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Mã đề 301

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JBlacken the letter A, B, C, ør Ï) on yOHT ñHSNCTF SỈ €e† f0 TPHdICHE te SeHIeHCC Hhaf 1S cÌ0SeSt ín HCHHÌN E
‡o euch øƒ the folloving guestions.
Cầu 1l: She has taught the children m thịs remote village for frve months.
.A. She was the teacher im this remote village for months ago.
B. She started to teach the children im this remote village fhve months aøo.
C. The last tme she taught the children in this remote village for fitve months ago.
D. She started to teach the children im this remmote village for Ẳve months.
Cầu 2: “ ]Phy dont vou have vour room repainted?" satd Viet to Nam.
A. Viet suggested that Nam should have his room repaimted.
B. Viet suggested having Nam's room repainted.
C. Viet asked Nam why you didnt have your room 1epainted.
D. Viet wanted to know why Nam doesnt have his nroom repamted.
Cầu 3: Jừ :ĩ a good nen †o0 øn‡ as much fTHH 0S possible tn order to get enongh vitamins for øur bodies.
4. We should cat as much frmt as possible in order to get enough vitamins for our bodies.
B. We can eat as much ñuit as possible +n order to get enough vitatmims for our bodies.
C. We must eat as much Íruit as possible rm order to get enough vitamins for our bodies.
D. We cught not to eat as mụch ñut as possible in orderto get cnough vitamuins for our bodies.

Blacken the letter Á, B, C, ar D on your answer sheet to 1ndicate the sentence that hest cumbines cách
Dair 0Í sentences In the fulluwing questiuns.
Cầu 4: Ïe arrived a† the conference. Then ve real:zed ơur T@ports veere sHÌÏ at home.
.1. We amived at the conference and realized that out reports are stull at home.
B. It was until we arrrved at the conference that we realize out reports were shnll at home.
C. Not unh] we arrived at the conference dịd we realize that our reports were stll at home.
D Not unhl had we arrived at the conference we realized our reporis were shll at home..
Cầu 5: Je diển * take hịs father s advice. That s why he ít: OHI Of WOTE HƠW.
A. The took his father s advice, he would not be out of work now.
EB.IHhe takes his father s advice, he will not be out of work nơw
C. H he had taken his father s advice, he would not be out of work now.
D. The had taken his father s advice, he would not have been out of work now.
Blacken the letter A, B, C, ør D on yoNr nnsver sheet íø show the HHderliined part that Heeds correcfion.
Cầu 6: The servant had dropped two cups while she was washing up last mghỉt.
Cầu 7: It was Charles Goodyear vwho began the modern-day plastic revolution when they
vulcamzed rubber in 1839. paving the way for the tire
Cầu 8: Jamce refuses to nde m her boyfriend s car untl he cleans 1t with something that will ephirmnate
the noisy smell

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Biacken the letier 4, B, C, or D on y0ur ansiber sheet ío indicate the woord ør phrase that is
CLOSE.ST ít ÂmenniiHg t0 the nHderlined part ít each of the ƒoll0npiHng guestions.
Câu 9: The booklet g1ves sound advice on how to choose a with-prohts bond.
AA. sensible B. miserable C.Iunxunious D. economical
Câu 1U: ILisi+mpossible to explicate this concept 1m any Ömeamingfal way.
A. arrange B. complam C.explan D. exchange

.Blacken the letter 4, B, C ør D an your nnswer shieet to itdicate the word with the naïi stress different
from that of the other three woords ín each quesftian.
Câu 11: A. agree B. await C. borrow D. prepare
Cầu 12: A. delcious B. nnportant (.excming D. beautiful

jBlacken the letter A4, B, C or Ð on your nnswer sheet to indicate the correct ansner ío each øƒ the
'Jollowing quesftons.
Cầu 13: - Á: "Dorctor, can you give me some suggeshions on how to stay healthy?"
- B.“ -
A. Well, ñrst of all, vơu need to make sure that you eat the nghị foods.
B. I1s very confusing to know what to cát.
C. AÁs long as you donit overdo 1t, a glass of wine a day should be OE.
D. TT you smoke, you need to stop
Cầu 14: Peter: "Our team has Just won the last football match."
Many: " "
A.Good idea. Thanks for the news. B.Yes. I guess 1fs very good.
C. Well, thats very surprisingl D. Yes, 1tts our pleasure.

jBlacken the letter 4, B, C ør D on your nnsteer sheet t0 tndicate the veornd those nhHderlined part is
Pronotmed dhfferentiy from the øther three tí each question.
Câulã: A.cell B. celling D. coai
Câul6: A.treat B. plead D.break

jBlacken the letter 4, B, C or Ð on yonr mnswer sheet to indicate the correct answer ío ench gƒ the
'Jollowing quesfioHns.
Câu 17: The World Health Organization 1s the United Nations specialized agency for
health. B.a C.the D.Ø
Cầu 18: His effort dificulties makes us suyrpẢised
A. to overcoming B. overcome C. m overcome D. overcomes
Câu 19: He was devastated when he realized he and would be even ñuther indebted.
A. had bet on the wrong horse B.having bet on the wrong horse
C. have bet on the wrong horse D. has bet on the wrong horse
Câu 20: Experts say that another outbreak of Hu epidemic 1s on the :
A. papers B. boards C. cards D. days
Cầu 21: The covid-19 pandemic brought widespread to the global supply chai.
A. disrupt B. disrupnve C.dsruping D. disrupnons
Câu 22: The drug from the bark of the cmnchona tree, 1s naiive to South America.
A. to derive B. which derirved C.deriving D. đerrved
Câu 23: One member of the projectgroup the boss and was fired 1mmediately.
A. put up with B. came up agaimst C. spoke back of D. talked back to

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Câu 24: We are fortunate having sufficient supphes of fuel for the winter.
A. with C.for D.øn
Câu 25: In some Asian famihes, parents tend to have far control over therr children than
those 1n some American famihes.
A. the more B.most C.more D. the most
Câu 26: All the workers of the plan by the chief engineer at this tIme last week.
A. were 1Astructing B. were being 1nstructed
C. had instructed D.1s imstrucing
Câu 27: Our Ăival company managed to steal a on us by bnmging out their software ahead of ours.
A. shne B. march C.hne D.kimdle
Câu 28: You should read the :nstrucons carefully and them to memory.
A. comtimt B.add C. contribute D. devote
Câu 29: The ñnal wimner will be the one who breaks through and survives th] the last minutes.
A. obstacles B.mpediment C. difhiculty D. hindrance
Câu 30: Ás soon as Covid-]9 spread, it mlhons of people.
A. would kil B.sỖrHmed C.would be kiling D. had killed
Câu 31: Mr Ha cần hardly speak English, ?
A. can't she B.need he C. can he D. could he
JRend the follovmg passnge and blncken the letrer 4, B, C ør D on yonNr nuswer sheet to tdticnte the
carrect word for each aƒ the blanks ín the following guestion.
We`ve seen a sieady 1mcrease in psychological distress among adults around the world. Ánd I see (37)
_ 1ncrease im distress as being rooted im part im the messages we received as children around hơw to
express feelings and emotions.
Of course, 1ts easy to blame our parents for what they did or didntdo. (33) the real 1ssue 1s the
lack of emohional hteracy im our culture. We don t teach parents how to respond to children s feelimgs and
emohons with (33). Wealso don t teach it 1 our kindergarters: we don t teach it m out schools. We
sttl] value IQ far more than we value EO.
Im lucky enough to understand and study emotions, and I began to see that what we need as hurnans 1s
a safe place to unpack all of (35) . We need boundaries and holding, but we also need compassion for
those big feclings that rise within. Instead of trying to Hx the problems and trựymg to (36) them
happy all the time, I Just get down low and say: “Tell me all aboutit.”
Câu 32: A.those B. ths D. these
Câu 33: A.For example B.Addinonally C.But D. In spite of
Câu34: A.cempathetic B. empathized C. empathizing D.empathy
Câu 35: A.who are we B. we are who C.who we be D. who we are
Câu36: A.make B. create C.have D.get
.ÑRend the followrng passase mud blacken the letrer 4, B, C, or D on your answer sheet íu ntndtcate the
CcØrTect anHswer tơ the folloxing quesfions.
The “The girl in the red scarf made famous after featuring on the cover of Natnonal Geographic in 1985
has become an 1comtc symbol of photography.
The photo portrays a young gil wearing a red headscarf. It Íocuses on her 1ntense green eyes. I knew
she had an :ncredible look, a peneirating gaze which can make your heart fall She seems able to read
vour mind ” Steve McCurry, the photograph taker, said im an online 1mterview. Tt was not easy to take the
picture because there was a crowd of people around us, the dust was swirling around and it was before
digital cameras and you never knew what would happen with the ñlm ”
McCurry said he knew the picture was special when he developed it. ˆ When I showed it to the editor of
the Natnonal Geographic, he leapedl to his feet and shoutedl, "that`s out next cover he added.

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Just by looking at the photograph, you can feel the youth and greenness in the middle of a yellowish
desert land where fruttfulness 1s sparse. The black-ht nmage highlights the gil's delicate features. “The
structure of the photo is fantastic, as it depicts not only the yvoung lady who seems to brghten the
surrounding but also the perfect harmony between husmankind and nature. ˆ

Cầu 37: The main idea of the reading 1s :

A1. a famous photograph B. how to take good photographs
C. that girls can make good photos D. the balance between humans and nature
Cầu 38: The underined word penetrating in paragraph 2 1s closest im meaming to .
A, cold B.powerful C. admiimg D.indifferent
Cầu 39: According to Steve McCurry, at the momenthetiookthephoio _
A.. a crowd of people didn t allow him to take the photo
B. his digital camera was broken
C. he wasn t sure about the quality of the photo
D. swirling dust made the photo special
Cầu 40: Theunderhne phrase heleapediuhisfeetandshoutedimpliesthat
A. The editor was angry with SŠteve McCurry B. The editor hurmied to make the next cover
C. The editor was shocked to see the photo D. The editor was really keen on the photo
Cầu 41: : From the descnipthion in last paragraph, what can be true about the photo 1s Ệ
AA.1t1s a black-and-white photo B. there are many kinds of fimits 1n 1t
C. the background 1s a desert D.1tis not a hygh quality photo

iBlacken the letter 4, B, C„, ør Ð on your nnswer sheet tẠ indicate the word ør phrnse that : ØOPPOSITE
it NPUHEHG f0 fh© tHeFlIHEd part tì ench of the followrng questions.
Câu 42: . Geting a lot of sleep and dninking plenty of ]uids can miigate the effects of the lu.
A1. 10tenIs1fy B. cause C.prevent D.weaken
Cầu 43: The woman could hardly cumpose herself after hearing the shocking news.
A. make herself angry B. wnte a book by herself
C. cơpy her iends" ideas D. make herself calm

JRend the following passage nnd blnucken the letter AA, B, C, or D) ơn yonr answer sheet to indicate the
correct atswer to. the folloving quesfiamts.
Kakenya Ntaiya 1s the oldest of eight children in her family, belonging to Eenya s Maasai tnbe. When
Ntatya was voung, het father worked in a distant city, and the farmlvy was exiremely poor. Ás the eldest,
Ntaya helped to feed and care for the younger children. She carried water, gathered ftrewood, cooked
meals, and worked m the f#seld Iike all the girls in her village, she was supposed to follow tradinon and
leam the skills to be a good Miaasai wife.
Her father expected her to marry at age 13, as was the cusiom. However, Ntaiya diển t feel the same
way. She had a plan. And she was brave enough to make 1t work. With all the courage she could ñnd
herself, she went to he: father and said she would do what he wanted if he let her ñnish hìgh school. Hetr
father agreed. Ntarya graduated from high school with top honors.
After graduation, Ntaiya decided she wanted to attend college - a uriversity in the Umted States. By
then, however, her father was sick and in a hospital. All the fannly money went to his care, so there was nó
:money for Ngiya.
NGguya met the village leaders. Át ñirst, they were angry with her for danng to do what even few boys
dreamed about. She promised she would use her education to help the village. She promised to come back
and bmlld a school. One village leader saw her determination and agreed to help her. He gave her money,
and she also received a scholarship to Randolph-Macon Women`s College : the Umited States. In 2004,
Ntgauya received her bachelor s degree. Later, she got a Job at the Umted Natnons. In 2011, she received het
doctorate :m education — all made possible by her courage and her will to succeed.
Nguya dhd not forget het promise to the village. She returned to Enoosaen and im 2009. she opened the

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hñrst prnmary school for gils in her village, the Eakenya Center for Excellence. There the siudents have
education and opportumties that Ntarva had to hight so hard for. Gnris that were once forced to marry at 13
are now dreanung of becoming doctors, ]awyers, pilots, and business women.
(Ieaving tt together 3, MiladaBroukal, NGỮ,)
Cầu 44: Which of the following 1s true about Ntaiya?
1. There was no money for Ntaiya to go to college because her father didn t want her to.
B. Niatya got a Job at Randolph-eMacon Women s College after she received BÀ degree.
C. She could go to college because one of the viliage leaders gave her part of the ttntton fee.
D. The giuls rom Nhuya village are expected to go to Eakenya Center for Excellence at the age of 13.
Cầu 45: The mam 1dea of the reading 1s that .
A. Nmiya s courage and determimation helped her achieve her dream
B.itis difRcult for some girls to get an education
C. traditions and customs are an nmportant part of hife
D. atutudes toward women and girls are changing around the world
Cầu 46: Ntaitya proved she was a loyal member of her tribe because she
A. dreamed about having a better life
B. studied hard at her college in the United States
C. understood the Importance of education for everyone
D. flilled her promise to return and help the villagc
Cầu 47: What kind of chiidhood dhđ Ntaiya have?
A.happy B. difcult C. normal D. fantastc
Cầu 48: The underlined word tdletermination in fourth paragraph 1s closest 1n meaming to
A.nbhgahon B. ñrmness C. nmagination D. hesitatuon
Cầu 49: Asachind Ntautya :
A. wanted to follow the customs of her trnbe
B. worked hard to help her famuly surVIVe
C. was unable to go to school
D. hved a better life than most of the people im heẦ villaøe
Cầu 50: The underlined word it im second paragraph refers to .
A. Naiya s marnage B. Ngaiya s plan
C. Maasai trbe`s custome D.age1l3


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