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KABATAAN CATECHISM SESSION: A review on the 10 commandments

Learning Objectives:

 To re-iterate the commandments through a game

Key Learning Points:

There is a tendency at times to view the Ten Commandments as a list of things that a
person “can’t” do, particularly at first. Can you truly delight in a list of “don’ts”?
Truly following the Ten Commandments requires a shift in our mindset.

Yes, the Ten Commandments define our behavior. They draw a boundary around what is
acceptable and what is not. However, if we only view them in that fashion—as simply a list
of don’ts—are we not seriously limiting what God has blessed us with?

God has provided us His law so that we can live life abundantly and so that we do not just
live, but thrive. Through the keeping of God’s law, we learn personally that God’s
way works.

God’s law is to be a delight.

Breakout discussion: 40 min discussion

 Divide the commandments among the members of your group, have each member
think of ways how they can follow the commandments. Share it to their group.
 The tita can also share their own tips, can relate past experiences on how they are
able to follow the commandments.

IMPORTANT! It is highly encouraged that ALL girls in the breakout room be given
a chance to answer so as to get their participation and check their understanding.

40 mins will be allotted for the working group discussion.

Our target time flow will look like:

o 1:30 – 2:10 : Plenary
o 2:10 – 2:50 : Breakout Room Discussions
o 2:50 – 3:10 : Wrap up Session, Announcements, Closing
o 3:10 – 3:45 : Mentoring chats

Wrap Up Session (main room)

Presentation of key discussion points by spokespersons and debrief of the session

Thank the girls for their time and encourage them to attend next week and to come
on time.

Closing: Announcements & Prayer (any volunteer)

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