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Elementary Student’s Book


In my free time
00.00–00.05 What do you do in your free time?

0.06–00.15 Caroline: I really like music, so in my free time I like going to concerts
and I really like playing the ukelele.

00.16–00.26 Maureen: I love gardening and so I have an allotment.

00.27–00.59 Ben: In my free time, I really like going snowboarding in the winter.
And during the summer, I play quite a lot of disc golf. Disc golf is essentially a mix
between Frisbee and golf. It’s a lot of fun.

How often do you do it?

01.00–01.13 Caroline: I practise the ukelele every day for about ten or 15 minutes.
And then every week on a Monday, a group of us go to a café together to play the

01.14–01.34 Maureen: In the spring, I go quite often because I have to dig the soil
and get it ready.

In the summer, when I plant, I go less often and in the autumn, I pick the vegetables
and I have to go less often still.

01.35–01.52 Ben: During the winter, I’ll maybe go snowboarding for two weeks on
a holiday. And during the summer, I will usually play disc golf once a week and
some weekends I go away for competitions.

Why do you enjoy doing it?

01.53–02.06 Caroline: I enjoy playing the ukelele because I love making music
and it’s a really easy instrument to play. And I really like getting together with
friends and we’ve got a very good teacher who teaches us some really good songs.
Life 02.07–02.18 Maureen: I enjoy doing it because I like the fresh air
and enjoy eating the vegetables we grow.

02.19–end Ben: I enjoy snowboarding because you get to spend

time in really beautiful mountain scenery. It’s also a nice way to take a holiday and
you come back feeling very refreshed. Disc golf is a nice way for me to hang out
with my friends during summer and also going to competitions at the weekends
takes me to some quite interesting locations.

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