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pip install scanless

The tool will install quickly. After the installation, for the changes to take
effect, close the current terminal and open a new one. Be root user before
continuing to futher tasks.
We will begin by first viewing the help screen by typing the following:

scanless -h

We will then look at the list of scanners available to use by typing the following:

scanless -l

You can set the target you wish to scan with a command such as the following:

scanless -t [Target hostname or IP] -s [Scanner Name]

We can select one of the scanner types we listed in the previous command and place
it in square brackets. It is important you have root permission from the target
before you initiate a scan.

Also, you can use the following site as a target as it has been setup for the
purpose of scanning:

We will now run through a number of scans using different tools to determine how
each tool priortises different ports. Here is a scan using the tool “hackertarget”:

scanless -t -s hackertarget

This is a scan using spiderip:

scanless -t -s spiderip

This is a scan using t1shopper:

scanless -t -s t1shopper

Unlike others, “ipfingerprints” also estimates OS for the target, and reports
results with estimation percentages.

scanless -t -s ipfingerprints

If we want to use all of the scanning tools available to us to get a more

comprehensive scan of the target, we can use the following command:

scanless -t -a

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