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What are the experiences by the participants during the reopening of classes , in terms of
a. Teaching Modalities
b. Expectations?
What are the adjustments done by the College Physical Education Teachers during the transition,
in terms of
a. Resources
b. Preparation?

What are the participant’s experiences during the reopening of classes INTRO WITH 3RRL
(Work loads, Relationships towards their students and colleagues, the adaptation to the new environment
and modified teaching instructions, and student’s engagement and performance) 2 RRL to support.
Moreover, in terms of teaching modalities 1 RRL to start (PE teachers navigated a dynamic landscape
during the reopening of classes, marked by the implementation of diverse teaching modalities. The
transition to a new normal face-to-face setting introduced a spectrum of challenges related to instructional
approaches. Teachers found themselves adapting to hybrid or online teaching methods, necessitating a
rapid integration of technology into their pedagogical strategies. This shift brought about distinct
experiences as educators grappled with the complexities of maintaining student engagement, assessing
performance, and ensuring the effectiveness of virtual learning platforms.) 2 MORE RRL TO SUPPORT.
Expectations 1RRL to start ( teachers have minimal expectations, the shift to a new normal face-to-face
setting brought about a reevaluation of their anticipations regarding traditional teaching approaches.
Teachers initially expected a return to familiar instructional methods, but the implementation of diverse
teaching modalities, including hybrid or online methods, defied these expectations. The challenges
associated with technology integration and the complexities of maintaining student engagement
challenged preconceived notions.) 2 more RRL to support.

What are the adjustments done by the College Physical Education Teachers during the transition,
INTRO WITH 3 RRL (Teachers made a series of adjustments during the transition to navigate the
challenges posed by the reopening of classes (teaching strategies “student/teacher centered”, they
underwent a rapid adaptation of their teaching methods to accommodate the new normal face-to-face
setting. This involved embracing diverse teaching modalities, including hybrid and online approaches,
and integrating technology into their pedagogical strategies) 2 more rrl to support. Furthermore, resources
RRL TO START ( Teachers utilized old resources such PPT, Instructional Materials and Modules. They
modified resources tailored to the needs of the students and adapted to the new curriculum. Additionally,
schools and institutions where they were affiliated provided additional resources and materials) 2 more rrl
to support. Finally, teacher’s preparation was divided in to two “professional and personal preparations”
RRL TO START (Professional prep includes: effective teaching demonstrations, modification of syllabus
and lesson plans, undergo seminars and trainings for professional development) RRL to support (
Personal Prep includes: Adaptability, Time management, mental preparation such as research for
additional informations, creating additional instructional materials to elevate teaching-learning process,
physical preparation such as exercise and other physical fitness activities) RRL to support

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