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Banila, Maripet L.

Art Appreciation
BSEDEN 1-1N Mr. Jeffrey Bartilet

1st Asynchronous Activity

1. Discuss / write how the earliest philosophies of art in the West influence the art for
centuries, like the imitative (mimetic) theory of art by Plato and Aristotle.
- Plato and Aristotle have different views when it comes to art. It was first
stated that Plato and Aristotle are specifically concerned with poets or drama.
However, they viewed it differently. Plato stated its negative effect on the
audience's emotions negatively while Aristotle saw it as a way to evoke emotions
and an instrument to educate its audiences. Nonetheless, both philosophers
agree with the nature of it as imitative. Along with this artform are the music,
sculpture, dance, painting and others. In their time, art is treated as a form of
activities that requires skills. Therefore, the said artforms are considered as an
imitation of realism or verisimilitude.
Plato and Aristotle's theory was considered false after years since arts or
abstracts particularly were formed even without the actual imitation of things in
much later years. However, their theory was proved helpful especially in the
beginning of 18th centuries when philosophers began to classify and categorize
different artforms. With the Plato-Aristotleian view, they were able to see even the
slightest principle that divides all the artforms in their respective categories. Even
in this current era, this particular grouping based on the imitative theory was used
with the addition of new art forms like filming and others.
Reading this, I have realized how Plato and Aristotle's theory opened up
the minds of both the viewers and artists regarding the different art works. This
helps us to appreciate and understand masterpieces in different degrees other
than shallowness.
2. Discuss / write at least one reflective question you have in mind about theories of
a. How can we gain new knowledge or new wisdom by representations?
b. Does art only mirror the perception of what a person’s experience or thinks?
c. How can one truly consider an artform or an actual art as an imitation?

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