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Asalamo Alikum

Before I begin, I want to express my gratitude to our honourable mam for giving me the opportunity.

Let me introduce myself. I am Mahadi Hasan Rimu, son of Monir Alam & Alaya Akter. I’m originally
from Noakhali, currently lliving in Mirpur, Dhaka. I’m pursuing my BBA at UITS & also a professional
Graphics Designer at iStockBD.

Introduction of topic
Today, I'm excited to introduce you to my topic, Pumble, a revolutionary work chat app designed to
enhance collaboration and communication within team.

The Need for Effective Communication

In our fast-paced work environments, effective communication is crucial for success. Yet, traditional
methods like email and in-person meetings often fall short, leading to delays, misunderstandings,
and decreased productivity.

Introducing Pumble
One app for all your work


teams communicate via Pumble

This is where Pumble comes in. Pumble is a user-friendly, feature-rich work chat app that streamlines
communication and fosters collaboration in real-time.

Key Features of Pumble

Let's dive into some of the key features that make Pumble a game-changer for our team:

Instant Messaging: With Pumble, one can chat instantly with individual team members or create
group channels for specific projects or departments.
File Sharing: Share documents, images, and other files seamlessly within the app. No more hunting
through email attachments or searching for misplaced files.

Task Management: Keep track of tasks and deadlines with Pumble's built-in task management
feature. Assign tasks, set deadlines, and track progress—all in one place.

Integration: Pumble integrates with popular productivity tools like Google Drive, Trello, and GitHub,
allowing for a seamless workflow and enhanced productivity.

Accessibility: Pumble is available in every platform. Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS or even Web.

Why Choose Pumble?

"Why choose Pumble over other chat apps?" Here are a few reasons:

User-Friendly Interface: Pumble's intuitive interface makes it easy for team members to adapt
quickly and start communicating effectively from day one.

Security: Data's security is top priority for everyone. Pumble offers end-to-end encryption to ensure
that conversations and files remain private and secure.

Scalability: Whether its a small startup or a large enterprise, Pumble is designed to scale with team's
needs, providing a reliable communication solution as business grows.


In conclusion, Pumble is more than just a chat app—it's a powerful tool that can revolutionize the
way your team communicates and collaborates.

Thank you for your time. I'm happy to answer any questions you may have.

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