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Hackers are typically categorized into three groups based on their motives:

Black hat

Hackers with malicious intentions, such as financial gain, revenge, or spreading harm. They enter
systems without permission and use vulnerabilities as entry points. Black hat hackers may be employed
by rogue nations or acting for criminal intentions.

White hat

Hackers who use their hacking powers for good. They are also known as "ethical hackers" or "good
hackers". White hat hackers use the same hacking methods as black hats, but they have the permission
of the system owner first. They probe cybersecurity weaknesses to help organizations develop stronger

Gray hat

Hackers who operate in a nebulous area between malicious intent and ethical upright coding. They are
not malicious, but they're not always ethical either. Gray hat hackers find vulnerabilities in systems
without permission, but they don't have any malicious intent. They may sometimes violate laws or
typical ethical standards.

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