjacent side to the hypotenuse? Cosine (cos)
72. The tangent of an angle is equal to the ratio of which sides in a right-angled
triangle? Opposite to adjacent
73. What is the reciprocal of the cosecant (csc) of an angle? Sine (sin)
74. A student scored 80, 85, 90, and 95 on four exams. What is the average score?
75. What is the product of the prime factors of 42? 21
76. Which of the following is a composite number? 27
77. If the price of a computer is reduced by 15%, and then further reduced by $150,
what is the final price if the original price was
$1000? 700
78. Which of the following is a prime number? 31
79. What is the product of the prime factors of 36? 6
80. If a shirt originally costs $40 and is discounted by 20%, what is the final price? 32
81. If 25% of a number is 75, what is the number? 300
82. The average of five numbers is 18. If one of the numbers is 25, what is the average
of the remaining four numbers? 16
83. If 15% of a quantity is equal to 45, what is the total quantity? 300
84. The average of three numbers is 40. If two of the numbers are 35 and 45, what is
the third number? 40
85. If the price of a book is increased by 10% and then decreased by 5%, what is the
net percentage change? 5percent
86. The Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the world's oceans, is located in which
ocean? Western pacific ocean
87. Which ocean is the smallest and shallowest among the five major oceans? Artic
88. The Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current, flows in which ocean? atlantic
89. Which ocean is the warmest and is known for its monsoons? Indian ocean
90. The Drake Passage, a treacherous stretch of water, connects which two oceans?
Atlantic and Pacific oceans
91.-100. Essay Writing
What are your strengths and weaknesses? How do you overcome your weaknesses?

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