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NUMBERS 1-100 again

1. Compare – use < or > ... Porovnaj čísla, použi porovnávacie znamienka!

a) sixteen sixty e) eighteen eighty-one i) eight eighteen

b) thirty thirteen f) forty fourteen j) seventy seventeen
c) twenty twelve g) ninety nineteen k) twenty a hundred
d) eleven seventy h) fifty forty l) thirty twenty-nine

2. Order the numbers from the smallest! Usporiadaj čísla od najmenšieho – píš číslovky SLOVOM!


3. Order the numbers from the biggest! Usporiadaj čísla od najväčšieho po najmenšie – píš číslovky SLOVOM!

4. Calculate! Vypočítaj! Výsledok zapíš SLOVOM!
a) 35 + 21 = .......................................... f) 100 – 60 = ...........................................
b) 14 + 73 = .......................................... g) 76 – 42 = ...........................................
c) 21 + 39 = .......................................... h) 68 – 23 = ...........................................
d) 20 + 15 = .......................................... i) 99 – 28 = ...........................................
e) 61 + 33 = ........................................... j) 54 – 42 = ...........................................

5. Fill in PLUS / MINUS / TIMES / DIVIDED BY... Doplň znamienko – plus, mínus, krát, delenie,....

a) sixty thirteen = seventy-three b) fifty-six eight = seven

c) twelve four = forty-eight d) eighty-five fifty-five = thirty

©PaedDr. Mária Konečná

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