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The past is unchangeable

"I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then." As we

might already know, people evolve as time passes by. While growing, we start seeing
things through different perspectives which influence our initiatory path in certain
ways. I consider that during this life, there is no point in holding onto the past. I have
recently came to the conclusion that we are so busy reflecting about yesterday or
even about tomorrow, that we forget to live and actually enjoy the present, which has
a lot of things to offer and for sure, a lot of things to teach us. The past is
unchangeable and maybe that is the great part about it. If things hadn't happened
that way, would your life still be the same?
Nothing would have been the same, because our decisions and all our past actions
influence the present, which in turn, will influence the future. Having that said, live a
life with no regrets. In order to do that, you have to follow your heart, try your best to
achieve your goals and surround yourself with positivity. Also, be proud of the person
you have become and remember that almost nothing in this life comes the easy way.
In the end, what I’m trying to say is that our past has for sure influenced our
present, yet, there is no reason why we should remain a prisoner among our own
deeds, mistakes and decisions. Yesterday is history, so let’s move on and focus on

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