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Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template
Team name:
Team 2

Sai Hitesh Inkollu 26 Sai Hitesh Inkollu 015770724044

India BBW Hochschule, SMIL Master Student

Surya Likhithapudi 26 Surya Likhithapudi 015129194349

India BBW Hochschule, SMIL Master Student

Sithum Perera 26 Sithum Perera 01729298576

Sri Lanka BBW Hochschule, SMIL Master Student

Shaik Hussain 26 Hussain Shaik 017647304334

India BBW Hochschule, SMIL Master Student

Mihir Godhani 26 Mihir Godhani 017611874263

India BBW Hochschule, SMIL Master Student

Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template

Introduce yourselves and your team! Where do you come

from? What skills do you bring with you? How do your skills
complement each other? And what motivates you to
participate in this challenge?

Sai Hitesh - from India, a dynamic problem-solver with a passion for logistics.
With a keen eye for detail and strong analytical skills, I thrive in challenging

Surya Likhithapudi - from India, a strategic thinker with a knack for

innovation. With a focus on sustainability and a talent for creative problem-
solving, I'm here to make a positive impact.
Sithum Perera - from Sri Lanka, a logistics enthusiast armed with problem-
solving prowess. With a Bachelor's degree in Logistics Management and a
natural aptitude for finding solutions, I'm eager to contribute to our team's
Shaik Hussain - from India, a dedicated logistics professional with a flair for
problem-solving. Equipped with strong communication skills and a passion for
efficiency, I excel in finding innovative solutions to complex challenges.

Mihir Godhani - from India, a resourceful logistics expert with a talent for
problem-solving. With a Bachelor's degree in Logistics Management and a
proactive approach to challenges, I thrive in dynamic environments.

Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template
extending life span

CircularMachinery - Sustainable Lifecycle

Extension for Zero-Emission Construction

Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template

Bring your idea to the point! Give us a short elevator pitch of

your approach that summarizes your concept briefly.
(max. 500 characters excl. spaces)

In response to Wacker Neuson's call for sustainable solutions, we propose a

comprehensive approach centered on the concept of product lifecycle extension.
Our solution aims to address the challenges posed by the integration of zero-
emission products while optimizing the lifespan of machinery and batteries.

At the core of our proposal is the recognition of the need for a circular model that
efficiently handles the return and repurposing of zero-emission product
components, particularly machinery and batteries.
Through refurbishment, repurposing, and reusing models, we seek to extend the
lifecycle of these components, thereby promoting longer life spans for machinery
and contributing to the goal of achieving zero emissions.

To ensure customer-centricity, we advocate for transparent communication and

engagement strategies that address potential doubts and concerns among
customers. By providing clear information about the refurbishment and
reconditioning processes, as well as offering incentives for participation in take-
back and recycling programs, we aim to foster active customer involvement in the
circular economy.

Furthermore, our solution emphasizes the importance of organizational

integration, outlining a clear vision for mid-term integration into Wacker Neuson's
structures. By collaborating across departments and providing training and
support for employees involved in refurbishment and recycling activities, we aim
to ensure seamless assimilation of the circular model into existing operations.

Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template
Quality management and legal obligations are also paramount considerations in
our proposal. We advocate for the implementation of robust quality
management systems to meet stringent expectations regarding product quality
and compliance with legal regulations. By adhering to these standards
throughout the circular process, we aim to ensure a seamless and compliant

Looking ahead, our vision is to reshape the future of construction by redefining

how machinery and batteries are approached, ensuring a seamless integration of
sustainability practices. Through continuous innovation and collaboration, we
believe our solution has the potential to not only optimize the lifespan of
machinery and batteries but also promote a culture of sustainability within
Wacker Neuson and the broader construction industry.

In conclusion, as master students, we present a holistic solution that addresses

the challenges posed by the integration of zero-emission products, while
promoting sustainability and customer engagement. We are confident that our
proposal will contribute to Wacker Neuson's mission of being a sustainable
partner for customers and reshaping the future of construction.

Which specific problems did you identify that are to be

addressed with your solution? Which stakeholders are
affected by these problems?

Some of the specific problems that I identified that are to be addressed with
my solution are:

The high carbon emissions and environmental impacts of the construction

industry, especially from the production and use of materials and machinery.
The lack of transparency and trust in the quality and availability of Zero
Emission products, such as circular machinery, batteries, and materials.
The low customer awareness and participation in the circular economy and
the benefits of Zero Emission products.

Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template
In 2021, investments in building energy efficiency increased by 16% to USD 237
billion, but growth in floor space outpaced efficiency efforts
The sector’s 2021 operational energy-related CO2emissions were up 5 per cent
over 2020 and 2 per cent over the pre-pandemic peak in 2019

Some of the stakeholders that are affected by these problems are:

The construction industry players, such as developers, contractors, engineers,

architects, and suppliers, who need to comply with the environmental
regulations and standards, and also meet the customer expectations and
The customers, such as building owners, operators, tenants, and users, who
want to reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint, and also enjoy a
comfortable and healthy living and working environment.
The society and the environment, which bear the consequences of climate
change, resource depletion, and pollution, and also depend on the provision of
essential services and infrastructure.

Some of the needs and consequences of the affected stakeholders are:

The construction industry players need to reduce their carbon emissions and
environmental impacts, as well as comply with the regulations and standards, and
meet the customer expectations and demands. The consequence of having no
solution to this problem is that they could face legal, reputational, and financial risks,
as well as lose their competitive edge and market share.
The customers need to reduce their energy costs and carbon footprint, and also
enjoy a comfortable and healthy living and working environment. The consequence
of having no solution to this problem is that they could suffer from lower quality of
life, health issues, and dissatisfaction.
The society and the environment need to mitigate the effects of climate change,
resource depletion, and pollution, and also maintain the provision of essential
services and infrastructure. The consequence of having no solution to this problem
is that they could experience severe social, economic, and ecological disruptions
and damages.
My approach is the right one to tackle the identified needs because it:
Provides circular solutions for the machinery and batteries, such as smart
monitoring, modular design, and gamified incentives, that could extend their life
span and value, reduce their material and energy consumption, and increase their
efficiency and reliability.
Connects the suppliers and buyers of circular products, and provides transparent
information on their impacts and quality, that could increase the trust and demand
for these products, and facilitate their exchange and reuse.
Encourages active participation in the circular economy and the benefits of Zero
Emission products, by offering innovative and attractive products and services, such
as repair kits, customization options, or subscription models, that could meet the
customer needs and preferences, and enhance their emotional attachment and

Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template

Describe your approach in detail, while considering the

guiding questions from the challenge briefing.
You should also visualize and supplement your solution with
graphics, mockups, videos, links, etc.

Circularity Concept
1. Refurbishment and Repurposing - Machinery and batteries returned by
customers undergo thorough inspection and refurbishment processes.
Components are repaired, upgraded, or repurposed to extend their lifecycle
and minimize waste.
2.Reuse Models - Reusable components are reintegrated into the
manufacturing process to create refurbished products or incorporated into
new machinery, reducing the need for raw materials and promoting resource

Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template

Describe your approach in detail, while considering the

guiding questions from the challenge briefing.
You should also visualize and supplement your solution with
graphics, mockups, videos, links, etc.

Organizational Integration
1.Collaborative Approach - We collaborate across departments within Wacker
Neuson to ensure seamless integration of the circular model into existing
operations. Cross-functional teams are responsible for implementing and
managing refurbishment, recycling, and quality control processes.
2.Employee Training and Support - We provide comprehensive training and
support for employees involved in refurbishment and recycling activities,
ensuring compliance with quality standards and legal regulations. This
investment in human capital strengthens our circular model and promotes a
culture of sustainability within the organization.

Quality Management and Legal Compliance

1.Robust Quality Management Systems - We implement robust quality
management systems to uphold product quality and compliance with legal
regulations throughout the circular process. Quality control measures are
integrated into every stage of refurbishment and manufacturing to ensure
consistency and reliability.
2.Compliance Monitoring - We regularly monitor and audit our operations to
ensure compliance with legal obligations and industry standards. This
proactive approach minimizes the risk of non-compliance and maintains the
integrity of our circular model.

Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template

What role does technological innovation play in your

approach and why can this make a positive social impact?

1. Advanced Refurbishment Techniques - We utilize cutting-edge technologies

such as automated diagnostics, predictive maintenance algorithms, and 3D
printing to streamline the refurbishment process. These technologies enable
us to quickly identify and address issues with returned machinery and
batteries, reducing downtime and increasing productivity. As a result,
customers benefit from faster turnaround times and higher-quality
refurbished products, enhancing their overall satisfaction and trust in our
circular model.
2.Data Analytics for Optimization - We harness the power of data analytics to
optimize our refurbishment and repurposing processes. By analyzing data on
product performance, component reliability, and customer feedback, we can
identify patterns, trends, and opportunities for improvement. This data-driven
approach allows us to continuously refine our circular model, ensuring that it
remains efficient, cost-effective, and responsive to customer needs.
3.Smart Integration into Operations - We deploy smart technologies such as
IoT sensors, RFID tags, and cloud-based platforms to seamlessly integrate our
circular model into Wacker Neuson's operations. These technologies enable
real-time tracking, monitoring, and management of refurbished products,
components, and materials throughout the supply chain. By digitizing and
automating key processes, we enhance visibility, traceability, and control,
minimizing errors and optimizing resource utilization.
4.Augmented Reality (AR) for Training - We utilize AR technology to provide
immersive and interactive training experiences for employees involved in
refurbishment and recycling activities. AR-enabled training modules allow
employees to learn and practice essential skills in a virtual environment,
reducing the need for physical equipment and minimizing safety risks. This
hands-on approach to training enhances employee competence, confidence,
and compliance, ensuring the quality and consistency of our circular model.

Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template

How is your approach different to existing ones?

Why is it better, more innovative, and potentially more

Our approach to CircularMachinery for Sustainable Construction distinguishes

itself from existing practices through several key innovations, making it more
effective, efficient, and sustainable
1.Holistic Circular Model - Unlike traditional linear models that focus solely
on manufacturing and selling new products, our approach adopts a holistic
circular model that extends the lifecycle of machinery and batteries through
refurbishment, repurposing, and reuse. By closing the loop and minimizing
waste, we reduce environmental impact and promote resource efficiency,
aligning with the principles of a circular economy.
2.Customer-Centric Solutions - Our approach prioritizes transparency,
engagement, and incentives to address customer concerns and encourage
active participation in sustainable practices. By providing clear information
about the refurbishment process and offering incentives for take-back and
recycling, we build trust and confidence among customers, fostering a sense
of shared responsibility for environmental stewardship.
3.Technological Integration - We leverage advanced technologies such as data
analytics, IoT sensors, and augmented reality to optimize our circular model
and enhance operational efficiency. By digitizing and automating key
processes, we improve visibility, traceability, and control, minimizing errors
and maximizing resource utilization. This technological integration sets our
approach apart from existing practices, allowing for greater scalability and
4.Organizational Collaboration - Our approach emphasizes collaboration
across departments within Wacker Neuson to ensure seamless integration of
the circular model into existing operations. By fostering a culture of
innovation and sustainability, we empower employees to contribute to
continuous improvement and drive positive change within the organization.
This collaborative approach enhances organizational agility and adaptability,
enabling us to respond effectively to changing market dynamics and
regulatory requirements.

Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template

Where do you see a monetarization opportunity for your

approach or how can funding be secured to make a
sustainable difference?

There are several monetization opportunities for our approach to

CircularMachinery for Sustainable Construction,
1.Product Sales - We can monetize refurbished machinery and batteries by
selling them to customers at competitive prices. By offering high-quality,
reliable products with extended lifecycles, we can capture market share and
generate revenue while promoting sustainability.
2.Service Contracts - We can offer service contracts or subscription-based
models to customers, providing ongoing maintenance, support, and upgrades
for refurbished products. This recurring revenue stream not only ensures
customer satisfaction but also provides a steady income for the company.
3.Take-Back Programs - We can implement take-back programs where
customers return end-of-life machinery and batteries to us for refurbishment
or recycling. By charging a fee for this service, we can monetize the recovery
of valuable materials and components, creating a closed-loop system that
promotes sustainability.
4.Consulting Services - We can offer consulting services to other companies in
the construction industry, helping them implement circular models and
sustainable practices. By sharing our expertise and best practices, we can
generate revenue while driving positive change across the industry.

Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template

Where do you see a monetarization opportunity for your

approach or how can funding be secured to make a
sustainable difference?

In terms of funding, there are several avenues we can explore to secure

investment and make a sustainable difference

1.Corporate Partnerships - We can explore partnerships with other

companies in the construction industry, as well as with technology providers,
research institutions, and non-profit organizations. These partnerships can
provide access to resources, expertise, and market opportunities that can
accelerate our growth and impact.
2.Crowdfunding - We can launch a crowdfunding campaign to raise
awareness and funds for our initiative. By engaging with customers,
supporters, and the broader community, we can mobilize grassroots support
and secure funding to kickstart our circular model and make a sustainable
difference in the construction industry.
By leveraging monetization opportunities and securing funding through
various channels, we can establish a financially sustainable business model
that creates positive social, environmental, and economic impact in the
construction industry..

Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template

What would an optimal implementation of your concept look

like? Please include your immediate next steps and long-
term goals.
What are possible hurdles that need to be overcome?

Optimal Implementation Plan

1.Immediate Next Steps
1. Conduct a comprehensive feasibility study to assess the market
demand, competitive landscape, and regulatory environment.
2. Develop a detailed implementation roadmap outlining key
milestones, timelines, and resource requirements.
3. Establish cross-functional teams to oversee the design, testing, and
rollout of the circular model, including refurbishment processes,
customer engagement strategies, and technological integration.
4. Invest in infrastructure, technology, and training to support the
implementation of the circular model, including refurbishment
facilities, IoT sensors, data analytics platforms, and employee
development programs.

2. Short-Term Goals (6-12 Months)

1. Pilot the circular model in select markets or customer segments to
gather feedback, test scalability, and refine processes.
2. Launch marketing and communication campaigns to raise
awareness of the circular model and promote customer
participation in take-back and recycling programs.
3. Establish partnerships with suppliers, distributors, and industry
stakeholders to secure access to raw materials, components, and
end-of-life products for refurbishment and recycling.
4. Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) such as customer
satisfaction, product quality, and environmental impact to track
progress and identify areas for improvement.

Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template

What would an optimal implementation of your concept look

like? Please include your immediate next steps and long-
term goals.
What are possible hurdles that need to be overcome?

3. Long-Term Goals (12+ Months)

1. Scale the circular model across all markets and customer segments, expanding
refurbishment operations and take-back programs to maximize impact.
2. Explore opportunities for vertical integration and diversification, such as offering
additional services or entering new markets, to capture additional value and revenue
3. Continuously innovate and optimize the circular model through ongoing research and
development, leveraging advancements in technology, sustainability, and circular
economy practices.
4. Establish a leadership position in the construction industry as a trusted provider of
sustainable solutions, driving industry-wide adoption of circularity and environmental
Possible Hurdles
1.Regulatory Compliance - Ensuring compliance with environmental regulations, product
standards, and waste management requirements may pose challenges, particularly in
different regions with varying regulations and enforcement mechanisms.
2.Technological Integration - Implementing and integrating new technologies into existing
operations may require significant investment in infrastructure, training, and change
management to overcome resistance and ensure adoption.
3.Market Acceptance - Convincing customers to embrace refurbished products and
participate in take-back programs may require education, incentives, and assurances
regarding product quality, reliability, and performance.
4.Supply Chain Constraints - Securing a consistent and reliable supply of end-of-life
products, components, and materials for refurbishment and recycling may be challenging,
particularly if there is limited availability or competition for resources.
5.Financial Sustainability - Balancing the upfront costs of implementing the circular model
with long-term profitability and return on investment may require careful financial
planning, risk management, and stakeholder engagement to secure funding and support.

Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template

Where would you need the support from your challenge-

provider or the program partners during the elaboration
phase? What knowledge or input would help you further?

During the elaboration phase of our project, support from the challenge provider or
program partners would be invaluable in several key areas,
1.Industry Expertise - Access to industry experts and advisors who can provide insights,
guidance, and best practices related to sustainable construction, circular economy
principles, and technological innovation would be extremely beneficial. Their knowledge
and experience can help us refine our approach, identify potential challenges, and develop
effective solutions.
2.Market Research - Assistance with market research, market analysis, and customer
surveys can help us better understand market demand, customer preferences, and
competitive dynamics. This information will be crucial for fine-tuning our value proposition,
pricing strategy, and go-to-market approach.
3.Technology Partnerships - Collaboration with technology partners who specialize in areas
such as IoT, data analytics, and augmented reality can accelerate the development and
deployment of technology-enabled solutions. By leveraging their expertise and resources,
we can enhance the effectiveness and scalability of our circular model.
4.Regulatory Guidance - Guidance on regulatory requirements, compliance standards, and
environmental regulations can help us navigate the complex regulatory landscape and
ensure that our operations and products meet legal and ethical standards. This support will
be essential for mitigating risks and avoiding potential liabilities.
5.Funding Opportunities - Access to funding opportunities, grant programs, and investor
networks can provide the financial resources needed to implement and scale our circular
model. Assistance with grant writing, pitch preparation, and investor presentations can
increase our chances of securing funding and support for our project.
Support from the challenge provider or program partners during the elaboration phase can
help us validate our concept, overcome obstacles, and maximize the impact of our project.
Their knowledge, input, and resources will be instrumental in guiding us towards success
and achieving our goals of promoting sustainability, innovation, and social responsibility in
the construction industry.

Ekipa Academic Alliance

Challenge Catalogue
Submission Template

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