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Page 1: Design and Art Reflection

Team Name: _______________________________________________________

Team Members: ____________________________________________________

Mousetrap Car Design

1. Describe your mousetrap car's design. Include details about:

 How you used the materials (mouse traps, old CDs, cardboard, hot glue, bearings, zip
ties, popsicle sticks, wooden skewers, and 3D printed parts):


2. Sketch your mousetrap car design here:

Artistic Elements

3. Discuss any artistic elements you incorporated into your design. How did you consider
aesthetics alongside functionality?

Innovation and Problem Solving

4. Describe any challenges you faced during the design process and how you overcame them:


League Competition Rules & Data Submission

League Competition Rules

1. Team Participation:

 Each team can have up to 1 members in the hall at any one time.

 A team cannot send more than 1 person into the hallway simultaneously.

2. Building and Testing:

 Your mousetrap car must be built using the materials provided. Any additional materials
must be approved by a supervisor.

 Testing in the hallway is limited to 5-minute sessions per team to ensure everyone has a

Safety and Conduct

 Always stay safe during construction and testing.

 Be respectful of other teams and their designs. Collaboration is encouraged, but plagiarism
is not allowed.

Data Gathering and Submission

3. Document the following data while testing your mousetrap car:

 Distance traveled: _____________________

 Time taken: _____________________

 Speed (calculate using distance/time): _____________________

4. Reflect on your data: What does it tell you about your car's performance?

Submission Checklist

 Design description completed

 Artistic elements discussed

 Innovation and problem-solving reflected upon

 Data gathered and calculated

 Team followed all league rules

5. Final Thoughts: Share any additional thoughts about your project or the competition.

Team Declaration

We, the undersigned, declare that our submission is our own work, adheres to the competition
rules, and respects the principles of fair play and sportsmanship.

Team Member 1 Signature: ______________________ Date: ___________

Team Member 2 Signature: ______________________ Date: ___________

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