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1. Basics of mechatronics 6 hours

1.1 Importance of mechatronics in automation
Mechatronics is heavily focused on automation and boosting system efficiency and
performance. It is critical in allowing industry developments by building smarter and more
competent machinery and products. The application of mechatronics technology in
production has resulted in enhanced productivity, lower prices, and better quality control.
Mechatronics engineers create and build automated systems that can handle formerly
manual operations like as assembling, welding, and painting.

Fig.1.1 Implementation of Mechatronics

Mechatronics major rule play in controller design, plant model, Engine control, active
suspension, chain mechanism. In some of the application like automatic car parking system
and temperature monitoring system.

1.2 Introduction to Mechatronics and Automation

The term "mechatronics" was first assigned by Mr. Tetsuro Mori, a senior engineer of the
Japanese company Yaskawa, in 1969. Mechatronics can be defined as a multidisciplinary
field that combines mechanical engineering, electronics, control engineering, and computer
science. It involves the integration of these disciplines to design, develop, and control
automated systems and products. Automation, on the other hand, refers to the use of
technology to perform tasks with minimal human intervention.

Fig.1.1 Mechatronics and Automation

Automation has become increasingly crucial in modern industries due to its ability to
improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance productivity. By automating repetitive and
labor-intensive processes, companies can streamline their operations, optimize resource
utilization, and achieve consistent quality outputs. Mechatronics provides the framework
and tools necessary to achieve these objectives.

1.3 The Role of Mechatronics in Automation

At its core, mechatronics enables the seamless integration of mechanical, electrical, and
software components to create automated systems. By combining these diverse disciplines,
mechatronics allows for the development of sophisticated and intelligent machines capable
of executing complex tasks with precision and accuracy.
In manufacturing processes, mechatronics plays a crucial role in automation. It enables the
design and implementation of automated assembly lines and production systems, reducing
human errors and increasing overall efficiency. By utilizing sensors, actuators, and
advanced control algorithms, mechatronic systems can optimize production speed, ensure
consistent quality, and adapt to changing requirements.

1.4 Applications of Mechatronics in Automation

The applications of mechatronics in automation are vast and diverse, ranging from robotics
and industrial automation to autonomous vehicles and self-driving technology. Robotics
and Industrial Automation: Mechatronics has revolutionized the field of robotics, enabling
the development of advanced robots capable of performing tasks with human-like dexterity
and precision. These robots are used in various industries, such as automotive
manufacturing, electronics, healthcare, and logistics, to automate complex processes,
enhance productivity, and ensure worker safety.
Automated Assembly Lines and Production Systems: Mechatronic systems are
extensively used in automated assembly lines and production systems. By integrating
mechanical components, sensors, and control systems, these systems can perform intricate
tasks, such as product assembly, packaging, and quality control, with speed and accuracy.
Autonomous Vehicles and Self-Driving Technology: Mechatronics plays a vital
role in the development of autonomous vehicles and self-driving technology. By
integrating sensors, actuators, and intelligent control systems, mechatronic engineers can
create vehicles that can perceive their environment, make decisions, and navigate without
human intervention. This technology has the potential to revolutionize transportation,
improve road safety, and enhance mobility for people worldwide.

1.5 How to combine Mechanical, Electrical or Electronic system

Mechatronics Engineering: Bridging the Gap between Mechanics and Electronics:
Mechatronics engineering, also called mechatronics, is an interdisciplinary branch of
engineering that focuses on the integration of mechanical engineering, electrical
engineering, electronic engineering and software engineering, and also includes a
combination of robotics, computer science, telecommunications, and systems.
a. Understanding Mechatronics Engineering: Where Technology Converges
Mechatronics engineering is an interdisciplinary field that combines mechanical
engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science. It focuses on the design,
development, and integration of intelligent systems that seamlessly combine
mechanical components, sensors, actuators, and electronic control systems.By merging
these disciplines, mechatronics engineers create innovative solutions that enhance the
performance, functionality, and efficiency of various technologies. Whether it's
developing autonomous robots, designing advanced manufacturing systems, or
creating smart devices, mechatronics engineering plays a pivotal role in shaping the
future of technology.
b. Robotics and Automation: Pioneering Intelligent Machines
One of the most prominent applications of mechatronics engineering is in the realm of
robotics and automation. Mechatronics engineers play a crucial role in developing
intelligent machines capable of performing complex tasks autonomously. From
industrial robots that streamline manufacturing processes to surgical robots that assist
in delicate medical procedures, mechatronics engineering has revolutionized numerous
industries. These intelligent machines rely on a combination of mechanical design,
sensing technologies, and sophisticated control systems to execute precise movements
and make real-time decisions.
c. Advanced Manufacturing: Optimizing Production Processes
In the era of Industry 4.0, mechatronics engineering plays a vital role in optimizing
manufacturing processes. By integrating sensors, actuators, and control systems,
mechatronics engineers develop advanced manufacturing systems that improve
productivity, quality, and efficiency. From computer-controlled machining tools to
flexible assembly lines, mechatronics engineering enhances precision, reduces waste,
and enables adaptive manufacturing. These advancements result in faster production
cycles, customization capabilities, and the ability to respond rapidly to market
d. Automotive and Transportation: Driving Innovation Forward
The automotive and transportation industries are undergoing a remarkable
transformation, thanks to the contributions of mechatronics engineering. With the rise
of electric vehicles, autonomous driving, and intelligent transportation systems,
mechatronics engineers are at the forefront of innovation. They develop electric
powertrains, design self-driving vehicle technologies, and create intelligent traffic
management systems. Mechatronics engineering enables vehicles to be safer, more
efficient, and connected, revolutionizing the way we commute and interact with
transportation systems.
e. Biomedical Engineering: Advancing Healthcare Technologies
Mechatronics engineering plays a crucial role in advancing healthcare technologies and
improving patient care. From medical imaging systems to wearable medical devices,
mechatronics engineers contribute to the development of cutting-edge biomedical
They integrate mechanical components, sensors, and electronic control systems to
create diagnostic tools, therapeutic devices, and prosthetics. Mechatronics engineering
enables precise imaging, accurate diagnostics, and personalized healthcare solutions,
ultimately enhancing the quality of life for patients.
f. Internet of Things (IoT) and Smart Devices: Enabling Connectivity
The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the way we interact with our
surroundings, and mechatronics engineering is instrumental in making this
connectivity possible. Mechatronics engineers develop smart devices that are
embedded with sensors, processors, and communication capabilities, enabling them to
connect and interact with each other.
From smart home automation systems to wearable fitness trackers, mechatronics
engineering contributes to the seamless integration of technology into our daily lives.
These intelligent devices improve convenience, efficiency, and enhance our overall
living experiences.
g. Defense and Aerospace: Pushing Boundaries and Ensuring Safety
Mechatronics engineering also plays a crucial role in the defense and aerospace
industries. With the increasing demand for advanced military technologies and space
exploration, mechatronics engineers are instrumental in pushing boundaries and
ensuring safety in these high-stakes environments. They contribute to the design and
development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), surveillance systems, and
aerospace components. Mechatronics engineering enables the integration of
sophisticated navigation systems, communication technologies, and control
mechanisms, making defense and aerospace operations more efficient and effective.
h. Entertainment and Gaming: Immersive Experiences
In the realm of entertainment and gaming, mechatronics engineering brings
imagination to life. From virtual reality (VR) devices and motion-controlled gaming
systems to animatronics in theme parks, mechatronics engineers create immersive
experiences for audiences around the world. They combine mechanical movements,
sensors, and feedback systems to create realistic and interactive environments.
Mechatronics engineering enhances the entertainment industry by blurring the line
between the virtual and physical worlds, providing unforgettable experiences to users.
i. Environmental Monitoring and Sustainability: Preserving our Planet
As environmental concerns become increasingly significant, mechatronics engineers
have a crucial role to play in monitoring and preserving our planet. They develop
systems for environmental monitoring, including sensors for air quality, water
pollution, and climate monitoring. Through mechatronics engineering, innovative
solutions are being developed to optimize resource utilization, promote sustainable
practices, and reduce environmental impact.
Mechatronics engineers work towards creating a greener future by integrating
environmental awareness and technological advancements.
j. Research and Development: Pushing the Frontiers of Innovation
Research and development (R&D) is a key area where mechatronics engineers
contribute to pushing the frontiers of innovation. They engage in cutting-edge research,
exploring new technologies, and developing prototypes for future applications.
By collaborating with scientists, researchers, and engineers from various disciplines,
mechatronics engineers drive interdisciplinary advancements. They work on projects
that range from developing novel robotic systems to exploring emerging technologies
like Nano robotics and bio-inspired mechatronics.

1.6 Integration architecture of different systems.

Integration Architecture is a strategic approach in enterprise application integration,
enabling the flow of data between disparate systems and applications across an
enterprise. It serves as a blueprint for data exchange and synchronization, ensuring that
business processes operate seamlessly and efficiently

Fig.1.6 Architecture
Sensors to measure the controlled variables. Sensors of all types provide the computer with
information. it needs to perform monitoring and control tasks. Actuators convert digital
signals into physical or chemical quantities as required to correct errors in meeting the
required performance. Instrumentation subsystem. This involves all necessary signal-
conditioning (SC) circuits to interface actuators, sensors, and other devices to the control
computer. Control computer.
Proper control of a process requires intense processing of information representing a
complex interplay between sensing the environmental conditions that affect the outcome of
the process, interpretation of the sensed values, recognizing effect of these values on the
integrity of the operation, and initiating a response by signaling the actuators to take the
necessary corrective actions. Coordinating all these activities is the responsibility of the
control computer, which involves embedded microprocessor systems. it handles the flow of
information between the various components by integrating the software and hardware
dedicated to controlling the process in question.
The hardware, also referred to as the target system, consists of all computers needed to
manage the inputs and outputs of the mechatronic device. This includes sensors, actuators,
mechanical components, power supplies, control computer, and the SC circuits interfacing
the computer with the sensors and actuators. As a first step, a prototype of the hardware may
be built using wire-wrapped boards to test the application software before the final product
is realized.
The software manages all activities of the target system. It consists of the program (or
code), which is developed to meet the application requirement. Development of the
application code can begin concurrently with the hardware prototype development once the
system specifications have been completed. The code could be modified as it is developed to
reflect design changes and/or new requirements as they emerge. The application code may
be developed using machine language, assembly language, or a high-level language such as
C. The machine code, or object code, contains binary codes that represent the instructions to
the computer. It is the only language the microprocessor can understand and execute. High-
level languages such as C use words and statements that are easily understood. A program
written in a high-level language must be translated into executable machine language using a
program called a compiler. Assembly language represents a middle ground between the
extremes of machine language and the high-level language. An assembly language program
is written using mnemonics in which each statement corresponds to a machine instruction.
The assembly program must be translated into machine language by a special program
called an assembler.

2 Structure of mechatronics systems 3 hours

Fig.2. Structure of the mechatronic system

A basic structure of the mechatronic system is created by a system, sensors, actuators and
devices for information processing. The surrounding environment, in which the mechatronic
system operates, is also important. A diagram of this structure is shown in figure.2. The
system has usually a mechanical, electromechanical or hydraulic structure or it is a
combination of these structures. It means that a given physical system can be generally
understood as a respective system that can be represented by a hierarchically structured
mechatronic system. A task of sensors is to determine a chosen state variable value of the
Generally the state variables can be understood as the physical variables fully determined
for a sampling interval by their values at a sampling time t 0. This ensures that the state
variables for time t > t0 are known. In this case, the sensors can be physically represented by
the measured values or software sensors so called “observers”. The sensors supply input
variables for the information processing, at present usually digital, i.e. discrete in terms of
values and time. The information processing is usually done by a microprocessor although it
can be also done by a fully analog electronics or combined (hybrid) analog/digital
electronics. The information processing determines actions needed to affect appropriately
the state variables of the system. An implementation of the actions is directly in the system
by actuators.
The present goal is a spatial integration with other functional elements in the area of
sensors as well as in the area of actuators. It would create an “intelligent” unit, i.e. an
intelligent sensor (integration of a measured values sensor, an analog/digital converter and a
microprocessor) and an intelligent actuator (an integration of a digital/analog converter, an
adapter circuit or a power amplifier, or even a microprocessor). The intelligent sensor
measures analog physical quantities, for example pressure, temperature, velocity, it
digitalizes 8 measured values and transfers the signal – suitably adjusted – to information
processing devices. The intelligent actuator is directly activated by the digital signal coming
from the corresponding information processing device. Signals are converted to analog
variables, amplified and then handed over, e.g. to create force or movement. A closer look at
relations between the system, the sensors, the information processing and the actuators
shows that a description of the relations using flows is useful.
In principle, there are three different types of flows:
i. material flow,
ii. energy flow,
iii. Information flow.
i. Material flow: examples of material flow between mechatronic system units are solid
bodies, tested objects, processed objects, gases or liquids.
ii. Energy flow: energy is in this context understood as a different form of energy, for
example mechanical, thermal or electrical energy but also action variables (e.g. force or
iii. Information flow: it means the information transferred between the units of the
mechatronic system, for example measured variables, pulse control or data. The
mechatronic system, shown in figure. 2, consists of units connected by three types of
The most visible are energy and material flows. Flows connecting the base system and
environment with sensors and actuators have a character of energy flow as well as
information flow – energy “flows” for measurement requirements (sensors) as well as for
action execution (actuators) but energy is transferred as well – control signals of actuators
and measurement signals of sensors. Tools for information processing use the information
flow from sensors and also generate the information flow for the actuators. One main energy
flow affecting, directly or indirectly, the system can be noticed in case of energy flows
shown in figure. 2. Units for the information processing of a mechatronic system are often
connected to the other units for information processing via a communication system.
Communication with a human or a system user is usually realized by a special human-
machine interface. The connection is represented by the information flow in both cases.
3 System configuration, Sensors, actuators, Devices for Information processing.

Figure.3 Sample Mechatronic system

A example of mechatronic system’s graded structure is shown in figure.3. The basic
modules at the first level (e.g. a spring unit with wound spring and telescopic damper) are
connected to the second level (e.g. car) by the information processing. The created
systems are connected together by information processing (e.g. crossway control) at the
third level. A spatial integration of related equipment is also an important task as well as
functional integration of the mechatronic modules. Modules of equipment have to be
integrated through defined interfaces to create a whole system with individual
hierarchical levels (mechatronic units). A simultaneous considering of both integration
tasks leads to the optimally constructed mechatronic systems.
4 Types of systems:
a. Measurement systems:
b. Control systems:
c. Open loop and closed loop:

4. Sensors/Transducers

a. Specifications and Characteristics

proximity sensors, switches

symbols, Infrared LED, Diodes ( IR receivers)

Additionally more from Automotive sensors, like Exhaust Gas Sensors, Induction Side
air flow sensors, speed sensors, temperature sensors, knock sensors, etc.,
5. Mechatronics in manufacturing -6h

CNC machines, its drives- stepper motors, PLC

6. Mechatronics in Automotive/Automation -

7. Robotics in industry

overview & application

8. PLC Basics working principle-

9. Mechatronics - Sensors, PCB, ECU, Automotive Connectors - Electro-mechanical

components - Practicals

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