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Based on the information that I gathered from the questions, my strongest learning style appears

to be Visual. It is then followed by Reading or Writing as the second strongest and Auditory as
the third strongest.

My strongest learning style is visual and this is because of the reason that I do learn best when
information is presented visually. This means that I

do have a preference for diagrams,

charts, graphs, or videos in order to understand the concepts effectively. In addition,

I also possess a strong ability to visualise information in my mind.

This makes it easier for me to comprehend and remember. However, as I can process auditory
information, I do lack the

same innate affinity for auditory learning. This is because I do visual and textual

modalities. My capabilities of processing auditory are still advanced but they are not my
strongest suit compared to visual and reading or writing styles.

There are more than just three learning styles(Morganelli). Through the video and my own
experience, I learned that there are different ways in which humans can learn and process
information. Some of the additional learning styles include the inclusion of learning through
physical hands-on experience, movement and tactile interactions, learning through interactions,
discussions, and collaboration with others, and learning through observations and experiences in
the natural world.

Understanding learning styles is important in education. This is because it allows educators to

tailor their teaching methods and their materials to suit better the diverse learning needs and
preferences of their students. Through the recognition and accommodation of different

learning styles, educators can make the learning process to be more effective, engaging, and
accessible for every learner.

An understanding of the learning styles is also important in the workplace.

The reason behind this is that it can make enhancements to employee training, professional
development, and general job performance. As it is in educational settings, people in the
workplace have different preferences and strengths. Through the recognition of these differences,
organisations can design training programs, instructional materials, and knowledge-sharing
processes that cater to diverse learning styles.

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