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Art By kubo_chika

OPEN GAME License Version 1.0a The following text is the property of Wizards of
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Lead Writer: Cameron Schleicher 1. Definitions: (a)"Contributors" means the copyright and/or trademark owners
who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)"Derivative Material" means
Co-Writers: Austin Marschner, Hunter Smellie copyrighted material including derivative works and translations (including into
Contributors: DerelictDragon, Edcetera77, Lagia_Requiem other computer languages), potation, modification, correction, addition, extension,
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Original Author: Akira Toriyama otherwise distribute; (d)"Open Game Content" means the game mechanic and
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Cover Illustrator: Chen Zhan content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement over the
Graphic Designer: Cameron Schleicher prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open Game Content by
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Discord: Stranger Worlds Product Identity. (e) "Product Identity" means product and product line names,
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Dragon Ball D&D Team: Austin Marschner, Cameron graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names and
Schleicher, Drake Smellie, Hunter Smellie, Jared Smellie descriptions of characters, Spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas,
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Many thanks to the playtesters whose efforts made this a designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as
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Chen Zhan depicts the mythical saiyan Son Goku soaring format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative Material of Open Game
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains a
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14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such
The Unofficial Dragon Ball D&D Sourcebook is published by provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable.
Stranger Worlds under the Open Game License 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of
the Coast, LLC. System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the
Coast, LLC.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney
Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris
Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and
Dave Arneson.
System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter
Lee, James Wyatt, Roberti Schwalb, Bruce R Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve
Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

5 Preface 47 Feats
5 Rules to Remember 48 Spells
6 Your Next Adventure Awaits 54 Transformations
63 Optional Rules
9 Ch. 1: Character Creation
9 Origins 65 Ch. 4: Magical Items
9 Android 65 Magic Item Descriptions
10 Earthling 67 The Dragon Balls
10 Frieza Clansman
11 Hybrid 69 Ch. 5: Fateful Battles
11 Majin 69 Player Battles
12 Namekian 69 Classic Monsters
13 Saiyan 70 Bestiary
13 Shinjin 70 Battle Jacket
14 Building Z-Souls 71 Flying Nimbus
14 Battle Points 71 Giant Animals
15 Determining Arts 71 Giant Mole Cricket
16 Factions of Earth 71 Giant Trout
16 Capsule Corporation 72 Giras
17 Dark Empire 72 Jiggler
18 Frieza Force 73 Oozaru
18 Galactic Patrol 74 Pirate Robot
19 Red Ribbon Army 74 Saibamen
19 Time Patrol 74 Gravel Goblin
75 Hesteric Shaman
22 Ch. 2: World Gazetteer 75 Saibaman
22 The Rugged North 76 Saibaman Willow
23 The Sleepy East 76 Spined Saibaman
24 The Southern Tropics 76 Swarm of Bulbamen
26 The Western Verge 77 Samaro
27 Distant Lands 77 Supreme Kai
28 Realms of the Universe 78 Yardratian
30 Twelve Universes 78 Time Rift
31 Divine Hierarchy 79 Cell
8` Cell Junior
34 Ch. 3: Character Options 82 Frieza
34 Classes Overview 84 Ginyu Force
34 Classes Reinvented 84 Burter
35 Magic Alterations 85 Captain Ginyu
35 New Subclasses 86 Guldo
35 Bard: College of Presentation 86 Jeice
36 Cleric: Poko Priest Domain 87 Recoome
37 Fighter: Martial Artist 88 King Piccolo
38 Monk: Way of the Spiritualist 89 Majin Buu
39 Paladin: Oath of Milk Delivery 91 Raditz
40 Paladin: Oath of Spirit 92 Vehicles
41 Rogue: Wild Bandit
42 Sorcerer: Monastic Soul 93 Handouts
43 Warlock: Lord of Time 93 Map: World Gazetteer
43 Warlock: Majin Progenitor
44 Backgrounds
44 Galactic Patrol Agent
45 Martial Arts Mentor
46 Scientist

This version of the sourcebook contains remastered rules for further advancing the Dragon Ball D&D experience.
Although it is not perfect by any means, the content presented within this book is somewhat closer to my original
vision. This book started as an idea jestingly shared amongst a table of friends. Now I’ve spent nearly a year and
some change trying to make it just right for you all. The initial release of this book was difficult. It took a very long
time and I made many mistakes along the way. It is because of these mistakes I’ve had to fix it time and time again,
making this book, what started as a fun passion project, somewhat of a nightmare. I’ve done my best to rewrite this
entire book as best I am capable of and I hope you all can enjoy the experience that brought us all together.

- Cameron Schleicher -
Lead Writer and Developer of Stranger Worlds

Three: Less is More

Five Rules to Remember Much like the writing style of the author, trust your own
This is an overhaul of Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition for a
improvisation skills. There’s nothing wrong with planning
Dragon Ball campaign. Many of these changes are merely to
ahead, but even the most experienced Dungeon Master will
terminology and cosmetics. Otherwise, refer to the official fifth
tell you that games can fly off the rails at a moments notice.
edition Player’s Handbook and Dungeon Master’s Guide for all
Create your ideas but let your players drive the story.
rules and information not specified in this document.
Keep the following list of rules in mind when you are
planning to run a Dragon Ball campaign:
Four: Show Change
The world and characters of Dragon Ball are ever changing.
One: The DM Adjudicates the Power As you tell your stories, think of what changes might occur
overtime. Characters should receive boons through trials and
The most common protest made against adapting the world of
development. Each epic battle should leave behind
Dragon Ball is the scaling of power. Leading characters are
unforgettable fragments. It’s okay for a story to have loose
often seen performing feats of unimaginable strength,
ends, in fact it is encouraged. Loose ends can make for
something that is not often present in most D&D campaigns.
excellent story hooks for future sessions of play.
Keep in mind, the scale of damage is entirely determined by
your Dungeon Master. At any point in time, they may decide
to increase or lower this scale. Any amount of damage that
Five: Enjoy the Adventure
Adventures do not last forever, so please enjoy the ones that
was once nothing more than a scratch can transform into a
come your way. Battle against the oncoming saiyan threat,
strike of epic proportions. Mechanically, this alters nothing.
delve into the demonic realms and battle the villainous time
Thematically, it places characters into roles as incredible
breakers, travel across the stars with a team of supernatural
mythic figures who possess untapped power.
warriors, or simply walk the earth in search of a wish. Enjoy
Two: This is Balanced — Mostly whatever adventures find you and your friends.

The content found within this book is balanced — mostly. As

you explore these chapters, you might find features that seem
more or less powerful than the ones found within the official
fifth edition Player’s Handbook. We’ve tried our best to keep
these options from being game breaking. We’ve also tried to
keep them as accurate to the source material as possible. If you
feel perturbed by any of these options, do not hesitate to
modifying them as you considered it appropriate.


Earth, also known as the Dragon World, is a vast Chronicles of Adventure

supercontinent for your D&D campaign to adventure within. The story of Dragon Ball D&D unfolds after the events of the
A planet located at the edge of the universe, the Dragon World original manga for the Dragon Ball series have concluded. The
is a safe haven for refugees across the universe and a home to setting presented in this Book takes place namely in AGE 1000,
the mythical and ever sought for Dragon Balls. Seven 216 years after the end of the Dragon Ball manga, with the
gemstones that are said to hold the secret to unlimited power, future as well as the past in danger from the sinister Time
everlasting life, and much more. Breakers, as they try to wreck havoc across the timeline. Here
Heroes can rise anywhere and fall at any time. Some are are key things to know before you set out for adventure:
born with pure hearts and good intentions, beacons of hope.
Others live a sadder, more tragic life. All it takes is the right 1. Peace Has Returned To Earth—Sort Of. After Majin Buu,
words to change their life for the better or the worse. Magic the universe’s greatest threat had been defeated by Son
and science are at the heart of every mystical adventure. Goku and his friends, peace began to return to the Earth.
Soaring towers of unknown origin pierce the heavens and Thanks to the actions of Earth’s so called “savior”, Hercule
beyond. Expanding cities lay in wait across the far corners of Satan, people all over the world became interested in martial
the world. Dark forces from other worlds plot in secret and arts. The Tenkaichi Budokai, the aspiration of all martial
great scientists work tirelessly to improve tomorrow. artists, had become a large-scale event, drawing an immense
Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball amount of attention each year. A peaceful world’s friendly
Super, and all additional works are, as always, owned by battles… People’s memories of the fierce battles of the past
FUNimation, Toei Animation, Fuji TV, and Akira Toriyama. seemed to fade more and more as time passed. With the aim
This long running series has implemented countless of eliminating any potential meaningless conflicts on Earth,
characters, magic, and adventures into the hearts of many and Dende chooses to deactivate the Dragon Balls.
this module is, and forever will be, in dedication as such. 2. The Majin Race Was Born. After the battle between Majin
This book will act as your guide to the Dragon World. Buu and Son Goku’s allies had come to an end, Mr. Buu, the
Teaching you of its races, items, magic, adventures, and how good Buu, remained on Earth. Through Shenron’s power,
they should be used within your own stories. the people’s memories of the evil Buu were erased and they
have been enjoying peaceful days under Mr. Satan since. Mr.
Using This Book Buu is highly curious by nature. Watching a technique just
once is enough to help him remember it and, because of this
This book is your introduction to the Dragon World. It guides
talent, he was able continually learn about and understand
both players and Dungeon Masters through the method of
Earth’s culture and the various natures of humans. After
creating characters and adventures set in this world. This
some years had passed, Mr. Buu started to change. With a
introduction presents an overview of the world and characters
spirited shout, smoke violently spewed forth from the holes
you may find within it:
in Mister Buu’s head. Accumulating over top of Buu’s head,
Chapter 1 offers a wide range of new race options for
the smoke began to materialize into a life form. Buu had
creating your own characters. In addition, it gives brief insight
been forming the image of an ideal girlfriend in his mind.
into the powerful factions that are each competing over Earth.
Just like when Majin Buu had split into the pure evil Buu
Chapter 2 acts as a guide to the mystical supercontinent,
and innocent Buu in the past, this time he had divided into a
detailing the many lands, environments, locations, and cities
male and female majin. The female majin, who had been
that you may stumble upon, as well as several adventure
born from the original Mr. Buu’s obsession, was naturally
hooks which can be modified for your own use.
well-liked. The two majins became happily married and
Chapter 3 is where you can locate even more character
formed a happy home together. Soon after, the two started
options you may use to empower your characters and NPCs
to desire a child, like human families.
alike. Here you can find new subclasses, backgrounds, feats,
3. Planet Namek’s Alarming Message. The namekians, whose
spells, expanded optional rules, and a list of powerful
planet was destroyed by Frieza, had initially evacuated to
transformations your characters might attain.
Earth and afterwards, immigrated to the new planet, New
Chapter 4 provides a list of magical items and treasures you
Namek. The namekians worked hard in order to lead a new
may come across as you explore this vast world, including the
life on the new world. But soon after, disaster struck. A flash
legendary Dragon Balls themselve.
of light appeared out of nowhere and from it came forth a
Chapter 5 contains the numerous monsters that can be
myriad of unidentified forces. The namekian warriors put
found across the world, along with a heap of heroes and
up a desperate resistance. But due to the stark contrast
villains who've come from the past to destroy the present,
between their powers, the namekian warriors’ attacks were
should your Dungeon Master choose to include them.
ineffective. A hundred years’ worth of history that the

namekians had built up disappeared in an instant.
However, the namekians were not annihilated. Right before
Currency: Zeni
This book uses standard D&D coinage pricing, as detailed in
New Namek was destroyed; Elder Moori summoned
the Player’s Handbook, but in the Dragon World, citizens refer
Porunga and requested that the namekians be transferred to
to their currency as Zeni.
Earth. After arriving, Elder Moori informed Earth’s God,
Dende, of the incident that unfolded on New Namek. A
person who is after the Dragon Balls of the past. With Languages
Dende’s mediation, eventually the Earth’s king accepted the While the Common language is used nearly universally, there
accommodation of the namekian survivors. They were thus are still other languages which are found across the Dragon
able to start their lives once again on Earth. World. These are typically used for communication among
4. Earth’s Approaching Peril. Mayhem quickly arises all over those of the same species or a similar background and are
the world and villainous groups take advantage of the scarcely shared among outsiders.
chaos. There were some who felt that Earth was being
attacked by a malevolent force, but the identity was not yet
Standard Languages
confirmed. Wild animals becoming monsters, demons
starting to prowl, the Red Ribbon Army, the remnants of Language Speakers Script
Frieza’s soldiers, all returned. In the midst of it all, an Common Earthlings Common
incident broke out…
Demonic Demons, Majins Infernal
5. Trunks’ Conviction, A New Threat. A strange vehicle
appears on Earth. It was a time machine controlled by Tsundoran Frieza Clansman Elvish
Trunks. After arriving, he immediately begins to search. In Namekian Dragons, Namekians Draconic
the past, Trunks had used the time machine for the purpose Sadalan Saiyans Dwarvish
of defeating the artificial humans and Cell. However, even if
it was for the protection of Earth’s peace, the act of using the
time machine was ultimately a violation of the laws of the Exotic Languages
universe. When used, a time paradox occurs and multiple
Language Speakers Script
divisions are produced, causing the formation of different
histories. The Time Kaioshin, who watches over the flow of Divine Offworlders Celestial
time from the cosmos, gave Trunks a stern warning for his Kai Shinjin Celestial
actions. Afterwards, in order to redeem his wrong actions,
Saiba Saibamen Dwarvish
Trunks took up the job of time patrol, whose role was to
Tsufruian Tuffles Common
correct the distortion of history.
6. The New Savior Is You. Piccolo had continued his Yardrat Yardratians Elvish
investigation and returned to the location of the Namekians’
leader, Elder Moori, the King of Earth, Dende, Master Roshi

Art by Garsl
and Baba. The enemy who has transcended time, Mira. With
the Earth as the target, his forces steadily continue to
advance. After hearing this, Dende chooses to reactivate the
Dragon Balls that he had sealed away, in hopes that the
many warriors of the Earth would develop their dormant
powers while competing against each other during
scrambles for the Dragon Balls. Now, in AGE 1000. Putting
the unknown threat behind them, warriors all over the
world are working hard at their training. The forthcoming of
a savior, that potential resides hidden away in every child
who is living on Earth…

Planet of Refugees
In the current year of AGE 1000, Earth has found itself to be
the home of countless races, the planet no longer belonging to
just earthlings. The culture and knowledge from all the races
now living there can be found on the planet, which led to a
vast advancement in their technology and a total shift in the
society of Earth. Now adventures and refugees flock to the
planet as it has come to be known as the planet of
opportunity, home to the legendary dragon balls said to grant
any wish and the place to hold the greatest adventures in the
universe. With a mix of namekians, saiyans, majins,
yardratians and more, Earth has become a sanctuary for all
and a chance at a new life for any who reside there.

chapter one

Where do you fit into this vast, mystical world? These options are special. If you create a character using an
Perhaps you are a brilliant scientist exploring the world in origins option presented here, follow the additional rules
search of an ancient secret? Or you run a gang of your own, presented within the Tashas Cauldron of Everything, adjusting
stalking the wastes for worthy foes. Or you may be a recruit your ability scores, languages, and creature types accordingly.
for the time patrol, hunting down villains who have broken
the temporal law. Or you live a simple life, tending to your
farm in the distant lands. Whatever adventure you find
yourself on, consider how this world affects your character, Initially designed as weapons of war by the turbulent scientist
and dream of how your character can affect this world. Dr. Gero, androids and artificial humans alike boast a large
Here you can find detailed information on how to create a array of inorganic and cybernetic enhancement that separates
character within the world of Dragon Ball and its history of them from the average lifeform.
epic battles. This chapter provides the following choices: Art Increase. Your Energy art increases by one tier.
Bonus Equipment. One set of customly crafted
Origin. Select one of the many origins found across the traveler’s clothes, a signet of your creator’s organization, a
world of Dragon Ball. Aside from humans, the origins from scroll case containing information on your own schematics or
the Player’s Handbook are unknown on Earth, unless they’re a trinket from your life before receiving inorganic
visiting from beyond the stars. enhancements, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp.
Z-Souls. Decide upon three defining aspects which help
establish your characters’ drives and motivations. These
Android Traits
choices will come into play throughout your campaign, and
Your android character has the following racial traits.
can be the deciding factors that determine a battle's outcome.
Origin Type. Earthling.
Battle Points. Bolster waves of spirit and power as you
Size. You are Medium or Small. You choose your size
ascend beyond the levels of the traditional adventure and
when you select this origin.
embark on mystical journeys.
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Arts. Three new combat concentrated ability scores which
Ancestral Legacy. If you replace an origin with this option,
provide a number of new actions in battle. Instead of scores
you can keep the following elements of that origin: any skill
and modifiers, arts are ranked with multiple tier levels.
proficiencies you gained from it and any climbing, flying, or
swimming speed you gained from it.
Origin If you don't keep any of those elements or you choose
this origin at character creation, you gain proficiency in two
The multiverse is filled with a vast number of species and the
strongest have found their way to the planet Earth. Presented skills of your choice.
in alphabetical order, the origins found in this section have Ageless. You age at a slower rate. For every 10 years that
played major roles across the entire history of Dragon Ball: pass, your body ages only 1 year. You are immune to any
effect that would age you, and you can't die from old age.
Androids are artificial creatures who boast a large array of Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
inorganic and cybernetic enhancement. as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light.
Earthlings are the original inhabitants of planet Earth who You can’t discern color in darkness.
ruled the lands long before any others. Constructed Nature. You were created to have
Frieza Clansman are descendents of a mutated alien race of remarkable fortitude, represented by the following benefits:
monarchs, imbued with powerful talents and regal charm.
• You are immune to disease.
Hybrids are the offspring between an earthling and a member
• You don’t need to eat, drink, or breathe.
of an alien or otherworldly race. Statistically, only one
• You have advantage on saving throws against being
percent of earthlings are half-breeds with some other race.
poisoned, and you have resistance to poison damage.
Majins are cheerful and childish products of demonic magic
• You don't need to sleep, and magic can't put you to sleep.
who’ve rooted themselves into almost every society.
You can finish a long rest in 4 hours if you spend those
Namekians are wanderers, distant mystics and healers who
hours in an inactive, motionless state, during which you
live on the outskirts of society, and are intune with nature.
retain consciousness.
Saiyans are rash, powerful, and intimidating warriors who
thrive off the technological advancements of others. Android Model. There are two models of androids,
Shinjin are a race of beings descended from the World Core constructed according to their power supplies. Choose one of
who possess both divine and supernatural abilities. the following models when you select this origin:

Energy Absorption. You know the sapping sting cantrip. Animorphaline Aspect. Your previous usage of
Your spellcasting ability for this cantrip is your choice of animorphaline has permanently marked you in unpredictable
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. ways. Choose one of the following animorphaline aspects
Infinite Energy. You don't suffer the effects of exhaustion when you select this origin:
due to lack of rest and you have advantage on saving
• You have a climbing speed of 25 feet. Should you fall from a
throws you make to avoid or end the effects of the
great height, you can use your reaction to make a Dexterity
exhaustion condition on yourself.
saving throw (DC 10) to land on your feet.
Silent Soul. Perception checks made to detect your Battle • You have a swimming speed of 30 feet. You can breathe air
Points are made with disadvantage. and water, but you need to be submerged at least once every
Starting at 3rd level, Perception checks made to detect your 8 hours to avoid suffocating.
Battle Points automatically fail, as though your aura was • You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
constantly suppressed.
Beast Speech. You have the ability to communicate in a
limited manner with beasts. They can understand the meaning
Earthling of your words, though you have no special ability to
Inhabitants of planet earth, earthlings are vastly diverse and understand them in return.
unique in comparison to their galactic neighbors. While they
are significantly weaker than a race such as the mighty Monster-Type
saiyans, with the average power level reading only in the Impish humanoids of the Meshikiya people, you are
single or double digits, they make up for their lack of physical unfamiliar and uncompromising, accustomed to life in the
strength with bravery and a mastery of tricks. harsh wastes of the mushroom forests.
Human characters in the Dragon World have the following Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
traits. If you use these human traits, do not use the variant as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light.
human traits presented in the Player’s Handbook. You can’t discern color in darkness.
Art Increase. Your Energy, Focus, or Soul art increases by Unsettling Visage. When a creature you can see makes an
one tier. You choose this art when you select this origin. attack roll against you, you can use your reaction to impose
Bonus Equipment. One set of traveler’s clothes or one set disadvantage on the roll. You must use this feature before
of fine clothes, any one musical instrument or gaming set, a knowing whether the attack hits or misses. You can use this
backpack and bedroll, a trinket from your childhood, one trait a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and
dynocapsule, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp. you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Earthling Traits
Your earthling character has the following racial traits.
Frieza Clansman
Frieza Clansmen have an unsavory reputation spun from their
Origin Type. Earthling. ancestors’ merciless behavior across the universe. Their
Size. You are Medium or Small. You choose your size origins are shrouded in mystery and their true names are lost
when you select this origin. to time. Collectively they have been given many other names
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet. by other species who’ve caught rumors of their past — frost
Luck of the Mortals. When you roll a 1 on the d20 for demons, glaeris, or changelings — although their true origin
an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the will never be known. Some revere this birthright, abusing
die and must use the new roll. their ancestral power to intimidate the weak. Others, though,
Earthling-Type. Earthling is sometimes used seek to restore the honor to their people and rediscover their
synonymously with human, but the planet is actually host to a long since shattered history.
myriad of sapient lifeforms. Choose one of these options, and Other peoples often perceive frieza clansmen as evil beings
add its traits to your other racial traits. who relish in pain, death, destruction, fear, and power. Traits
that stem from their eternal connection to Frieza, the galactic
Human-Type emperor and most notorious clansman across the universe.
Whether living a peaceful life within Satan City or foraging The truth is that most clansmen don’t even know the genesis
across the Western Verge, human-type earthlings are the most of their own race. Legend tells that the first clansmen acted as
well-rounded and diverse people. interstellar pirates, selling planets to the highest bidder. As
Skill. You have proficiency in one skill of your choice. they began their rise to power, their home world and entire
Feat. You gain one feat of your choice for which you qualify. culture would be erased from history. The very act that would
bring about the rise of the mutant Cold Dynasty. Giving the
Animal-Type appearance that history began with their reign.
Those who chose to partake in animorphaline, a highly Even with the famed dynasties’ fate now uncertain, the act
experimental narcotic, were permanently transformed into of erasing an entire culture can never be undone, leaving the
humanoids with animal aspects. race and their heritage forever unknown.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you Art Increase. Your Energy art increases by one tier.
as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light. Bonus Equipment. One set of fine clothes fitted to your
You can’t discern color in darkness. biological armor, one set of robes which obscure your figure,

any one gaming set or a glass bottle containing 2 pints of Hybrid Ancestry *
wine, and a belt pouch containing 15 gp. Parentage Origin Type Traits
Majin Offworlder Mystic Passage
Frieza CLansman Traits
Saiyan Alien Clever Tail
Your frieza clansman character has the following racial traits
derived from your anomalous alien origin. Shinjin Offworlder Darkvision
Origin Type. Alien. * This table will receive updates
Size. At 1st level, you are Small. Starting at 3rd level, you
may choose for your size to become Medium.
Speed. Your walking speed is 35 feet. Majin
Frigid Resistance. You have resistance to cold damage. Magical and childish, majins are a race of magically spawned
Space Worthy. Your body is insulated and tempered to djinn born from an ancient evil. Once these demonic beings
survive in the empty vacuum of wildspace. served as agents of destruction, wiping out entire worlds for
Sorcerous Legacy. You know one cantrip of your choice amusement. Since that time immemorial, the majins of Earth
from the Sorcerer spell list. Your spellcasting ability for this have become nomads and travelers, ignorant to their
cantrip is your choice of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma. destructive origins. Most majins are driven by simple desires,
Biological Armor. You have a tough, keratinous to see the world and sample its vast cuisine.
exoskeleton. When you aren't wearing excess armor, your Art Increase. Your Soul art increases by one tier.
AC is 12 + your Dexterity modifier. You can use your Bonus Equipment. One set of colorful traveler’s clothes, a
biological armor to determine your AC if the armor you wear musical instrument (one of your choice), a backpack and
would leave you with a lower AC. A shield’s benefits apply as bedroll, a large pouch containing a series of exotic ingredients
normal while you use your biological armor. you’ve collected, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp.
Starting at 3rd level, you learn the suppressed power
transformation. Majin Traits
Lashing Tail. Your semi-prehensile tail is tipped with a Your majin character has a number of unique racial traits
bony blade. Immediately after a creature within 5 feet of you deriving from your ancient djinn ancestry.
deals damage to you with a melee attack, you can use your Origin Type. Offworlder.
reaction to make an unarmed strike against that creature with Size. You are Medium. You can alter your height and
your tail. If you hit, you deal slashing damage equal to 1d4 + weight whenever you complete a long rest.
your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage Speed. Your walking speed is 25 feet. Your speed cannot be
normal for an unarmed strike. reduced by wearing heavy armor.
You can use this trait a number of times equal to your Mystic Passage. You can squeeze through a space as
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses narrow as 3 inches wide. You leave behind any items you are
when you finish a long rest. carrying, and any equipment which you are proficient with
merges into your form.

Hybrid Reform. Whenever you take bludgeoning, piercing, or

slashing damage from a nonmagical weapon and don’t drop
Born as the offspring between an earthling and a member of to 0 hit points, you can use your reaction to roll a d4 and
an alien or otherworldly race. Statistically, only one percent of reduce the damage taken by the number rolled.
earthlings are half-breeds with some other race. Sweet Treats. You can cast goodberry without expending a
Art Increase. Your Energy, Focus, or Soul art increases by spell slot, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast it
one tier. You choose this art when you select this origin. this way again. When you cast this variation of goodberry, you
Bonus Equipment. One set of traveler’s clothes or one set can choose to have candy, cookies, donuts, or other sweet
of fine clothes, any one musical instrument or gaming set, a treats appear in your hand instead of berries. You can also cast
backpack and bedroll, a trinket from your childhood, one this spell using any spell slots you have.
dynocapsule, and a belt pouch containing 10 gp. Majin Confection. Majin divide themselves between two
confections: mighty majins and wonder majins. Choose one of
Hybrid Traits these options, and add its traits to your other racial traits.
Your hybrid character has the following racial traits.
Origin Type. Earthling, as well as Alien or Offworlder. Continued On Next Page >>
You choose when you select this origin.
Size. You are Medium or Small. You choose your size
when you select this origin.
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Luck of the Mortals. When you roll a 1 on the d20 for
an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the
die and must use the new roll.
Hybrid Ancestry. You gain the traits from your alien or
otherworldly parentage, except for those traits as shown on
the Hybrid Ancestry table below. If your parentage would
offer you a choice of subrace, you do not gain this trait.

Mighty Majin
Referred to as mighty, this majin confection often takes up
Peaceful sages from a world since destroyed, namekians
roles as hardy warriors and head cooks, utilizing their larger
guard the terraformed countryside of Porunga Rocks, the last
sizes and culinary magic to its best in battle.
reminder of their homelands.
Miraculous Body. Your hit point maximum increases by 1,
While most namekians wish for nothing more than a simple
and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.
life, reforesting the beautiful blue woodlands they once called
Majin Resilience. You have advantage on Strength,
home, they’re no longer bound to their heritage. Namekians
Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws you make to avoid
tend to be taller and leaner when compared to humans, with
or end spells and other magical effects.
an array of viridescent skin tones. Bowed antennae hang from
namekian brows. Namekians are sluglike humanoids with a
Wonder Majin broad sense of courage and mysticism.
Skilled in bizarre magic that hails from their djinn lineage,
Art Increase. Your Focus art increases by one tier.
wonder majins draw from their sorcerous reserves to cast
Bonus Equipment. One set of namekian robes, candles or
magical spells and charm creatures.
incense used in meditation, a healer’s kit, a flask of fresh water
Majin Voodoo. You know the vicious mockery cantrip.
or a book containing ancient namekian lore handed down in
When you reach 3rd level, you can cast tasha’s hideous laughter
your village, and a belt pouch containing 5 gp.
without expending a spell slot. When you reach 5th level, you
can cast enthrall without expending a spell slot. Once you cast
Namekian Traits
either of these spells with this trait, you can’t cast that spell
Namekians share a number of common racial traits.
with it again until you finish a long rest. You can also cast
Origin Type. Alien.
these spells using any spells slots you have. Your spellcasting
Size. You are Medium or Small. You choose your size
ability for these spells is your choice of Intelligence,
when you gain this origin.
Wisdom, or Charisma.
Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Namek Finger. When you make a melee attack on your
turn, your reach for it is 5 feet greater than normal.
Namekian Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception
skill. Whenever you make a Perception check that relies on
hearing, the audible distance you can perceive is twice that of
the average creature.
Rapid Regeneration. As a bonus action, you can expend
a single hit die, rolling it and regaining an amount of hit
points equal to the number rolled. You add your Constitution
modifier to the results of this roll.
When you regenerate, you can restore a single severed body
member. You can restore a severed body member a number of
times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Namekian Caste. Three castes of namekians found across
their species, each a master of their own craft. Choose one of
these castes, and add its traits to your other racial traits.

Demon Clan
Art by Xianarts

Practitioners of black magic, the demon clan are exiles. Cast

out by their predecessor clans and tainted by their own
darkness, corrupting them into unnatural beings.
Superior Darkvision. You can see in dim light within
120 feet of you as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it
were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness.
Dark Resilience. You have resistance to necrotic damage.
Narak Witchcraft. You can cast the find familiar and
darkness spells with this trait. Once you cast either of these
spells with this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a
Wonder long rest. You can also cast these spells using any spell slots
Majin Samurai you may have. Your spellcasting ability for these spells is your
choice of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack
rolls and Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when
you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are trying to
perceive is in direct sunlight.

Dragon Clan Size. You are Medium.
Tasked with studying the arcane arts and unlocking secrets to Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
further the species, the dragon clan makes up the majority of Powerful Build. You count as a creature one size larger
the namekian population. when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you
Healing Hands. As an action, you can touch a creature are capable of pushing, dragging, or lifting.
and cause it to regain a number of hit points equal to your Warriors Resolve. Descending from a race of warriors, you
level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end
complete a short or long rest. the frightened condition on yourself.
Wish Maker. Beginning at 5th level, you can spend a period Saiyan Spirit. If you have not taken damage for 10
of 100 days and 750 zeni worth of materials to construct a or more minutes and you are missing half or more of your hit
dragon statuette and a set of 1d6 + 1 crystalline dragon balls. points, you regain hit points equal to your level. You can't use
When placed on the ground together, a creature may use their this feature again until you finish a long rest.
action to summon forth an eternal dragon wyrmling from the Battle Maniac. Your unarmed strikes are unusually
plane of dreams. The dragon offers to grant a single limited robust thanks to your saiyan origin. Your unarmed strikes deal
wish on your behalf which duplicates the effect of any spell of 1d6 bludgeoning damage on a hit.
4th level or lower. The statuette and dragon balls are Beginning from 3rd level and then on, your unarmed strikes
consumed in the spell’s casting, which take the place of any are considered adamantine weapons.
costly components. Afterwhich, the eternal dragon wyrmling Clever Tail. You can grasp things with your tail. It has a
returns to its native plane. reach of 5 feet, and it can lift a number of pounds equal to five
Once a wish is granted using this trait, you can’t begin times your Strength score. You can use it to do the following
construction on a new statuette and set of dragon balls for 1d4 simple tasks: lift, drop, hold, push, or pull an object or a
days per level of the spell cast. If the eternal dragon wyrmling creature; open or close a door or a container; grapple someone;
should be destroyed before it can return to its native plane, or make an unarmed strike. Your tail can't wield weapons or
there is a 50 percent chance that you will be unable to shields or do anything that requires manual precision, such as
construct a set of dragon balls ever again. using tools or magic items or performing the somatic
components of a spell.
Warrior Clan If your tail is ever severed, it will grow back after 1d4 + 1
Tasked with upholding the peace and defending the species weeks have passed. Starting from 1st level, you learn the great
from threats, the warrior clan makes up a small percentage of ape transformation.
the namekian population.
Namekian Favor. If you miss with an attack roll or
fail an ability check or a saving throw, you can draw on your
The shinjin, or core people are a race of beings descended
bonds of reciprocity to gain a bonus to the roll equal to the from the World Core. The shinjin are the true race of all
number of allies you can see within 30 feet of you (maximum Kaioshin and Makaioshin. Born from magical fruits that grow
bonus of +5). You can use this trait a number of times equal to off of the great kaiju tree, they are genderless, despite them
your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses appearing as male and female. Despite their appearance, the
when you finish a long rest. shinjin possess a divine spark from birth, granting them
Great Namekian. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast the numerous powers ordinarily exclusive to the gods.
enlarge/reduce spell on yourself once without expending a spell Those who fulfill their divine duties are promoted to the
slot, using only the spell's enlarge option. You must finish a status of Kaioshin, while those who fall to darker magics are
long rest before you can cast it this way again. You can also banished to the lowest tier of the cosmic universe. These
cast this spell using any spell slots you have. Your spellcasting shinjin are stripped of their divine spark, and given the
ability for these spells is your choice of Intelligence, diminishing status of Makaioshin. Branded by the very magic
Wisdom, or Charisma. that initiated their fall into the demonic realms.
Art Increase. Your Soul art increases by one tier.
Saiyan Bonus Equipment. One set of fine clothes, a pair of
Stories from distant lands tell of the rare tribe of saiyan custom sunglasses, any one musical instrument or gaming set,
people. Once thought lost to the hands of a powerful sorcerer. a trinket which can be summoned to your free hand at will, a
Legends speak of their unparallelled skills in combat, their pair of potara denoting your shinjin status (nonmagical), and a
unsquashable pride, and their ferocious appetite. belt pouch containing 10 gp.
Art Increase. Your Energy art increases by one tier.
Bonus Equipment. One set of ragged traveler’s clothes, a Shinjin Traits
form-fitting battle suit (breastplate in quality), a trinket taken Your shinjin character has the following racial traits.
from a defeated foe, a mess kit or 8 pounds worth of rations, Origin Type. Offworlder.
and a belt pouch containing 5 gp. Size. You are Medium or Small. You choose your size
when you gain this origin.
Saiyan Traits Speed. Your walking speed is 30 feet.
Your saiyan character has the following racial traits. Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you
Origin Type. Alien. as if it were bright light and in darkness as if it were dim light.
You can’t discern color in darkness.

Cardinal Clairvoyance. Choose one cardinal direction as Saiyan From Earth
the guiding sign of your birth. You always know which way You could take this aspect very literally...
this direction is, regardless of your orientation.
Healing Hands. As an action, you can touch a creature Heroic Saiyan Warrior From Earth
and cause it to regain a number of hit points equal to your You could also add additional adjective or other
level. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again until you descriptive words to further define your ideas...
complete a short or long rest.
Disciple of Creation. You know the thaumaturgy cantrip. “Quit Enjoying The Destruction”
You can use it to create a nonmagical trinket or tool that can fit Alternatively, you could define a short phrase which may
into the palm of your hand. The object created lasts until the come about your adventures or combat encounters...
end of your next turn.
Shinjin Status. Choose either the Kaioshin or Makaioshin
status, and add its traits to your other racial traits: Every character begins with three z-souls, however these
may not remain the same three statements you end with. As
Kaioshin you embark on adventures, clash in epic battle across the
Granted the status of Kaioshin, you’ve retained your divine universes, and evolve, your Dungeon Master may allow you
spark and earned your place among the cosmos. to modify or even change one or more of your z-souls.
Divine Being. You can’t be surprised and you have Keep in mind, all z-souls vary widely, but they share a
advantage on saving throws you make to avoid or end an number of common features as shown below:
effect that would alter your form.
Mind Link. You can speak telepathically to any creature Z-Souls Are Optional. The process of creating a z-soul is
you can see, provided the creature is within a number of feet completely optional. Their only benefit it to better help both
of you equal to 10 times your level. You don't need to share a you and your Dungeon Master understand the character.
language with the creature for it to understand your telepathic Z-Souls Are Unique. Your z-souls should be completely
utterances, but the creature must be able to understand at least unique. Avoid creating characters who possess identical or
one language. similar z-souls. Moreover, check with your Dungeon Master
When you're using this trait to speak telepathically to a first beforehand to prevent multiple players from creating
creature, you can use your action to give that creature the similar characters with similar motivations.
ability to speak telepathically with you for 1 hour or until you Z-Souls Build Moments. Reference your z-souls when
end this effect as an action. To use this ability, the creature deciding on your actions. If an action seems out of character,
must be able to see you and must be within this trait's range. your Dungeon Master might incur disadvantage on your
You can give this ability to only one creature at a time. rolls. If an action is perfectly in character, they may grant
you inspiration instead.
Z-Souls Will Change. One or more of your z-souls will
almost certainly change over the course of your adventures.
Stripped of your divine spark and banished to the lowest tier
This could be either a positive or negative improvement, but
of the cosmic universe, you hold the status of Makaioshin.
will always signal a sense of change.
Dark Sorcery. You can cast the detect magic and magnify
gravity spells with this trait. Once you cast either of these
spells with this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a
long rest. You can also cast these spells using any spell slots
Battle Points
Battle Points (BP) are the representation of the tangible force
you may have. Your spellcasting ability for these spells is your
inside every living being which defies physical limitation.
choice of Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
Training your muscles will only get you so far.
Petrifying Spit. As an action, you can spit at a creature
Your Battle Points can be increased, usually very slowly,
within 10 feet of you that you can see. The creature must
through intense training or by other special means. When you
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become restrained
create your character, your Battle Points are set at 1 unless
until the end of your next turn. The DC of the save equals 8 +
your Dungeon Master determines otherwise. Your Battle
your proficiency bonus + your Dark Sorcery spellcasting
Points continually increase by 1 so long as you strive for
ability modifier. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again
greater power. As a general rule, you can expect to increase
until you complete a long rest.
your Battle Points by at least 1 during most sessions of play.
Great improvements to your Battle Points yield significant
Building Z-Souls results. Whenever your maximum Battle Points cross certain
thresholds — 3, 10, 25, and 50 — you gain the benefit detailed
The defining characteristic of all warriors across the world is
below. You may also spend these points to fuel various
their z-soul—the defining words that resonate with each
transformations and art boosts. When you expend great stores
warrior and compel them to continue breaking their limits.
of Battle Points, those points are temporarily unavailable to
Your z-soul could be a phrase that sums up your character’s
you until you successfully complete a long rest.
motivations. It could define your role in the universe, your
calling, or your particular style of combat.
The following options below are presented as examples.
Z-Souls inspired by the legendary saiyan Son Goku:

Calculating Power Levels
Battle Points can be detected and interpreted by trained
individuals or by those who possess a scouter. Details on this
item appear in Chapter 4, while trained individuals can do so
naturally. Power Levels are calculated as follows:

Total Power Level = 10 times the product of your current hit

points, total class levels, and maximum Battle Points

For the purpose of simplification, a Power Level of 50,000 is

equal to one kili, a unit of measurement used within the
demonic realms. Bear in mind that power is an ever-changing
element. Transformations as described in Chapter 3 provide
characters with power level multipliers.
You gain the abilities below when you successfully cross
a certain threshold, as detailed below:

Fighting Power
Battle Points 3+ Trait
Your Battle Points manifest as a translucent glowing aura around
your form, shedding dim light in a 5-foot radius. While you are
emanating this aura you can perform acts that would otherwise
seem superhuman. Your jump distance and the weight you can
push, drag, or lift is doubled.

Art by Ishida1694
You can suppress this aura on your turn, no action required.
While your aura is suppressed, you don’t gain any benefits from
your Battle Points and you cannot transform.
Moreover, you know the force-flash strike and spirit blast cantrips.
Your spellcasting ability for these cantrips is your choice of
Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma.
At your Dungeon Master’s discretion, you may replace these Mental Simulation Training
cantrips with others from another classes list of spells. Battle Points 25+ Trait
By performing a 4 hour-long meditation during a period of rest,
Detect Battle Power
Battle Points 3+ Trait you can engage in a form of mental simulation training by
yourself or with one other creature. While meditating, you and
You gain a new way to make a Wisdom (Perception) check. When
any other creatures can train within the plane of dreams. If you
you do so, you close your eyes and sense the Battle Points of any
engage in this mental simulation training alone, you can choose to
creatures within 120 feet of you. You learn an approximate
project an image of a past friend or foe to train yourself against.
distance between yourself and these creatures.
The projected creature is nothing more than an illusionary
Additionally, you learn their relative Power Level in
duplicate created from your own memories and is incapable of
comparison to your own, but you do not learn an exact value. If a
using any abilities you are not aware of.
creature has their Battle Points suppressed, their presence cannot
be detected in this way.
Dragon Soul
Battle Points 50+ Trait
Dancing Sky Art
Battle Points 10+ Trait Increase your Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution score by 2
and increase your maximum for that score by 2.
You gain a magical flight speed for which you have the required
maximum Battle Points:
Battle Points 10+. Your flight speed equals 10 feet. Determining Arts
Battle Points 25+. Your flight speed increases by 10 feet, to a new Your arts are ranked using multiple tiers of power, as shown
maximum of 20 feet. While out of combat, you can fly for up to 2
on the Art Tier List table below. When you create your Dragon
hours, all at once or in several shorter flights.
Ball D&D character, each of your arts begin at tier-c. Your arts
Battle Points 50+. Your flight speed increases by 10 feet, to a new
maximum of 30 feet. While out of combat, you can fly for up to 4 increase by one tier when you complete a substantial amount
hours, all at once or in several shorter flights. of training or at the suggested levels provided below.
Depending on your choice of origin, one of your arts increases
If you already have a flight speed, the distance you can fly
by one tier earlier than any others. When requested to make
instead increases by an amount as shown above.
an ability check or saving throw using one of your arts, roll
your art die and add the result to the roll of a d20. Moreover,
each of your arts provides a secondary boost which can be
empowered by expending Battle Points.
Regardless of which boost you choose to implement, you
may use only one art on each of your turns.

Art Tier List Reference the Multiclassing Spellcaster table found in
Suggested Levels Tier Art Die Player’s Handbook to ascertain the appropriate level a character
should be upon mastering a particular spell. These spells’
1st-4th Tier-C 1d4
spellcasting ability is the ability chosen alongside your
5th-8th Tier-B 1d6 Fighting Power feature.
9th-12th Tier-A 1d8 Soul Boost. Once on each of your turns, whenever you
13th-16th Tier-S 1d10 make a saving throw, you can expend 5 Battle Points, rolling
your Soul art die and adding it to the roll.
17th-20th Tier-Z 1d12

Energy Art Factions of Earth

Energy measures your potential, vigor, and the amount of There are six primary factions of Earth which make up the
power you can conjure at any given time. Your Dungeon foundations of its society and social conflicts. Each association
Master might call for an Energy check when a character is in is led by one or more direct administrators scattered across the
one of the following situations: continent.

• Altering the appearance of your aura • A scientific research institution, Capsule Corporation
• Trying to determine another character's Energy tier • An army of demonic raiders, the Dark Empire
• Recognize when when an enemy is holding back • An intergalactic military force, the Frieza Force
• An intergalactic government body, the Galactic Patrol
Your Energy art provides you with a number of additional
• An organized network of militants, the Red Ribbon Army
Battle Points equal to half the size of the art die.
• An association of time traveling officers, the Time Patrol
Energy Boost. Once on each of your turns, immediately
after you hit a creature with an attack, you can expend 3 Battle When creating characters for a Dragon Ball campaign,
Points, rolling your Energy art die and dealing additional consider choosing a faction for your adventuring party. This
damage to the target equal to the number rolled. section describes each faction association. Work as a team with
your Dungeon Master to select a group faction. As an
alternative, your characters could form your own organization
Focus Art that might one day stand amongst the others.
Focus measures your composure and mastery of martial arts.
Even though characters can choose their own factions,
Your Dungeon Master might call for a Focus check when a
certain races may find themselves drawn to specific factions.
character is in one of the following situations:
For example, the majority of the Dark Empire is composed of
• Trying to determine another character's fighting style powerful demon warriors, while the Red Ribbon Army
• Comprehending the many uses of a technique provides military shelter for beastmen.
• Trying to learn a technique in a brief period of time
Your Focus art increases the range of your Detect Battle Capsule Corporation
Power feature by 10 times the size of your art die. Great scientists and inventors, our inventions will
Focus Boost. Once on each of your turns, when you make without a doubt bring change to the world!
an attack roll against a creature, you can expend 1 Battle Point,
— Dr. Leggings, Capsule Corporation Scientist
rolling your Focus art die and adding it to the roll. You can use
this boost before or after making the attack roll, but before any This is one of the most common statements you hear uttered
effects of the attack are applied. by the current president of the Capsule Corporation. This
organization has held a huge influence over the world ever
Soul Art since Bulma Briefs and her father changed everyday life with
Soul measures the composition of your ki and the nature of the invention of their capsules. Now hundreds of years later,
your soul. Your Dungeon Master might call for a Soul check this company is still hard at work on trying to upgrade their
when a character is in one of the following situations: capsules and leave their impact on the world.
With the recent resurgence in attacks by the Red Ribbon
• Manipulating your ki in a precise manner
Army forces, Capsule Corporation has devoted its time to a
• Trying to ascertain the nature of another character's soul
single project. The capsule-ization of their very own west
• Reading an emotion portrayed through auras
capital. This has led to the construction of the west capitals’
Your Soul art permits you to learn a number of spells, great wall which protects its citizens from most attacks, along
regardless of your class. You have the potential to learn a with all the mechanical comforts that come with living inside
number of spells of 1st level or higher equal to half the size of city limits.
the art die. You can cast these spells without expending a spell As Capsule Corporation has grown, so too has its influence
slot, and you must finish a long rest before you can cast them on the world. Although not directly involved with their work,
in this way again. You can also cast this spell using any spell the scientists at Capsule Corporation often lend the brave
slots you have. Mastering a spell in this way takes time and a agents of the Time Patrol an engineering hand, developing
mentor who is well acquainted with the casting properties. To entire portable cities which can be easily stored within high
determine how many workweeks it takes to learn a spell, grade capsules. The corporation also plays a large role in the
multiply the level of the spell by two. recruitment and training of future young heroes, providing

them with shelter, food, training equipment, and the supplies former glory. They leap through time to collect energy from
necessary for them to make their mark on the world. powerful warriors, while unintentionally loosening the seals
on history's most deranged prisoners due to their actions.
Figures of Interest Being composed almost entirely of a scarce species, the
The following characters have played important roles Dark Empire would need a new method of expanding their
throughout the history of Capsule Corporation. ranks. They began abducting powerful warriors from the
timeline, sometimes mere moments before their would be
Destined Inventor, Doctor Leggings deaths, as to not arouse suspicion from the Time Patrol. These
Lawful good, female human warriors are often magically enhanced and then brainwashed
Doctor Leggings is praised as an incredible inventor and to enact their bidding. Others would join the empire of their
genius armorsmith who helped establish the time-traversing own free will, in exchange for dark magic.
merge between Capsule Corporation and the warriors of the
Time Patrol. Further implementing the various earthly Figures of Interest
technologies into the futuristic organization. The following characters have played important roles
throughout the history of the Dark Empire.
Esteemed Scientist, Bulma Brief
Neutral good, female human Corrupted Wizard, Demigra
The second born of the Capsule Corporation founder, Doctor Chaotic neutral, male demon
Brief, Bulma Brief is a prodigious scientist and the unknowing Seventy-five million years ago, the deceitful wizard Demigra
catalyst that led to the grand adventure of a young saiyan. fell into the Demon Realm alongside his master Mechikabura.
Having been caught experimenting on the divine bird
First Founder, Doctor Brief TokiToki, Demigra would be exposed by the fledgling shinjin
Neutral good, male human Chronoa and banished. Although he once acted as a faithful
Doctor Brief was the original founder of Capsule Corporation servant to the Dark Empire, Demigra would eventually defeat
after inventing the revolutionary technology known as the the organization to pursue his own delusions.
Dynocaps Capsule. He holds the title of representative
director and president of his company for many years until he Demonic Lord of Darkness, Dabura
is ultimately exceeded. Lawful evil, male demon
The king of the demonic realms, Dabura be cursed under the
President of Capsule spell of the great wizard Babidi and torn from this throne.
Corporation, Trunks Brief* Although thought dead by the merciless Majin Buu, an
Chaotic good, male half-saiyan obscure distortion in history allowed him to eventually return
The pampered heir of Capsule Corporation who eventually to his throne, and return to the Dark Empire.
exceeded the title of his grandfather, Trunks runs the company
out of expectancy rather than choice. Although it pays to lead Fallen Godling, Mechikabura
the world's leading company in technological development, Chaotic evil, male demon
he does not like the job and often finds himself overwhelmed Initially a candidate for the position of Supreme Kai of Time
by his new found responsibilities. alongside an eccentric shinjin, Mechikabura would fall to the
malice of his own dark magic. As divine punishment for his
*This has only occurred in Dragon Ball GT’s timeline
actions, he would be sealed away in a space beyond time
itself. With Mechikabura no longer present, the Dark Empire
Dark Empire became the smaller Time Breaker faction led by Towa, who
Can't you imagine it? A garden of evil blooming with aimed to one day revive Mechikabura.
rage and pain? Mark my words, the revival of the Demon Realm will
soon be at hand! Infernal Android, Mira
— Towa, Heiress of the Demon Realm Neutral evil, male bio-android
An artificial creation by the hands of the dark heiress Towa,
The Dark Empire was formed some time after the foundation Mira was designed as the eventual savior of the Demon
of the Demon Realm itself, under the leadership of the current Realm. Mira’s grand power would soon become the face of the
Dark King Mechikabura. After Mechikabura's death, the Dark Pale Man’s Army, leading the Time Breakers from time period
Empire ceased. However a mysterious heiress would reforge it to time period, collecting energy.
as a smaller sect named the Pale Man's Army.
The soldiers of this demonic force, referred to as Time Sinister Scientist, Towa
Breakers by the Time Patrol, acted with the goal of gathering Chaotic neutral, female demon
enough energy to break open the seal on the Demon Realm, Originally a brilliant scientist from the demonic realms, Towa
destroy Majin Buu in revenge for Dabura's death, and revive would become the catalyst of the Demon Realms salvation,
Mechikabura so that the Dark Empire may be restored to its and the prophesied resurrection of Mechikabura. Before this
fate could occur, Towa would leave the Demon Realm of her

own volition, betraying her responsibility as a scientist, as her
work required much more research which she was unable to
Galactic Patrol
obtain by any other means. We are the protectors of peace throughout the
galaxy, the chosen super-elite!
Frieza Force — Jaco, Galactic Patrolman
Either you brought the most cowardly of all my
troops to my welcoming party, or the Frieza Force has become One of the key sentences every Galactic Patrol member knows
woefully faint of heart. How do you expect us to run an empire that by heart, they are the defenders of justice throughout the
strikes fear across the galaxies!? galaxy. This is one of the oldest factions as they have been
around for over 10 million years, with their old name being
— Emperor Frieza
that of the Galactic Watch.
This army has been around for hundreds of years, with its Now in today’s age they are led by the Galactic King, with
influence dating back thousands under the rule of Frieza's their next objective to protect the Earth from the forces of evil.
progenitor, the supreme King Cold and his dynasty. The The Galactic Patrol also upholds a strict law forbidding the
influence of the mysterious royal family of clansman has been
usage of time travel. However there are numerous places
felt as far back as anyone can rightfully remember and it is the
within the universe that fall outside of their jurisdiction.
job of those enslaved to keep the legacy of the royal family
strong for all eternity. Although their goals often align, the Galactic Patrol have an
The army employs and enslaves powerful races to take over uneasy and mistrusting working relationship with that of the
suitable planets so that they can be sold to the highest bidders. Time Patrol. As stated by galactic code, the usage of time
Frieza himself does not really consider his soldiers as an army, travel is strictly prohibited, although there are exceptions to
looking at them more as a convenient group of followers. In this. Fortunately the Time Patrol acts directly under the gaze
reality, the soldiers follow him and his relatives out of fear of the Supreme Kaioshin of Time, making any charges against
though some soldiers are known to be fiercely loyal to Frieza. them difficult to press.
The galactic patrol once went up against the frieza force, but
Frieza easily took all of the patrollers down himself, leading to
to the galactic patrol placing a taboo on getting involved with Figures of Interest
the Frieza Force, considering it a suicidal mission. The following characters have played important roles
throughout the history of the Galactic Patrol.
Figures of Interest
The following characters have played important roles Executioner of Grim Justice, Sealas
throughout the history of the Frieza Force. Lawful good, male extraterrestrial
Once a high ranking member of the Galactic Patrol, Sealas’
Almighty Exile, Lord Cooler faith in justice began to wander when he became the first ace
Lawful evil, male frieza clansman patrolmen to become a disciple of the Supreme Kaioshin of
The older brother of Frieza and the first born of the Cold Time. Disturbed by the darker aspects of history, his views
Dynasty, Lord Cooler and his Armored Squadron lead a
clashed with Chronoa's who tried to teach him to accept it as
smaller force of subjugators beyond the reaches of the
part of his duty as a Time Patroller, though Sealas stayed true
universe that the rest of his clan would rather leave
to his beliefs despite Chronoa's best efforts. Determined to
untouched. Like Frieza, Cooler handles problems in an
intellectual and serious manner. Though, unlike his brother, reform the universe without evil, his current whereabouts are
Cooler is not consumed by his ego and is less likely to unknown to the galactic patrol.
underestimate his opponents.
Galactic Patrolman, Jaco
Exalted Emperor, Frieza Chaotic good, male extraterrestrial
Neutral evil, male frieza clansman A klutzy expendable member of the Galactic Patrol, Jaco
Frieza is the emperor of the known universe, who controlled Teirimentenpibosshi is the self proclaimed super eliet who
his own imperial army and was feared for his ruthlessness keeps watch over the Earth, in addition to several other
and unquestionable power. He is the second son of King Cold,
worlds within his sector.
the younger brother of Cooler, and the father of Kuriza. At his
core, Frieza is an evil being who relishes in pain, death,
destruction, fear, and power. Though unlike most villains, Grandiose Ruler, The Galactic King
Frieza displays a civilized and refined demeanor, talking with Neutral good, male extraterrestrial (octo)
a regal and eloquent nature. Seen by many as the just and knowledgeable ruler of the
Milky Way Galaxy, the Galactic King is rumored to possess a
Mightiest of Monarchs, King Cold great wellspring of power. These statements are of course,
True neutral, male frieza clansman unproven. Despite these claims, he and his greater faction has
The shadow leader of his family organization, the great King proven themselves to be child's play in comparison to power
Cold founded the Cold Dynasty from the foundation of his of the Frieza Forces expansive armies.
ancestors tyranny across the known universe. Cold has been
an abusive parent to his eldest son, Cooler, while at the same
time, spoiling Frieza, grooming his for his eventual
withdrawal from the dynasty.

Red Ribbon Army Time Patrol
You squandered your power, but I will lead the army Using a time machine is a mortal sin against the
into a new era of greatness. My first order of business will be to rule cosmic balance. Abusing the natural flow of time could hold
this planet! serious repercussions for the fabric of reality itself. Despite your
noble intentions, these recent events could bring an end to the
— Commander Black (Former Staff Officer)
universe as we know it.
This goal is always at the back of any member of the army
— Chronoa, The Supreme Kaioshin of Time
mind as they work towards control of the Earth. They were
once so powerful that the earth’s military was unable to stand The act of using a time machine is ultimately a violation of the
up to their might and influence, although they have been in laws of the universe. In response to the Dark Empire’s
shambles for years since the destruction of the army at the influences throughout time, a group of warriors would be
hands of a young saiyan. Now in the current age, the Red gathered. Accepting orders directly from Chronoa, the
Ribbon Army has been revived with aid from the Dark Empire Supreme Kaioshin of Time, the Time Patrol serve as the last
to take Earth for themselves. line of defense against the Pale Man's Army. Directly stepping
The Red Ribbon Army has an extremely small tolerance for in whenever time could not be healed naturally.
failure, with the penalty for failure usually amounting to If at all possible, it is best to let time heal naturally. Due to
execution. The range of executable failures usually ranges the actions of the Dark Empire however, this would become
between failing a mission objective, making technology that increasingly difficult. To combat this threat, Chronoa would
proved inferior to another, or for more minor blunders and recruit various warriors who could be trusted throughout
virtually impossible tasks. A ranked member of the army can time. Whenever shifts in the timeline would become too great,
be allowed a chance to redeem himself if he fails, should he they would step in as a necessary evil, forcing the timeline
have an exceptional track record in the organization, but those back into submission if need be.
chances are usually extremely rare. Those who work side by side with the Supreme Kaioshin
Although often seen as cruel, the army is known to liberate are temporally transported by her magic alone. As the ranks of
and give aid to a number of deficient beastmen settlements the Time Patrol quickly grew, they began using specially
across the planet. This fondness for beastmen often leads to designed time machines produced with help from Capsule
the prompt induction of said earthlings into their ranks. Corporation and several yardratian savants. Although
considered a mortal sin, these flights through time were only
Figures of Interest used when a much larger threat stood against the timeline.
The following characters have played important roles
throughout the history of the Red Ribbon Army. Figures of Interest
The following characters have played important roles
Founding Father, Commander Red throughout the history of the Time Patrol.
Neutral evil, male human (later artificial human)
The ruthless yet frankly terribly military leader of the Red Envoy from Beyond, Trunks
RIbbon Army, Commander Red was stubborn man with an Lawful neutral, male half-saiyan
ego twice his size. Upon learning of the magical Dragon Balls, Hailing from a future twice torn asunder, Trunks would
he founded the Red Ribbon Army, allegedly to wish for world ultimately be recruited into the ranks of the Time Patrol
domination. However, while the commander did indeed following Sealas’ defection, both as further assistance, and as
intend to use the army to conquer the world, his reasons for divine punishment for the unauthorized usage of time travel
wanting a wish were in truth, to increase his height. on several occasions, which unknowingly lead to the creation
Some time following his death, Commander Red would be of parallel timelines within universe seven. A spatiotemporal
rebuilt by the mad scientist Gero as a powerful artificial anomaly previously unseen until his intervention.
human, but possessed many defects.
Sacred Power of Time, Chronoa
Deceitful Dreams, Staff Officer Black Neutral good, female shinjin
Chaotic evil, male human Initially born as a shinjin with no rank, Chronoa would come
Initially the assistant of Commander Red, Staff Officer Black to rival Mechikabura for the position of Supreme Kai of Time,
would eventually turn on his commander, usurping the title with the two godlings having to raise an unhatched TokiToki
and taking control over the Red Ribbon Army. Unlike his to gain the position in question. After exposing Mechikabura
predecessor, Staff Officer Black had greater dreams for a future for his dark actions, the title would fall to her. She would
where the army he ruled used its great military might to eventually build the foundations of the Time Patrol we see
overthrow the currently ruling world government. A dream today in response to the actions taken by the Time Breakers.
that would never come to pass.
Other Factions
Although the following factions have not had a grandiose
affect on the universe, they are still worthy of note. The table
below should provide you with better insight into these
wayward factions, their leaders, and their motives.

Other Noteworthy Faction
Faction Name Faction Leader Motives
Bacterian's Pirates Captain Bacterian Survival and a desire for wealth and fame.
Crusher Corps Turles* Galaxy wide adventure and various mercenary contracts.
Galaxy Soldiers Bojack* Galaxy wide adventure and various mercenary contracts.
Ginyu Force Captain Ginyu Various mercenary contracts, usually contracted by the Frieza Force.
Heeters Elec Salvation of ruined planets and hiring of mercenary contracts.
Luud Cult Dolltaki Worship of the false god Luud.
Mercenary Clan Various Payment in return for military contracts and various bounty missions.
New Saiyan Army Paragus* The death of Vegeta IV and the return of the saiyan kingdom.
Organization of Babidi Babidi The resurrection of the ancient djinn, Majin Buu.
Pilaf Gang Emperor Pilaf Complete and total world domination.
Sigma Force Nezi The protection of planet M-2 from outsiders.
Spice Boys Garlic Jr. Revenge against the namekian Kami, the previous guardian of Earth.

* These characters hail from an alternate timeline.

chapter two

With aid from Capsule Corporations newly opened Jingle Village

museum, this chapter details the world of Dragon Ball and the Tucked away at the base of Mt. Frappe is the isolated town of
many locations that can be found across its supercontinent. Jingle, and the keepers of the ancient flying nimbus. Home to
Earth is divided into four major districts: the Rugged North, a very small population of settlers, the townsfolk of Jingle
the Sleepy East, the Southern Tropics,and finally the Western have told stories about the magical clouds that would drift
Verge. Each district also details the region's notable locations along the outskirts of their village for generations. When a
and includes adventure hooks for those who travel there. nimbus would grace the villagers with its presence it was said
Adventure hooks presented within this chapter are broken to be a fortune of good weather to come.
down into recommended ranges of adventuring party level: If you were raised in the town of Jingle, perhaps you saw
the flying nimbus as a child. Perhaps you even rode upon one.
• Low Level (1-6)
Dark Clouds Brewing (Any Level). The dark nimbus
• Mid Level (7-11)
(chaotic evil, flying nimbus) is rumored to carry those who
• High Level (12-16)
possess impure hearts. While they possess no real threat on
• Epic Level (17-20)
their own, ominous lavender clouds are growing on the
Adventure hooks labeled as "any level" can be presented at horizons of Jingle, while the pure flying nimbus are nowhere
any point in your party's journey, with a little planning. You to be found.
are welcome to adjust the difficulty of any of these adventure
hooks to fit your campaign.
Muscle Tower
This enormous base of operation is used by the Red Ribbon
The Rugged North Army whilst they are stationed in the north. The
Heavy snow beats down along the winding mountain roads, highest-ranking army member in the tower is General White,
side sending sheets of thin liquid fraying across the rocky with several other major members of the army taking
hills. The northernmost regions of Earth are callous, residence there. Though destroyed in the past, it has been
mysterious, and perilous to travel without a proper guide. rebuilt with the most advanced technology provided by the
The Frappe Mountains divide the bitter wasteland while Dark Empire, and now stands as a monument to human
also providing protection from the raging storms that travel ingenuity and perseverance.
through Yunzabit Heights. Small villages tucked away in Path to Power (Mid Level). Characters who oppose the Red
tundra and mountain sides can be found, living a simple life Ribbon Army may be hired to put an end to Muscle Tower
away from civilization. once and for all. This massive structure is divided into six
Yet the north is not without its metropolis. Sequestered into complex levels filled with danger. Advancing to the top will
the heart of the mountain range is the Northern Capital, a bring you face to face with General Bon, the acting
beacon of technological improvements and a prospectors commander for the Red Ribbon Army. In reality, the army is
grand dream. under the command of Android #9 (lawful evil, male, artificial
human veteran), modeled after Commander Red, the armies

Gizard Wasteland former leader.

Once the site of an incredible battle between saiyan warriors,
the Gizard Wasteland and its scattered, towering rock pillars Northern Capital
set the stage for future battles. This site is a deserted Also known as Metro North, this city is one of the large
wasteland with no residences to be found anywhere across its metropolis capitals of Earth, being surrounded by both rugged
arid landscape. mountains and forest. In the cliffside just south of this city, the
Saiba Smackdown (Low Level). Travelers through this remnants of a Red Ribbon laboratory can be discovered, now
region have reported swarms of saibamen flocking into the reclaimed by nature. While almost nothing remains of the lab,
wastes. It’s not a well traveled path, but the loss of such a it is rumored that the infamous doctor’s supercomputer
historical site would be a shame to see. The problem is a survived the destruction and that a scientist who idolized the
saibamen willow, who’s begun nesting in the cliff sides due man has put the data on it to good use.
to the high quality of the soil. If you have a connection to the Red Ribbon Army, you're
most likely aware of its growing power spun throughout the
northern regions.
Red Ribbon Army Underground (Mid Level). When the
characters arrive in the Northern Capital, they find it under
attack by numerous androids. If the characters help defeat

Son Goku soars across the
Rugged North atop his Flying Nimbus

the androids, the citizens inform the characters of the Traditionally, the namekians are a peaceful people, training
numerous Red Ribbon laboratories concealed within the a sparse company of warriors only when needed. However an
northern mountains. Characters can track the android unfortunate fate was waiting for the wretched namekian souls
assailants back to these laboratories, but what use does the who settled too close to the Demon King Piccolo's ruined

Art By Caio Santos

army have for attacking the nearby city? throne and thus were corrupted by his influence, becoming
the successors to his demonic clan. The narak clansmen have

Mount Paozu since settled to the south of Porunga Rocks after their journey
from Diablo Desert. Although they act independent, their very
Crawling with monsters, magic, and all manner of adventure,
presence foretells a namekian civil war.
Mount Paozu is a vast region of stormy highlands and rugged
wilds that divides the northern and eastern districts of Earth.
Truly a land of untouched wonder, it had become an obstacle
Eastern Capital
Metro East is one of the main capitals of Earth and its most
for young adventures to face, and a hazard to all others who
prominent feature is that of their famous Orin Temple, with a
pass through. Dinosaurs loom deeper into the mountains.
Bamboo forest being located right next to the temple itself. The
Bandits await unsuspecting travelers who march through the
most famous event to occur here was when the city was
wastes. Dangerous foes fit for a dangerous land.
completely destroyed by Nappa, when he and Vegeta first
arrived on Earth, however almost all citizens have forgotten
The Sleepy East about this event with the passage of time.
From the fertile farmlands to the massive modernistic cities, Citizens of the Eastern Capital have a loose relationship
the cool tempered east is a heavily divided land deeply with the law. Even if you're a hero, you might have
ingrained with a variety of extraterrestrial culture. The questionable connections or friends in low places.
massive bamboo woodlands obscure a variety of temples, and Someone’s Robot (Any Level). It would seem a Red Ribbon
the recently established metropolis of Satan City stands as a Army robot has malfunctioned and gotten loose within the
cosmopolitan labyrinth. city. It’s not particularly dangerous, but it sure moves quickly.
Namekians settled in the east after the destruction of New
Namek, refugees fleeing from a war yet to happen. Over time
the namekians found a place within the eastern foothills,
terraforming the nearby scenery to the lush blue meadows of
their lost home.

Orin Temple Poko Poko Problem (Epic Level). Chocolay tower and its
Located just outside the massive bamboo woodland, Orin surrounding lands are a scare upon namekian heritage and the
Temple is home to the Orin monks, easily recognizable by the spawn of the namekian civil war. Characters who are sent to
six incense burns on their foreheads. Monks trained here defeat the dark namekians, they find the entire land
adapt more brutish styles of martial arts and are commonly transformed into a wicked nightmare. Advancing into
arrogant. This temple and its martial arts styles have been Chocolay tower will bring the characters face to face with
overshadowed by the turtle and crane school of martial arts. Gamelan and Mr. Poko Poko (use adult black dragon stats).
Bullies of the Orin Temple (Low Level). While the Two warped dark namekians who strive to become the god of
characters are passing through the bamboo woodlands, they all narak, and in time, all namekians.
are confronted by a pair of monks from the Orin Temple
(chaotic neutral, human martial artists) who feel the need to The Southern Tropics
prove their martial arts style is superior over any other. In Budding with spirit, the southern tropics encompass a diverse
truth, these young monks simply want recognition. range of archipelagos, cities, fortune, and criminals. Born from
a love of martial arts, it isn't uncommon for small time
Satan City warriors to compete in the world martial arts tournament for a
Located north of Mount Paozu and south of the Eastern shot at glory.
Capital, Satan City, formerly dubbed Orange City, stands in It wouldn’t be a proper coastline without an army of
honor of recently passed Hercule Satan. Although not buccaneers at the helm. The tropics are plagued by attacks
officially marked as a world capital, Satan City is bustling and from numerous pirate guilds and mythical monsters, most
is often described as the cultural, financial, and media city of notably Captain Bacterian and his crew of devout majin
the world. cultists. Ultimately, the coastal towns often fare quite well
Due to Hercules past relationship with the late majin Mister defending themselves from the seaworthy thugs.
Buu, the majin race often finds a strong connection within the
urban interconnecting labyrinth of a city. Papaya Islands
Musuka Circus (Low Level). While exploring the streets of Obtaining this name from the tropical fruit grown there, this
Satan City, the characters discover that a number of pet island the size of a small continent is located east of the
dinosaurs have mysteriously vanished. As they proceed to Southern Continent and west of the Tropical Island. The
investigate, Musuka Circus opens its tents for a grand show. Durian Airport is also located here as a prime area of travel
and a big feature of the island, only being surpassed in
Porunga Rocks importance by their main feature the Martial Arts Temple,
What began as a small camp of namekian refugees has grown where the world martial arts tournament is held.
into a flourishing and otherworldly environment which the Over the years numerous jungles sprung up over the island
common population of Earthly namekians call home. Using and an increase in population occurred as small villages were
what little resources they took with them after their planet's built one by one as the Papaya Islands became a place where
demise, the namekian fauna has once again begun to thrive in anyone could reside. The newest addition to the island can be
the eastern countryside. seen in the now famous Mutaito Memorial Park, a park made
Leaping Suspicions (Mid Level). While the characters stay in to honor Master Mutaito and is located close to the World
Snail Village, located within Porunga Rocks, they hear rumors Tournament arena.
of entire ajisa fields being trampled upon at night. If the Captain Bacterian's Pirates (Low Level). The characters
characters investigate, they discover the source of the catch wind of the obese and filthy pirate Captain Bacterian
destruction to be a massive namekian frog (use froghemoth (neutral evil, male, human bandit captain) who wreaks havoc
stats), corrupted by the nearby polluted landscape. and collects treasure from the Papaya Island coasts. Rumor
has is he has employed numerous bandits, cultists, and cult
Chocolay Tower fanatics to man his ships.
Grown from corrupt and twisted ajisa trees, Chocolay Tower
functions as a dark equivalent to Korin’s holy steeple. Located Southern Capital
just south of Porunga Rocks, the tower has corrupted and Also known as South City, it is one of five major capitals on
perverted the surrounding countryside, distorting what was Earth and located in the southeast part of the Southern
once namekian land into a dark shadow. Continent. The most notable part of this location is Amenbo
At the base of the tower ajisa trees are cultivated using Island located just southwest in the same area, where the
namekrystal, and are then polluted into vessels for absorbing androids first appeared, reducing a large portion of the city
kiri, to help grow the tower. Each subsequent level of the into a wasteland.
tower has an important role, and are used in the cultivation of Cowboys and Aliens (Low Level). The backcountry wastes
dark senzu beans. Chocolay Tower serves as a base of of the southern capital border deserted lands such as diablo
operation for the dark namekians. desert and the mushroom rocks. Well passing through the
The tower itself is overseen by the evil cat hermit Chocolay towns, the characters come across a group of cattlemen
(chaotic evil, male, cat cult fanatic), who specializes in the (chaotic good, beastmen bandits) who claim that their
cultivation of twisted, evil lifeforms. farmlands are under attack by space pirates.

Tenkaichi Budokai Totenhotep’s Tomb (Mid Level). A world renowned treasure
The world martial tournament, an event that is anticipated hunter is in search of Totenhotep’s headdress. Should you
every 3 years that showcases the strongest fighters all around choose to accept this quest, you will venture into Kyodai
the world going head to head in the ring for a chance to be pyramid, though be warned, you will find this pyramid to be
named the world martial arts champion. While this event anything but empty.
started to die down in popularity after the passing of the
world’s savior Hercule Satan, it once again skyrocketed in age Paella Castle Ruins
991 after a man known as Morgan was crowned champion The sprawling ruins of the former emperor Pilaf’s castle are
after defeating 100 robots. His victory warranted discussion located at the edge of the diablo desert, surrounded by a
with the people claiming robots couldn't be that weak, which fungus infested gulch. In recent years adventures have
led to the “Ultimate Fighting” division, where participants can reported sights of figures slowly rebuilding the rotting
now use weapons, armor, and robots with no restrictions. stronghold. Every source has its own story. In truth, the castle
Ultimate Fighting Division (Any Level). While in town, the is now controlled by Pilaf's descendant, Paella.
characters learn of the ultimate fighting division. A martial The Emperor's New Groove (High Level). While exploring
arts tournament that allows weapons and armor. Just imagine the toadstool canyons, the characters discover the newly
what other powerful warriors will be signing up to win the rebuilt castle. Local villagers tell that the long departed
grand prize. emperor has returned to his castle. What sorcery could have
resurrected him from the grave? Unless the emperor isn’t who
Art By Sylvain Sarrailh

Diablo Desert he claims to be.

Located West of Mount Paozu and near Fire Mountain, the
giant desolate desert where Yamcha once roamed can be Central Capital
found. It’s most prominent feature is that of Kyodai Pyramid, The most populated city on Earth, this place of residence is
where Pharaoh Totenhotep, the ruler of Diablo Desert during known as the main capital city of the world and is also home
ancient times, is buried. to the descendant of King Furry, who was the king of the
Naraku's Footprint (Mid Level). Found dwelling deep planet during Goku’s time. It’s most prominent building is the
within the southern swamps is a massive egg. Legends tell King Castle which has been restored two times as it was
that this monolithic eggshell once sheltered the first Naraku, destroyed once by King Piccolo and again by Kid Buu. In
or dark namekian. Many scientists have debated if such a addition, this city also houses the Earth’s strongest military
namek could even come to exist, but the gargantuan footprints force or the King’s Guard as they are properly called.
forever sunken into the boggy quagmire prove quite difficult
to debunk.

The Western Verge Sacred Land of Korin
The Sacred Land of Korin, alternatively known as Korin’s holy
The duality of the western verge could be considered poetic.
forest, is an expansive grove protected by natives of the
Mighty acres of woodlands cover more than half the
Karinga Tribe. Characters familiar with the Karinga Tribe will
countryside, filled with long forgotten spiritualist sites and
likely be aware of their two founding legends. the "Axe Rock"
temples. In contrast, the innovative cityscape of both capital
and the "Spear Tree.
cities is teaming with advancement and political intrigue.
Those who venture deeper into the forest have the chance of
Industry and nature cannot exist without one another, and
stumbling upon Korin’s Tower. A monumental engraved
this stays true for the clashing landscapes across the verge.
structure which extends far beyond the clouds. It resides
The cities of the west are teaming with all forms of life. In
directly below The Lookout. Korin’s Tower is not actually a
particular, the west capital is home to the super enterprise
tower but rather a tree that still remains alive; thanks to the
known as capsule corporation, which has been recently
Karinga Tribe inlaying stone plates onto the tree, which grows
employed to manage many of the planet's aspiring warriors.
every decade.
Traveling even further west will lead you directly into the
Those who succeed in the nearly three day climb of Korin’s
heart of korin’s forest. A fantastic land where nature has run
Tower are met with an unusual sight. The tower is guarded by
wild. It houses plentiful resources, none of which can be
Korin, the immortal cat (lawful good, male, cat mage). Korin is
tapped due to the might of the forests’ sworn protectors, the
a legendary figure amongst the warrior-world. This frequently
Karinga Tribe.
leads to surprise and disbelief for those meeting him for the
first time as his appearance has yet to attain the fame of his
Fran-Fran Desert reputation.
Separated into two sections, this desert is home to some of the
Hermit Springs (Low Level). This majestic temple was once
most magical beings on the planet. To the north section is the
used to grow senzu beans and is flooded with divine waters.
most popular home for the newly established Majin race, with
The senzu sprouts that once flourished have dried up and are
the south section belonging solely to that of Fortuneteller
now being collected by a tribe of vicious merrows, who want
Baba, who thought it best to keep a personal eye on the Majins
the water for themselves. If the characters have climbed
both for safety and genuine intrigue with their species.
Korin’s Tower, Korin asks them to investigate the temple
Majin Mishap (Low Level). While visiting Fran-Fran Desert,
the characters are hired by a mysterious witch named Baba
(true neutral, female human witch) who informs them of a
recently born majin who appears to be more unstable and
Dende’s Lookout
Home to the Guardian of Earth, Dende, and Mr. Popo, this
powerful then the rest of their kind. Baba is seeking their aid
ancient platform is in constant geostationary orbit in the skies,
to solve this issue and in exchange will grant the characters
most often found directly above Korin Tower. Events
one request that is within her power.
occurring all over the Earth can be observed from here and
battles across the universe can be sensed here, should they be
Western Capital on a large enough scale.
The Western Capital is the largest known metropolis found
The lookout is an oval shaped white circle with three
across the planet. At one point it was home to the massive
streaks of red across it’s base. A handful of plants can be found
estate known as capsule corporation. In modern years, the
atop of the lookout along with its single temple building. The
company and the capital have become one in the same,
inside of the building is bigger than it seems at a glance, with
spreading their technological achievements across the
mostly rooms and items that can be understood by the current
metropolis and developing further equipment and protection
guardian of earth. However, home to the lookout is the
for the city's inhabitants, such as the nearly indestructible wall
mysterious hyperbolic time chamber, a chamber where a
around the entire capital. More so, rumor has it the scientists
year’s worth of training can be done in a day.
hope to one day fit the entire city within the confines of a
Room of Spirit and Time (Mid to High Level). Located at the
capsule corporation hoi-poi capsule.
heart of the Lookout is the hyperbolic time chamber, a
The city is divided up into three notable sectors. Buu town;
demiplane in which one year inside the chamber is the

Art By Tohad
the home of the majins and all things food, Nail town, the
equivalent to one day on the outside. A step over the
cultural home of the namekians, and Toko town; the city's
threshold of the training area brings one immediately into ten
bustling heart.
times Earth's gravity. The air gets denser, and the
Great Saiyanoobs (Any Level). The famed Great Saiyaman
temperature fluctuates, the deeper one goes into
was a hero of the past. With the new life operating within
the training area.
the city, it's no surprise crime has increased as well.
Luckily, it seems a new squad of Saiyamen are on
the scene, though they lack the skills of
the original.

Korin Tower

Supernatural Phenomena Gengoro
The interior chamber of the room of spirit and time is warped The continent of Gengoro lies to the east of Earth’s
by a strange magic that ebbs and flows without reason. For supercontinent, separated by the infamous red sea. Spanning
every 100 feet characters explore into the hyperbolic time grassy plains and hills, the region of Gengoro is governed by a
chamber, or however often as you like, roll on the multitude of city-states. Connections to Gengoro have
Supernatural Phenomena table. The magical effects of the diminished with time, but the continent and its surrounding
hyperbolic time chamber cannot be dispelled. islands still remain densely populated, although the multitude
of extraterrestrial visitors maintain a distance.
In Gengoro, you might…
Supernatural Phenomena
• Join forces with an eccentric android.
d8 Phenomena • Go on a short-lived, dramatic gag of an adventure.
1 Creatures encounter illusions and hallucinations of • Clash with strange monsters across the islands of wonder.
people from their past within the chamber.
Some believe Gengoro to simply be a neighboring region,
2 The air pressure grows denser or lighter as you while others speculate it belongs to an entire different
travel deeper into the chamber, making breathing
continuity. Whatever the case, the magic of Gengoro is far
difficult. See the rules for “Suffocation” in the
Player’s Handbook. greater than anything you could comedically conceive of.

3 The temperature suddenly increases and the air

catches flame. This area is permanently under the Yahhoy
effects of the fire storm spell. Beyond the bustling cities of the Western Verge to the far north
is the impassive region of Yahoy. Flourishing with unclaimed
4 The gravity suddenly increases exponentially. This
area is permanently under the effects of the land aside from the spare antiquated village or ancient ruin.
magnify gravity spell. Yahhoy was the last remaining independent state on Earth
before becoming part of the world governing body.
5 The temperature suddenly decreases and the air
begins to freeze. This area is permanently under In Yahoy, you might…
the effects of the ice storm spell. • Battle bandits in the ruins of ancient temples.
6 The seemingly endless white void can have a • Pay your respects at the majin buu memorial sanctuary.
potentially maddening effect on a person's mind. • Travel through the subterranean maimai tunnel system.
Whenever the target of a Wisdom saving throw fails
its save, that creature has a 5 percent chance of Although it is a part of the world governing body, Yahoy
becoming afflicted by a random form of long-term remains a place of adventure and experience. In recent years, a
madness (see "Madness" in chapter 8 of the large number of youth have been sent to Yahoy as part of the
Dungeon Master's Guide). "Troublemaker Education Policy'', a program in which chosen
children are sent to live on their own in the wild away from

Distant Lands their parents for a period of time. The program was enacted at
the behest of Earth's King, and was implemented in order to
The world of Dragon Ball is vast, filled with a multitude of help find a new savior.
culture and mysteries, but it has yet to be completely
documented. There are several locations found throughout the
world that have either gone undiscovered by mortals, or
Yunzabit Heights
A place often described as being at the very end of the Earth.
remain in the clutches of unknown evils. This section outlines
Yunzabit Heights dwells far to the northwest of Earth’s
known regions of the world beyond Earth’s grand
supercontinent. The irregular cliff faces are plagued by strong
winds and frigid temperatures. It is an all round barren moor
of a mountainous landscape, making civilizations hard to
Fearlands come by. After the destruction of New Namek, several
Should you brave the hazardous waters of the south, you’ll namekian refugees have settled within the notched landscape.
discover the isolated series of islands shrouded in mystery. A In Yunzabit Heights, you might…
secluded archipelago obscured in fog, it has appropriately
been nicknamed the Fearlands since its occupation by the • Discover an ancient namekian artifact.
Dark Empire some time ago. • Battle the harsh ever-changing winds.
In the Fearlands, you might… • Visit the Capsule Corporation space institution.

• Discover an untapped demonic power source. The distant mountains of Yunzabit Heights gradually fade the
• Battle with the forces of the powerful Dark Empire. common knowledge of the populace with each passing year,
• Befriend a demon escaping the nearby spaceship field. being nothing more than a secluded wasteland. The people of
Earth have no commerce with the highland regions and no
The Fearlands are an ever present threat. A place of daring certainty about what lives there. If a threat comes from
adventure and corrupted monsters. Where the armies of the Yunzabit, it might take time for people to identify its origin.
Dark Empire remain secluded in mystery.

Realms of the Universe Hell (Earthly Prison)
Those who King Yemma judge to be evil are sent to below to
The mythos of Dragon Ball extends light years beyond the
Hell, otherwise known as the Earthly Prison. It consists of an
confines of Earth. Using classified information from the
extremely vast, rocky plain that takes up the entire lower
Galactic Patrol, we’ve documented the known universe and all
portion of the afterlife, and is covered by the yellow clouds
of its unearthly realms. In traditional media, this universe is
that surround Yemma’s Palace and the Serpent Road.
commonly depicted as a giant crystalline sphere. Within the
uppermost half of the sphere is the Heavenly Realm. The
lowermost half is transversely divided between the Mortal King Yemma’s Palace
Realm and the Demon Realm. Orbiting this massive King Yemma’s Palace is located at the very center of the
macrocosm is the Sacred Realm of the Kais. A plane of afterlife; above the grim landscape of Hell but below Heaven
existence inhabited by those near the top of the celestial and the four Kaio planets. It serves as the entrance to the
hierarchy. Each of these realms and their various points of afterlife for all dead souls. As explained by Earth’s guardian
interest are detailed in this section. deity, when anyone from any planet dies, their souls come to
Beyond the single macrocosm we’ve observed lies the ever Yemma’s Palace to receive judgment determining their fate in
expanding multiverse along with the eleven other universes the afterlife. Souls can always be seen in front of King
featured with the extensive Dragon Ball cosmology. These Yemma’s Palace waiting to be judged, lined up along the road
separate universes are only mentioned in passing, though whose origin point is never shown.
each of their cosmic layouts bear an extreme resemblance to Serpent Road. The Serpent Road is one million kilometers in
that of our own native universe. length, running from King Yemma’s Palace all the way to the
North Kaio planet, and those who wish to train under the

The Heavenly Realm

North Kaio must cross it. As the name implies, the road is
shaped like a giant serpent. It is a rather crooked road,
The Heavenly Realm exists within the uppermost regions of twisting every which way, with a few loops here and there.
the universe. It exists as a crucible for all fallen souls and is The road’s path is surrounded by yellow clouds as far as the
also where the higher deities of the universe reside. It is a eye can see, which obscure Hell below it.
place of unearthly purple skies divided by a layer of golden Other World Tournament Arena. A great assembly of past
clouds, where the laws of space and time are nonexistent. heroes reside within the Heavenly Realm. The Other World
The Heavenly Realm is divided up into three rough areas: Tournament Arena is an extra dimensional martial arts ring
the nethermost region is Hell (Earthly Prison), ruled by King for deceased fighters, and is hosted by the Dai Kaioshin. Its
Yemma; located central to the Heavenly Realm is King winner will receive training from the Grand Kaioshin.
Yemma's Palace and its surrounding locations; the uppermost Needless to say, you cannot kill any participant in this
region is the Kaio Realm, ruled by the four great directional tournament because they are already dead.
Kaio, which is comprised of the four Kaio planets, Heaven,
and the afterlife superior sun.

The Kaio Realm that it is the home of sinful life-forms. Similar to the divisions
Each of the four directional Kaio reside on their own personal of Grand Space into four cardinal directions, the Demon
planets, positioned at the afterlife’s four cardinal points. Realm is divided into several different spatial areas, though it
Serpent Road, adjacent to King Yemma’s Palace, runs directly is unknown how many there are or what these divisions are
to the North Kaio planet. It is an extremely small world that based on. All of these areas are unified under the rule of
floats high above the tail end of the Serpent Road. The planet Mechikabura, the dark king of the Demon Realm.
contains only North Kaio’s one-room, dome-shaped house, a
garage, a road that circles around the planet, North Kaio’s car, The Sacred Realm of the Kais
and a few trees. Despite its small size, the planet has ten times The Sacred Realm of the shinjin is, simply put, the ancestral
the gravity of Earth, similar to Planet Vegeta and Zun. home of the Kaio, Kaioshin, and the Dai Kaioshin. It is a
Heaven (Upper World)). Those who King Yemma judge to special realm completely separate from the macrocosm that
be pure of heart are allowed to proceed to Heaven, a large the other realms are all enclosed within. It is made up of a

Art By Jeatstream
planet directly above Yemma’s palace. To reach Heaven, one giant crystalline sphere, about a 10th the size of the
must ride a special plane that takes off from an airport near macrocosm it revolves around.
King Yemma’s Palace. Heaven is a pleasant, grassy place with Located at the heart of this cosmic satellite is the divine
rolling hills and numerous scattered buildings. core, the planet of the Kaio. The planet is
home to the gigantic kaiju tree, whose
The Mortal Realm fruit gives birth to a race known as the
The living world exists within the lower half of the sphere shinjin. Very rarely, this kaiju tree
model. It is perfectly sealed within opaque walls marked with produces a golden fruit, from which a
strange patterns, in contrast to the transparent crystalline special type of shinjin is born, far
dome that conceals the afterlife. more powerful and capable of living
The living world is split into two prominent dimensions for millions of years. Only the shinjin
described as being like the two sides of a coin. The top half is born from the rare golden fruit are
Outer Space, overseen by the Kaio and Kaioshin, and run selected at random
according to science and the fundamental laws of physics. The to serve as the
bottom half is the Demon Realm, where magic has more sway powerful Dai
than science, and where the sinful Makaio and Makaioshin Kaioshin.
remain. Despite these two dimensions being polar opposites,
when beings from either one die their spirits still travel to the
afterlife with no distinction.

Grand Space
Outer Space is the uppermost portion of the Mortal Realm,
and is the realm in which planet Earth exists. Outer Space Kaioshin Cleric of
consists of numerous planets, stars, and other celestial bodies. the Life Domain
The Galactic Patrol explains that a collection of planets forms a
nebula, and a collection of nebulas forms a galaxy; although
this law is not constant in alternative universal astronomy.
Galaxies are divided by cardinal directions.
These divisions serve as the governing areas for the gods,
and so each one is overseen by the Kaio and Kaioshin with the
corresponding cardinal direction in their title. These so-called
“galaxies” are merely administrational units used by the gods,
and so there is nothing physically stopping extraterrestrial
races from travelling from one galaxy to another, provided
they have the technology to do so. There are no physical
divisions between them, and can be considered as borders
drawn on a map between countries.

Demon Realm
The Demon Realm can be found within the lower half of the
Mortal Realm, a dimension that exists on the reverse side of
Outer Space. It is not to be confused with Hell, which exists in
the afterlife. The Demon Realm is a chaotic place where magic
has more influence than science. The Kaio and Kaioshin
themselves do not truly understand the Demon Realm
entirely, as not even the eyes of the Dai Kaioshin can scry
upon it. As a result, not much is known about it other than

Twelve Universes Universe Six. The challenging universe and the sixth of
twelve universes found across the multiverse. In Universe Six,
The universes found across the expansive multiverse are the unrest between worlds has given rise to a cold war fueled
infinitely diverse and filled with mysticism and wondrous by intergalactic intrigue.
adventure. As of current, there are twelve universes. As Universe Seven. Our universe and the seventh of twelve
explained by the Angels, any two of the twelve universes universes found across the multiverse. Universe Seven is a
whose numbers add up to thirteen are twins, or counterparts, realm consecutively sieged by evil and is the main setting of
of one another and therefore share many similarities. If your this sourcebook.
campaign takes place in one of these universes, that universe Universe Eight. The diligent universe and the eighth of
belongs to you in your campaign. Your version of the universe twelve universes found across the multiverse. In Universe
can diverge widely from what's in print. Eight, those who lower the mortal level are swiftly eliminated
Universe One. The supreme universe and the first of twelve as to promote a universe with no defects.
universes found across the multiverse. In Universe One, its Universe Nine. The improvised universe and the ninth of
inhabitants, both divine and mortal, prosper with the highest twelve universes found across the multiverse. In the
mortal level. wastelands of Universe Nine, chaos and danger are the only
Universe Two. The gentle universe and the second of twelve laws needed to survive.
universes found across the multiverse. Within Universe Two, Universe Ten. The macho universe and the tenth of twelve
strength and beauty are relative to one other. universes found across the multiverse. The juvenile Universe
Universe Three. The spiritual universe and the third of Ten is still evolving from its prehistoric roots.
twelve universes found across the multiverse. Universe Three Universe Eleven. The justice universe and the eleventh of
is a place of robotic technology and engineering marvels. twelve universes found across the multiverse. Universe Eleven
Universe Four. The conspiracy universe and the fourth of is a realm of magistrates, protected by the pride troopers and
twelve universes found across the multiverse. In Universe other agents employed by the gods.
Four, mysticism is only rivaled by a cunning blade and the Universe Twelve. The ultimate universe and the twelve
skill of deception. universes found across the multiverse. Universe Twelve is a
Universe Five. The balanced universe and the fifth of twelve competent and fair realm. The first alternate timeline was
universes found across the multiverse. Universe Five is a created by a time machine utilized by a mortal from an
realm of meditative affluence, where the act of destruction is advanced civilization in Universe Twelve.

Divine Hierarchy bodies in the afterlife. Above the four Kaio of the cardinal
directions is the Dai Kaio, the Great King of Worlds, who
Religion is an important part of life in the universe. When serves as their leader. He oversees the entire universe, and is
gods walk the world, clerics channel divine power, evil cults the afterlife’s most important inhabitants.
perform dark sacrifices in subterranean lairs, and shining The Kaioshin are the Gods of the Kaio, who stand above
paladins stand like beacons against the darkness. We’ve even the Kaio themselves. In essence, they are the gods to the
gathered information from numerous planetary guardians and gods, overseeing not merely the universe, but also the afterlife
compiled it into a structured hierarchy for you to implement where the Kaiō themselves live. For each of the Kaio (North,
within your own settings. South, East, West, and Great), there is a corresponding
The majority of these divine figures inhabit the Heavenly Kaioshin: like with the Kaio, the four Kaioshin of the cardinal
Realm and it is their job to stand watch over the universe’s directions oversee the northern, southern, eastern, and
inhabitants, both as they live their daily lives as mortals and in western galaxies of grand space along with the four quadrants
their eventual shift to the afterlife. Like many hierarchies, of the afterlife, while the Dai Kaioshin oversees the entire
most divine figures oversee a specific region and report to a universe and afterlife.
superior that oversees those collective regions. Makai and Makaioshin. Following the Kaio and the
This section will detail every divine rank within the Kaioshin are their sinful counterparts, the Makaio and the
celestial hierarchy, starting from the bottom, and working all Makaioshin. The Makaio have since been stripped of their
the way to the very top. divine status and power, and been sent to live out the
remainder of their semi-mortal existence within the Demon
Planetary Guardians Realm. The Makaioshin act as gods of the Demon Realm,
The most abundant gods are those that supervise individual having attained their divine status. They are the antithesis of
planets. The gods of each planet are selected from among the the Kaioshin, and govern evil.
sentient life-forms of that planet. Attendants from the afterlife When an evil Kaio is born, they leave the Sacred Realm of
are dispatched to assist these gods that have been picked from the Kais and go to the Demon Realm to be with the Makaio.
the planet’s natives. The purpose of this system is to oversee However, it is not actually known if Makaio or Makaioshin
and protect the sentient life-forms of each planet, and more themselves are selected from among these evil Kaio, or if they
importantly, to hasten the development of immature sentient are beings native to the Demon Realm, and the evil Kaio are
species, guiding them toward the greatest happiness. simply their allies.
The attendants sent from the afterlife are only permitted to
act in a subservient role to the planet’s god, based on the idea Destroyer Gods
that a species’ fate ought to be entrusted to the species itself. While the Kaioshin hold the power of creation, which
This also seems to imply that planets with non-sentient provides the catalyst for planets and life-forms to be born, the
life-forms are not governed within this system, and are God of Destruction is true to its title and holds the power and
therefore left to fend for themselves. authority of destruction. As new planets are born, the God of
Destruction destroys existing planets in order to maintain the
Eternal Dragons balance of life in the universe. In contrast to the Kaioshin, who
The various dragons summoned from the Dragon Balls are all are only powerful in their own right as gods compared to
referred to as Eternal Dragons. While not Gods themselves—at most mortals, the Gods of Destruction wield far greater power
least not in the sense of holding an actual position within the and their strength can rarely be challenged.
main hierarchy—these dragons boast magical powers granted Angelic Attendants. The destroyers are assisted by angels
to them by their creators. Eternal Dragons are given life by dispatched by the Grand Zeno. The main role of an angel is to
their creators breathing energy and a soul into a representative guide the God of Destruction they serve, as well as train them
model of the dragon, ultimately linking the two’s life force and keep their destructive power in check. Angels are amoral
together; if the creator dies, their Eternal Dragons dies as well, and indifferent in nature, as such, they must always remain
but not vice versa. This also sets certain limitations on the neutral in conflicts and cannot intervene. Angels are also quite
dragons, as they cannot grant wishes that exceed their intelligent, exhibiting a thorough knowledge and
creator’s own abilities or powers. understanding of the celestial hierarchy, structure, and inner
workings of the ancient universe.

Kaio and Kaioshin

The Kings of Worlds stand above all the gods of the universe, Grand-Zeno
and collectively watch over the entire universe from the The Omni-King sits atop the hierarchy of divine beings. The
afterlife. There are four Kaio to oversee the universe’s title of Omni-King implies that he holds the authority to
northern, southern, eastern, and western galaxies. In addition appoint new Gods of Destruction, and all angels are
to overseeing their region, the Kaio also train exceptional dead dispatched from the Omni-King. Beyond that, further details
martial artists who have been allowed to keep their on his exact role are unknown. In fact, rather than fulfilling
some sort of role or job as most other gods do, the Omni-King
simply tries to keep himself entertained, and all other
lifeforms are forced to go along with his whims.

Hierarchical Deities
Deity Alignment Province Suggested Domains Common Symbol
Planetary Guardians LG Peace, prosperity Knowledge, Peace Kanji for "god" (神)
Eternal Dragons TN Dreams, fate Arcana, Poko Priest* Set of seven or less crystal balls
Kaioshin LG Creation, life Life, Nature Kanji for "world king" (界王)
Makaioshin CE Demons, chaos Grave, Trickery Dark and twisting tree
Destroyer Gods LN Destruction, order Death, Order Perpendicular geometric marks
Angelic Attendants TN Space, time Arcana, Order Twisting spiral
Grand-Zeno CN Creation, destruction Peace, War, Trickery Kanji for "all" (全)

* The Poko Priest Domain appears in chapter three of this book.

Lesser Deities
Deity Alignment Warlock Patron Suggested Domains Common Symbol
Akira TN Great Old One Knowledge, Trickery Gas mask and editors pen
Annin LG Hexblade Forge, War Furnace of Eight Divisions
Bubbles CE Archfey Nature, Order Monkey secluded on a lone planet
DogiDogi CE Lord of Time* Grave, Order Large egg marked by infinity
Enma LE Fiend Death, Grave Boiling cauldron
Princess Snake CN Fathomless Arcana, Trickery Twisting stone serpent
Hirudegarn TN Majin Progenitor* Life, Twilight Large insect carved from stone
Korin LG Archfey Light, Peace Kanji for "senzu" (仙豆)
Lucifer LE Undying Grace, Trickery Blood Ruby
Ludd CE Great Old One Forge, War Orange mechanical eye
Tenshi LN Celestial Grave, Light Dark angelic wings
TokiToki NG Lord of Time* Light, Order Large egg marked by infinity

* The Lord of Time and Majin Porgenitor patrons appears in chapter three of this book.

chapter three

Here you will find a list of new options that can Rogues can be found stalking the backcountry roads of
be used to add further detail to your characters. We’ve Earth or carrying out dangerous missions in secrecy. Before
provided several subclasses for you to choose from, though becoming a martial artist, the desert bandit yamcha was a
you are not limited to the subclasses found in the chapter. In cunning rogue.
addition, here you will also find backgrounds, new feats and Sorcerers are particularly common in the Dragon World,
spells, powerful transformations, and a list of optional rules where they have inherited a wellspring of potential power
you may wish to use within your own campaigns. from their bloodline. Mutants, those who possess odd or
unique powers in juxtaposition to the rest of their race, could

Classes Overview be considered sorcerers.

Warlocks are found primarily as subordinates of powerful
Characters of any class can be found in the Dragon World,
magical beings, often of divine status. Numerous Kaioshin
though some classes are rarer than others. The following
have granted their heavenly powers upon mortal warriors.
section describes each class in more detail below.
Wizards are often ancient, or at minimum have a
Artificers are engineers, mechanics, and inventors. Though
connection to some ancient magic art or family spell. The evil
they may not possess the utmost physical strength, their
alien Babidi was once an esteemed wizard known for his
superior intellect allows them to break the barriers of
control over the mind.
contemporary science time and time again. The mastermind
behind Capsule Corp., Bulma Brief, was a steller artificer.
Barbarians are common across warriors across Earth. Fierce Classes Reinvented
brutes who openly express their strength, or secretly conceal When you choose your character class at 1st level, you have
it. The legendary saiyan Broly and warriors of the Karinga these thirteen options available to you. The following content
Tribe are easily considered prodigious barbarians. explores a number of changes you can make to better adapt
Bards are eccentric combatants who utilize dance and music these classes into the world of Dragon Ball D&D.
to inspire their allies and attack their enemies. The captain of These rules partially overwrite what is presented in the
the ginyu force and the mystic konatsian warrior tapion are Player’s Handbook and may alter some class features. However,
both devious bards, mastering their own unique crafts. unless otherwise specified below, assume the rules within the
Clerics are common sages in the Dragon World, populating Player’s Handbook remain unchanged.
divine sanctuaries, ancient temples, and religious churches. The following table retitles the core thirteen classes found
Some clerics have even been given the opportunity to train within the Player’s Handbook and other sources. These titles are
under a divine figure directly. chosen to better suit the world of Dragon Ball D&D.
Druids are not a common sight in the Dragon World. Those
who channel magic from material sources could conceivably Dragon World Classes
be druids. The Planet-Eater Moro, although a wizard,
possesses druidic powers. Core Class Dragon World Title
Fighters fill all the usual roles on Earth as on any other Artificer Engineer
world. Through mastery of combat, war is no stranger to
Barbarian Berserker
fighters. The father of Kakarot, Bardock, was an adept fighter
and a devoted soldier in the ranks of the galactic army. Bard Hero
Monks are most common in the Dragon World following Cleric Guardian
the publication of Groundbreaking Science, which has an Druid Shapeshifter
immense impact on the advancement of martial arts and
Fighter Warrior
understanding of ki control.
Paladins uphold a sense of justice across the Dragon World. Monk Martial Artist
Through mortal training or the gift of a divine entity, paladins Paladin Agent
act as protectors of the planet. Trunks, the swordsmen of the Ranger —
future, would be considered an extraordinary paladin.
Rogue Elite
Rangers are common in the outermost most regions of
Earth, keeping watch over small settlements, religious sites, Sorcerer Mutant
and natural preserves. After defecting from the Red Ribbon Warlock —
Army, Artificial Human No. 17 became a park ranger, Wizard —
protecting endangered animals from gluttonous poachers.

Magic Alterations
The world of Dragon Ball is no stranger to magical
New Subclasses
This section offers a number of options you may wish to
incantations and sorcery, but magic as portrayed in traditional
choose from when picking your character’s subclass.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, is only used by a set few
Although these subclasses are provided for you, you are
powerful wizards and witches. The source of power drawn
never limited to subclasses from this section.
upon the remaining amount of time is more often than not ki,
a mystic energy that suffuses the multiverse—specifically, the
New Subclasses
element that flows through living bodies. Ki is a core feature
provided by the monk class, but those who wish to utilize ki Class Subclass Level Available
instead of magic may find interest in these alternate rules. Bard College of Presentation* 3rd
When you build a spellcasting character, take a moment to
Cleric Poko Priest Domain 1st
decide if you want their powers to come from their own life
force energy or if you're satisfied with them being a traditional Fighter Martial Artist 3rd
spellcaster. If you would rather your spellcaster draw their Monk Way of the Spiritualist 3rd
power from ki, consider using the optional spell point rules
Paladin Oath of Milk Delivery* 3rd
found on page 288 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide. Instead of
gaining a number of spell slots, you gain a large pool of spell Paladin Oath of Spirit 3rd
points instead. Rogue Wild Bandit 3rd
While using spell points instead of spell slots, characters Sorcerer Monastic Soul 1st
who receive spells from deities or otherworldly patrons
Warlock Lord of TIme* 1st
continue to do so. However, you may decide that instead of
being granted a magical spell, your deity or otherworldly Warlock Majin Progenitor 1st
patron has simply gifted you the knowledge of a new
* These subclasses were designed by fan-contributors.
technique or special fighting form. You may also choose to
customize the cosmetics of your character's spells or even Bard College
College of Presentation
retitle them to better suit your playstyle.
The Techniques and Spells table offers a few title changes
that might inspire you while modifying your spells. Bards of the College of Presentation ascertain a single lesson.
These bards master the ultimate art form, a series of complex,
passionate, and extraordinary poses which combine mind and
Techniques and Spells
body into the ultimate expression of the soul. Come hell or
Example Spell Technique Title high water, these dignified bards use their masquerades to
inspire hope or inspire fear.
Antimagic Field Ki-Sealing Field
Arcane Hand Disaster Claw; Shadow Hand
Danseur Inspiration
Blink Psycho Movement; Sonic Warp 3rd-level College of Presentation feature
Blur Super Afterimage; Wild Sense When you join the College of Presentation, you gain one
Burning Hands Dash Bomb; Energy Rupture additional use of your Bardic Inspiration feature. This feature
Creation Materialization grants you another additional use of Bardic Inspiration at 6th
level, and again at 14th level.
Dimension Door Vice Shout; Wormhole
Disintegrate Destruction; Erasure Special Fighting Pose
Earthquake Tremor Pulse 3rd-level College of Presentation feature
Firebolt Energy Cannon; Ki Burst You’ve been instructed in a number of choreographed art
Forcecage Gravity Cage forms known as fighting poses. You expend a Bardic
Gust of Wind Shockwave Inspiration die as a bonus action to enact one of these poses.
You learn two fighting poses of your choice, which are
Haste High Speed Rush; Mach Dash
detailed below. All poses require you to perform a completely
Hold Person Energy Bind unrestrained pose. For these poses to function, you must be
Mage Armor Energy Shield; Psycho Barrier able to see your target, and they must be able to see you.
Magic Missile Consecutive Energy Barrage You learn one additional fighting pose of your choice at 6th
and 14th level. Each time you learn a new pose, you can also
Meteor Swarm Death Meteor
replace one pose you know with a different one.
Scorching Ray Blaster Meteor; Ray Blast
Shatter Gravity Impact, Kiai Cannon Arcane Ballet
Time Stop Time Skip 3rd-level College of Presentation feature

Vampiric Touch Energy Drain; Life Absorption Once per round on your turn, you can expend one use of your
Bardic Inspiration to cast a spell as though it only had somatic
Web Psycho Threads
components. You do so by striking an entrancing pose to cast

the spell. When you do so, the spell deals additional damage Cleric Domain
equal to two rolls of your Bardic Inspiration die.
Alternatively, you can roll your Bardic Inspiration die once
Poko Priest Domain
Clerics within the pact of the poko priests defend their people
and subtract the result from the creatures saving throw. If a
and lands from the destruction of chaotic invaders.
spell requires material components with a gold cost, this
Channeling the creative powers of their draconic deities, they
feature instead fails.
summon powerful dark vassals which take the form of
winged reptilian bastions. Some are dark magicians who
Perfected Choreography pervert the history of draconic culture, twisting what was
6th-level College of Presentation feature once beautiful into a horrific draconic monster.
You dodge and attack with meticulous precision. When an
attacker that you can see hits you with an attack, you can use Domain Spells
your reaction to halve the attack's damage against you. In 1st-level Poko Priest Domain feature
addition, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you
You gain domain spells at the cleric levels listed in the Poko
take the Attack action on your turn, assuming you have
Priest Domain Spells table. See the Divine Domain class
moved at least 20 feet on the same turn.
feature in the Player’s Handbook for how domain spells work.

Presentation Legerdemain Poko Priest Domain Spells

14th-level College of Presentation feature
Cleric Level Spells
Once on each of your turns when you miss with a weapon
attack, you can make another weapon attack as part of the 1st fabricate clothing, find familiar
same action. You can use this feature a number of times equal 3rd crown of madness, dragon’s breath
to your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain 5th fly, spirit guardians
any expended uses when you finish a long rest.
7th charm monster, fabricate

Fighting Poses 9th creation, rary’s telepathic bond

The following poses are presented in alphabetical order.
Aggressive Pose. All creatures of your choice within 60 feet of Channel Divinity: Dragon God's Fury
you can roll a d4 when rolling damage for a melee weapon 2nd-level Poko Priest Domain feature
attack and add the number rolled to the damage roll. This Using your action while presenting your dragon talisman
effect lasts until the end of your next turn. towards the skies, you can expend one use of your Channel
Commanding Pose. Choose up to six creatures you can see Divinity feature to summon the visage of your dark vassal.
within 60 feet of you. Each of those creatures can use their The dark vassal appears in an unoccupied space of your
reaction (if possible) to move up to half their speed, choice that you can see within 30 feet of you. The dark vassal
following a path of your choice. is friendly to you and your companions and obeys your
Courageous Pose. Choose up to six creatures you can see commands. See this creature’s game statistics in the Dark
within 60 feet of you. If any of those creatures are Vassel stat block, which uses your proficiency bonus (PB) in
frightened, that condition immediately ends. several places. You determine the vassal’s appearance. Some
Expeditious Pose. Choose up to six creatures you can see vassals take the form of draconic namekians with the twisted
within 60 feet of you. Creatures of your choice can roll their horns of a ram, while others sproute large wings.
inspiration to increase their speed for that turn. A roll of 1-4 In combat, the dark vassal shares your initiative count, but
increases their speed of 10 feet, a roll of 5-8 increases their it takes its turn immediately after yours. The only action it
speed by 15 feet, and a roll of 9-12 increases their speed by takes on its turn is the Dodge action, unless you take a bonus
20 feet. This speed cannot be reduced in any way. action on your turn to command it to take another action. That
Full Body Pose All creatures of your choice within 60 feet of action can be one in its stat block or some other action. If you
you gain temporary hitpoints equal to the number rolled are incapacitated, the dark vassal can take any action of its
plus your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). These choice, not just the Dodge action.
temporary hitpoints last until the end of your next turn. The vassal manifests for 1 hour, until it is reduced to 0 hit
Mystic Pose. Choose one creature of your choice. That points, until you use your Channel Divinity feature to
creature regains an expended spell slot equal to half the summon the dark vassal again, or until you die.
rolled result.
Kami's Sonority
6th-level Poko Priest feature
The bond between you and your dark vassal strengthens. You
can attack twice, instead of once whenever you take a bonus
action on your turn to command your dark vassal. In addition,
when you cast a spell with a range other than self, the spell
can originate from you or your dark vassal.

Kami's Curse Fighter Archetype
8th-level Poko Priest feature Martial Artist
You gain the ability to infuse your dark vassal’s strikes with Fighters who strive to push the limits of one’s physical
the divine power of your draconic deity. Once on each of your condition so that they become stronger are revered as Martial
turns when you hit a creature with a weapon attack, you can Artists. They undergo self-imposed training regiments that
cause the attack to deal an extra 1d8 radiant or necrotic continuously test their skill, eventually reaching levels that
damage (your choice) to the target. When you reach 14th level, some would claim to be supernatural. Many young
the extra damage increases to 2d8. adventurers seek disiplin under martial arts masters, so that
they too can become legendary.
Sacrifice of the Dragon God
17th-level Poko Priest feature Bonus Proficiencies
3rd-level Martial Artist feature
The bond with your dark vassal can even save you from
demise. If your dark vassal is within 120 feet of you when you You gain proficiency in one of the following skills of your
are reduced to 0 hit points and thereby fall unconscious, you choice: Acrobatics, Athletics, History, or Insight. Alternatively,
can similarly choose for the vassal to drop to 0 hit points. You you learn one language of your choice.
then regain a number of hit points equal to the previously
remaining hit points of your dark vassal. Monastic Power
Once you use sacrifice a vassal in this way, you can’t do so 3rd-level Martial Artist feature
again until you complete a long rest. Your martial training awakens the mystic energy of ki within
yourself. Your access to this energy is represented by a
number of ki points, equal to half your fighter level, rounded
Dark Vassal down, and they fuel various ki features you have, which are
detailed below.
Medium dragon, any chaotic alignment
When you spend a ki point, it is unavailable until you finish
a short or long rest, at the end of which you draw all of your
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
expended ki back into yourself. You must spend at least 30
Hit Points 5 + five times your cleric level
minutes of the rest meditating to regain your ki points. In
Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover)
addition, if you spend 1 ki point or more as part of your action
on your turn, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus
action before the end of the turn.
14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
Some of your ki features require you to make an attack roll
against a creature. The attack modifier is calculated as follows:
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from nonmagical attacks Ki Attack Modifier = your proficiency bonus +
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 your Wisdom modifier
Languages understands the languages you speak The features below use your ki points.
Challenge ─
Proficiency Bonus (PB) equals your bonus Empowered Strike. When you make an attack roll against a
creature, you can spend 1 ki point to gain advantage on
the attack roll.
Actions Wild Sense. When a creature you can see within 30 feet
makes a ranged attack against you, you can use a reaction
Mystic Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: your spell attack bonus
and spend 1 ki point to immediately teleport to an
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 2 + PB slashing damage.
unoccupied space behind and adjacent to the attacker,
Mystic Breath. The dark vassal exhales energy in a 15-foot line causing the attack to miss. If no such space exists, this
that is 5 ft. wide. Each creature in that area must succeed on a feature fails.
Dexterity saving throw against your spell save DC or take 1d6 + Ki-Empowered Fortitude. As a bonus action, you can spend
PB radiant or necrotic damage (your choice). 1 ki point to improve your fortitude. For the remainder of
your turn, you can carry, push, drag, and lift thrice as much
weight as normal; and the distance of your long and high
jumps increases by 10 feet (this extra distance costs
movement as normal).

Zealous Roar
7th-level Martial Artist feature
Whenever you make a saving throw, you can summon your
spirit into a powerful roar. You gain advantage on the saving
throw, and the roar is audible up to 100 feet away. You can use
this feature twice between long rests.

Additional Fighting Style
10th-level Martial Artist feature
You’ve become experienced with multiple styles of combat.

Art By nknk___0
You can choose a second Fighting Style options.

Martial Arts Master

15th-level Martial Artist feature
Your connection to the mystic energy of ki expands, granting
new ways to spend your ki points, detailed below.
Ki-Empowered Arrow. As an action, you can spend 2 ki points
to make a ranged weapon attack against a creature you can
see within 120 feet of you. On a hit, the target takes force
damage equal to 2d10 + half your fighter level.
Ascending Spirit. As a bonus action, you can spend 4 ki
points to activate your Second Wind feature, even if you
have no available uses remaining.

Fabled Warrior
18th-level Martial Artist feature
You’ve become an unrivaled paragon of martial mettle. When
you roll initiative and would have no ki points remaining, you
automatically regain 2 ki points.

Monastic Tradition
Way of the Spiritualist
Spiritualists are mystics who invest their mastery into the
spiritual energy of the universe, learning to to manipulate
their ki into manifestations of arcane spells known as
techniques. Often revered as prodigies and masters of their
art, these monks customarily study under the grand masters
of several notable dojos.
Many Spiritualists often become masters themselves,
retiring from their days of combat and establishing their own Spiritualist Arts
grand martial arts dojos. This ensures that individual martial 3rd-level Way of the Spiritualist feature
arts styles will continue to evolve with each new generation.
You learn magical techniques that focus the tangible energy
Expression of the Spiritualist inside your body. By drawing it out, an individual is able to
manipulate it and use it outside the body. You gain two
3rd-level Way of the Spiritualist feature
cantrips of your choice from the sorcerer spell list. You also
When you choose this tradition at 3rd level, you can use your learn two spells from the sorcerer spell list, and each time you
action to briefly evoke the power of ki within 10 feet of you, gain a level in this class, you can replace one spell you know
causing one of the following effects of your choice: with a different one from the same level. When you reach
• Detect the faint presence of ki within a living creature. certain levels in this class, you learn additional spells, as
• Cause loose stones to slowly levitate for up to 1 minute. shown in the Way of the Spiritualist Spells table.
• Create a harmless, instantaneous sensory effect Casting Spiritualist Spells. See chapter 10 of the Player’s
manifested from your ki such as a small sphere of light, a Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting. To cast one of
spark of electricity, or the blossoming of a flower. your spells, you can spend ki points equal to the level of the
• Manifest a unique semi-translucent ki aura around spell. Spells cast with this feature don’t require you to provide
yourself. This might take the form of a dull white flame, a material components.
sprawling tendril-like glow, an ominous lingering myasmia,
or a field of sparking bio-electricity and plasma. Way of the Spiritualist Spellcasting
You can have up to five such effects active at a single time, Monk Level Spells Known Max Spell Level
as long as you maintain your concentration as though you
3rd 2 1st
were concentrating on a spell.
6th 3 2nd
11th 5 3rd
17th 6 4th

Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for your spiritualist Sacred Oath
spells. You use your Wisdom whenever a spell refers to your
spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Wisdom
Oath of Milk Delivery
You have heard rumors of the turtle hermit's gruelling training
modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a spiritualist
regime. One of those practices spawned a new order around
spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.
its philosophy, with only a few students abandoning their
Once you reach 5th level in this class, you can spend
practice to develop a rigorous order of paladins.
additional ki points to increase the level of a spiritualist spell
Dedicated and determined, fixated on a goal for the
that you cast, provided that the spell has an enhanced effect at
betterment of oneself and the enjoyment of others. These are
a higher level. The spell's level increases by 1 for each
many of the paladins who take up the Oath of Milk Delivery.
additional ki point you spend. The maximum number of ki
You strive for the betterment of yourself through hard work
points you can spend to cast a spell in this way (including its
and dedication. You seek hard work above all else, finding
base ki point cost and any additional ki points you spend to
labour in the most mundane of tasks. Milk does not deliver
increase its level) is determined by your monk level, as shown
itself after all.
in the Spells and Ki Points table.

Tenets of Milk Delivery

Spells and Ki Points
The tenets of the Oath of Milk Delivery tell the sworn Paladin
Monk Levels Maximum Ki Points for a Spell to be true, dedicated, punctual, and responsible.
5th-8th 3 Strive for Better. A milkman can always deliver their
delicacy better. With more vigor, at better times, better quality,
9th-12th 4
there is always room to improve. This dedication is to be put
13th-16th 5 to all aspects of your life, not just the delivery of milk.
17th-20th 6 Be Punctual. When you have an appointment, you must do
everything within your power to get to the appointment on
Surging Spirit time. Although excruciating circumstances might prevent you
3rd-level Way of the Spiritualist feature from getting there when needed, as long as you did
everything in your power to get to the location on time then
You can use your action to tap into a deep wellspring of you know you have done your best to uphold your oath.
power, regaining a number of expended ki points equal to a Hold Yourself Accountable. If you find yourself unable to
roll of your Martial Arts die. After using this ability, you must complete your duties or hold yourself to an ideal, do not make
complete a long rest before using it again. excuses. You are accountable for your own decisions and their
outcomes. Do not blame another for a late delivery.
Might of the Spiritualist Never be Blocked. While violence is not your first option,
6th-level Way of the Spiritualist feature and you would prefer to negotiate when possible, when you
When you use your action to cast a cantrip, you can make one have a task to complete you will do whatever is necessary to
unarmed strike attack as a bonus action. When you use your accomplish that task.
Flurry of Blows, you can replace one of the unarmed strikes
with a cantrip. Oath Spells
3rd-level Oath of Milk Delivery feature
Potent Spellcasting You gain the following oath spells at the paladin levels listed
11th-level Way of the Spiritualist feature in the Oath of Milk Delivery Spells table. See the Sacred Oath
You add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with class feature for how oath spells work.
any sorcerer cantrip you cast as a part of your spiritualist arts.
Oath of Milk Delivery Spells
Ascension of the Spiritualist
Paladin Level Spells
17th-level Way of the Spiritualist feature
3rd gift of alacrity, hunter’s mark
Your mastery of arcane ki has reached its zenith. You gain
5th enhance ability, lesser restoration
the following benefits:
9th catnap, thunder step
• Immediately after you cast a spell, you can move up to
your speed and make two unarmed strike attacks. 13th freedom of movement, locate creature
• When you damage a creature with a spell, it takes extra 17th awaken, skill empowerment
damage of the same type equal to one roll of your
Martial Arts die.
• When you regain ki points with your Soul of the
Spiritualist, you can draw forth additional dormant power.
You add your Wisdom modifier to the results of your
Martial Arts die.

Channel Divinity Sacred Oath
3rd-level Oath of Milk Delivery feature Oath of Spirit
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following The Oath of Spirit seeks to master the art of war so they may
two channel divinity options. See the Sacred Oath class feature preserve the art of peace. Such is the common practice of the
for how Channel Divinity works. Kikoukenjutsu Sword School. You have undergone the proper
Surplus Calcium. You can use your Channel Divinity to training needed to use your weapon as an extension of your
bolster your body with the power of your faith. As an action, own divine power. You are tasked with great discipline and
you present your holy symbol and gain temporary hitpoints responsibility, upholding peace and keeping such powers out
equal to your level + your charisma modifier. of the wrong hands. You are a brave warrior who mocks the
Dedicated Purpose. As an action, you can use your Channel darkness and lives their best life for the ones they love.
Divinity to inspire your allies with determination. You can Students of the Kikoukenjutsu Sword School played a major
choose a number of creatures you can see within 30 feet of role in defending the Earth from attacks against the remnant
you, up to a number equal to your Charisma modifier Frieza Force siege following the passing of the world famous
(minimum of one creature). Once within the next minute, you martial arts champion Hercule Satan.
and the creatures can reroll an attack roll, ability check, or
saving throw, and must use the new result. Tenets of Spirit
The tenets of the Oath of Spirit mirror the teachings of ancient
Aura of Dairy martial schools that have since been handed down to newer
7th-level Oath of Milk Delivery feature generations time and time again.
Blade of Hope and Dreams. Your weapon is an extension of
You emit an aura of healthiness while you aren’t
yourself and the key future prosperity. Always seek for
incapacitated. You and any creatures of your choice within 10
improvement and a closer harmony with it.
feet of you are immune to the poisoned condition and have
Promises for the Future. Seek out potential pupils. The
advantage on saving throws made to resist exhaustion.
Earth is in eternal need for new heroes who possess the
At 18th level, the range of this aura increases to 30 feet.
courage to stand up against the oncoming darkness.
Humanity's Hope. The safety of Earth should always be put
Relaxing Beverage
above everything else. You are a sworn guardian.
15th-level Oath of Milk Delivery feature
Power to Face Despair. Death comes for us all. Enjoy
Potions of healing delivered by you obtain supernatural yourself in the heat of battle and hold back no regrets.
properties, restoring the maximum number of hit points
possible for a potion of its rarity. Oath Spells
In addition, your perpetual intake of milk has strengthened 3rd-level Oath of Spirit feature
your bones. Your AC equals 10 + your Constitution modifier +
You gain the following oath spells at the paladin levels listed
your Charisma modifier while you aren’t wearing armor.
in the Oath of Spirit Spells table. See the Sacred Oath class
While you are wearing heavy armor, you gain a +1 bonus to
feature for how oath spells work.
your AC.

Mythic Milkman Oath of Spirit Spells

20th-level Oath of Milk Delivery feature Paladin Level Spells
You’ve become so dedicated to your cause and ideals that 3rd jump, zephyr strike
you’ve learned to channel the spirit of your oath, becoming an 5th afterimage, spiritual weapon
avatar of dairy. As a bonus action, you gain the following
9th blink, elemental weapon
benefits for 1 minute:
13th destructo disc, freedom of movement
• Once on each of your turns when you make a weapon
attack and miss, you can cause that attack to hit instead. 17th far step, steel wind strike
• At the start of each of your turns, you regain hit points
equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1) if you Channel Divinity
have at least 1 hit point. 3rd-level Oath of Spirit feature
• You can take the Dash action as a bonus action. Your
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the following
movement speed does not provoke opportunity attacks.
two channel divinity options. See the Sacred Oath class feature
Once you use this bonus action, you can’t use it again until for how Channel Divinity works.
you finish a long rest, unless you expend a 5th-level spell slot Shining Slash. As a bonus action, you can use your Channel
to use it again. Divinity to magically channel your divine power through
your weapons. For the next minute, the reach of your weapons
magically increases by 10 feet, as spectral light emanates from
your blade.

Light of Willpower. As an action, your screams echo with Combat Superiority
overwhelming radiant power that forces surrounding 3rd-level Wild Bandit feature
creatures to their knees. Each creature you choose within 20
You’ve displayed outstanding superiority in combat across the
feet of you must succeed on a Strength saving throw or be
lands. You gain a set of abilities that are fueled by special dice
knocked prone.
called superiority dice.
Maneuvers. You learn two maneuvers of your choice from
Wild Strike
among those available to the Battle Master archetype in the
7th-level Oath of Spirit feature
fighter class. Many maneuvers enhance an attack in some
When you take the Attack action, you can use a bonus action way. You can use only one maneuver per attack.
to teleport a distance equal to to half your speed before each You learn two additional maneuvers of your choice at 9th,
attack to an unoccupied space you can see. 13th, and 17th level. Each time you learn new maneuvers, you
can also replace one maneuver you know with a different one.
Blade Stream Superiority Dice. You have four superiority dice, which are
15th-level Oath of Spirit feature d8s. A superiority die is expended when you use it. You regain
all of your expended superiority dice when you finish a short
Once on each of your turns when you miss with a weapon
or long rest. You gain another superiority die at 9th level and
attack, you can make another weapon attack as part of the
one more at 17th level.
same action.
Saving Throws. Some of your maneuvers require your
target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver's effects.
Spirit Excalibur
The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:
20th-level Oath of Spirit feature
Superiority Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus
Emanating at 20th level, as an action, you transform a single
+ your Wisdom modifier
weapon from your arsenal into a paragon of pure energy. The
weapon emits bright light in a 15-foot radius and dim light 15
Secret Arts
feet beyond that. If the weapon is not already magical, it
3rd-level Wild Bandit feature
becomes magical for the duration. Your weapon gains the
following benefits for 1 minute. You’ve learned a limited amount of magic from your times of
isolation. You can cast hunter’s mark and wolf fang fist with this
• This weapon deals radiant damage, ignores resistance to
feature. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for these spells.
radiant damage, and treats immunity to radiant damage as
Once you cast either spell with this feature, you can’t do so
resistance to radiant damage.
again until you finish a long rest, unless you expend one
• If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this weapon, it is
superiority die to cast it again.
disintegrated. The creature can only be restored to life by
means of a true resurrection or a wish spell.
• You can use your Divine Smite without expending a
Lupine Awakening
1st-level spell slot. You must still expend spell slots of an 9th-level Wild Bandit feature
appropriate level when you wish to improve your You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
Divine Smite. on hearing or smell and the distance of your long and high
Once you use this action, you can't do so again until you jumps increases by 10 additional feet (this extra distance costs
complete a long rest, unless you choose to expend a movement as normal).
5th-level spell slot to use it once again.
Lonely Wolf
Roguish Archetype 13th-level Wild Bandit feature

Wild Bandit When you and any creature of your choice within 10 feet of
Across the planes there exists numerous wastelands, unsettled you rolls initiative, and there are more hostile creatures than
by the common folk. Dangerous and untamed, much akin to friendly ones, you gain a bonus to initiative equal to twice
the rogues who call these badlands home. These rogues see your Wisdom modifier.
the wilderness as yet another challenge to overcome. A lawless
and feral world where bandits rule and the unsociable thrive Bandit of the Wilds
for many years to come. 17th-level Wild Bandit feature
You’ve made the wastelands your stronghold. When you
Bonus Proficiencies
reduce a creature to 0 hit points with your Sneak Attack class
3rd-level Wild Bandit feature
feature, you regain a superiority die.
You gain proficiency in two of the following skills of your
choice: Animal Handling, Insight, Nature, or Survival. You can
instead gain proficiency with one tool of your choice in
replace of one choice of skill.

Sorcerous Origin Astral Jaunt
Monistic Soul 14th-level Monastic Soul feature
A source of mystical power most often referred to as ki, this As a reaction expending up to 3 sorcery points when you
energy is an element of the magic that suffuses the make an unarmed strike, you can project your attacks across
multiverse—specifically, the element that flows through living the ethereal plane. You can make a number of attacks at a
bodies. Now and again, one of the descendants of these range of 30 feet equal to the number of sorcery points
monastic warriors manifests a prodigious amount of ki with expended. These strikes ignore half-cover and treat
little in the ways of training or asceticism. three-quarters cover as if it were half cover.

Sorcerous Fortitude Unleash Ki

1st-level Monastic Soul feature 18th-level Monastic Soul feature
Beginning at 1st level, your monastic origin protects you from At 18th level, you gain the ability to enter a state of limitless
harm. Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases combat power as an action. For the next minute, you
by 1 again whenever you gain a level in this class. magically radiate a transparent, 20-foot-radius aura. When
You have a base AC of 13 + your Charisma modifier if you you activate this feature, you gain the following benefits:
aren’t wearing armor, as you envelop your body in an
• You have resistance to all damage.
imperceptible aura of ki. This effect ends if you are
• You gain a magical flight speed. This flight speed is equal
incapacitated or you don armor.
to your walking speed. If you already have a flight speed,
your flight speed is instead doubled.
Sorcerous Spellstrikes
• When you use your action to make an unarmed strike on
1st-level Monastic Soul feature
your turn, you can make one additional attack as part of
When you choose this origin at 1st level, you learn the secret the same action.
of infusing your unarmed attacks with magical ki. You gain
Once you use this action, you can’t use it again until you
the following benefits when you aren't wearing armor:
finish a long rest or until you expend 7 sorcery points to
• You can use your Charisma instead of Strength for attack unleash this monistic power again.
and damage rolls of your unarmed strikes.
• You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your
unarmed strikes. These strikes are considered
magical for the purpose of overcoming
resistance and immunity to nonmagical
attacks and damage. At 14th level, your
strikes use a d6 for damage.
• Once on each of your turns when you
hit a target with your unarmed strikes,
you can expend one spell slot to deal
force damage to the target, in addition
to the strike's damage. The extra
damage is 2d6 for a 1st-level spell slot,

Art By LeeInHyuk
plus 1d6 for each spell level higher than
1st, to a maximum of 6d6.

Sorcerous Barrage
6th-level Monastic Soul feature
When you hit a creature with a cantrips
attack or when a creature fails a saving
throw against one of your cantrips, you can
expend 1 sorcery point to instantly move up to
half your speed and make an unarmed strike
as a bonus action.

Otherworldly Patron creature instantly swap positions. This movement is
Lord of Time instantaneous and does not provoke attacks of opportunity.
You have struck a pact with a mysterious entity beyond time.
By some means unbeknownst to you, the lord of time has Chronos Inscription
traversed the multiverse itself, searching the endless timelines 10th-level Lord of Time feature
by some profound philosophy. Beings of this sort include As an action, you cast your senses back in time to perceive
Zamasu, Progenitor of the Zero Mortal Plan; Sealas, the your current location as it was at some point in the past, to a
Fearsome Enforcer of Justice; Fu, rightful heir to the throne of maximum number of years equal to half your warlock level.
the Demon Realm; Chronoa; the Supreme Kai of Time; For the next minute, you can perceive your surroundings, but
Mechikabura, the Dark King; or Demigra, the Divine Wizard. cannot interact with them. If any effects that you create during
this period affects a creature other than you, this feature ends.
Expanded Spell List Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
1st-level Lord of Time feature finish a short or long rest.
In addition, you can innately detect objects and creatures
The Lord of Time lets you choose from an expanded list of
that have traveled through time or have been displaced from
spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are
their proper timeline.
added to the warlock spell list for you.

Time Labyrinth
Lord of Time Expanded Spells 14th-level Lord of Time feature
Spell Level Spells When you hit a creature with an attack, you can momentarily
1st divine favor, gift of alacrity thrust the creature beyond the veil of time. The creature
2nd augury, wristpocket vanishes and is forced one round forward in time. When the
effect ends, the creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving
3rd haste, slow
throw or take 8d8 psychic damage. On a failed save, the
4th divination, private sanctum creature takes no damage and returns to the space it
5th commune, temporal shunt previously occupied, or the nearest unoccupied space. A
creature reduced to 0 hit points by this feature is lost to time
and can only be returned by means of a wish spell.
Blessing of Time
Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you
1st-level Lord of Time feature
finish a long rest, unless you expend a 5th level spell slot to
You learn the guidance and word of radiance cantrips. They use it again.
count as warlock cantrips for you, and they don’t count
against your number of cantrips known. Otherworldly Patron
Majin Progenitor
Temporal Judgement Your patron is a powerful magician from beyond the stars
1st-level Lord of Time feature whose magic is intertwined with that of a demonic race. Your
You have a pool of dice, which are d4s, that grant you limited pact has left you branded by a magical mark that sharpens
control over the flow of time. The number of dice in the pool is your raw talent, enabling you to adapt against any threat.
equal to half your warlock level (minimum of 1). When a Having been branded by such a mark may cause changes to
creature within 10 feet of you makes an attack, casts a spell, your behavior, beliefs, and body. You may find yourself
makes a saving throw, or makes a skill check, you can use compelled to strive for greater power or to hunt down and
your reaction to spend one die from your pool and roll it. devour stores of magic. Your body may fundamentally
Reduce their roll by that amount as you temporarily bring the change, becoming inhumanly flexible.
flow of time to a halt. Patrons of this type might include the Organization of
You regain any expended dice when you finish a long rest. Babidi, Captain Bacterian's Pirates, the Dark Empire, and
other such magical associations and wizards. Majin characters
Historic Rewrite who have struck a majin pact may find themselves under the
6th-level Lord of Time feature chaotic gaze of a previous majin incarnation, and are
awakening long dormant powers.
You can shift your position in time with another. To do so, you
use an action on your turn to choose one creature other than
Expanded Spell List
yourself within 60 feet of you who you can see. You and that
1st-level Majin feature
The Majin lets you choose from an expanded list of spells
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are
added to the warlock spell list for you.

Majin Progenitor Expanded Spells
Mystic Copy
Spell Level Spells 14th-level Majin feature
1st bane, tasha’s hideous laughter Starting at 14th level, while transformed, you gain the ability
2nd afterimage, alter self to perfectly adapt to any encounter. As an action on your turn,
you can mimic any action that has been performed by a
3rd revivify, spirit saber
humanoid other than yourself you can see within 60 feet
4th evard’s black tentacles, phantasmal killer within the last minute. Any prerequisites that would normally
5th destructive wave, raise dead be required for the action are waived when you use this
feature, unless it is a spell which requires the use of a spell
Mark of the Majin slot, in which case you must still expend the relevant spell
1st-level Majin feature slot. If the ability forces targets to make a saving throw, you
can use your Warlock spell save DC.
Your patron has branded you with a demonic mark which
Once you use this action, you cannot mimic an ability in
sustains and cultivates your power. As an action, you can
this manner again until you complete a long rest.
manifest this mark, granting you the following benefits:
• You no longer require food, water, or air to survive, and
you do not require sleep.
Your choice of background can shape the personality of your
• you can't be charmed. If you are charmed when you
character and their origins. The following background options
manifest your mark, the effect is suspended for the
are provided for your characters.
duration of the transformation.
• You can use your Charisma modifier in place of your
Strength modifier when making Strength checks and Galactic Patrol Agent
Strength saving throws. Many factions thrive across the void of space. The galactic
• Your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity modifier + your patrol, also known as the space police and the galaxy police, is
Charisma modifier. a cosmic police force led directly by the galactic king. You’ve
served as an agent for this particular force, keeping order
Once transformed, you can maintain your transformed state
throughout the Milky Way Galaxy. You might have traveled
indefinitely. The effect ends immediately if you are rendered
alone or with a team, hoping from planet to planet arresting
unconscious or if you use an action to dismiss it. Once you use
dangerous invaders, depending on your skill and charisma.
this transformation, you must complete a long rest before you
Perhaps you were always stationed at galactic patrol
can transform once again.
headquarters, keeping watch over the galaxy's most
Starting at 6th level, you need only to take a short rest
dangerous criminals. Even if you have gone rogue from the
before using this transform again, and at 14th level, you can
galactic patrol, this background can describe your early years
use this transform at will.
as a former member of the law enforcement.

Siphon Arcana Proficiencies

6th-level Majin feature Skills: Choose two from among Acrobatics, Investigation,
When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points while transformed, Performance, and Persuasion
you can use your reaction to harness its life so that you may Tools: Thieves' tools and tinker's tools
sustain your demonic power. This creates one spell slot of the Languages: One of your choice
highest level currently available to you or lower (your choice). Equipment: A galactic receiver (worn over one or both ears),
Created spell slots vanish at the end of a long rest. a signet of your authority, a uniform, a set of traveler's
You can use this feature twice, after which you cannot use it clothes, and a pouch containing 20 gp.
again until you have finished a short or long rest.
Feature: Cosmic Police
Magicians Durability As a galactic patrol agent, you are well versed in galactic
10th-level Majin feature conduct and law regulations. Whether you choose to follow
them is entirely up to you. Wherever you go, you can utilize
Your demonic brand fundamentally changes your anatomy.
your connections to attain information or enter areas that
Beginning at 10th level, at the start of each of your turns, you
would otherwise be inaccessible to the general population, so
regain hit points equal to 1 + your Charisma modifier
long as you are not outside of galactic patrol jurisdiction.
(minimum of 1) if you have at least 1 hit point and no more
than half of your hit points left. Any broken or fractured bones Continued On Next Page >>
are restored after 1 hour.

Galactic Patrol Agent Personality Traits
Martial Arts Mentor
d8 Personality Traits You are (or were formerly) a skilled mentor to many students
1 I find communicating with other species difficult. seeking training in martial arts. In the past you had undergone
your own in depth studies with a mentor. Years later you
2 I don’t like to stay in one place for too long.
continue to pass down their teachings to new students. Work
3 I love to explore the worlds I’m stationed on. with your Dungeon Master to come up with your teachings.
4 I don’t understand the customs of this planet. As an instructor, your name carries with it the generations of
lessons that are being passed on through you. Is your school
5 I always assume people are hiding more
information than they really are letting on. well known or is it remote and unheard of? Are you an
excellent teacher or do you struggle to pass down your
6 Stupid people keep me employed.
knowledge? How many students have you instructed and
7 I perfectly follow the laws of each planet I’m on. where are they now? Do they still respect you?
8 I get annoyed when I have to hunt the same
criminals more than once. Proficiencies
Skills: Acrobatics, Insight
Galactic Patrol Agent Ideals Tools: One type of musical instrument
Languages: One of your choice
d6 Ideals Equipment: A totem or insignia of your profession, a
1 Vigilante. The universe is filled with all sorts of memento (a gift given to you by a former student), a book or
criminal scum. (Chaotic) journal, a set of common clothes, and a belt pouch
2 Mercenaire. Hunting down outlaws gives me a containing 10 gp.
rush of adrenaline. (Evil)
3 Peacekeeper. Without conflict, the universe would Feature: Aspiring Pupils
be out of balance. (Good) You have trained many strong and talented warriors in the
4 Protector. I want to help those who cannot help past and you are still in contact with at least one of them. They
themselves. (Netural) may be willing to offer a place to hide, rest, or recuperate, so
long as you each departed on good terms. You know how to
5 Command. Laws exist for a reason. (Lawful)
properly instruct new students if needed.
6 Responsibility. This job is who I am. (Any)

Martial Arts Mentor Personality Traits

Galactic Patrol Agent Bonds d8 Personality Traits
d6 Bonds 1 I take great pride in the school I have established.
1 I try my best to understand the criminals I capture. 2 I have an intense training regiment that others
believe to be over the top or completely absurd.
2 I’ve made countless friends on other worlds.
3 Only those who have attempted the absurd have
3 I follow every law of the galactic patrol perfectly. achieved the impossible.
4 I greatly look up to a fellow agent. 4 I treat my students with utmost respect.
5 I have a best friend who’s wanted by the patrol. 5 I get irritated when my school is unheard of.
6 I owe a fellow agent my life. 6 I spread false rumors about myself.
7 Practice and skill is not a matter of time. Rather, it
is a matter of determination.
Galactic Patrol Agent Flaws
8 I’ve been training all my life for an unknown battle.
d6 Flaws
1 I act as though I’m from a higher rank than I
actually am.
Martial Arts Mentor Ideals
2 There's a number of planets I refuse to go to. d6 Ideals
3 I’m not great at catching clever foes. 1 Rebel. I don’t need a weapon. I am one. (Chaotic)
4 I’m known for slacking off on the job. 2 Renegade. Pain is the best instructor. (Evil)
5 I often brag about the criminals I’ve captured. 3 Nomad. It’s not about being better than others. It’s
about fighting as equals. (Good)
6 I take full credit for any mission.
4 Hermit. My teacher is my enemy. My opponent is
my very own ego. (Netural)
5 Pacifist. The best fighter is never angry. (Lawful)
6 Dedicated. Martial arts is not about fighting. It is
about controlling the evil within. (Any)

Martial Arts Mentor Bonds Scientist Personality Traits
d6 Bonds d8 Personality Traits
1 I’ve built a great dojo which I take pride in. 1 I treat everything with suspicion.
2 I’ll never let a student down. 2 Everything is theoretically impossible until it is
proven possible.
3 I’ve collected a number of precious martial arts
artifacts over the years. 3 I’m constantly taking notes.
4 I have an intense rivalry with another school. 4 I quickly begin to dismantle any technology I don’t
fully understand or cannot comprehend.
5 I strive to become greater than an old rival.
5 I always carry absurd technological devices.
6 I still follow the traditions of my own mentor.
6 I’d prefer to keep my greatest work a secret from
the rest of the world.
Martial Arts Mentor Flaws 7 Everybody’s a mad scientist and life is their lab.

d6 Flaws 8 I fear anything I don’t understand.

1 I get distracted from my teachings easily.

2 Several of my students have been greatly injured. Scientist Ideals
3 I struggle to teach newer generations.
d6 Ideals
4 I have an unhealthy obsession completely
1 Maniac. Instinct transcends knowledge. (Chaotic)
unrelated to martial arts.
2 Mad Genius. The ends justify the means. (Evil)
5 I’m extremely harsh to those who do not live up to
their potential. 3 Savant. Science solves all. (Good)
6 I still keep pushing myself even when I should not. 4 Visionary. The science of today is the technology
of tomorrow. (Netural)
Scientist 5 Expert. Never stop questioning. (Lawful)
Wherever the road may take you, you’re still an inventor at 6 Explorer. Somewhere, something incredible is
heart. From a young age you found a fascination with various waiting to be discovered. (Any)
complex mechanisms, robotic equipment, and other feats of
engineering. You might have grown up among other brilliant
scientists or mechanics, or perhaps one night you found Scientist Bonds
yourself in the company of a wrecked spaceship. Upon
choosing this background, work with your Dungeon Master to d6 Bonds
determine what equipment you specialize in and how might 1 I treat my inventions as though they were family.
you aid in outfitting your companions. 2 My coworkers are my family.
3 I once saw an alien. I’ll keep inventing until I can
Proficiencies meet them once again.
Skills: Arcana, Investigation
4 One of my experiments got someone hurt. I refuse
Tools: Smith’s tools or tinkerer’s tools to make the same mistake twice.
Languages: Two of your choice
5 All my inventions are made to support my home.
Equipment: A set of smith’s tools or tinkerer’s tools (your
choice), a simple machine (one of your first creations), a 6 I invent so that I may help my friends.
crowbar, an assorted set of spare parts, and a belt pouch
containing 25 gp.
Scientist Flaws
Feature: Grease Monkey d6 Flaws
You have an eye for machinery and mechanical inventions and
1 I don’t ask for permission before experimenting.
understand their basic inner workings and components. You
can also gain access to any workshop or garage. 2 I don’t see artificial creations as living creatures.
3 I have a number of dangerous secret projects.
4 Some of my experiments are considered
remorseless and cruel.
5 I think I know what is best for others.
6 I only take up contracts if money is involved.

regardless of how many hit points you had remaining. When
you explode, all creatures within 30 feet of you must make a
New feats are presented here in alphabetical order for groups Dexterity saving throw. The DC of this saving throw is 8 +
that use them within this setting. your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus.
A creature takes a number of d8 in force damage equal to
Demonic Wings your level on a failed save or half as much on a successful
Prerequisite: Namekian (demon clan) one. After using this feat, you can’t use it again until you
finish a long rest.
You sprout a pair of demonic wings. With your wings, you
have a flying speed of 20 feet if you aren’t wearing heavy
Latent Power

Art By Wangsen578
armor and aren’t exceeding your carrying capacity.
Prerequisite: Saiyan

Dende Priest When you are reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright,
Prerequisite: Namekian (dragon clan) you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature
again until you finish a long rest.
You are a descendant of the mystic namekian sages of old,
providing you with the following benefits:
• Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• You learn the cure wounds spell and one 1st-level spell of
your choice. The 1st-level spell must be from the
Abjuration or Divination school of magic. You can cast
each of these spells without expending a spell slot. Once
you cast either of these spells in this way, you can't cast
that spell in this way again until you finish a long rest.
You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have of
the appropriate level. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability
for these two spells.

Dragon Champion
Prerequisite: Namekian (warrior clan)
You are a descendant of the ancient namekian warriors,
providing you with the following benefits:
• Increase your Strength score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
• When an ally you can see within 5 feet of you is the target
of a creature’s attack roll, you can use your reaction to
leap between your ally and the enemy, causing the attack
to strike you instead. You cannot use this ability if you
are prone, grappled, or otherwise restrained.

Prerequisite: Strength 13 or higher
You’ve undergone extensive training with weighted
equipment, granting you the following benefits:
• Increase your Strength score by 1, to a
maximum of 20.
• Your total weight doubles. Your carrying
capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or
lift is doubled. You have advantage on all Strength
checks made to push, drag, or lift objects and Strength
(Athletics) checks to avoid being shoved or grappled.

Last Resort
Prerequisite: Android
You are equipped with a dangerous device.
A weapon of last resort used in only the most
desperate situations. As an action, you can
detonate the explosive within your body and
immediately drop to 0 hit points,

Poisonous Triclops Ancestry
Prerequisite: Frieza Clansman Prerequisite: Earthling
Your body produces a deadly poison which is stored within One of your ancestors was a triclops, a bearer of advanced
the blade of your tail. You gain the following benefits: magical arts. A third eye awakens on your forehead, granting
you the following benefits:
• You have advantage on saving throws against poison and
you have resistance against poison damage. • Increase your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma score
• Your tail contains a hidden blade for delivering poison. by 1, to a maximum of 20.
When you use your tail and hit a creature that isn’t a • Your keen senses can focus to see the presence of magic.
Construct or an Undead, the target creature must make a You gain the ability to cast the detect magic spell, but only
Constitution saving throw with a DC of 8 + your as a ritual. You can also cast this spell using spell slots you
Constitution Modifier + your proficiency bonus. On a have of the appropriate level. The spells’ spellcasting
failed save they become poisoned for 1 minute. Once you ability is the ability increased by this feat.
use this ability, you can’t do so again until you roll
initiative at the start of combat or alternatively, until you
finish a short or long rest. Spells
This section contains new spells that the Dungeon Master may
Shapeshifting Academy Initiate add to your Dragon Ball campaign, making them available to
player character and monster spellcasters alike. The Spells
You’ve unlocked the secrets to transforming arts, allowing you
table below lists the new spells, ordering them by level. The
to take the form of a simple object - such as a stool, lamp, or a
table also notes the school of magic of a spell, whether it
pair of scissors - provided it is no larger than a 5-foot cube, or
requires concentration, whether it bears the ritual tag, and
a beast with a challenge rating of 0 for 5 minutes.
which classes have access to it.
Additionally, you learn the spell disguise self. When you use
If you'd like to use any of these spells, talk to your Dungeon
this version of disguise self, it too has a duration of 5 minutes.
Master, who may allow some, all, or none of them.
Once you use any of these features, you cannot do so again
until you finish a short or long rest.

Level Spell School Conc. Ritual Class
0 Force-Flash Strike Evocation No No Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
0 Spirit Blast Evocation No No Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard
1st Fabricate Clothing Conjuration No Yes Artificer, Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
1st Wolf Fang Fist Transmutation No No Druid, Ranger, Sorcerer
2nd Afterimage Illusion No No Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard
2nd Dodon Ray Evocation No No Cleric Sorcerer, Wizard
2nd Solar Flare Evocation No No Artificer, Bard, Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard
2nd Spirit Ball Conjuration No No Sorcerer, Wizard
3rd Scatter Shot Evocation No No Sorcerer, Wizard
3rd Spirit Saber Evocation Yes No Cleric, Paladin, Sorcerer
4th Destructo Disc Conjuration No No Sorcerer, Wizard
4th Hellzone Grenade Transmutation Yes No Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
5th Kamehameha Wave Evocation No No Sorcerer
5th Tri-Beam Necromancy No No Sorcerer
6th Evil Containment Wave Abjuration No No Bard, Cleric, Wizard
6th Instant Transmission Conjuration No No Cleric, Sorcerer, Wizard
7th Unleash Potential Transmutation No No Wizard
8th Dragon Fist Conjuration No No Sorcerer, Wizard
8th Metamoran’s Fusion Dance Transmutation No No Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard
9th Spirit Bomb Conjuration Yes No Bard, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard

Spell Descriptions Dragon Fist
These spells are presented in alphabetical order. 8th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 Action
Afterimage Range: Self (60-foot cone)
2nd-level illusion Components: V, S, M (a golden statuette of a lung dragon,
worn around your hand, worth at least 10,000 gp)
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you are hit
Duration: Instantaneous
by an melee or ranged attack
Range: Self You unleash a serpentine draconic spirit that coils through the
Components: V, S air and lashes out at every creature of your choice within a
Duration: Instantaneous 60-foot cone originating from you. The targets must make a
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, they take 2d8 radiant
You interpose a flickering illusory duplicate between you and
damage and are knocked prone. On a successful save, they
the attacker. The triggering attack misses, and you can
take half as much damage and are not knocked prone. When
immediately move a distance equal to half your speed in a
you cast this spell, choose one creature within the cone to be
direction of your choice.
the target of the spirit. If this creature fails their saving throw,
Until you stop moving you are considered to be invisible.
they take an additional 12d6 piercing damage and are
subjected to a second effect as the dragon rushes forward and
Destructo Disc strikes them with legendary power.
4th-level conjuration Rush. If the target is Large or smaller, they are pushed up to
Casting Time: 1 Action 100 feet away from you in a straight line. If the target strikes a
Range: 150 feet surface, both the surface and the creature take 1d6
Components: V, S bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet the target was pushed.
Duration: Instantaneous If the surface were to break, the dragon continues beyond the
surface and the damage resets.
You throw a razor-sharp disc of force at a creature or object
Explosion. If the target is huge or larger, the spirit entangles
you can see within range. If the target is a creature, they must
them and implodes into a devastating wave of radiant energy.
make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d10 + 10 slashing
The target immediately takes 6d6 radiant damage, or 8d6 if
damage on a failed save. If the target succeeds on their saving
they are gargantuan.
throw, you can choose to redirect the disc to another target
within 30 feet of the first. This spell deals double damage
against objects and structures, and ignores resistance to Evil Containment Wave
slashing damage. 6th-level abjuration
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell Casting Time: 1 Action
slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for Range: 60 feet
each slot above 4th. Components: V, S, M (a clay jar and a magical talisman
worth at least 1,000 gp.)
Dodon Ray Duration: Instantaneous
2nd-level evocation You attempt to seal away one creature that you can see within
Casting Time: 1 Action range. If the target is of evil alignment, they must succeed a
Range: 60 feet Wisdom saving throw or be magically trapped in a clay jar,
Components: V, S which must then be sealed by the magical talisman. If the
Duration: Instantaneous target has been trapped by the effects of this spell before, it has
advantage on the saving throw. If the save is successful, the
You fire a superheated beam from your finger in a 5-foot-wide, creature misses the clay jar, taking 15d8 psychic damage
60-foot-long line. Creatures struck by the beam must make a instead. Once trapped, a creature remains in the clay jar until
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save the creature takes the talisman is removed or destroyed.
3d10 radiant damage and has its speed halved until the start The clay jar can hold only one creature at a time. A creature
of your next turn. On a successful save the creature takes half trapped in the clay jar no longer needs to breathe, eat, or drink
damage and its movement is unaffected. and does not age.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each
slot level above 2nd.

Fabricate Clothing Each mote, beginning with those created by the effect that
triggered this spell, raises the potential damage of this spell by
1st-level conjuration
1d6, up to a maximum of 12d6 force damage.
Casting Time: 1 Action R As an action, you can command all motes to converge on a
Range: 10 feet single point within the sphere and erupt into a devastating
Components: V, S, M (a thread of twine) explosion. Every creature within 20 feet of that point must
Duration: Instantaneous make a Constitution saving throw. They take the accumulated
You fabricate a set of custom clothing at a point you choose damage of the spell on a failed save, or half as much damage
within range. If you target a creature with this spell they on a success. Immediately after you do this, the spell ends.
instantly don the clothing, provided they aren’t wearing At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
armor. An unwilling creature is not affected by this spell. You of 5th level or higher, the maximum damage increases by 2d6
decide what the clothing looks like, including the cloth, color, for each slot above 4th.
texture, pattern, the design of any emblems, and any other
details. You can’t duplicate the appearance of an outfit that Instant Transmission
you’ve never seen. 6th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 Action or Reaction, which you take when you
Force-Flash Strike make an attack roll or start to cast a ranged spell
Evocation cantrip Range: 90 feet
Casting Time: 1 Action Components: S
Range: Touch Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S Touching your index and middle finger to your forehead, you
Duration: Instantaneous detect and instantly teleport to a specific creature within
Incandescent energy envelops your fist as you deliver a swift range. The creature you choose must be known to you, though
strike to a nearby creature. Make a melee spell attack against they need not be on the same plane of existence as you. You
the target. If the attack hits, the creature takes 1d6 force appear in an unoccupied space adjacent to the creature of your
damage, and if the creature is Large or smaller, you can push choosing.
it up to 5 feet away from you. If you cast this spell as a reaction, you appear in an
This spell’s damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th unoccupied space adjacent to the creature, then proceed to
level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6). make the triggering attack roll or ranged spell.You can bring
one willing creature of your size or smaller when you teleport,

Hellzone Grenade but they must be touching you.

At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
4th-level transmutation
of 7th level or higher, the spells range increases by 90 feet for
Casting Time: 1 Reaction, which you take when you miss a each slot level above 6th.
target within range with a spell attack or a creature within
range succeeds on a saving throw that reduces the damage
of one of your spells.
Range: 150 feet
Components: S
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
You conjure an invisible sphere of magic that allows you to
recapture and manipulate destructive power that is wasted
when casting a spell.
The sphere appears centered on a target that triggers this
spell, and has a radius of 60 feet. When you miss a target
within the sphere with a with a spell attack or a creature
within the sphere succeeds on a saving throw that reduces the
damage of one of your spells, you can use your reaction to
recapture the wasted energy from your attack and transform it
into glowing motes of force that float in unoccupied spaces of
your choice within the sphere. A contributing spell creates a
number of motes equal to 1 + its spell level. These motes shed
dim light in a 10-foot radius, but cannot be attacked or
otherwise interacted with. If the spell ends, they disappear.

Kamehameha Wave If the combined Charisma (Performance) check is failed, the
spell still occurs. The Dungeon Master rolls a d4 and consults
5th-level evocation
the following table to determine what form the fusion takes.
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self (up to 150-foot line)
Fusion Mishap
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous d4 Fusion Mishap
You form a singing sphere of power between your hands 1 The fusion was nearly successful, yet partially
before unleashing it as a devastating beam. unstable. The resulting fusion separates in only
The beam travels in a line that is 5 feet wide and up to half the maximum time.
150-feet long, moving in a direction of your choice and 2 Your fingers failed to match perfectly. The
stopping early if it impacts an object or creature it can’t resulting fusion is obscenely large, slow, and
destroy. If the beam would strike a creature, it must make a heavy. You suffer disadvantage on all Strength
checks and Strength saving throws. Your
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, they take 4d10 + 10
movement is reduced by half.
force damage. You roll this damage only once. If they are
reduced to 0 hit points by this effect, they are turned to ash 3 Your final alignment was completely off. The
resulting fusion is severely underweight. You
and the beam passes through them. On a successful save, the
suffer disadvantage on all Constitution checks
beam passes by them and continues on. and Constitution saving throws. Your total hit
If an object or creature that is damaged by this spell is not points are reduced by half.
reduced to 0 hit points, the line stops in their space and erupts
4 Both you and the other creature are expelled 30
into an earth-shaking blast. Every creature within 10-feet of feet apart from one another. The spell fails to
the target must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 4d6 trigger and you cannot attempt it again for 30
force damage on a failed save or half as much on a success. minutes, but no spell slots are consumed.
The target that survived the initial effect automatically fails
this additional saving throw. The fusion has your current hit points + the current hit
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot points of the other creature. The fusion knows all the abilities
of 6th level or higher, the damage of the initial effect increases you and the other creature have, and knows or has prepared
by 1d10 for each spell slot level above 5th. any spells you or the other creature possesses. Likewise, all
feats, racial abilities, and class features are pooled together (if
Metamorans Fusion Dance you both possess the same ability, the fusion gains it only
8th-level transmutation once). For each ability score, the fusion’s score is the higher of
yours and the other creature’s, and the fusion also takes the
Casting Time: 1 Minute
higher hit dice or character level.
Range: Touch (one willing creature of your race and size)
The fusion is provided with a set of magical garbs. You
Components: V, S
decide what equipment is absorbed into the fusion and what
Duration: Up to 30 minutes
equipment remains available for use. These items are restored
Choose one willing creature of the same race and size as you once the spell ends. When the spell ends, the fusion separates.
with at least 1 hit point that you can see within range. You The other creature appears in an area adjacent to you that you
each perform a short series of symmetric poses that converge determine. If separation occurs in a cramped space, the other
together, fusing you into one being. The fusion lasts for the creature is safely ejected to an unoccupied space.
duration, or until the fusion drops to 0 hit points or dies. You Damage taken by the fusion is split evenly between you and
execute these poses with a combined Charisma (Performance) the other creature when the spell ends. You cannot end the
check. The Dungeon Master can determine the DC by fusion with more hit points than when you began, unless you
consulting the table below. were damaged prior to the fusion and the fused being was
subsequently healed.
Performance Familiarity
Pose Familiarity Maximum Save DC
Unfamiliar 60
Viewed Once 50
Properly Instructed 40
Performed Once 30
Performed Occasionally 20
Performed Frequently 10 (minimum)

The Kamehameha Wave


Scatter Shot you must make a Constitution saving throw or be blinded for
1 minute. A creature blinded by this spell makes another
3rd-level evocation
Constitution saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On
Casting Time: 1 Action a successful save, it is no longer blinded.
Range: Self (up to 60-foot line)
Components: V, S Spirit Ball
Duration: Instantaneous
2nd-level conjuration
You conjure a beam of force that splits apart before raining
Casting Time: 1 Action
down upon your foes. Every creature in a line that is 5 feet
Range: Self (15-foot lines)
wide and up to 60 feet long must make a Dexterity saving
Components: V, S
throw. They take 6d6 force damage on a failed saving throw,
Duration: Instantaneous
or half as much on a success.
When you cast this spell, you can choose to stop the beam You create a palm-sized ball of force that can be directed
early at a point you choose and redirect the remaining through the air within pinpoint precision. The ball travels in
strength into a barrage of seeking missiles. For every 10 feet four 15-foot lines in directions of your choice, one after
taken from the length of the beam, down to a minimum of 10 another, starting within 5 feet of you. Every creature of your
feet, you can target one creature within 20 feet of the point the choice along the ball’s path must make a Dexterity saving
line ends. The new targets must make Dexterity saving throw. They take 6d4 force damage on a failed save, or half as
throws, taking the spell’s damage on a failed save. A creature much on a success. A creature can only be affected by this
can only be affected by this spell once per casting. spell once per casting.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for each of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d4 for each
spell slot level above 3rd. spell slot level above 2nd.

Solar Flare
2nd-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self (15-foot cone)
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
As you spread your fingers across your forehead you close
your eyes and release a flash of solar wind that threatens to
blind your foes. Each creature in a 15-foot cone that can see

Spirit Blast Once the Spirit Bomb has reached its maximum power, you
can use your action to throw it to a point within 1 mile of you
Evocation cantrip
that you can see. Every creature within a sphere equal to twice
Casting Time: 1 Action the spirit bombs size centred on that point must make a
Range: 120 Feet Dexterity saving throw. They take an amount of force damage
Components: V, S equal to the spell's accumulated damage on a failed save, or
Duration: Instantaneous half as much on a success. Evil-aligned creatures have
disadvantage on this saving throw, while good-aligned
As you outstretch your hand, you send shining bolts of energy
creatures have advantage and resistance to the spell's damage.
from your fingertips toward a creature or object within range.
The spell ends when you throw the bomb, if you don't use
Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the
your action to gather energy or throw the bomb on your turn,
target takes 2d4 force damage.
or if you move more than 30 feet away from the Spirit Bomb.
This spell’s damage increases by 2d4 when you reach 5th
If the spell ends before the Spirit Bomb is thrown, the
level (4d4), 11th level (6d4), and 17th level (8d4).
accumulated energy harmlessly fades back into the world.
Once you have successfully derived energy from a
Spirit Bomb population or location, you cannot do so again for 30 days.
9th-level conjuration
Casting Time: 1 Action Environment Base
Range: Self
Components: S, M (a flower, gem, or vial of water from the Environment Base Damage
upper planes, which this spell consumes) Dense (Jungle or Lush Forest) 40d6
Duration: Concentration, special
Moderate (Forest or Ocean) 30d6
By harnessing the life energy of the world, you create a well of Minor (Hills or Valleys) 20d6
power that surpasses the limits of any mortal spellcaster. The
Sparse (Mountains or Desert) 15d6
damage dealt by this spell, as well as its area of effect, is
determined by the environment and population within 50 Scourged (Dead or Desecrated) 10d6 (minimum)
miles of you. If there are several distinct environments within
this area, use whichever is most powerful. Population Bonus
The spell's base damage is 10d6 Once when you cast this
spell and again on each of your turns before the spell ends, Population Bonus Damage
you can use your action to gather energy from your Dense (Large City) +40d6
surroundings. Doing so increases the damage of the Spirit
Moderate (Town) +30d6
Bomb by 10d6, up to a maximum determined by the sum of
the Spirit Bomb tables. The spirit bomb forms in the space Sparse (Village) +20d6
directly above you, and reaches a total diameter (in feet) equal Limited (Caravan) +10d6
to half the number of d6s it can deal in damage at that time. Uninhabited —
As it expands, it pushes away any terrain, objects, or creatures
within its space. In order to derive energy from the
population, they must be willing to contribute to it. The Spirit Saber
population is not innately compelled to contribute, nor are 3rd-level evocation
they automatically made aware of the casting of the spell The
Casting Time: 1 Bonus Action
DM may determine that a population would be unwilling or
Range: Self
reluctant to do so, therefore reducing the effectiveness of the
Components: V, S
spirit bomb. In these cases, a Charisma (Persuasion) check
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
would be appropriate provided that you are capable of
communicating with them. To contribute, a creature must use Shaping your energy through your hand, you evoke a
their reaction when you use your action to gather energy. piercing, spiritual blade in your free hand. This magic blade
lasts for the duration. You are proficient with this weapon and
you cannot be disarmed of this weapon. It deals 3d8 force
damage on a hit and has the heavy, reach, and thrown
properties (range 30/120). Once thrown, the blade reappears
in your hand at the start of your turn.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d8 for every
two slot levels above 3rd.

Tri-Beam Wolf Fang Fist
5th-level necromancy 1st-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 Action Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: 150 feet (20-foot cube) Range: Self
Components: V, S Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Instantaneous
You create a devastating wave of energy that surpasses You dash forward, moving a distance equal to half your speed,
normal spells at the cost of your vitality. You gain two levels and unleash a whirlwind of claws. Every creature of your
of exhaustion, or only one if you already have at least one choice within 5 feet of you must make a Dexterity saving
level Additionally, you take an amount of necrotic damage throw, taking 3d4 slashing damage on a failed save or half as
equal to twice this spell's level. much on a success.
Every creature within a 20-foot cube originating from a At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot
point you choose within range must make a Dexterity saving of 2nd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d4 for each
throw. On a failed save, they take 5d10 + 20 force damage and slot level above 2nd.
are pushed 20 feet away from you. A pushed creature that
impacts a solid surface is stunned until the end of your next
turn. On a success, they take half as much damage, are not Transformations
pushed, and can instantly use their reaction to move up to Transformation is the ability to change one’s body in order
their speed to the nearest unoccupied space outside of the to tap into even greater stores of power. Undergoing a
spell's area. transformation is powerful, emotional, and the highlight of
Any terrain, structures, or non-magical objects that aren't every players’ story. The philosophy of this approach is not to
being worn or carried within the spell's area are reduced to be used lightly, as it grants players temporary—yet absolutely
dust by this spell If the terrain below a creature is immense—strength, power, and unique abilities for them to
destroyed, they fall. utilize in combat. We’ve crafted these new options to work
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell slot seamlessly within your already existing worlds. All that is
of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10 for each needed to proceed is a strong story and the resolve to
slot level above 5th. transform so that you may keep fighting on.

Unleash Potential What Are Transformations

7th-level transmutation Transformations amplify the racial traits of each character.
Each form is designated by a particular class: Class-Up, Super
Casting Time: 8 Hours
Class-Up, and Ultimate Class-Up, each of which provide new
Range: 10 feet
powers and abilities at the cost of additional Battle Points.
Components: V, S, M (a magic longsword or greatsword of
very rare quality or higher, which the spell consumes)
Duration: Until dispelled
Power Levels
Employing a transformation multiplies your existing Power
By performing a series of complex movements and Level by a set value. Located at the bottom of each
incantations, you unlock the latent power buried deep within transformation is the power level value. If a form has multiple
a willing creature that has an Intelligence of 6 or higher, is not class levels, use the multiplier of the current class level.
an undead or construct, and has been within range for the
duration of the spell's casting time.
The target gains the following benefits permanently:

• The target's proficiency bonus increases by 1.

• When the target deals damage with a weapon attack, they
deal an additional 1d4 damage of the weapon's type.
• The target has advantage on both initiative rolls and
death saving throws.
• The target cannot be charmed, frightened, or stunned.
Additionally, the ritual supernaturally hardens the target's
resolve and intensifies their personality, making them
immune to effects that would change their alignment.

Once you create the effect of this spell, whether by casting it

or duplicating it with the wish spell, you cannot do so again
for at least 1 years time.

Transformation Mastery
Transformation Rules
Follow these core rules when invoking a transformation. Class Training Time Cost
Transformation Time. As an action on your turn, you can Class-Up 60 Days 500 gp
invoke any one transformation available to you. You are Super Class-Up 125 Days 5,000 gp
capable of dismissing this transformation on your turn, no
Ultimate Class-Up 250 Days 50,000 gp
action required. Transforming requires you to expend a small
store of Battle Points, which return to you on a long rest.
Core Aspects. Each form displays its class and any race
Mastery Properties
Choose one of the following mastery properties.
restrictions. Moreover, they note the transformation specific
class art, the duration, the stress difficulty class, and any Empowered Transformation: Choose one additional ability score
to empower from the list. This score now becomes empowered.
empowered ability score modifiers:
Extended Transformation: The duration of your transformation is
● The specified art die is used through the transformation. If extended, double its duration, to a maximum of 24 hours.
a transformation grants you a property which requires a MInd-Body Mastery (Savage Power Only): You’ve learned to
saving throw, set the DC as follows: 8 + your Proficiency

Art By Wangsen578
control the effects of this transformation’s savage power.
Bonus + half the size of the specified art die value.
Natural Form: If you are reduced to 0 hit points, your
● Upon a transformation ends, you are required to perform transformation does not
a stress test against the DC specified for your current come to an end.
form, rolling a d20, and adding the specified art die to the
result. On a successful save, you suffer no negative effects.
On a failed save, you suffer one level of exhaustion for
every class-up level you had activated.
● For every empowered ability score (denoted by a star) you
gain a +1 bonus to all ability checks which use the
empowered ability score. This bonus increases by
+1 for every class-up you have active.

Properties. Almost every transformation requires you to

expend a number of Battle Points. If a transformation has
multiple class-up levels available to you, you denote which
level you wish to invoke upon transforming, expending
the grand total Battle Points.
You gain new abilities with each class-up. Unless
otherwise stated, the properties gained with additional
class-up levels are cumulative with the properties
granted from the previous class-up levels. Some
transformation abilities may allow you to expend
additional Battle Points to power unique abilities. They
also detail whether you must concentrate on its effects (akin
to concentrating on a spell), how many targets it affects,
what saving throws it requires, and so on.

Transformation Mastery
Transformations are naturally incomplete and require
further mastery before they can be utilized to their
absolute fullest. Mastering any given form takes time, as
shown on the Transformation Mastery table.
Afterwhich, choose one of the following
transformation mastery properties. This new
property applies to this transformation alone, and
only to that class-up level. It is not inherited by any
additional class-up levels you may possess.

Barrier of Light Demonic Will
Kaioshin, Super Class-Up Makaioshin, Class-Up
Unleashing the true power of your divine spark, your By syphoning strange energy from the dark realms, you’ve
near-godly form is complimented by a shimmering halo of achieved a demonic transformation that draws out your fullest
light which manifests behind your back. This state is an icon potential and invigorates your fiendish magic. This demonic
of absolute divinity, attainable by those whose morals are pure energy naturally endures within the dark realms, but can also
of heart. Although this transformation exemplifies your divine be emitted by a passing makyo star.
nature, the form itself is not a godly state. Demonic Aspects. This form warps your appearance,
granting a visage akin to a demonic entity. Roll on or choose
an option from the Demonic Aspects table to determine the
nature of these strange features your form may assume while
BARRIER OF LIGHT you continue to maintain this transformation.
Kaioshin, Super Class-Up
Demonic Aspects
Class Art: Soul Art
d4 Aspect
Duration: Up to 1 Minute
Stress Test: 18 DC. 1 Your hair extends, growing long and wisp-like.
2 You sprout a pair of demonic horns.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 3 Pieces of your clothing begin to meld with your
— — ★ — ★ ★ skin, comparable to living tattoos.
4 Blood-like markings appear on your face.
Super Class-Up (12 BP)
Halo of Providence. While you manifest this barrier of light,
you gain a temporary +1 bonus to your Armor Class. Demonic Will
Divine Wrath: Absolution (4 BP). As an action, you release a Makaioshin, Class-Up
voltaic arc of lightning that is 60 feet long and 5 feet wide.
Each creature in this line must make a Dexterity saving Class Art: Soul Art
throw, taking 4d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half Duration: Up to 1 Minute
as much damage on a successful one. Stress Test: 12 DC.
Divine Wrath: Purification (6 BP). As an action, you invoke a
divine explosion at a point you can see within 120. Each STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
creature in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on that point — — ★ ★ — ★
must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 8d8 radiant
damage and being knocked prone on a failed save, or half as Class-Up (8 BP)
much damage on a successful one.
Divine Wrath: Judgement (1-6 BP). As an action, you hurl a Unhallowed Aura. You can be targeted by any divination
barrage of divine energy at one creature within 120 feet. The magic or perceived through magical scrying sensors only if
target must succeed on a Dexterity saving throw. Taking 1d6 you allow it. The instant you transform, creatures within 30
radiant damage per point spent and having its speed halved feet of you must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or be
until the start of your next turn on a failed save. charmed of you until the end of your next turn.

Power Multiplier: Super Class-Up (x100) Demonic Wizardry. You learn the following spells, which are
added to your Dark Sorcery trait: crown of madness,
darkness, and spiritual weapon. You can cast each of these
spells once without expending a spell slot and you must
transform again before you can cast them in this way again.
You can also cast these spells using spell slots you have.
Moreover, you can expend a Battle Points on your turn
equal to twice the spells’ level to cast these again.
Power Multiplier: Class-Up (x50)

Great Ape Kaio-Ken
Saiyan, Class-Up Any, Class-Up
While in the presence of a full moon or similar celestial body, a Enveloping your body in a sweltering, crimson haze, you
saiyan savagely transforms into a monstrous giant ape. Once magnify your power for a mere heartbeat.
this beast has been awakened, it embarks on a savage Power Stacking. This transformation can be used alongside
rampage until the moon vanishes in the morning. one or more transformations of an equal class, unless stated
The Tails’ Tale. Invoking this transformation requires your otherwise. If used as such, roll your stress test twice, taking
saiyan tail be intact, as described in chapter one. If your tail is the lower of the two results.
severed at any time during the duration of this form, you
revert to your saiyan form and loose these properties.
Monster of the Full Moon. If the saiyan isn't blinded, this
action is involuntarily taken when they start their turn within Kaio-Ken
the glow of a full moon or a similar celestial body. Any, Class-Up
Once you use this transformation, you cannot transform
again until you complete a long rest. Class Art: Energy Art
Duration: Up to 1 Round
Stress Test: 24 DC.
Saiyan, Class-Up ★ ★ — — ★ —

Class Art: Energy Art

Duration: Up to 8 Hours Class-Up (1-4 BP)
Stress Test: 18 DC.
Transcend Limits. The kaio-ken significantly intensifies your
power, speed, and even your senses. You have advantage on
Perception checks involving your hearing or vision.
★ — ★ — — —
Moreover, roll your Energy Art die and multiply the rolled
result by five. Apply the total as a bonus to your speed until
Class-Up (0 BP) the end of your next turn.
Fist of the King. Until the end of your next turn, the first
Savage Power. On your turn, you must move towards the
creature you hit with a spell or weapon attack takes extra
nearest creature and take the attack action. If there is more
damage equal to one roll of your Energy Art die per point
than one possible target, roll to randomly determine the
spent + your Constitution modifier.
target. If you are able to cast spells, you cannot cast or
concentrate on them while transformed. Power Multiplier: Class-Up (x2; Per Point Spent)
Great Saiyan Ape. Your size becomes huge, unless you
would be larger. Moreover, you gain a number of temporary hit
points equal to your hit point maximum.
When you are reduced to 0 temporary hit points, you
expose your saiyan tail. Your tail has an AC of 10 + your
Dexterity modifier and 25 hit points. It is vulnerable to
slashing damage and it is immune to all conditions. When the
tail is severed, this transformation ends.
Great Ape Beam (1-4 BP). As an action, you release a plume
of flames from your mouth that is 60 feet long and 5 feet
wide. Each creature in this line must make a Dexterity saving
throw, taking 2d10 fire damage per point spent on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Power Multiplier: Class-Up (x10)

Maximum Power Perfected Power
Any, Class-Up Any, Super Class-Up
This state causes the user to burn through both power and You’ve undergone extensive training to master the flow of the
stamina at a rapid rate in exchange for increased power. arcane throughout your body. By mastering your inner self,
Power Stacking. This transformation can be used alongside your outward power magnifies to greater heights.
one or more transformations of an equal class, unless stated Power Prerequisite. Before learning the abilities of this
otherwise. If used as such, roll your stress test twice, taking transformation, you must learn to cast spells (or techniques)
the lower of the two results. through the Spellcasting or Pact Magic features.
Power Stacking. This transformation can be used alongside
one or more transformations of an equal class, unless stated

Maximum Power otherwise. If used as such, roll your stress test twice, taking
the lower of the two results.
Any, Class-Up

Class Art: Energy Art

Duration: Up to 6 Rounds
Perfected Power
Stress Test: 12 DC. Any, Super Class-Up

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Class Art: Focus Art
★ — ★ — — — Duration: Up to 1 Minute
Stress Test: 18 DC.


— — ★ — ★ ★
Power Stressed. Due to the immense toll this form takes,
any speed you have becomes 5 feet, unless the speed was
lower. Additionally, you are incapable of knocking creatures Super Class-Up (12 BP)
unconscious rather than dealing a killing blow.
Perfect Potential. You've developed the technique of
Inexperienced Power. You count as one size larger when
containing your radiating aura within your body through
determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can
continuous concentration. Perception checks made to detect
push, drag, or lift. You can make an spell or weapon attack at
or read your Battle Points automatically fail, as though your
maximum power, rolling the attack twice and taking the lower
aura was constantly in a suppressed state.
of the two rolls. If you do so and the attack hits, maximize the
damage dice rolled, including any additional dice rolled as Mental Mastery (1-6 BP). As a reaction when you make an
part of a critical hit. Once you deal this damage, you cannot Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, you gain a
use this property until you transform once again, unless you +1 bonus to that saving throw per point spent.
expend a minimum of 4 Battle Points to use it again. Spirit Rebounds. As an action, roll your Focus art die. You
Power Multiplier: Class-Up (x10) regain an expended spell slot, the level of which is equal to
half the number rolled or lower. Once you use this property,
you cannot do so again until you transform, unless you
expend a minimum of 6 Battle Points to use it again.
Power Multiplier: Super Class-Up (x80)

Majin, Super Class-Up
Through a process of purification, you release the deranged
and demonic power of your progenitor. This transformation
comes at a great risk of losing your heart, unchaining the next
evil incarnation of the majin monstrosity.
Majin Cravings. Returning to your purified roots often
brings with it an intense hunger. Roll on or choose an option
from the Majin Cravings table to determine the nature of these
strange, primeval cravings.

Majin Cravings
d4 Craving
1 Candy: You have a craving for sweets.
2 Magic: You have a craving for the arcane.
3 Chaos: You have a craving for destruction.
4 Trickery: You have a craving for deception.


Art By Gokutrebu
Majin, Super Class-Up

Class Art: Soul Art

Duration: Up to 1 Minute
Stress Test: 18 DC.


★ — ★ — — ★

Super Class-Up (12 BP)

Nightmare Renascent. You take on the visage of your
progenitor, whilst still retaining splinters of your former self.
You choose whether your equipment falls to the ground,
merges into your new form, or is worn by it.
The instant you transform, creatures within 10 feet of
you that can see you must succeed on a Charisma
saving throw or be frightened of you until the
end of your next turn.
Purified. You have resistance to bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage. When you
regenerate with your Reform trait, you may roll
your Soul Art die in replace of the d4.
Demonic Slumber. As a bonus action, you may
enter a deep slumber, falling unconscious until you
wake on your turn, you take damage, or someone uses
an action to shake or slap you awake. At the start of each turn
you remain asleep, you remove one level of exhaustion and
regain a number of hit points equal to one rolls of your Soul
art die. Once you use this property, you can’t do so again until
you transform, unless you expend 6 Battle Points to
use it again.
Power Multiplier: Super Class-Up (x100)

Super Namekian Super Class-Up (12 BP)
Namekian, Class-Up Demonic Siege (Demon Clan Only). When you take the
Namekians who obtain a higher level of consciousness and Attack action, you can replace one attack with an burst of a
break their limits are referred to as super namekians, magical energy in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in the area
achieving seemingly insurmountable powers. must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or become
incapacitated until the start of your next turn. Once you use
this property, you can’t do so again until you transform,
unless you expend 6 Battle Points to use it again.
Super Namekian
Divine Revival (Dragon Clan Only). As an action, you touch
Namekian, Class-Up
one creature that has died within the last minute. The
creature returns to life with one hit point. This ability can't
Class Art: Focus Art return to life a creature that has died of old age, nor can it
Duration: Up to 1 Hour restore a creature missing any vital body parts. Once you use
Stress Test: 12 DC., 18 DC. this property, you can’t do so again until you transform,
unless you expend 6 Battle Points to use it again.
— — ★ — ★ ★ Draconic Giant (Warrior Clan Only). When you cast the
enlarge/reduce spell as a part of the Great Namekian trait,
you gain 30 temporary hit points. In addition, until your
Class-Up (8 BP) concentration on this spell ends, your melee weapon attacks
deal extra damage equal to two rolls of your Focus art die. If
Focused Regeneration. When you regenerate with your
you’re smaller than Gargantuan, you also become Gargantuan
Rapid Regeneration trait, roll your Focus art die. You regain a
for the duration of the spell.
number of additional hit point equal to the result.
Power Multiplier: Super Class-Up (x100)
Telepathic Sage. You can magically communicate simple
ideas, emotions, and images telepathically with any creature
within 60 feet of you that can understand a language.
Demon Wave (Demon Clan Only). When you take the Attack
action, you can replace one attack with an exhalation of a
magical energy in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each
creature in the area must make a Dexterity saving throw. A
creature takes an amount of force damage equal to two rolls
of your Focus art die on a failed save, and half as much
damage on a successful one.
Divine Healer (Dragon Clan Only). As a bonus action, you
can touch a creature that has 0 hit points and stabilize it.
Draconic Force (Warrior Clan Only). When you cast the
enlarge/reduce spell as a part of the Great Namekian trait,
you gain 10 temporary hit points. In addition, until your
concentration ends, your melee weapon attacks deal extra

Art By Furipa93
damage equal to one roll of your Focus art die. If you’re
smaller than Huge, you become Huge for the duration.
Power Multiplier: Class-Up (x50)


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