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Law and Human Rights:

Right (s) to Justice, Access to Justice

(Hak Atas Keadilan dan Memperoleh Keadilan)

Nathalina Naibaho
Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia
Ubi Jus Ibi Remedium

For every wrong, the law

provides a remedy
Characteristics of Human Rights

•Internationally guaranteed
•Legally protected
•Focus on dignity of the human being
•Protect the individual & groups
•Oblige states and state actors
•Cannot be waived/taken away
•Equal and interdependent
Main Principles of Human Rights

A. Equity
• Equality
• Non-discrimination
• Equality of opportunity
• Equality of access on public services
• Participation
B. Dignity:
• Freedom
• Freedom to choose
• Autonomy
C. Humanity
• Respect to rights of others
• Solidarity
What is JUSTICE?

• Personal perspective
• Definition
• Example: Case study or
Court decision
• Access to Justice:
Access to Justice
Peace, dignity, and equality on healthy planet
• Access to justice is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda,
as sustainable peace and development cannot be
achieved without justice. Within SDG 16 (Peace,
Justice and Strong Institutions), states commit to
provide access to justice for all, recognizing it as a key
indicator of peaceful and inclusive societies. But
access to justice is also instrumental in supporting
inclusion and combatting discriminative practices, in
achieving access to basic services, including
healthcare and education, clean water and energy.
• To guarantee that every individual has meaningful
access to justice, mechanisms and systems need to be
available for fair resolution of disputes, redress for
human rights violations and accountability for
wrongdoings. People need to be aware of their rights,
empowered to claim them and be free to make their
own choices along the process. UNDP’s Global
Programme on Rule of Law and Human Rights
supports governments, civil society organizations and
communities in their efforts to provide meaningful
access to justice for all, especially for the most
vulnerable groups.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 10 December 1948
• Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
• Article 6: Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law.
• Article 7: All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal
protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of
this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination.
• Article 8:Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts
violating the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law.
• Article 9: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile.
• Article 10: Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and
impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge
against him.
• Article 11: Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until
proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for
his defence.
• No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of any act or omission which did not
constitute a penal offence, under national or international law, at the time when it was committed.
Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at the time the penal
offence was committed.
• Article 12: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or
correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the
protection of the law against such interference or attacks.
Law No. 39/1999 on Law and Human Rights
RIGHT (S) TO JUSTICE: Article 17-19

Article 17
Every person, without discrimination, has the right
to justice of filing a petition, complaint, and
lawsuit, of a criminal, civil, and administrative
case, and to a hearing by an independent and
impartial court, according to legal procedure that
guarantees a hearing by a just and fair judge
allowing a just and right verdict to be reached.
Law No. 39/1999 on Law and Human Rights
RIGHT (S) TO JUSTICE: Article 17-19
Article 18
(1) Every person arrested, detained, or charged for a penal
offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proven
guilty according to law in a court at which he has had all the
guarantees necessary for his defense, in accordance with
provisions of the legislation.
(2) Every person may not be charged or held guilty of a penal
offence for any act or omission which did not constitute a
penal offence under prevailing legislation, at the time it was
(3) If the legislation is amended, so most beneficial provisions
apply for suspects.
(4) Every person brought before a court has the right to legal
assistance from the start of the investigation until final and
binding court decision.
(5) Every person may not be prosecuted for twice for the same
cases for an act which has obtained final and binding court
Law No. 39/1999 on Law and Human Rights
RIGHT (S) TO JUSTICE: Article 17-19

Article 19
(1) No violation or crime is threatened with
punishment in the form of seizure of whole assets
that legally owns.
(2) No person found guilty by a court may be
imprisoned or incarcerated for being unable to
fulfill the obligations of a loan agreement.
issues on the rights to justice …
• Domestic violence vs patriarchy culture in Bali:
• Ferdy Sambo and BJ: premedidated murder? obstruction of justice? online
gambling? drugs trafficking?
• Sexual harassment and minors:
• Online gambling:
• Online prostitution:
• Bullying among children - Juvenile justice and criminal law:
Watch "This Korean Actress Is Risking Her Life To Expose
The Truth About Jang Ja Yeon | ASIAN BOSS" on YouTube and other related cases with
celebrities and K-Pop industry
Reynhard Sinaga case:
Nasa is reported to be investigating
a claim that an astronaut accessed
the bank account of her estranged
spouse from the International
Space Station, in what may be the
first allegation of a crime
committed in space.

Legal frameworks agreed by the

five states that own the space
station - the US, Russia, Europe,
Japan and Canada - set out that
national law applies to people and
possessions in space. Space law
also sets out provisions for
extradition back on Earth, should a
nation decide it wishes to
prosecute a citizen of another
nation for misconduct in space.
Kasus NF Sawah Besar Jakarta, 2020
• Kasus anak NF Sawah Besar:“melakukan kekerasan terhadap anak
hingga mengakibatkan mati”, memenuhi unsur Pasal 76 C jo Pasal 80 ayat (3)
UU No. 35/2014 sebagai perubahan atas UU No. 23/2002 tentang
Perlindungan Anak berdasarkan Putusan PN Jakarta Pusat Nomor 12/Pid.Sus-
Anak/2020/PN Jkt. Pst tanggal 18 Agustus 2020 à dihukum dengan pidana
penjara selama 2 tahun di LPKS Handayani Jakarta. Pelaku berusia usia 14
tahun dan disebut sebagai anak delinkuen;
• Dipengaruhi perceraian orang tua, korban kekerasan seksual berulang kali dan tidak
ditangani dengan baik pemulihannya; ybs mempunyai pengetahuan dan pengalaman
melakukan hub seksual dgn kekerasan; dalam keadaan hamil à kerentanan,
kesempatan (berulang kali menjadi korban), perbuatan pelaku tidak terkuak.
Multiple Victimizations …
• Memiliki ganguan perilaku: conduct disorder (perilaku agresif, kecenderungan
untuk menyakiti hewan dan orang lain secara fisik dan suka berbohong untuk
mencapai keinginanya). Ybs mengalami krisis identitas dan tidak mampu
menyampaikan tekanan yang dialaminya. Ybs bukan ODGJ sehingga dapat
mempertanggung jawabkan perbuatannya;
• Pemeriksaan dan proses penyelesaian kasus dilakukan dengan seksama
sesuai dengan UU SPPA melibatkan psikolog, psikiater, ahli hukum SPPA, dinas
sosial, pembimbing kemasyarakatan, dsb.
The case of NF in Sawah Besar
(juvenile delinquency case), 2020
• She was "committed violence against the child resulting in death", fulfilling the elements of Article
76 C conjunction with Article 80 paragraph (3) of Law no. 35/2014 as an amendment to Law no.
23/2002 concerning Child Protection based on Central Jakarta District Court Decision Number
12/Pid.Sus-Anak/2020/PN Jkt. Pst, 18 August 2020 and sentenced to 2 years imprisonment at LPKS
Handayani Jakarta. The girl was just 14 years old and is said to be a delinquent child;
• Influenced by parents' divorce, victims of repeated sexual violence and not treated with good
recovery; the person has knowledge and experience of having violent sexual relations; in a state of
pregnancy vulnerability, opportunity (repeated victim), the perpetrator's actions are not revealed.
Many victims…
• Have behavioral disorders: behavioral disorders (aggressive behavior, tendency to physically harm
animals and other people and like to lie to achieve their desires). She was experienced an identity
crisis and was unable to convey the pressure he was experiencing. The person is not ODGJ (people
with mental health disorder) so he can be held responsible for her actions;
• The examination and case resolution process is carried out carefully in accordance with the SPPA
Law (Indonesia Juvenile Justice Act 2012) which includes psychology, psychiatrists, SPPA legal
experts, social services, community counselors, etc.
Mario Dandy, David Ozora, AG
for-becoming-mario-dandys-accomplice, 2023
• A Jakarta judge on Monday found a 15-year-old girl guilty of becoming complicit in
the brutal attack of a teenage boy by Mario Dandy Satriyo and sentenced her to
three and a half years in juvenile prison. The attack on Feb.19 left the victim David
Ozora in a coma for weeks after he was punched and kicked in the head by Mario.
The hearing at the South Jakarta District Court was open to the public although the
number of visitors is limited to 20."We pronounce that juvenile defendant Agnes
Gracia Haryanto has been convincingly proven guilty of participating in a pre-
planned assault," Judge Sri Wahyuni Batubara said as she read out the verdict. She
ordered the defendant to serve her term at the Juvenile Correctional Institution.
The lone judge considered the victim's condition which kept him in the hospital
with serious brain damage as the aggravating factor for the sentence. But Judge Sri
also took into account the defendant's very young age and her ailing parents as the
mitigating factors. Prosecutors earlier recommended a prison sentence of four
years. Mario, the prime suspect in the case, is accused of assault and battery that
carries a prison sentence of up to 12 years. His trial is expected to begin at the end
of this month. He is the son of high-ranking taxman Rafael Alum Sembodo, who
became a corruption suspect and was fired by the Finance Ministry last month
following a public inquiry after the video of the attack was posted on the internet.
The anti-money laundering agency alleged suspicious transactions worth hundreds
of billions of rupiah involving the taxman in recent years. Rafael was summoned by
the Corruption Eradication Commission for undeclared assets and a further
investigation revealed that he kept foreign currencies worth Rp 32 billion in safe
deposit boxes. He was detained last week.
Sexual Harassment, Sexual Violence in Depok
• Kuasa hukum korban, Azas Tigor Nainggolan menyebut, sedikitnya ada lebih
dari 20 anak korban kekerasan seksual SPM di Gereja Herkulanus. Jumlah itu
terhitung sejak SPM diberikan amanah menaungi anak-anak itu sejak awal
2000. SPM ditangkap polisi pada Minggu 14 Juni 2020, setelah korban dan
pengurus Gereja Herkulanus menggelar investigasi internal atas keterlibatan
Sahril dalam kejahatan seksual terhadap putra altar.
• Tanggal 24 Mei 2020 korban diantar kedua orang tuanya beserta kami tim
pendamping dan advokat melaporkan kasus kekerasan seksual yang dialami
kepada Polres Depok; "Si anak bersama orang tuanya dipenuhi harapan bisa
membongkar serta menghentikan kejahatan kekerasan seksual yang terjadi
pada anak-anak misdinar yang menjadi korban kekerasan seksual dari
pendamping mereka sendiri.”
• SPM didakwa dengan tiga pasal alternatif: Pertama, pasal 82 ayat 2 juncto pasal 76 E
Undang-undang RI Nomor 35 Tahun 2014 tentang Perlindungan Anak, juncto pasal 65
ayat 1 KUHP. Kedua, pasal 82 ayat 1 juncto pasal 76 Undang-undang RI Nomor 35 Tahun
2014 tentang perlindungan anak, juncto pasal 65 ayat 1 KUHP dan ketiga pasal 292 KUHP
juncto pasal 65 ayat 1 KUHP. Terdakwa Sahril terancam hukum pidana minimal 5 tahun
dan maksimal 15 tahun.
Sexual Violence, sexual harassment in Depok
• Tuntutan: Pasal 82 ayat 2 juncto Pasal 76 E UU RI No. 35 tahun 2014 tentang
Perlindungan Anak juncto Pasal 65 ayat 1 KUHP. Tuntutan 11 tahun penjara dan
membayar denda Rp 200 juta serta Restitusi sebesar Rp 24 juta bagi kedua korban
atau subsider 3 bulan penjara
• Tiga alasan atas tuntutan tersebut. Pertama, perbuatan terdakwa meresahkan
masyarakat, perbuatan terdakwa tidak mencerminkan seorang pendidik/pelatih
misdinar yang baik, dan perbuatan terdakwa membuat para saksi korban mengalami
trauma psikis.
• Pasal 82 E UU PA: Setiap orang yang dengan sengaja melakukan kekerasan atau
ancaman kekerasan, memaksa, melakukan tipu muslihat, serangkaian kebohongan,
atau membujuk anak untuk melakukan atau membiarkan dilakukan perbuatan cabul,
dipidana dengan pidana penjara paling lama 15 (lima belas) tahun dan paling singkat 3
(tiga) tahun.
• Januari 2021 PN Depok Syahril Parlindungan Martinus Marbun (SPM)
diputuskan bersalah dan dijatuhi hukuman 15 tahun penjara. SPM juga
didenda Rp 200 juta dan restitusi sebesar Rp 17 juta.
PonPes Case in Bandung (2022)
• Pelaku Herry Wirawan, pengelola sebuah pondok pesantren Al-Ikhlas dan Sekolah
Madani Boarding School di Cibiru, Bandung melakukan kekerasan seksual
terhadap belasan santriwati (muridnya), dan telah divonis dipidana dengan pidana
penjara seumur hidup di PN Bandung pada tanggal 15 Februari 2022. Selain itu
pelaku wajib memberikan restitusi dengan nominal yang beragam. Kesembilan
korban dan anak-anak yang lahir dari tindak pidana tersebut akan dirawat oleh
Pemprov Jabar serta diminta untuk melakukan evaluasi kesehatan mental maupun
fisik terhadap para korban.
• Pelaku terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan melakukan pemerkosaan dan
kekerasan seksual terhadap beberapa pelajar di bawah umur. Semula dituntut
oleh Jaksa dengan pidana mati, tindakan kebiri kimia, dan restitusi (ganti rugi
materiil) kepada para korban dengan total Rp330juta, melanggar Pasal 81 ayat
(1), ayat (3), dan ayat (5) jo Pasal 76 D UU RI No. 17 Tahun 2016 UU Perlindungan
Anak. Pertimbangan hakim terhadap putusannya? Tanggung jawab Pemerintah
Provinsi Jawa Barat?
• Putusan PT Bandung tgl 4 April 2022: dipidana mati, tidak dikenakan pidana kebiri.
Majelis hakim dalam pertimbangannya mengatakan bahwa kebiri hanya bisa dikenakan
untuk jangka waktu paling lama dua tahun setelah terpidana menjalani pidana pokok.
Hukuman itu segera dilaksanakan setelah selesai menjalani pidana pokok. Apabila
terdakwa dipidana mati atau dipidana penjara seumur hidup, maka tindakan
kebiri kimia tidak memungkinkan untuk dilaksanakan
Factual Cases
1. Case of M. Aris in Mojokerto, Central Java, 2019
• Mojokerto District Court No.69/Pid.Sus/2019/PN.Mjk is the first decision which orders the imposition of chemical castration for
the convicted M. Aris, after completing his imprisonment. The convict for chemical castration, Muhammad Aris, who sexually
abused nine children, is still serving a corporal punishment, has not yet served a sentence of castration. For the case of
Muhammad Aris, who once admitted that he preferred the death penalty to castration, he would receive this notification no
later than nine months before he was finished serving a 12-year prison sentence. Then within seven working days after the
notification, the public prosecutor coordinates with the relevant parties for a clinical assessment.
2. Case of Herry Wirawan, Bandung, West Java, 2022
• Between 2016 and 2021, Herry sexually groomed the 13 girls, who were between 12 and 16 years old, and impregnated eight of
his victims, a judge said in February. Some suffered injuries from his rape. An Indonesian boarding school owner who groomed
and raped 13 of his female students has been jailed for life by an Indonesian court. Herry Wirawan's abuse of the girls aged 11-
16 has shocked Indonesians since his case emerged last year. Wirawan, who was also a religious teacher, had raped the girls
since 2016 and impregnated eight of them. They had given birth to nine children. Prosecutors had urged the court to impose a
death sentence. But on Tuesday, a bench of judges in the Bandung District Court ruled that the 36-year-old would be sentenced
to life in jail. They also rejected prosecutors' calls for Wirawan to be punished with chemical castration. An Indonesian court
handed down a death sentence on Monday to a teacher for raping 13 girls at an Islamic school, upholding an appeal by
prosecutors for the death penalty after he had initially received a sentence of life in prison. The court heard how Wirawan had
been sexually abusing students since 2016, when he opened his Islamic boarding school in Bandung city in West Java. According
to local media, prosecutors said Wirawan had attracted local students to his college by offering scholarships and other
incentives to young people in the impoverished area. The court heard that the girls were additionally vulnerable, as they were
away from their families and cut off from regular contact with them. Their mobile phone were confiscated and went home were
only allowed once a year. Prosecutors had called for the harshest penalty of a death sentence, as well as chemical castration and
compensation of over $300 million rupiahs ($21,000) to the victims. The Indonesian government will pay up to 85 million
Indonesian rupiahs ($5945; £4394) in compensation to each victim.
• Bandung High Court has handed down death sentence to convicted rapist Herry Wirawan who raped 13 students at
an Pesantren after it granted appeal by the High Prosecutor’s Office forcapital punishment after Wirawan was initially sentenced
to life by Bandung District Court. Judge Herri Swantoro read the sentence on Monday, April 4, 2022: “Granting appeal from
prosecutors and, therefore, sentencing the defendant with death penalty,” Swantoro said in Bandung. Judge also ordered
Wirawan to be detained and to pay restitution to his victims.
“Enforcement of Chemical Castration Law Against Children Sexual
Violence Perpetrators: Some Problematic Issues in Practice”
• In year of 2020, Indonesian government has issued Government Regulation No.
70 of 2020 concerning Procedures for the Implementation of Chemical
Castration, Installation of Electronic Detection Devices, Rehabilitation, and
Announcement of the Identity of Perpetrators of Sexual Violence against
Children as a derivative of Law no. 17 of 2016 concerning Child Protection Act
(Amandement of CP Law)
• This rule authorizes the state to be able to impose Chemical Castration for
Perpetrators of Sexual Intercourse against Children, in which chemical
castration is the administration of chemical substances through injection or
using other methods.
• Criteria: This chemical castration action is only carried out on adult
perpetrators who have been convicted of committing violence or threats of
violence forcing the child to have sexual intercourse with him or with other
people, whose actions cause more victims than one person, resulting in serious
injury, mental disorder, infectious disease, impaired or loss of reproductive
function, and/or the victim dies, with the aim of suppressing excessive sexual
desire, which is accompanied by rehabilitation.
• This chemical castration act will be carried out after the perpetrator has served
his main punishment (after release from the imprisonment)
The Justification of Punishment (Pidana) and
Treatment (Tindakan) in Chemical Castration Regulation

• The chemical castration is actually not only a sanction aimed at rehabilitation, but also has
a purpose as retaliation and as a form of accountability for the criminal acts that have been
committed , which is an integration of the theory of retaliation and the theory of
• The action of chemical castration has the aim of rehabilitation if it is imposed
on perpetrators who suffer from pedophilic disorders, because chemical
castration aims to cure the "disease" contained in the perpetrators that caused
him to commit a crime.
• This sanction will be retributive if chemical castration is imposed on perpetrators of sexual
violence who do not suffer from pedophilic disorders. The application of chemical
castration for perpetrators who do not have pedophilic sexual deviations will be something
that has no benefit and only creates fear for the perpetrators.
• In order to respect the basic rights of the perpetrators, prior to the prosecution process in
the criminal justice system, it is necessary to carry out a comprehensive health and
mental examination of the perpetrators as a mitigation effort in order to reduce the risk
of other unexpected impacts after the implementation of chemical castration.
Problematic Issues
Challenges on Practice of Chemical Castration
Government Regulation No. 70 of 2020, chemical castration is imposed on
perpetrators of sexual intercourse based on a court decision that has permanent
legal force, given for a maximum period of two years accompanied by
rehabilitation and financed by the state.
• What is the basis for the duration of this chemical castration action ? Has in-
depth research been done? Will the duration be the same for all actors? What if,
within two years there are no significant hormonal changes for the perpetrator,
and the perpetrator has the potential to repeat the crime (become recidive)?
• Chemical castration: human or inhuman treatment of punishment?
• Contrary with CAT Convention?
Challenges Issues
The implementation of chemical castration will be carried out in three stages:
• First, clinical assessment, which is carried out by officers who have competence in the
medical and psychiatry fields originating from the coordination of the ministry of health
with the prosecutor's office. Clinical assessment includes clinical and psychiatric
interviews, physical examination and investigations.
• Second, the conclusion that contains the results of a clinical assessment that ensures that
perpetrators of sexual intercourse with children are eligible or not eligible to be
subjected to chemical castration.
• Third, the implementation of chemical castration: The discussion that surfaced regarding the
code of ethics from the implementation of chemical castration can be resolved through the theory of
medical bioethics, which becomes a bridge when there is an argument between medical science,
ethics, morals, other disciplines such as law. that emerged as a result of developments and advances
in medicine, science, and biotechnology. So that it is possible that doctors can perform
castration/chemical castration as part of the implementation of court decisions that should be
respected and answer the discourse in terms of ethics, medicine and law.
Chemical Castration in Singapore and South Korea
Singapore South Korea
• Not available; future possibility: the option • Enacted in year 2011 ordered by Minister of Justice; the
of chemical castration through the use of on Pharmacologist Treatment of Sex Offender
medication, which may be prescribed by a Sexual Impulses à treatment
psychiatrist, help “dull” libido and reduce
sexual activity,

• Child sex offenders on a voluntary basis • For sexual offender, all

forms of rapes and sexual
assault cases against women, including
attempted rape (2017), production and
distribution of pornography, sex trafficking;
human trafficking
• The victim is under 16 yo

• The purpose is to rehabilitate the offender and to prevent


Chemical castration is a state response that has been awaited by justice-seeking communities affected by
cases of sexual violence against children. However, this breakthrough in child protection law enforcement
needs to be based on thorough testing and assessment from a medical, psychological, and legal
perspective as an effort to mitigate the impact caused by chemical castration. The impact that may be felt
by the perpetrator as a result of the chemical castration action is depression, where the perpetrator can
feel worried about the negative consequences that arise from the chemical castration action that is
applied to him. Furthermore, stigma from the community can be experienced when their identity is
announces and the installation of electronic detection devices can trigger the perpetrator to repeat his
actions or injure himself even though this aims to improve the condition of the perpetrator and can also
aim to free the perpetrator from guilt. Responding to this, the retributive spirit that wants to punish the
perpetrators excessively from all elements of society needs to be guarded by criminal law and the
criminal justice system. In this case, chemical castration can only be applied to perpetrators of sexual
violence with certain qualifications and its implementation is carried out by officers with certain
competencies. The determination must be based on the results of an examination of the physical and
psychological health of the perpetrator . The data is obtained through proper and complete clinical trials
before the prosecution process against the perpetrators begins. After the chemical castration is carried
out, continuous monitoring and medical assistance for the physical and psychological health conditions of
the perpetrators of sexual violence is necessary This is done to ensure whether the purpose of the action
imposed on the perpetrator can be achieved. The purpose of the chemical castration action is a
combination of deterrence, prevention and rehabilitation for adult perpetrators in cases of sexual
violence against children with pedophilic disorders. Including the achievement of the objectives of
regulating chemical castration to overcome the rampant cases of sexual violence against children, provide
a deterrent effect on perpetrators, and prevent sexual violence against children.
Criminal responsibility

1. Individual
2. Corporate (legal and non legal entity)
1) Tindak pidana perdagangan orang dianggap dilakukan
oleh korporasi apabila tindak pidana tersebut dilakukan oleh orang-orang
yang bertindak untuk dan/atau atas nama korporasi atau untuk
kepentingan korporasi, baik berdasarkan hubungan kerja maupun
hubungan lain, bertindak dalam lingkungan korporasi tersebut baik sendiri
maupun bersama-sama.

(2) Dalam hal tindak pidana perdagangan orang dilakukan oleh

suatu korporasi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1), maka penyidikan,
penuntutan, dan pemidanaan dilakukan terhadap korporasi dan/atau

1. Badan usaha yang sah; badan hukum
2. Perusahaan atau badan usaha yang sangat besar atau beberapa
perusahaan yang dikelola dan dijalankan sebagai satu perusahaan besar
• Black’s Law Dictionary 9th: “an entity (usually a business) having
authority under law to act as a single person distinct from the
shareholders who own it and having rights to issue stock and exist
definitely; a group or succession of person established in accordance
with legal rules into a legal or juristic person that has a legal
personality distinct from the natural persons who make it up, exists
indefinitely apart from them, and has the legal powers that its
constitution gives it.”
Court decision on TIP cases
1. PUTUSAN Nomor 238/K/Pid.Sus/2013 (Jakarta): tindak pidana
mengeksploitasi ekonomi atau seksual anak dengan maksud untuk
menguntungkan diri sendiri atau orang lain sebagaimana diatur dalam
Pasal 88 Undang-Undang RI Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 tentang Perlindungan
AnakMenjatuhkan pidana terhadap Terdakwa MUHAMMAD SUMARDI
alias CEPOT alias CEPI dengan pidana penjara selama 7 (tujuh) tahun
dikurangi selama Terdakwa berada dalam tahanan sementara dengan
2. P U T U S A N Nomor 881 K/PID.SUS/2017 (Kupang): menjatuhkan
pidana terhadap Terdakwa Sefriadi Safroni Sinlaeloe alias Adi berupa
pidana penjara selama 11 (sebelas) tahun dikurangi selama Terdakwa
berada dalam tahanan sementara dengan perintah supaya Terdakwa
tetap ditahan dan denda sebesar Rp200.000.000,00 (dua ratus juta
rupiah) subsidair 6 (enam) bulan kurungan;
Court decision on TIP cases

PUTUSAN NOMOR 421 K/PID.SUS/2015 (Lombok 2013): Bahwa cafe Mekar

adalah sebuah korporasi berbentuk bukan badan hukum yang pengurusnya
adalah K. WOLINI sebagai sekutu aktif dalam cafe Mekaryang berbentuk CV;
memberikan kuasa atau pendelegasian pengurusan operasional cafe Mekar
secara keseluruhan kepada terdakwa I WAYAN PUTU SUJANA sebagai
Manager à fiduciary duty à duty to care. ”kewajiban untuk memedulikan”
yang menjadi kewajiban hukum terdakwa. Menyatakan Terdakwa I WAYAN
PUTU SUJANA terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan bersalah melakukan tindak
pidana “ Mengeksploitasi ekonomi dan seksual anak dengan maksud untuk
menguntungkan diri sendiri atau orang lain”; Menjatuhkan pidana kepada
Terdakwa tersebut oleh karena itu dengan pidana penjara selama 2 (dua)
tahun dan pidana denda sebesar Rp60.000.000,00 (enam puluh juta rupiah),
dengan ketentuan jika denda tersebut tidak dibayar, maka diganti dengan
pidana kurungan selama 3 (tiga) bulan;
• Inappropriate response (s) of APH (law enforcement officers) terhadap
korban (victim) dalam SPP
• Obstruction of justice in criminal justice process
• Tantangan penerapan model Victim Trust Fund (s): budget for
restitution/compensation from public tax
• Persidangan online dan HAM
• Pemberian restitusi/kompensasi/reparasikepada korban oleh LPSK
• Pemberian kompensasi kepada korban Pelanggaran HAM yang berat in
the last 5 years serta reparasi/remedi bagi korban di ICC (ICC official
Pilih 3 dari topik analisis di atas
• Uraikan masing-masing dengan 1 contoh faktual dan identifikasi isu hak atas
• Berikan analisis Saudara terhadap persoalan hukum yang terjadi dan jawaban
Saudara harus dilengkapi dengan 5 instrumen Hukum dan HAM yang relevan.
• Inappropriate response law enforcement officers) towards victims (victims) in
criminal justice system
• Obstruction of justice in the criminal justice process
• Challenges in implementing the Victim Trust Fund model(s): budget for
restitution/compensation from public taxes
• Online trials and human rights
• Provision of restitution/compensation/reparation to victims by Intitution for
witness and victim protection (LPSK)
• Providing compensation to victims of serious human rights violations in the last
5 years as well as reparations/remedies for victims at the ICC (international
criminal court - official ICC website)
• Choose 3 of the analysis topics above
• Explain each with 1 factual example and an introduction to the issue of the right
to justice
• Provide your analysis of the legal problems that occured and your answers must
be accompanied by 5 relevant legal and human rights instruments.
Human Rights Violation Gross Violation on Human Rights
(Law No. 39/1999) (Law No. 26/2000)

Groups of rights: Crimes against humanity

Right to life, Rights of the child, Genocide
Violation of domestic laws: Violation of Human Rights Court
Law No. 39/1999 as umbrella
General court Special court: Human Rights Court

Case: Case:
Child trafficking East Timor case
Rights to Justice; Access to Justice
Article 17, 18,19 Law on HRs
justice n. (Oxford Dictionary of Law)

•A moral ideal that the law seeks to

uphold in the protection of rights and
punishment of wrongs.
•Justice is not synonymous with law -
it is possible for a law to be called
unjust à legal system
Theory of Justice

Justice as fairness ?
•First: each person is to have an equal right to
the most extensive basic liberty compatible
with a similar liberty for others.
•Second: social and economic inequalities are to
be arranged so that they are both (a)
reasonably expected to be to everyone's
advantage, and (b) attached to positions and
offices open to all ...
John Rawls
Tidak semua Pelanggaran HAM
merupakan Pelanggaran Hukum

Violations of HR
Violations of Law
Article 17
•Everyone without discrimination, has the
right to justice by submitting applications,
grievances, and charges, of a criminal, civil,
and administrative nature, and to a hearing
by an independent and impartial tribunal,
according to legal procedure that guarantees
a hearing by a just and fair judge allowing an
objective and impartial verdict to be reached.
Article 18

(1) Everyone arrested, detained, or charged for a penal

offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proven
guilty according to law in a trial at which he has had all the
guarantees necessary for his defense, according to prevailing
law. (2) No one shall be charged or held guilty of a penal
offence for any act or omission which did not constitute a
penal offence under prevailing law, at the time when it was
committed. (3) Should any changes be made to law, the
provisions most advantageous to the person held guilty shall
apply. (4) Everyone brought before a tribunal has the right to
legal aid from the start of the hearing until a legally binding
decision is made by the tribunal. (5) No one shall be charged
more than once for an action or omission concerning which a
tribunal has previously made a legally binding decision.
Article 19

(1) No offender or criminal shall be threatened with

punishment in the form of seizure of part or whole of
assets he legally owns. (2) No person found guilty by
a tribunal shall be imprisoned or incarcerated for
being unable to fulfill the obligations of a loan
Article 17 - 19 Law on HRs
Section Four Right to Justice
• Equality before the law: non discrimination
• Due process of law: constitutional guaranty… that no
person will be deprived of life, liberty or property for
reason that are arbitrary… Protect the citizen against
arbitrary actions of the government (Tobias & Peterson)
• Fair trial
• Impartial
• Independency
Selanjutnya dielaborasi di dalam Pasal 18-19 UU HAM dan
berbagai ketentuan lain yang relevan
Legal Aid, Rights of the victims and witness
Access to Justice

Jenis Hak DUHAM ICCPR Peraturan Nasional

Equality before Psl 6 & 7 Psl 14 (1); Psl 5(1) UU 4/2004 –> UU No.
the Law 16 48 thn 2009 (kekuasaan
Penjelasan UU 8/1981
Psl 17 UU 39/1999
Presumption of Psl 10 Psl.9 UU No. 48/2009
Innocence Psl 14 Psl 24-25, 29 UU 8/1981
Psl 18 ayat (1) UU 39/1999
Non Retroactive Psl 11 Psl 15, 22, Psl 28 I (1) UUD 1945
24 ICC Psl 1 (1) KUHP
(Statuta Psl 4, Psl 18 ayat (2) UU
Roma) 39/1999
Jenis Hak DUHAM ICCPR Peraturan Nasional

Bantuan Hukum Psl 14 (3) Psl 56,62,71,72 KUHAP

(legal aid, rights to UU no. 48/2009
counsel) Psl 22 UU No. 18/2003
(UU Advokat)
Pasal 18 ayat (4) UU HAM
Ne Bis In Idem Psl 14 (7) Psl 76 KUHP
Pasal 18 ayat (5) UU
Hak untuk tidak Psl.17 (2) Psl.19 (1) UU HAM
dirampas harta
benda secara
Larangan Gijzeling Psl.9 Psl.11 Psl.19 (2) UU HAM
paksa badan bila tak
dpt membayar
“Proses hukum yang adil atau “due process of law”
mencakup hak seseorang untuk membela diri dan
menuntut hak-haknya dengan pengakuan atas
kebersamaan kedududukan dalam hukum dan
penghormatan kepada asas praduga tidak bersalah.
Karena itu adalah sangat keliru untuk menafsirkan
perlindungan HAM dalam sistem peradilan pidana
semata-mata dikaitkan dengan dengan
penerapan formal aturan-aturan KUHAP.
Yang harus diperhatikan pula adalah bahwa “proses
hukum yang adil” merupakan lawan dari “proses hukum
yang sewenang-wenang,yang hanya berdasarkan kuasa
aparat penegak hukum." (Mardjono Reksodiputro, 1993)
Article 6 ECHR and Fundamental Freedom
•The right to a fair trial is divided now in three:
the procedural safeguards stricto sensunà the
equality of arms, the independence and the
impartiality of the court, the publicity and
celerity of the criminal trial.
•Two other material rights, the right to access a
court, the right for the enforcement of
decisions: the Court considers the right to
access a court an inherent component of the
right to a fair trial.
Equality of Arms
• Equality of arms is a jurisprudential principle of the
European Court of Human Rights. This principle is a part
of the right to fair trial
• Equality of arms involves giving each part the reasonable
possibility to present its cause, in those conditions that
will not put this part in disadvantage against its
opponent, the principle of equality of arms allows
penalizing all inequalities in communicating certain
documents to part (example: sending only to the
prosecutor and not also to the defense the police
reports ), the parts must have the possibility to present
in an equal manner all the evidence they hold.
trial) DAN TIDAK MEMIHAK (impartial)
Hak atas suatu pengadilan yang adil menjadi hal yang penting sebagai
fondasi penegakan hak asasi manusia dalam berbagai sistem hukum.
Hal ini melingkupi:
a. judicial procedure
b. the organization of the judiciary
• Praduga tak bersalah
• Hak untuk diberitahu mengenai persangkaan atau
pendakwaan bagi seorang terdakwa
• Hak untuk didengar keterangannya secara bebas
• Hak atas kehadiran terdakwa dimuka pengadilan
• Hak atas bantuan hukum
• Hak atas peradilan yang bebas, sederhana dan
tidak memihak

• Hak atas pengadilan yang terbuka untuk umum

• Hak untuk memperoleh gantirugi dan kompensasi
• Pelanggaran atas hak-hak warga (seperti penggeledahan dan
penyitaan) harus didasarkan pada undang-undang
• Pelaksanaan putusan pengadilan




Praduga Tidak Bersalah (Presumption of

⦿Pasal 8 Undang-undang Pokok Kekuasaan

Kehakiman (UU Nomor 4 Tahun 2004);

⦿Tidak disebut secara tegas dalam UU Nomor

8 Tahun 1981, dan dapat ditafsirkan dari:

Pasal 66
⦿“Tersangka atau terdakwa tidak dibebani
kewajiban pembuktian”
Praduga Tidak Bersalah
(Presumption of Innocence)
Mengandung asas utama perlindungan hak warga negara
melalui proses hukum yang adil yang sekurang-kurangnya
mencakup :
§ Perlindungan terhadap tindakan sewenang-wenang dari
pejabat negara (penegak hukum);
§ Pengadilanlah yang berhak menentukan salah tidaknya
tersangka atau terdakwa pelaku tindak pidana;
§ Menentukan salah atau tidaknya seseorang dilakukan
dalam sidang pengadilan yang harus terbuka (tidak boleh
§ tersangka atau terdakwa diberikan jaminan-jaminan untuk
dapat membela diri sepenuhnya
Hak Terdakwa untuk didengar keterangannya di
muka Pengadilan

• Hak ini sering dinyatakan sebagai jantung dari rangkaian

prinsip yang harus dipenuhi dalam rangka mewujudkan
pengadilan yang adil atau fair trial .
• Amat erat kaitannya dengan hak untuk membela diri bagi
seorang terdakwa di persidangan
• juga hak bagi seorang terdakwa untuk tidak dinyatakan
bersalah hingga terbukti bersalah (presumption of
innocent) dan seseorang terdakwa tidak boleh
dipaksa untuk mengaku bersalah
• Catatan: bagaimana kalau Terdakwa melarikan diri?
Diadili secara in absentia?
Peradilan yang terbuka untuk umum
⦿ Dimaksudkan adalah adanya “public hearing” dan
dimaksudkan untuk mencegah adanya “secret hearings”,
di mana masyarakat tidak dapat berkesempatan untuk
mengawasi apakah pengadilan telah secara seksama
melindungi hak terdakwa dan dijalankan sesuai dengan
ketentuan yang ada (hukum beracara).

⦿ Asas ini tidak dimaksudkan untuk diartikan peradilan

merupakan suatu “show case” atau dimaksudkan sebagai
“instrument of deterrence” baik dengan cara
mempermalukan terdakwa (prevensi khusus) atau untuk
menakut-nakuti masyarakat atau “potential offenders”
(prevensi umum).

publisitas dibutuhkan
• Sebagai suatu mekanisme kontrol,
sebagai alat bagi masyarakat untuk memantau
jalannya proses peradilan yang adil dan tidak

• Yang terjadi justru trial by the press yang melanggar

asas presumption of innocence dan mempengaruhi
keberpihakan pengadilan.

• Fungsi pers adalah sebagai mekanisme kontrol bagi

masyarakat terhadap jaminan suatu pengadilan yang
merdeka dan tidak berpihak.

• Lawfullness of detention (Setiap bentuk

penahanan harus didasarkan pada alasan
hukum yang cukup)

• The right to be informed of the grounds for

arrest ( hak untuk mengetahui alasan
dilakukannya penangkapan atas diri

• The right to judicial control of arrest and

detention (Hak atas suatu kontrol terhadap
jalannya penangkapan dan penahanan).

• Prohibition of arbitrary exile (Larangan

pengasingan secara sewenang-wenang).
Tindak Pidana Peradilan

Hak untuk mendapat Bantuan Hukum
(Right to Counsel)
⦿ Sebagai sarana untuk mewujudkan Equality before the Law

⦿ Dalam Kasus Pidana sebagai sarana untuk terwujudnya “equal of arms”

üKarena dalam pengumpulan bukti, Kepolisian dan Kejaksaan (negara)
mempunyai kesempatan yang lebih besar dibanding dengan kesempatan
yang dimiliki tersangka dan terdakwa (disadvantage), apalagi bilamana
tersangka atau terdakwa dalam posisi ditahan.

üMaka, akan terjadi ketidak seimbangan dalam persoalan “kemampuan

hukum” (pengetahuan hukum tertuju pada kasus yang terjadi) dan
“jangkauan dan penjelajahan” bukti antara tersangka dan terdakwa dibanding
dengan kepolisian (penyidik)dan kejaksaan (penuntut umum).

üSecara psikologis, tersangka atau terdakwa adalah pihak yang dalam posisi
“lemah” saat berhadapan dengan kepolisian, kejaksaan dan hakim untuk itu
perlu adanya kehadiran pendamping.
⦿ Hingga saat sekarang proses pemeriksaan masih merupakan
“area” yang rawan untuk terjadinya pemaksaan (dengan
kekerasan, ancaman kekerasan, pemerasan) karena yang
dijadikan target oleh penyidik adalah pengakuan dan bukan
keterangan tersangka.

⦿ Catatan: Penyiksaan samakah dengan penganiayaan?

⦿ Untuk itu diperlukan adanya kehadiran pendamping yang

tidak harus namun lebih baik penasihat hukum dan
berposisi bebas (an independent legal profession) artinya
tidak ber”kongkalikong” atau ber “kolaborasi” dengan
penegak hukum dan tidak perlu takut apabila membela
klien yang tidak disukai oleh masyarakat atau negara
Dasar Hukum Bantuan Hukum di Indonesia

• UU Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP)

• UU No. 18 tahun 2003 tentang Advokat
• UU No. 16 tahun 2011 tentang Bantuan Hukum
• PP No. 83 tahun 2008 tentang Persyaratan dan
Tata Cara Pemberian Bantuan Hukum Cuma-
Cuma (PP Bantuan Hukum)
• PP No. 43 Tahun 2013 tentang syarat dan tata
cara pemberian bantuan hukum dan penyaluran
dana bantuan hukum
Peradilan yang bebas dari pengaruh apapun
(independent judiciary)
⦿ Kebebasan peradilan yang dalam hal ini menyangkut keseluruhan
sub sistem dalam peradilan pidana adalah titik pusat dari konsep
negara hukum yang menganut paham “rule of law”, di mana
hukum ditegakkan dengan secara tidak memihak (impartial), baik
terhadap tersangka/terdakwa/pelaku, Jaksa Penuntut Umum dan
korban (masyarakat).
⦿ Peradilan yang bebas tidak akan mengijinkan bahwa seseorang
telah “dianggap bersalah” sebelum adanya pembuktian yang kuat
tentang hal itu. Tidak akan mengijinkan adanya “show trials”
di mana terdakwa tidak diberikan atau dikurangi kesempatan
yang layak untuk membela diri secara maksimal. Pembatasan
waktu persidangan dengan mematok sekian hari, adalah salah
satu bentuk pengingkaran terhadap upaya hukum untuk mencari
kebenaran materiil. Tidak hanya merugikan terdakwa namun juga
merugikan hakim dan terutama adalah merugikan hukum.
Pasal 19 ayat (1) UU HAM
• Tiada suatu pelanggaran atau kejahatan apa
pun diancam dengan hukuman berupa
perampasan seluruh harta kekayaan milik yang

• Sanksi Pidana terkait Pasal 19 ayat (1):

üAsas Nullum delictum: tindak pidana + sanksi
üPidana pokok (denda) dan tambahan
(perampasan barang, pembayaran uang
pengganti )
Pasal 19 ayat (2)

• Tiada seorang pun atas putusan pengadilan

boleh dipidana penjara atau kurungan
berdasarkan atas alasan ketidakmampuan untuk
memenuhi suatu kewajiban dalam perjanjian
utang piutang
Penyanderaan (Gijzeling)
• Memasukkan seseorang ke dalam “penjara” berdasarkan
putusan pengadilan untuk memaksanya melunasi
• Bukan hukuman pengganti seperti salah satu sanksi dalam
hukum pidana; mis. Kurungan pengganti denda
• Diatur dalam HIR/RBg
• Pernah dibekukan dengan SEMA No. 2 tahun 1964 dan
SEMA No.4 tahun 1975
• Dihidupkan kembali dengan PERMA No. 1 tahun 2000
• UU No. 19 Tahun 1997 tentang Penagihan Pajak dengan
Surat Paksa sebagaimana telah diubah dengan UU No. 19
Tahun 2000 (UU PPSP) adalah Dasar hukum Ditjen Pajak
dalam melakukan gijzeling terhadap WP yang menunggak
Kasus PonPes di Bandung (2022)
• Pelaku Herry Wirawan, pengelola sebuah pondok pesantren Al-Ikhlas dan
Sekolah Madani Boarding School di Cibiru, Bandung melakukan kekerasan
seksual terhadap belasan santriwati (12 org muridnya), dan telah divonis
dipidana dengan pidana penjara seumur hidup di PN Bandung pada tanggal
15 Februari 2022. Selain itu pelaku wajib memberikan restitusi dengan
nominal yang beragam. Kesembilan korban dan anak-anak yang lahir dari
tindak pidana tersebut akan dirawat oleh Pemprov Jabar serta diminta
untuk melakukan evaluasi kesehatan mental maupun fisik terhadap para
korban. Sebelumnya Jaksa menuntut dengan pidana mati dan tindakan
kebiri kimia.
• Pelaku terbukti secara sah dan meyakinkan melakukan pemerkosaan dan
kekerasan seksual terhadap beberapa pelajar di bawah umur. Semula
dituntut oleh Jaksa dengan pidana mati, tindakan kebiri kimia, dan restitusi
(ganti rugi materiil) kepada para korban dengan total Rp330juta, melanggar
Pasal 81 ayat (1), ayat (3), dan ayat (5) jo Pasal 76 D UU RI No. 17 Tahun
2016 UU Perlindungan Anak.
• Pertimbangan hakim terhadap putusannya? Tanggung jawab Pemerintah
Provinsi Jawa Barat?
Perlindungan Saksi
Equality before the Law
dalam SPP

Tersangka terdakwa Penuntut Umum

Saksi/Saksi Korban
Apakah Sudah terwakili ?

• Witness protection
• UU No. 13/2006 diubah dengan UU No. 31/2014 tentang
Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban
• SEMA No. 4/2011 tentang whistleblower
• Justice Collaborator
• Victim Trust Fund (s): budget for restitution/compensation from
public tax
Victim Rights in General
• Medical Expenses
• Mental health
• Lost wages for disabled victims
• Lost support for dependents
• Funerals
• Travel for medical treatment
• Rehabilitation
• Services for replace work
• Legal Aid
• Expenses related to injury
• Funding : National budget, Insurance.fine,assets
Prinsip Perlindungan menurut UU PSK

• Penghargaan atas harkat dan martabat manusia;

• Rasa aman, perlindungan yang diberikan harus memberikan rasa aman bagi
setiap saksi dan korban, sehingga merasa bebas dan terjamin
keselamatannya dalam memberikan keterangan/kesaksiannya dalam
semua proses peradilan pidana;
• Keadilan, dalam memberikan perlindungan harus tetap memperhatikan
asas-asas hukum dan HAM yang berlaku seperti: equality before the law,
due process of law, fair trial, dst.
• Tidak diskriminatif, perlindungan yang diberikan tanpa memandang suku,
agama, jenis kelamin, ras, golongan, status sosial mau pun ekonomi;
• Kepastian hukum, menjunjung tinggi hukum sebagai supremasi yang
berdasar pada asas legalitas.
Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban
• Saksi adalah orang yang dapat memberikan keterangan guna kepentingan
penyelidikan, penyidikan, penuntutan, dan pemeriksaan di sidang
pengadilan tentang suatu tindak pidana yang ia dengar sendiri, ia lihat
sendiri, dan/atau ia alami sendiri.
• Saksi Pelaku adalah tersangka, terdakwa, atau terpidana yang bekerja sama
dengan penegak hukum untuk mengungkap suatu tindak pidana dalam
kasus yang sama.
• Korban adalah orang yang mengalami penderitaan fisik, mental, dan/atau
kerugian ekonomi yang diakibatkan oleh suatu tindak pidana.
• Pelapor adalah orang yang memberikan laporan, informasi, atau keterangan
kepada penegak hukum mengenai tindak pidana yang akan, sedang, atau
telah terjadi.
Surat Edaran Mahkamah Agung (SEMA) Nomor 4 Tahun 2011 tentang Perlakuan
Bagi Pelapor Tindak Pidana (Whistle Blower) dan Saksi Pelaku yang Bekerjasama
(Justice Collaborator) di dalam Perkara Tindak Pidana Tertentu.

• Whistle blower adalah pihak yang mengetahui dan melaporkan

tindak pidana tertentu dan bukan merupakan bagian dari
pelaku kejahatan yang dilaporkannya
• Justice collaborator merupakan salah satu pelaku tindak pidana
tertentu, mengakui yang dilakukannya, bukan pelaku utama
dalam kejahatan tersebut serta memberikan keterangan
sebagai saksi di dalam proses peradilan
• Khusus untuk tindak pidana yang telah menimbulkan masalah
dan ancaman serius bagi stabilitas dan keamanan masyarakat :
tindak pidana korupsi, terorisme, tindak pidana narkotika,
tindak pidana pencucian uang, perdagangan orang, maupun
tindak pidana lainnya yang bersifat terorganisir.
Pasal 10 UU 13/2006
• Whistle blower atau saksi pelapor tidak dapat dituntut
secara hukum baik pidana maupun perdata atas
laporan, kesaksian yang akan, sedang atau yang telah
• Sedangkan justice collaborator atau saksi sekaligus
tersangka dalam kasus yang sama tidak dapat
dibebaskan dari tuntutan pidana apabila terbukti
secara sah dan meyakinkan bersalah. Namun,
kesaksiannya dapat dijadikan pertimbangan hakim
dalam meringankan pidananya.
Peraturan Bersama yang Menteri Hukum dan HAM, Jaksa Agung,
Kapolri, KPK dan Ketua Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban
tentang Perlindungan Bagi Pelapor, Saksi Pelapor dan Saksi Pelaku
yang Bekerjasama.

4 hak dan perlindungan:

1. Perlindungan fisik dan psikis bagi whistle blower dan justice
2. Perlindungan hukum.
3. Penanganan secara khusus dan
4. Penghargaan.
Peraturan Bersama yang Menteri Hukum dan HAM, Jaksa Agung, Kapolri, KPK
dan Ketua Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban tentang Perlindungan Bagi
Pelapor, Saksi Pelapor dan Saksi Pelaku yang Bekerjasama: Penanganan Khusus
dan Penghargaan

• Dipisahnya tempat penahanan dari tersangka atau terdakwa lain dari kejahatan yang
• Pemberkasan perkara dilakukan secara terpisah dengan tersangka atau terdakwa lain
dalam perkara yang dilaporkan.
• Dapat memperoleh penundaan penuntutan atas dirinya, memperoleh penundaan
proses hukum seperti penyidikan dan penuntutan yang mungkin timbul karena
informasi, laporan dan atau kesaksian yang diberikannya.
• Dapat memberikan kesaksian di depan persidangan tanpa menunjukkan wajahnya
atau menunjukkan identitasnya.
• Penghargaan berupa keringanan tuntutan hukuman, termasuk tuntutan hukuman
percobaan. Serta memperoleh pemberian remisi dan hak-hak narapidana lain sesuai
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku apabila saksi pelaku yang bekerjasama
adalah seorang narapidana.
• Semua hak ini bisa diperoleh oleh whistle blower atau justice collaborator dengan
persetujuan penegak hukum.
• PP No. 44 Tahun 2008 tentang Pemberian Kompensasi, Restitusi,
dan Bantuan kepada saksi dan korban.
• UU No. 31 Tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan UU PSK No. 13 Tahun
Perma No. 3 Tahun 2017: Pedoman Mengadili Perkara Perempuan
Berhadapan dengan Hukum.
• Pasal 5 à hakim dilarang untuk menujukkan sikap atau mengeluarkan
pernyataan yang merendahkan, menyalahkan, mengintimidasi ataupun
membenarkan terjadinya diskriminasi gender termasuk di dalamnya
mempertanyakan dan/atau mempertimbangkan pengalaman atau latar
belakang seksual soal korban.
• Pasal 6 à mengatur tentang pedoman bagi hakim untuk mempertimbangkan
dan menggali nilai-nilai untuk menjamin kesetaraan gender, hal ini dapat
menjadi titik balik lahirnya putusan-putusan yang progresif menafsirkan
rumusan yang menjamin kesetaraan gender. Yang patut diperhatikan
selanjutnya adalah bagaimana tindak lanjut lahirnya PERMA ini.

• Prinsip utama yang harus diperhatikan dalam penanganan

perempuan, baik sebagai korban, saksi, maupun pelaku
kejahatan adalah dijunjungnya norma kesopanan dan
kesusilaan, serta harkat martabat yang bersangkutan
sebagai seorang perempuan. Perlu diusahakan semaksimal
mungkin untuk menghindari bahasa tubuh, tutur kata, dan
atau sikap tindak yang bersifat atau dapat dianggap sebagai
bentuk pelecehan.
International Criminal Court
Mengapa dianggap perlu ?
1. Subyek Hukum Pidana
a. perkembangan subyek hukum pidana yang
bukan hanya individu tapi korporasi dan negara
b. pertanggungjawaban pidana
2. International Crime/Tindak Pidana Internasional
- Locus Delicti
- Korban
- Akibat
Mahkamah Pidana Internasional
ICC (Statuta Roma)
• Genosida
• Crimes Against Humanity
• Agression
• War Crime


UU Pengadilan HAM No.26/2000

§ Genosida
§ Crimes Against Humanity
A case study of Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso
• Veloso is a migrant Filipino domestic worker. She was forced to
become a migrant domestic worker because of poverty as a
commitment to support her family, because she had no other
choice. She suffered abuse and almost died.
• While working as a domestic worker in Dubai, Veloso was attacked by
her employer and hospitalized. After a month in the hospital and the
trial of the perpetrator on rape charges, she went back to Philippines
— her home country. But she could not earn money at home to
support her children and had no choice but to sell her few
possessions and become indebted to an informal agent who
professed to be her friend and helped her migrate again.
• She was told she would be given work in Malaysia, but instead she
was given new clothes and a suitcase and told to go to Indonesia
until other work could be found for her. Veloso was in no position to
question the agent who made her migration possible, she was in
debt. She trusted people who promised to help, she could not speak
the local language, furthermore she needed to navigate a foreign
legal system that she did not understand. She became a defendant in
a legal case and had no support.
Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso

• Veloso was charged with drug trafficking. But, in fact, it was

Veloso who was trafficked. Like hundreds of thousands of
women around the world, Veloso was controlled and made to
travel as human cargo for the profit of others.
• The National Commission on Violence Against Women
(Komnas Perempuan) has said that Veloso should have been
dealt with as a victim of trafficking and not as a criminal.
Wrongly charged, she then had to sit through a trial that she
did not understand.
• She was given a lawyer whom she saw only during the trial.
She was given an interpreter, a student who was studying
English. But Veloso did not speak English, she spoke Tagalog.
When asked whether she regretted what had happened, she
said “No”, thinking they were asking if she had committed a
• Veloso was arrested in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, in 2010 while
carrying a suitcase containing 2.2kg of heroin. Her supporters
say poverty made her susceptible to people traffickers, who
promised her a job as a maid in Malaysia but instead made her
an unwitting drug mule
• The previous Philippine government made it a priority to try to
delay and eventually overturn Veloso’s death sentence. Her
case has drawn international criticism of capital punishment
in Indonesia.
• Her reprieve came after Maria Kristina Sergio, a woman
accused of recruiting Veloso, handed herself in to police in
Manila. The former Philippine president, Benigno Aquino,
made an appeal to Jokowi on the basis that Veloso would be
needed as a witness in the case against Sergio.
Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso
• She was given a lawyer whom she saw only during the trial.
• An interpreter, a student who was studying English. But Veloso did
not speak English, she spoke Tagalog. When asked whether she
regretted what had happened, she said “No”, thinking they were
asking if she had committed a crime.
• Key to the last-minute reprieve was that the Philippines invoked a
regional treaty (the Association of Southeast Asian Nations mutual
legal assistance treaty, or Asean MLAT) signed to fight transnational
crimes in south-east Asia, which obliges Indonesia to help provide
Veloso as a witness to the human trafficking court case.
• Migrante International, a group that promotes the rights of
overseas Filipino workers, says Veloso’s life depends of the speedy
trial and conviction of her accused traffickers, Maria Kristina Sergio
and Julius Lacanilao.
• The Indonesia General Attorney will look at the verdict, perhaps
the verdict can be new evidence to appeal for clemency from the
president. But surely Mary Jane will not be free from punishment.
The fact is that she smuggled drugs to Indonesia
• She was spared from execution at the last minute. She got a
temporary reprieve but still faces execution
Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso
• Pada dini hari 29 April 2015 pemerintah melaksanakan eksekusi mati
terhadap 8 (delapan) orang yang sebagian besar adalah terpidana
mati kasus narkotika. Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso yang sudah diisolasi
dan digiring ke Lapangan Tembak Limus Buntu untuk dieksekusi oleh
regu tembak tiba-tiba ditarik keluar barisan. Eksekusi terhadap
dirinya ditunda oleh Jaksa Agung atas perintah Presiden.

• Veloso is a migrant Filipino domestic worker. She was forced to

become a migrant domestic worker because of poverty as a
commitment to support her family, because she had no other
choice. She suffered abuse and almost died.
• While working as a domestic worker in Dubai, Veloso was attacked by
her employer and hospitalized. After a month in the hospital and the
trial of the perpetrator on rape charges, she went back to Philippines
— her home country. But she could not earn money at home to
support her children and had no choice but to sell her few
possessions and become indebted to an informal agent who
professed to be her friend and helped her migrate again.
Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso

• She was told she would be given work in Malaysia, but instead
she was given new clothes and a suitcase and told to go to
Indonesia until other work could be found for her. Veloso was
in no position to question the agent who made her migration
possible, she was in debt. She trusted people who promised
to help, she could not speak the local language, furthermore
she needed to navigate a foreign legal system that she did not
understand. She became a defendant in a legal case and had
no support.
• Veloso was charged with drug trafficking. But, in fact, it was
Veloso who was trafficked. Veloso was controlled and made to
travel as human cargo for the profit of others.

• Participation of crime:
Transnational Organised Crime
• Victim’s Rights:
- identify the position:
Mari Jane is a perpetrator or victim ?
trained investigators who can be alert to
suspicions, not just on criminal offending but
also in relation to victimhood
• Guidance for prosecutor (UK)
Guidelines for prosecutor
• Is there a reason to believe that the person has been
trafficked? if so,
• If there is clear evidence of a credible defence of
duress, the case should be discontinued on evidential
grounds; but
• Even where there is no clear evidence of duress, but
the offence may have been committed as a result of
compulsion arising from trafficking, prosecutors
should consider whether the public interest lies in
proceeding to prosecute or not - discretion
Non-Punishment Provision
• Article 26 Palermo Protocol
Each Party shall, in accordance with the basic
principles of its legal system, provide for the
possibility of not imposing penalties on victims for
their involvement in unlawful activities, to the extent
that they have been compelled to do so.
• A victim may have committed an offence, the reality is that the
trafficked person acts without real autonomy.
No free will à excuse: non punishment.
• Does the victim possess identification and travel documents? If not, who has
control of these documents?
• Did the victim travel to a destination country for a specific job or purpose and
is victim engaged in different employment than expected?
• Is victim forced to perform sexual acts as part of employment?
• Is the victim a juvenile engaged in commercial sex?
• Does the victim owe money to an employer or does the employer hold
• Did the employer instruct the victim on what to say to law enforcement or
immigration officials?
• Can the victim freely leave employment or the situation?
• Are there guards at work/harboring site or video cameras to monitor and
ensure no one escapes?
• Does the victim have freedom of movement? Can they freely contact family
and friends? Can they socialize or attend religious services?
HT in DT

• Victim does not know that he is a victim of

criminal act. This may be occurred on fraud acts or
embezzlement which its operation modus
conducted subtly, so that the victim does not realize
that he has been tricked.
• Victim him/herself is also a criminal perpetrator. For
this type of crime is known as victimless crime, such
as: prostitution crime, drugs, abortion and
UN protocol contain several provisions on victims rights
• Assistance to and protection of victims, including the protection of the
privacy and identity of victims to the extent possible (Art.6.1);
• Information on relevant court and administrative proceedings (Art. 6.2a);
• Assistance to enable the victim’s views and concerns to be represented and
considered during criminal proceedings (Art. 6.2b);
• Measures to be provided by the state for the physical, psychological and
social recovery of victims, including adequate housing, counseling and
information, medical, psychological and material assistance, employment,
educational and training opportunities (Art. 6.3); in accordance with the age,
gender and special needs of victims, in particular the special needs of
children, including appropriate housing, education and care (Art. 6.4);
• The protection of the sense of safety of victims; the possibility to obtain
compensation for damage suffered (Art. 6.5);
• The possibility of temporary or permanent residence permits (Art. 7)
• The voluntary repatriation of victims, with due regard to the safety of that
person. Such return must vitally take into consideration the safety of the
Victim’s Rights of TIP
Art 51 Law No. 21/2007
Rehabilitation, repatriation, social reintegration.
(1) Korban berhak memperoleh rehabilitasi kesehatan,
rehabilitasi sosial, pemulangan, dan reintegrasi sosial dari
pemerintah apabila yang bersangkutan mengalami
penderitaan baik fisik maupun psikis akibat tindak pidana
perdagangan orang.
(2) Hak-hak sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) diajukan oleh korban
atau keluarga korban, teman korban, kepolisian, relawan pendamping,
atau pekerja sosial setelah korban melaporkan kasus yang dialaminya
atau pihak lain melaporkannya kepada Kepolisian Negara Republik
Indonesia. (3) Permohonan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (2)
diajukan kepada pemerintah melalui menteri atau instansi yang
menangani masalah-masalah kesehatan dan sosial di daerah.
Legal Protection, restitution.
Article 47
Dalam hal saksi dan/atau korban beserta keluarganya mendapatkan ancaman yang
membahayakan diri, jiwa, dan/atau hartanya, Kepolisian Negara Republik Indonesia
wajib memberikan perlindungan, baik sebelum, selama, maupun sesudah proses
pemeriksaan perkara.
Article 48
(1) Setiap korban tindak pidana perdagangan orang atau ahli warisnya berhak
memperoleh restitusi
(2) Restitusi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) berupa ganti kerugian atas :
• a. kehilangan kekayaan atau penghasilan;
• b. penderitaan;
• c. biaya untuk tindakan perawatan medis dan/atau psikologis; dan/atau
• d. kerugian lain yang diderita korban sebagai akibat perdagangan orang.
(3) Restitusi tersebut diberikan dan dicantumkan sekaligus dalam amar putusan
pengadilan tentang perkara tindak pidana perdagangan orang.
(4) Pemberian restitusi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) dilaksanakan sejak
dijatuhkan putusan pengadilan tingkat pertama.

1. Could you identify any violations of human

rights in the case ?
2. What type (s) of right ?
3. Any related HR’s instruments or laws ?
4. Any mechanism for the victim (s) to seek
justice ?
5. Is there any challenges to access justice ?
Characteristics of Human Rights

•Internationally guaranteed
•Legally protected
•Focus on dignity of the human being
•Protect the individual & groups
•Oblige states and state actors
•Cannot be waived/taken away
•Equal and interdependent
Main Principles of Human Rights

A. Equity
• Equality
• Non-discrimination
• Equality of opportunity
• Equality of access on public services
• Participation
B. Dignity:
• Freedom
• Freedom to choose
• Autonomy
C. Humanity
• Respect to rights of others
• Solidarity
Proportionality principle oh Human Rights

Setiap orang
mempunyai hak Setiap orang wajib
untuk memperoleh menghormati
perlindungan HAM hukum dan HAM
dari Negara orang lain.
Ibi Remedium Ubi Jus

Hanya bila ada kemungkinan untuk

menuntut, memperolehnya kembali atau
memperbaikinya bila mana dilanggar, maka
baru dapat dikatakan ada hak
Universal Declaration of Human Rights

• Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of

the equal and inalienable rights of all members of
the human family is the foundation of freedom,
justice and peace in the world,
• Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in
barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the
advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech
and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the
highest aspiration of the common people,
• Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as
a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human
rights should be protected by the rule of law,
• Equality is to be promoted in order for the social
development & better standards of living are to be
• Such is that it is necessary to have a common
standard of Human Rights for all peoples, AND
• Each country is obliged to ensure that provide that
Human Rights are to be protected and promoted
Sources of Human Rights Law

I. Customary International Law

• General & consistent practice of states followed
because of sense of legal obligations
II. Treaty Law:
• UN Charter
• ICCPR & its Protocols
• Genocide Conventions
• Convention against Torture
• Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial
Sources of Human Rights Law

Convention on the Elimination of all forms of

Discrimination against Women
• Conventions on the Rights of the Child
• Migrant Worker Convention
• Convention relating to the Status of Refugees
and its Protocol
• For Geneva Conventions 0f 1949 and its
Human Rights history in a nutshell
• Holly Scriptures
• Magna Carta (1215)
• The Great Golden Bull (1223) (Hungary)
• Westphalia Treaty (1648)
• Declaration of Independence (1776) (USA)
• Bill of Rights (1791) (USA)
• Declaration des droit de l’homme et du citoyen 1789
• Bill of Rights (1889) (United Kingdom)
Human Rights...

• the twentieth century is marked by

various international treaties on Law on
War and Labor issues
• Universal Declarations of Human Rights
Generations of Human Rights
(developed by Karel Vasak)

• 1st Generation I:
• Negative rights or civil liberties (may stem from liberal
freedoms advocated by JS Mill in On Liberty)
• obligation on the states not to interfere with individual freedom
• 2nd Generation:
• Positive rights (may be linked to Rousseau’s Continental
European legal tradition, denote rights that the state is obliged
to protect and provide)
• rights to individuals or groups on the provision of public goods
and social services (ICESCR)
• 3rd Generation:
• Composite rights
• right to development, peace and clean environment
• this is the most debated generation of rights, and lacks both
legal and political recognition
Human Rights Instruments
• Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
• International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights (1966)
• International Covenant on Economic, Social &
Cultural Rights (1966)
• Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of
Discrimination against Women (1979)
• Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel,
Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or
Punishment (1984)
• International Convention on the Elimination of
All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965)
• Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989)
• Convention on the Protection of the Rights of
All Migrant Workers and Members of Their
Families (1990)
• International Convention on the Suppression
and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid
Normative development of Human Rights




The Rules: who make them ?

• States from all regions

• Through the development of custom
• Through the development of declarations, guidelines, etc
• Through the development of treaties
• The are made at international bodies & meetings:
• Human Rights Commission
• General Assembly
• UN Crime Congress
• Regional Organizations
Who monitors Human Rights?

• National level:
• Government agencies
• National human rights institutions
• Courts
• Parliaments
• Civil society (academics, professional associations, NGOs etc)
• International level:
• Regional organizations
• International NGOs
• The UN (through conventional & non-conventional mechanism
and other human rights operations)

• Based on a holistic approach

• Article 3 commences civil and political rights
(articles 4-21): fundamental rights and
freedom entitled to every individual from his
or her government
• Article 22 commences economic, social &
cultural rights (Article 22): everyone’s rights as
members of society
Lacking in the UDHR are…

• Freedom of the press

• Restriction on death penalty
• Freedom of scientific research
• Rights to strike
• Rights to use one’s language and name
• Individual rights to complain
• Protection of women and children
• Right to development
• Right to self-determination
• No prohibition on war propaganda or hate speech
ICCPR is divided into ….

• Rights of self-determination
• Protection of integrity
• Fair and human procedural rights whenever one’s freedom
is curtailed by the state
• Equal protection in terms of race, religion, gender etc
• Freedom of religion, speech and assembly
• Rights to political participation
• Rights of minority groups to their own culture
While ICESR ….

• Obligation of state parties

• Enumeration of substantive rights
• International implementation
• International application
• Legal rules

(Adopted in 1966, entry into force: 1976)


• Rights to work, good working condition

• Rights to rest and leisure
• Rights to form and join a trade union
• Social security
• Protection for the family, children and mothers
• Adequate standard of living
• Rights to health (physically and mentally)
• rights to the development and the diffusion of
science and culture.
Indonesia and Human Rights:
Issues and Regulations
• The Indonesian legal system is based on Pancasila the grand norm in
Indonesian positive law. Consisting five distinct principles, Pancasila is
aimed to define the basic values of Indonesian society in the political
• Particularly related to human rights, the second principle (Sila
Kemanusian yang Adil dan Beradab) is the key reference to the
country’s commitment to human dignity and human rights.
• Following Pancasila, the Indonesian Constitution (Undang-Undang Dasar
1945) functions as the source of all laws and regulations concerning all
aspects of the nation’s life, ranging from government and citizens and
their relations to each other to state organs or institutions and their
relation to individual lives.
• In the fourth amendment of the 1945 Constitution (August 2002) the
range of human rights protection was expanded. Article 28 of the
amended Constitution is devoted solely to human rights principles.
• Article 28 of the Constituion guarantees the universally accepted human
rights, namely the right to freedom of assembly, the right to life, the right
to establish a family,10 the right to personal development,11 the right to
be treated equally before the law,12 the right to work and employment,13
the right to religion and freedom to express opinion,14 the right to
information,15 freedom from torture and inhuman and degrading
treatment,16 the right to a healthy environment,17 and the right to be
free from discriminative treatment.18 Equality before the law, the
protection to the freedom of religion, and the right to education remain in
the similar texts in Article 27, Article 29, and Article 31, respectively.
• One of the most important developments in human rights promotion in
Indonesia is the establishment the national human rights law. In the
Human Rights Law No. 39 of 1999, the definition of human rights is
provided as follows: ‘... a set of rights bestowed by God Almighty in the
essence and being of humans as creations of God which must be
respected, held in the highest esteem and protected by the state, law,
Government, and all people in order to protect human dignity and
The International Mechanism
OHCHR (Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights)
• UN Official with primary responsibility for UN Human Rights activities
• Mandated to promote and protect the enjoyment and full realization
of all rights established in the Charter of the United Nations and in
international human rights laws and treaties, especially
• preventing human rights violations,
• securing respect for all human rights,
• promoting international cooperation to protect human rights,
• coordinating related activities throughout the United Nations,
• strengthening and streamlining the United Nations system in the field of
human rights, and
• leading efforts to integrate a human rights approach within all work
carried out by United Nations agencies.
Supervisory (Treaty-based) Bodies
(Conventional Mechanism)
• HRC: Human Rights Committee
• CESCR: Committee on Economic, Social & Cultural Rights
• CERD: Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
• CEDAW: Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
Against Women
• CAT: Committee Against Torture
• CRC: Committee on the Rights of the Child
• CMW: Committee on Migrant Workers
And their responsibility are…

• Considering reports from the State Parties, making

suggestions & recommendation on how a State’s
implementation efforts might be improved
• Holding public meetings where State Parties present
their reports, and constructive dialogues with the
Committee are conducted
• Making general comments on the interpretation of
specific treaty articles
• Receiving individual complaints alleging that a State has
violated their rights under relevant treaty
Extra-conventional or thematic mechanism

• Gross & systematic violations of human rights

(1503 procedure)
• Summary or arbitrary Executions (Special Rappr)
• Torture (SR)
• Disappearance (Working Group)
• Violence against Women (SR)
• Independence of the Judiciary (SR)
• Racism (SR)
• Freedom of Opinion and Expression (SR)
• Internally Displaced Persons (SR)
• Various country Rapporteurs
• Human Rights and Human Genome (SR), etc
Mandates of thematic mechanism…

• Conducting general studies and analysis on issues that fall within

their mandates
• Making general recommendations on how to prevent human rights
violations and remedy the consequences
• Receiving communications (i.e. allegations about the violation of
an individual’s human rights, made by individuals, governments,
NGOs etc.)
• Conducting communications with governments if an allegation is
considered as credible and falls within its mandate
• Conducting country visits to study a specific situation in a country,
depending upon the acceptance of the government concerned
• Submitting an annual reports to HRC
Other regional mechanism..

• African Commission on Human Rights & People’s Rights

• European Commission of Human Rights
• European Court of Human Rights
• Inter-American Court of Human Rights
• International Criminal Tribunals
The 1503 Procedure..
• A confidential procedure adopted by ECOSOC in 1970 on
Procedure for Dealing with Communications relating to Violations
of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (reformed during the
65th session of HRC in 2000)
• It is confidential in that neither the author of the complaint nor the
government concerned has the rights to information about the
progress of the complaint (but since 1978, the names of the
country have been announced by the Chair of HRC)
• Not an individual complaint procedure per se, only complaints that
allege a pattern & practice of human rights violations will be
• Complaints may be made against any country, even if it is not a
member of the UN
• A Working Group on Communication is designated on a yearly
basis by Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of
Human Rights
And international NGOs…

• Amnesty International
• Ansar Burney Trust
• Carter Center
• Forum 18
• Freedom House
• Human Rights Campaign
• Human Rights Watch
• International Freedom of Expression Exchange
• International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights
• Montagnard Foundation
• Network Against Prohibition
• Prisoners Overseas
• Southern Poverty Law Center
• Bahrain Centre for Human Rights
Other human rights NGOs

• Asian Human Rights Commission

• The Asia-Pacific Forum on National Human Rights
• Asia Pacific Human Rights NGOs Facilitating Team
• The Asian Federation Against Involuntary Disappearances
• Human Rights Organizations in Asian countries

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