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Title: Living as Holy People: Embracing the Redemption in Christ

Text: 1 Peter 1:13-21

- Greeting and context: Good morning brothers and sisters in Christ. As we gather together in the
season of Lent, let us reflect on the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice and the call to live as
holy people. Today, we delve into 1 Peter 1:13-21, which offers us insight into this calling.

I. Understanding the Urgency of Living as Holy People (1 Peter 1:13-16)

A. Exhortation to prepare our minds
- Recognize the importance of focused and intentional living
B. Girding up our minds for action
- In a world full of distractions and temptations, staying alert and resolute
C. Pursuing holiness amidst cultural challenges
- Reminding ourselves of God's call to be holy in a broken world
D. The call to be holy, for He is holy
- Reflecting on the character of God and its impact on our lives

II. The Price of Our Redemption (1 Peter 1:17-21)

A. We were redeemed from an empty way of life
- With Christ's sacrifice, we were delivered from the bondage of sin
B. Embracing the preciousness of Christ's blood
- Reflecting on the high cost and immeasurable value of our redemption
C. Faith and hope in God alone
- Trusting in God's promises, even amidst trials and uncertainties
D. Resurrection power at work
- Recognizing the power of Christ's resurrection in our daily lives

III. Other Related Texts:

A. Romans 12:1-2 - Presenting our bodies as living sacrifices, transformed by the renewal of our
B. Matthew 5:48 - The command to be perfect, as our heavenly Father is perfect
C. Ephesians 1:7-8 - In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins
D. Hebrews 10:14 - By a single offering, Christ has perfected for all time those who are being

- Summarize the key points discussed
- Emphasize the significance of living as holy people during Lent
- Encourage the congregation to reflect on their own lives and consider how they can actively
pursue holiness and embrace the redemption found in Christ.
- Invite the congregation to commit to a lifestyle of holiness and gratitude for the sacrifice made
for their redemption.
- Offer a time of prayer for God's strength and guidance in living as holy people.
- Close with a benediction and a reminder of the hope and transformation that comes from living
in Christ.
- May we all strive to live as holy people, reflecting the light of Christ in a world in need of His
redemption. Amen.

Title: Living as Holy People: Embracing the Redemption in Christ

Good morning, brothers and sisters in Christ. As we gather together in this building together with
the season of Lent, we are reminded of the transformative power of Christ's sacrifice on the cross.
His death and resurrection provide us with the opportunity to live as holy people, embracing the
redemption that He offers us. Today, we will delve into 1 Peter 1:13-21, which offers us insight
and guidance on this calling to live as holy people.

I. Understanding the Urgency of Living as Holy People (1 Peter 1:13-16)

In these verses, we are exhorted to prepare our minds and stay focused on our calling as holy
people. It is so easy to get caught up in the distractions and temptations of this world, but we are
called to gird up our minds for action, staying alert and resolute. This is particularly challenging in
a world that often rejects the idea of holiness and embraces sin and brokenness. However, Peter
reminds us that we are called to be holy because our God is holy. As we walk in this world, we
must constantly remind ourselves of God's standard and strive to live up to it.

II. The Price of Our Redemption (1 Peter 1:17-21)

In these verses, Peter reminds us of the cost of our redemption. We were redeemed from an empty
way of life through the precious blood of Christ. Our redemption was not cheap or trivial. It came
at a great price—the life of God's Son. As we reflect on this truth, we should be filled with
gratitude and awe or reverence. Our redemption is not something to be taken lightly. It is a
precious gift that should impact every area of our lives.

As holy people, our faith and hope must be anchored in God alone. This world may bring trials
and uncertainties, but we can trust in the promises of our faithful God. We have been raised with
Christ, and His resurrection power is at work within us. This power enables us to walk in holiness
and overcome the challenges we face,in our studies as students, in our communities, in our
congregations, in our job stations and so on ...

III. Application and Encouragement

As we consider the urgency of living as holy people and the price of our redemption, let us
remember that this calling is not meant to be burdensome or impossible. God does not leave us on
our own to strive for holiness. He provides us with His Holy Spirit to guide and empower us.
Furthermore, He has given us His Word and His community, the Church, to support and
encourage us in our journey toward holiness.

To live as holy people, we must actively engage in the disciplines of the Christian life. This
includes regularly reading and meditating on God's Word, praying fervently, worshiping
faithfully, and participating in the sacraments. These practices help to cultivate and nourish our
relationship with God, allowing His transforming power to work in us.

Living as holy people also involves loving and serving others. We are called to imitate Christ, who
came not to be served, but to serve. This means seeking opportunities to extend love, grace, and
mercy to those around us. We should strive to forgive as we have been forgiven, show compassion
to the hurting, and stand up for justice and righteousness.

As we live as holy people, we will inevitably face challenges and failures. It is important to
remember that God's grace is always available to us. When we stumble, we can repent and receive
His forgiveness. We must also surround ourselves with a community of believers who can support
and hold us accountable in our pursuit of holiness.

In conclusion, living as holy people is not an easy task, but it is a calling that we are empowered to
fulfill through the redemption and power of Christ. Let us embrace this calling with urgency,
remembering the price that was paid for our redemption. May we rely on God's Spirit, Word, and
community to guide and strengthen us as we strive to walk in holiness.

Let us commit to fixing our minds on Christ, the author and perfecter of our faith, who provides us
with the ultimate example of holy living. Let us surrender our wills to His, trusting in His grace
and guidance to lead us on the path of righteousness.

As we navigate the challenges and temptations of this world, let us remember the words of 1 Peter
2:9, which declares that we are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special
possession. May this truth resonate in our hearts and inspire us to live out our identity as holy
people, shining as lights in a dark world.

In conclusion, let us go forth from this gathering with a renewed sense of purpose and conviction.
Let us strive to live as holy people, rooted in the redemption of Christ and empowered by His
Spirit. May our lives be a testament to the transformative power of God's love and grace, drawing
others to experience the same redemption and holiness that we have found in Him. Thank you,
Lord, for calling us to be your holy people. Amen.


Thank you, Lord, for calling us to be your holy people. As we continue on this journey of faith
and holiness, help us to rely on your strength and guidance. Fill us with your Spirit, that we may
walk in step with you and bear fruit that reflects your character to the world around us.

We pray for the grace to persevere through trials and temptations, knowing that you are faithful to
uphold us and provide a way of escape. Help us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, the author and
perfecter of our faith, and to follow his example of humble service and obedience.

May our lives be a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to you, as we offer ourselves up in service to
your kingdom. Help us to love one another as you have loved us, and to be a light in the darkness,
pointing others to the hope and salvation found in you.

We thank you for the privilege of being called your holy people and for the work you are doing in
us and through us. May your name be glorified in all that we say and do. In Jesus' name, we pray.

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