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An unforgettable feeling of my life

Everybody in the world has feelings which can be defined

as emotional states or reactions. They are invisible forces that
colour the canvas of our lives in hues of joy, sorrow or love.
Along my life of 15 years, I also had came across different
feelings whether negative or positive in different conditions.
Among them, the event that gave me the feeling that I will
never forget occurred on the day of my English Language Skills
Competition last year. I still vividly remember the emotions I
felt and the thoughts that ran through my mind on that day. I
was selected at township level and promoted to take part in
the regional level that consisted of two parts that are writing
and speaking. As the writing section would start at 9 am, I left
my aunt’s house at half past 8, making sure I would get there
on time. On the way there, I was literally excited and thrilled
as it was my very first experience.
When I arrived at the school where I would sit exam, I saw sea
of people in the school compound: students in their respective
school uniforms and teachers in green and white. Instead of
excitement, whispers of nervousness tiptoed into my mind.
But, I encouraged myself that I will success as I had already
prepared and learnt everything perfectly.
When the bell rang, I stepped into the exam room with my
heart pounding and racing fast. After a little wait, a teacher
came into the room and started to write the essay title on the
whiteboard. When I saw the title, I was so shocked that even
my eyes got blur and my heart dropped. It was a slightly
different title that I didn’t know and learn about. All my
certainty that I would be able to do well in the competition
flew away and feelings of helplessness and frustration came in.
However, I struggled to write my own essay at one sitting
there. I slowly began to feel confident again because I
considered that my essay was not bad when I reread it after
After handing my answer paper back to the teacher, it was
time for speaking test. Although I could perform my best in
speaking, presenting my essay without hesitations and
answering the follow-up questions with long responses, I still
felt anxious and fear. A storm of anxiety brew on the horizon,
thundering with the echoes of worry and doubt.

That night, when the result came out, I was both surprised
and delighted as I was chosen as one of the top 3 students.
My heart became a garden full of joy, blossoming with the
vibrant colors of happiness.

In conclusion, positive feelings can fill our heart with

happiness while negative feelings can also give us lessons or
motivations if we look at them from different perspectives. As
for me, these mixed feelings that derived from a competition
made me gain self-confidence and determination to a more
successful academic milestone.

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