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Vitamin B Test Report

Patient information

Carolina Perez

Gender Date of birth

F March 1. 1983

Date of test Medical record number

October 1, 2023 666-55-00

Clinical history

The patient presented with fatigue and neurological symptoms

Test information

Test methodology

Serum analysis
Test results

Vitamin B type Measured value Reference range

Vitamin B1 15.2 µg/dL 10.0 - 20.0 µg/dL


Vitamin B2 12.0 µg/dL 9.0 - 16.0 µg/dL


Vitamin B3 (Niacin) 22.5 µg/dL 20.0 - 30.0 µg/dL

Vitamin B5 28.4 ng/mL 20.0 - 50.0 ng/mL

(Pantothenic acid)

Vitamin B6 22.5 µg/dL 20.0 - 30.0 µg/dL


Vitamin B7 (Biotin) 12.0 µg/dL 9.0 - 16.0 µg/dL

Vitamin B9 (Folic 8.9 ng/mL 5.4 - 24.0 ng/mL

Vitamin B12 312 pg/mL 200 - 900 pg/mL



The results indicate that the levels of Vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, and B12 are within the
normal reference range. These findings suggest that the patient's fatigue and
neurological symptoms are not likely due to a deficiency in these specific B vitamins.


Further investigation into the patient's symptoms is warranted. Considering that the
Vitamin B levels are within the reference range, it is advisable to explore other potential
causes of the patient's complaints, such as thyroid function, anemia, or other medical
conditions. The patient should follow up with their healthcare provider for a
comprehensive evaluation.

Additional notes

Provider’s information

Ordering physician Provider’s NPI

Kathy Heron, MD 7675-00-99

Contact information

Kathy Heron, MD October 1, 2023

Name and Signature Date

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