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Topic: M3 store statistics analyzing

I. Introduction

II. Data presentation

The data collected from the sample of 100 in-store credit card transactions at M3 Stores on
one day while the promotion was running shows some interesting insights:

Customer Gender Age Marital Method of Type of Items Net Sales

ID Status Payment Customer

1 F 56 M Visa Regular 3 $101.50

2 F 45 M Proprietary Promotional 4 $132.25


3 F 33 M Proprietary Regular 2 $55.75


4 F 28 S Discover Promotional 6 $226.50

5 F 42 M Proprietary Regular 1 $31.75


6 F 20 S MasterCard Regular 7 $180.50

7 M 32 M Proprietary Regular 3 $81.25


8 M 55 S MasterCard Regular 4 $116.50

9 F 29 S Proprietary Promotional 5 $64.50


100 M 36 M Proprietary Regular 3 $64.50


The file M3Stores contains information gathered for a sample of 100 in-store credit card
transactions at M3 Stores on one day when the campaign was active. According to the data,
here are some data presentation:
Count of Type of Customer




The pie chart illustrates the number of clients using discount vouchers to buy clothes from the
shop. There are 70 promotional customers and 30 regular customers which the number of
promotional clients outweigh the number of regular clients (discount vouchers users twice as
much as regular).

Count of Method of Payment

Visa 10

Proprietary Card 70

MasterCard 14

Discover 4

American Express 2

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Number of clietns

According to the data, there are variety of method of payment such as Visa, Proprietary Card,
MasterCard, Discover and American Express. The numbers of people using Proprietary Card
hit the highest point of the chart with 70 users. On the other hand, American Express hit the
lowest point of the chart with only 2 users. The bar chart demonstrates the number of Visa
users for payment is 10, twice as much as Discover with 4 people using it. As for
MasterCard, it is the most second using method of payment at the shop with 14 customers.
Count of Gender



The pie chart has clearly shown the numbers of 2 different gender buying clothes at M3 store.
The number of female clients outweigh the number of make clients with 93 women and only
7 men shopping at the store (numbers of women is 13 times more than men).

Count of Marital Status




The pie chart shows the martial status of the clients who have visited M3 store. The number
of customers who is married bought the clothes at the shop is 84 while there are only 16
clients who is single. It is clearly that the number of married customers outweigh the number
of single customers (the number of married clients is 5 times more than the number of single


Customers age

0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Number of clients

According to the given data, there are 100 customers with different ages purchasing at the
store. But after analyzing, there is no customer that has an age under 20 and older than 80.
There are only have customers that have age ranges from 20 to 80 (the youngest is 20 and the
oldest is 78). The age that appear the most at M3 store is 46 and the median age is 42 and the
average age at the shop is 43. Base on this data, the age from 40 to 50 appears the most with
33 clients while the age from 30 to 40 appears the second most with 30 customers. The age
from 20 to 30 have 10 clients, from 50 to 60 have 16 clients, from 60 to 70 have 7 people and
from 70-80 have only 4 customers.

III.Data analysis
Based on the data presentation provided, we can draw several conclusions about the
customers who visited M3 Store on the day the promotional campaign was active. Firstly, the
pie chart shows that a significant number of customers (70 out of 100) used discount
vouchers to purchase clothes, indicating that the promotional campaign was successful in
driving sales. Additionally, the number of promotional customers was twice as much as the
number of regular customers.
Secondly, the bar chart indicates that the most popular method of payment used by customers
was the proprietary card, with 70 customers using it. In contrast, only two customers used
American Express. Visa was the most commonly used payment method, with 10 customers
using it, followed by MasterCard with 14 customers. The Discover card was used by only
four customers. These findings could be useful to M3 Store in terms of understanding
customers' payment preferences and adjusting their payment options accordingly.
Thirdly, the pie chart shows that the majority of customers who visited M3 Store were
women, with 93 female customers compared to only 7 male customers. This indicates that the
store may be more popular among women and could potentially benefit from offering more
women's clothing options or tailoring their marketing efforts towards women.
Fourthly, the pie chart shows that the majority of customers who visited M3 Store were
married, with 84 married customers compared to only 16 single customers. This suggests that
the store's target demographic is primarily married individuals, and the store may need to
adjust their marketing strategies to attract more single customers.
Lastly, the age distribution of customers who visited M3 Store showed that there were no
customers below the age of 20 or above the age of 80. The most common age range of
customers was from 40 to 50, with 33 customers falling within that range. The median age of
customers was 42, and the average age was 43. These findings could be useful to M3 Store in
terms of understanding their target demographic and tailoring their marketing efforts and
product offerings accordingly.
Overall, the data analysis of M3 Store's customer information suggests that the store's target
demographic is primarily women and married individuals between the ages of 40 and 50. The
store could potentially benefit from offering more products and marketing efforts that cater to
these demographics while also seeking to attract more single customers and customers
outside of the target age range. Additionally, the data on payment methods used by customers
could be useful in helping the store adjust their payment options to better suit their customers'

IV. Reflection
Based on the data analysis presented in section 3, M3 Store can draw several significant
conclusions about their customers. The store's promotional campaign was successful, with 70
out of 100 customers using discount vouchers to purchase clothes. This finding indicates that
the promotional campaign was effective in driving sales. Moreover, the pie chart reveals that
twice as many customers used the promotional discount as opposed to regular customers.
This data suggests that promotional discounts are an effective way to attract more customers
and increase sales.
Furthermore, M3 Store can use the information on payment methods to improve customer
experience. The proprietary card was the most commonly used payment method, with 70
customers using it. However, only two customers used American Express, and the Discover
card was used by only four customers. By adjusting their payment options to suit their
customers' preferences, M3 Store can improve customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Additionally, M3 Store can tailor their marketing efforts and product offerings towards their
primary demographic of women and married individuals between the ages of 40 and 50. This
demographic made up the majority of the store's customers, and the store could benefit from
offering more products and marketing efforts that cater to their needs. At the same time, the
store should seek to attract more single customers and customers outside of the target age
range to diversify their customer base.
Overall, the data analysis provides valuable insights for M3 Store to improve their operations
and customer experience. By leveraging the information provided, the store can optimize
their promotional campaigns, adjust their payment options, and target their marketing efforts
to better cater to their primary demographic while attracting a more diverse customer base.

V. Conclusion

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