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In a small house by the countryside lived two stepbrothers.

One of them was named Fat Sam, a man who was rather smart but impulsive and bad
tempered. Fat Sam was a tank-he would crush his foes to death by slamming his beastly
body on top of them.
The other stepbrother was named Thin Jim, who liked to insult others. Unlike his brother, he
was not the brightest. Thin Jim was as slim as a snake, and because of this, he could slither
through the smallest slits the way a snake would.
One remarkable thing about the two stepbrothers was their most prized possession:
To Fat Sam and Thin Jim, cheese was life. They loved cheese more than they loved their
children, and treasured cheese as if it was gold. To them, cheese was so valuable that they
even had a specific room where they stored all their cheese.
Due to years and years of surviving solely on nothing else but cheese, they both looked
peculiar in different ways.
The fat in the cheese had fattened Sam so much that his body had become the shape of a
wrecking ball; this earned him his nickname ‘Fat Sam’.
The dairy and protein in the cheese had strengthened and grown Jim’s bones so much that
he started to resemble a skeleton: bony, tall, and thin. This earned Jim the nickname ‘Thin
Fat Sam and Thin Jim were rather selfish people, and they never shared their cheese with
each other. Fat Sam owned all the cheese in the left side of the room, and Thin Jim owned
all the cheese in the right side of the room. The two stepbrothers agreed to never steal any
cheese from each other. Both stepbrothers lived in peace.
That was until one day, Fat Sam noticed that his cheese was missing.
Fat Sam got out of his car and entered his house. He was looking forward to eating some
cheese after a long and tiring day of work. However, as he entered the cheese cavern (that
was the name the two stepbrothers decided to give to the room), he noticed that something
was wrong.
Some of his cheese was missing.
Fat Sam curled his fists. Blood boiled in his veins at the thought of his stepbrother breaking
their promise. He shook in uncontrollable fury as he climbed the stairs leading to Thin Jim’s
bedroom, taking care to make booms of thunder with his footsteps along the way.
“THIN JIM!” Fat Sam boomed, banging on Thin Jim’s door (which was closed and locked).
“How dare you steal my precious cheese! Return it all AT ONCE!”
“I haven’t touched it,” Thin Jim replied in an annoyed tone. “Why would I even bother with
eating your cheese? It’s as disgusting as you.”
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that,” Fat Sam snapped, offended by Thin Jim’s words.
Thin Jim sneered and sniggered.
“Well, why don’t you come in my room if you think I’ve stolen it, then?” Thin Jim gasped.
To rub salt in his stepbrother’s wounds, he added, “That’s right-I forgot! You’re too fat to fit
through my bedroom door!”
Unable to contain his fury, Fat Sam used his enormous, wrecking ball like body and bashed
against the bedroom wall, destroying it, and burst into Thin Jim’s room. Thin Jim shrieked in
Fat Sam looked around for his cheese, but it was nowhere to be seen.
“Where’s the cheese?” He asked, continuing to shake in anger.
Thin Jim replied, “See? I haven’t stolen it! Now fix my bedroom wall and go away!”
Fat Sam thrust his face right before Thin Jim’s, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. “YOU
Thin Jim reached under his bed with his long arm and pulled out his sniper rifle, aiming it at
Fat Sam. Fat Sam immediately recoiled.
“YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!” Fat Sam boomed as he rolled down the stairs like a
bowling ball.
As Thin Jim put away his sniper rifle and continued to read his book, a thought stuck to his
mind like superglue: if neither he or Fat Sam took Fat Sam’s cheese, then who took it, and
where was it?
Thin Jim decided to solve the mystery. The next day, when the bell struck twelve times and
the moon had risen and the sun had fallen, Thin Jim crept out of his bed and tiptoed
cautiously downstairs to Fat Sam’s room. After checking to make sure Fat Sam was asleep,
he grabbed his sniper rifle and tiptoed into the cheese cavern.
Thin Jim used the flashlight on his sniper rifle to illuminate the room. After a few moments
of searching, Thin Jim found a revolting, repellent and repulsive thing that made him shriek.
It was a rat.
The rat was the most disgusting thing Thin Jim had ever seen in his life. The eyes that it
possessed seemed to proclaim the devil, and for a moment Thin Jim felt as if death was
staring him in the face. The fur was untrimmed and stood out like the whiskers on a black
cat. The ugliness of the rat seemed to make everything else in the cheese cavern seem
small- including the ladder (Fat Sam used it to reach the cheese on the higher levels of the
shelf) that it sat underneath.
The rat was carrying a piece of Fat Sam’s cheese. Knowing that it had been spotted, it
quickly scurried to the direction of a nearby hole.
Thin Jim loaded his sniper rifle and fired randomly in the direction the rat was heading to.
Awoken by the shot of the sniper rifle, Fat Sam marched into the room and boomed,
“IT’S A RAT!” Thin Jim cried, continuing to fire bullets, wasting them all in the process. “IT’S
The rat was getting closer and closer to reaching its hole, dodging the misfired bullets in the
process. Upon seeing the hole, Fat Sam rushed to the hole and blocked it with his bulky
body, causing the rat to turn around in fear. Fat Sam seized this opportunity and leaped into
the air and landed on the rat with a huge thud. When he got up, there remained nothing
more than a dent in the floor and a splat of blood. The rat had ceased to exist.
“There’s the hole it’s been living in,” Thin Jim told Fat Sam. “I’ll slither into the hole to see it
I can find any of your missing cheese.”
Thin Jim got down and started to slither across the floor into the hole. He slithered down a
slim corridor that seemed to never end, until he reached a tiny room that could fit a family
of rats which smelt of cheese.
Thin Jim reached his hand into the dark room and found some cheese. Afraid that there
would be more rats, Thin Jim tried to slither out of the corridor, but he couldn’t.
He was stuck.
Thin Jim’s body was halfway through the hole. He tried to break his body out of the hole,
but he couldn’t. The only way he could get out was if Fat Sam pulled him by the feet, which
were outside of the hole.
“Help me, step-brother! I’m stuck!” Thin Jim exclaimed frantically. However, his distress
turned to dismay after hearing Fat Sam’s response.
“You think I’m a fool, Thin Jim?” Fat Sam replied in a mocking tone.
“You bought a rat home after work today and blamed your crimes on the rat!”
A wave of dread came over Thin Jim, who certainly didn’t want to be stuck in a rat’s home
for too long. “Please, believe me Fat Sam! I didn’t steal your cheese!”
“I did warn you last night,” Fat Sam ridiculed. “YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE LAST OF ME!”
Fat Sam pushed Thin Jim’s long legs into the hole as Thin Jim screeched. Using his thick
arms, he placed a cabinet in front of the hole, blocking off any escape for Thin Jim. Thin Jim
was trapped.
“I’ll release you in three days,” said Fat Sam. He beamed in delight as Thin Jim continued to
squeal in terror. “I’ll be eating ALL of your cheese to give you a taste of your own medicine!”
With that, Fat Sam waddled happily back into his room and went back to bed.
One week later, Fat Sam was fatter than ever. After eating nearly half of Thin Jim’s cheese as
well as his own, he was juicier and had more meat than ever, and any hungry person would
have devoured him without hesitation. It was as if somebody had inflated a balloon that was
already big enough.
“Thin Jim!” Exclaimed Fat Sam. “It’s been three days! Time for you to come out!”
Fat Sam entered the cheese cavern (which despite Fat Sam eating so much cheese still
contained mountains of cheese) and removed the cabinet blocking Thin Jim’s escape. His leg
was dangling out of the narrow hole leading to The Rat’s lair.
Fat Sam pulled the leg out of the hole. What he expected was for Thin Jim to slide out of the
hole, hungry and beseeching for his forgiveness. What he didn’t, and never expected was to
pull Thin Jim’s leg out only.
Fat Sam was confused. He stared at the leg, with blood still trickling out of it, as if it had
been sliced off with a knife. Fat Sam grabbed Thin Jim’s sniper rifle, turned on its flashlight,
and shone into the hole. Now it was his turn to have a wave of dread come over him.
It was the corpse of Thin Jim.
A unrecognizable man lay in the hole. Thin Jim’s flesh had been ripped off, and all that
remained were his clothes, drenched in blood as well as some bones. Fat Sam was shocked
and confused: How did this happen?
He didn’t have to wonder any longer- his question was answered straight away.
An angry mob of rats came rushing out of their hole like prisoners being released from
prison. They were The Rat’s friends, and they were hungry-not just for revenge for their
fallen friend, but for food.
The biggest, ugliest rats lead the charge to attack Fat Sam. He tried to squash them to death
like he previously did with their fallen friend, but unity defeated man: Before Fat Sam could
leap into the air, the rats had all climbed onto Fat Sam and started to bite him.
Fat Sam squealed in pain as the rats proceeded with their work. They ripped his flesh off
with their teeth and swallowed every bit of it. They sucked the blood from his veins and
gulped down every single drop of it.
After the rats had done the same to Fat Sam as they had done with Thin Jim, they
celebrated their victory. They looked at the abundant, infinite amount of cheese in front of
them-enough to last all of them for the rest of their lives.
This story is not meant to offend anybody in any way. This story was written purposely to
have a terrible, cursed, and dark ending. Please do not take this story seriously-it was
written for fun purposes and to help the writer practice his writing techniques.

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