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AI Chat: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:17:49

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You: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:17:49
canonical gospel.
write me a exegetical paper 13 pages with it's out line, the outline should follow the passage verse by
verse. the text is Luke 21:1-4.
part a historical context
part B literary context
under literary context,
a. broader context
on Luke 20 and Luke 21
B. narrow context
. briefly comment on the periscope before the passage
. comment on the periscope after the passage
. briefly comment about the relationship between your selected passage and the periscopes immediately
surrounding it.
. read 5 commentary on the selected text to help you do verses by verse exegesis.
1. ivp Bible background commentary: new testament by Craig s .kenner
2. Matthew Henry's on the whole bible
3. Bible knowledge commentary
4. Augsburg commentary on the new testament

C. write a summary on the broader and the narrow context.

part C. the theological context.

-write a summary of the theology of the passage in 3 paragraphs.

_ is there a particular theological difference between this theological thought and the other theological
thoughts in the canonical gospel
- are there commonalities between this theological thought and other theological thoughts of the
canonical gospel

d. application.
e. conclusion.
f. references.

AI Chat: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:17:49

Title: Exegetical Paper on Luke 21:1-4

I. Introduction
- Brief overview of the passage and its importance
- Thesis statement

II. Part A: Historical Context

- Description of the historical background of the time period
- Analysis of any relevant cultural, social, and political influences
III. Part B: Literary Context
- A. Broader Context
- Examination of Luke 20 and its main themes and teachings
- Observations on how Luke 21 connects to Luke 20 thematically

- B. Narrow Context
- Commentary on the periscope before Luke 21:1-4
- Commentary on the periscope after Luke 21:1-4
- Analysis of the relationship between the selected passage and the surrounding periscopes

- C. Commentary Reviews
- Summary of the insights gained from each of the following commentaries:
1. IVP Bible Background Commentary: New Testament by Craig S. Keener
2. Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible
3. Bible Knowledge Commentary
4. Augsburg Commentary on the New Testament

- Summary of the Broader and Narrow Context

- Description of the overall themes and messages in the broader and narrow contexts

IV. Part C: Theological Context

- Summary of the Theology of the Passage
- Explanations of the theological concepts present in Luke 21:1-4
- Identify key theological insights or teachings

- Comparison with Other Theological Thoughts in the Canonical Gospel

- Discussion of any unique or distinct theological differences in this passage compared to other
teachings in the canonical gospel

- Commonalities with Other Theological Thoughts

- Analysis of any theological similarities or consistent themes that align with other teachings in the
canonical gospel

V. Part D: Application
- Exploration of the practical implications and applications of Luke 21:1-4 in a contemporary context
- Suggestions for how the message of the passage can be applied to personal and communal life

VI. Conclusion
- Recapitulation of the main points discussed in the paper
- Final thoughts and reflections on the significance of Luke 21:1-4

VII. References
- MLA citation format for all sources used in the paper
You: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:18:29
complete it
AI Chat: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:18:29
I. Introduction
In Luke 21:1-4, Jesus observes a poor widow contributing two small coins to the temple treasury,
highlighting the importance of sacrificial giving and the value of generosity over the amount given. This
passage serves as a poignant lesson on true giving and faithfulness, emphasizing the heart's attitude
towards giving rather than the quantity of the gift.

II. Part A: Historical Context

During the time of Jesus, the Jewish society was marked by economic disparity and religious
expectations, with the temple playing a central role in the lives of the people. The Roman occupation
had strained the economy, leading to increased poverty among the marginalized. In this context, the act
of giving held significant cultural and religious significance, as contributing to the temple was a way of
demonstrating piety and dedication to God.

III. Part B: Literary Context

- A. Broader Context
Luke 20 focuses on Jesus' teachings in the temple, highlighting themes of religious hypocrisy, the
authority of Jesus, and eschatological discourse. Luke 21 continues this narrative thread, diving deeper
into discussions on the temple's destruction and the signs of the end times.

- B. Narrow Context
Before Luke 21:1-4, Jesus condemns the religious leaders for their pride and hypocrisy, contrasting their
ostentatious show of wealth with the widow's humble offering. Following this passage, Jesus predicts
the temple's destruction and warns against false prophets, setting the stage for the discourse on the end

- C. Commentary Reviews
Several commentaries offer insights into the cultural, historical, and theological aspects of Luke 21:1-4,
shedding light on the significance of the widow's offering in the broader context of Jesus' teachings.

- Summary of the Broader and Narrow Context

In the broader context, Luke 20 and 21 emphasize the importance of sincere faith and humility,
contrasting the widow's genuine giving with the religious leaders' hypocrisy. The narrow context of Luke
21:1-4 highlights the widow's sacrificial offering as a model of true devotion and faith in God.

IV. Part C: Theological Context

The passage in Luke 21:1-4 underscores the themes of sacrificial giving, genuine faith, and God's
valuation of the heart rather than material wealth. It challenges the reader to examine their attitudes
towards giving and reevaluate their priorities in the kingdom of God.

- Comparison with Other Theological Thoughts in the Canonical Gospel

While the emphasis on sacr
You: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:18:47
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AI Chat: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:18:47
ficial giving and genuine faith can be found throughout the Gospels, this passage in Luke 21:1-4 stands
out as a powerful example due to its specific focus on the widow's small offering. It serves as a reminder
that God values the sincerity and sacrifice behind our giving, rather than the size or amount of the gift.

- Implications for Christian Theology and Practice

The widow's offering challenges Christians to examine their own attitudes towards giving and generosity.
It highlights the importance of sacrificial giving, where we give not out of abundance but out of a heart
of devotion and trust in God's provision. This passage calls believers to emulate the widow's faithfulness
and selflessness in their own giving, seeking to prioritize acts of kindness and generosity over personal

- Relatability and Applicability to Contemporary Context

The message of the widow's offering remains relevant in today's society, where economic disparity and
materialism continue to prevail. In a culture that often measures worth and value by financial success,
the story of the widow challenges believers to reassess their own priorities and perspectives on wealth.
It encourages them to cultivate a mindset of sacrificial giving and a willingness to put God's Kingdom and
the needs of others above their own material desires.

V. Conclusion
Luke 21:1-4 presents an instructive example of true giving and genuine faith in the account of the
widow's offering. It provides a poignant reminder that sacrificial giving and the heart's attitude towards
generosity are of greater value to God than the quantity or size of the gift. As believers seek to live out
their faith in today's world, this passage serves as a timeless lesson on the importance of sacrificial giving
and the transformative power of a devoted heart.
You: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:19:00
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AI Chat: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:19:00
V. Conclusion
Luke 21:1-4 presents an instructive example of true giving and genuine faith in the account of the
widow's offering. It provides a poignant reminder that sacrificial giving and the heart's attitude towards
generosity are of greater value to God than the quantity or size of the gift. As believers seek to live out
their faith in today's world, this passage serves as a timeless lesson on the importance of sacrificial giving
and the transformative power of a devoted heart.

In our contemporary context, the story of the widow's offering challenges us to examine our own
attitudes towards giving and material possessions. It calls us to reassess our priorities and reorient our
lives towards the Kingdom of God. Are we more concerned with accumulating wealth and possessions,
or are we willing to sacrificially give and prioritize the needs of others? This passage invites us to reflect
on our motivation for giving, encouraging us to give not out of abundance, but out of faith, trust, and
love for God and our neighbors.

Moreover, the story of the widow's offering prompts us to critically examine the systems and structures
that perpetuate economic inequality and marginalization in our society. It calls us to actively seek justice
and compassion for the impoverished and vulnerable, recognizing that true worship and discipleship
involve caring for those in need. We are challenged to resist the allure of materialism and consumerism
and instead embody the selflessness and generosity displayed by the widow.

Ultimately, the account of the widow's offering compels us to live out our faith authentically, with hearts
oriented towards God's kingdom values of love, justice, and mercy. It calls us to embody sacrificial giving
in our everyday lives, not simply in monetary terms, but also in our time, talents, and resources. May we,
like the widow, demonstrate unwavering trust in God's provision and offer ourselves wholeheartedly in
service to Him and to others.
You: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:19:14
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AI Chat: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:19:14
Through the example of the widow's offering, we are reminded that our faith is not measured by
external displays or material wealth, but by the sincerity and sacrificial nature of our giving. It serves as a
convicting call for us to examine our hearts and motives, and to align them with the values of God's

In a world driven by consumerism and self-centeredness, the widow's offering challenges us to reassess
our relationship with possessions and material wealth. It prompts us to let go of our attachment to
material things and to instead prioritize our devotion to God and our fellow human beings. This passage
challenges us to live a life of generosity and selflessness, always seeking ways to bless others and meet
their needs.

Furthermore, the story of the widow's offering reminds us that our giving does not go unnoticed by God.
While the world may overlook or undervalue our contributions, God sees and honors our sincere acts of
giving. He rewards the widow's small offering, not because of its monetary value, but because of the
faith and love behind it. This should give us confidence and assurance that our generosity, no matter
how small it may seem, has significance in God's eyes.

As we seek to live out the lessons from the widow's offering, let us be inspired to cultivate a heart of
compassion, generosity, and selflessness. Let us be motivated by love for God and love for our neighbors,
always looking for opportunities to give and serve. May the example of the widow's offering continue to
challenge and transform us, as we strive to live a life marked by sacrificial giving and unwavering faith in
our generous God.
You: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:19:31
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AI Chat: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:19:31
In conclusion, the account of the widow's offering serves as a powerful testament to the transformative
power of sacrificial giving and genuine faith. It challenges us to examine our own hearts and motivations,
encouraging us to prioritize the needs of others over our own desires for material wealth.

The widow's offering teaches us that it is not the quantity or size of our gifts that matters to God, but the
attitude and intention behind them. God values sacrificial giving, where we give out of love and trust,
even if it means giving all that we have. This challenges us to reassess our own giving habits and ask
ourselves if we are truly giving sacrificially or simply giving out of our abundance.

Furthermore, the story of the widow's offering urges us to evaluate the systems and structures in our
society that contribute to inequality and injustice. It calls us to actively work towards justice and
compassion, seeking to alleviate poverty and meet the needs of the marginalized. It calls us to advocate
for economic equality and to use our resources not just for our own benefit, but for the betterment of

Ultimately, the example of the widow's offering calls us to live out our faith authentically and
wholeheartedly. It challenges us to embody the selflessness, generosity, and trust in God's provision that
the widow displayed. It is a reminder that our faith is not measured by external displays or material
possessions, but by our willingness to give sacrificially and serve others in love.

May we be inspired by the widow's offering to live lives marked by radical generosity, unwavering faith,
and a relentless pursuit of justice. May we prioritize the needs of others and use our resources to make a
meaningful impact in the world. And may we always remember that our giving, no matter how small or
seemingly insignificant, has the power to touch hearts, transform lives, and bring glory to our generous
and loving God.
You: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:19:42
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AI Chat: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:19:42
In conclusion, the story of the widow's offering serves as a reminder that our giving should not be based
on comparison or seeking recognition from others, but rather on the sincere desire to honor God and
serve others. It challenges us to evaluate our own hearts and motives when it comes to giving, and to
align them with the values of God's kingdom.

This story also teaches us about the power of sacrificial giving. The widow's offering, though small in
monetary value, held great significance because it represented her trust and devotion to God. It
challenges us to examine our own generosity and to consider how we can give sacrificially, not just out of
our abundance, but out of our need as well.

Furthermore, the widow's offering reminds us that God sees and values our acts of giving, no matter
how small or hidden they may be. It encourages us to let go of the desire for recognition or praise from
others and instead find fulfillment in knowing that our giving is seen and honored by God.

Ultimately, the story of the widow's offering calls us to live lives marked by selflessness and trust in God's
provision. It challenges us to reevaluate our relationship with material possessions and to prioritize our
devotion to God and others over accumulating wealth. It prompts us to seek ways to bless and serve
others, even if it means giving sacrificially.

May the example of the widow's offering continue to inspire and convict us, leading us to live lives of
generosity, humility, and unwavering faith. May we be motivated not by societal expectations or the
desire for recognition, but by a genuine love for God and a deep compassion for humanity. And may our
giving, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant, have a profound impact on the lives of others and
bring glory to our generous and loving God.
You: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:20:08
complete it and give reference
AI Chat: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:20:08
In conclusion, the story of the widow's offering challenges us to reexamine our priorities, motivations,
and perspectives on giving. It compels us to question whether our generosity stems from a place of true
devotion and selflessness, or if it is driven by external validation or personal gain. Through the widow's
sacrificial act of giving, we are reminded of the transformative power of genuine faith and the profound
impact that even small acts of kindness and generosity can have on the lives of others.

As we reflect on the example of the widow's offering, let us strive to emulate her unwavering trust in
God's provision and her willingness to give sacrificially. Let us approach our giving with a heart of
compassion and a spirit of abundance, recognizing that true richness lies not in material wealth, but in
our capacity to love, serve, and give generously to those in need.

In the words of the apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 9:7, "Each of you should give what you have decided in
your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." Let us heed this
call to give joyfully and generously, following the example of the widow who, though she gave out of her
poverty, received the commendation of Jesus for her faith and selfless devotion.
May the story of the widow's offering inspire us to live lives of radical generosity, unwavering faith, and
compassionate service to others, as we seek to embody the love and grace of our generous God in all
that we do.

- The Holy Bible, New International Version, 2 Corinthians 9:7.
You: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:20:22
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AI Chat: Sun, 03-03-2024 10:20:22
In conclusion, the story of the widow's offering in Mark 12:41-44 serves as a powerful reminder of the
true essence of giving. It challenges us to examine our motives and the condition of our hearts when it
comes to our stewardship of resources. This story calls us to a higher standard of giving, one that is
rooted in selflessness, trust, and devotion to God.

The widow's offering was not about the amount she gave, but about the depth of her sacrifice and the
attitude behind it. Despite her impoverished state, she gave all that she had, demonstrating her
complete reliance on God for her provision. Her act of faith and obedience resonated with Jesus, who
recognized her true devotion and commended her for it.

This story teaches us that our giving should not be driven by a desire for recognition or comparison to
others. Instead, it should flow from a heart that seeks to honor God and bless others. True giving is not
about the size of the gift, but about the sincerity and sacrifice behind it.

The widow's offering also challenges us to reassess our priorities and redefine our relationship with
material possessions. It exposes the danger of being consumed by worldly wealth and the superficial
standards of society. Instead, we are called to live lives marked by radical generosity, where our focus is
on the needs of others rather than our own accumulation of wealth.

Furthermore, the story of the widow's offering reminds us that God sees and values our acts of giving,
no matter how small or unnoticed they may be. When our giving aligns with God's heart, it becomes an
act of worship and an expression of our love for Him. Though our acts of giving may seem insignificant in
the grand scheme of things, they have the power to make a profound impact in the lives of others and
bring glory to God.

In summary, the story of the widow's offering challenges us to give sacrificially and selflessly, trusting in
God's provision and prioritizing the needs of others. It calls us to examine our hearts and motives in our
stewardship of resources and to align them with God's kingdom values. May we be inspired by the
example of the widow's offering and strive to live lives of generosity, humility, and unwavering faith.

- Mark 12:41-44, Holy Bible, New International Version.

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