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A report on improvements for work programmes


The aim of this report is to outline the problems with the programme I have participated in and to make
recommendations ideas for future programmes.

Tasks and activities in which I were involved

As a chef, my primary role was centered around the culinary aspect of hospitality. I had to do
collaborating with the culinary team to devise innovative menus and refine existing dishes. Secondly, as
a role of waiter necessitated a distinct set of duties, all oriented toward delivering impeccable customer
service. Lastly, my experience in room service entailed catering to the needs of guests in their rooms.

Issues with the problems

I had to deal with three main problems with those programme. First of all, managing time effectively,
especially during busy shifts, is crucial to ensure timely service and food preparation while doing as the
chef. Secondly, dealing with unhappy or difficult guests made was emotionally challenging and required
specific skills to resolve issues. Lastly, all of these programmes involved high-stress situations, especially
during peak hours.


As a first measure, I would recommend is making a well-organized timetable which can help in evenly
distributing work shifts, reducing over time, preventing employee burn out. It ensures that employees
have sufficient rest between shifts, which is crucial for maintaining their physical. Second thing I
recommend is hire more employees which can be delivered more promptly and leading to higher-quality
interactions with guests.

(242 words)

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