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Types of hackers

There are different types of hackers depending on their working intentions.

White Hat Hackers:

These are the good guys! They use their hacking skills to enhance security by finding
vulnerabilities in systems and networks. They work with organisations to fix these
weaknesses before malicious hackers can exploit them.

Black Hat Hackers:

These hackers break into systems with malicious intentions. They might steal sensitive
information, disrupt services, or cause damage for personal gain, financial profit, or just for
the thrill of it.

Grey Hat Hackers:

These are between white and black hat hackers, these individuals might break into systems
without permission but not necessarily with malicious intent. They may expose vulnerabilities
but do so without authorization.

These hackers are motivated by social or political causes. They aim to promote their
agendas or beliefs by hacking into systems and spreading their message or causing

For methods, hackers use various techniques to exploit weaknesses in systems:

Sending deceptive emails or messages to trick people into revealing sensitive information
like passwords or financial details.

Creating and deploying malicious software to gain unauthorised access to systems or
damage data.

Brute Force Attacks:

Using automated tools to try many combinations of usernames and passwords until they find
the right one to gain access.
SQL Injection:
Exploiting vulnerabilities in websites or applications to access or manipulate databases.

DDoS Attacks:
Overloading a system's server with a flood of traffic, making it unable to handle legitimate

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