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3 Photosynthesis HL [34 marks]

1. 23M.1.HL.TZ1.30

The cycle shows part of the light-independent reactions in photosynthesis.

What occurs in Step 1?

A. ATP is formed for Step 2.

B. Rubisco catalyses the hydrolysis of ribulose bisphosphate.

C. A carboxylase catalyses the carboxylation of ribulose bisphosphate.

D. NADP is converted to reduced NADP.


2. 22N.1.HL.TZ0.8

The action spectra for two different types of photosynthetic organisms are shown. Ulva, or sea
lettuce, is a green marine alga composed of two layers of cells. The action spectrum for crop
plants was plotted from an average of 22 species of plants.
What describes photosynthesis in these organisms?

A. Ulva photosynthesizes more than crop plants at red wavelengths.

B. Crop plants photosynthesize more than Ulva in green light.

C. Photosynthesis by Ulva is highest in red light while that of crop plants is highest in blue.

D. Both have zero photosynthesis at 750 nm.


3. 21N.1.HL.TZ1.8

In 1882, Engelmann investigated photosynthesis by shining light of varying wavelength on a

green alga. He observed where aerobic bacteria accumulated.
[Source: Republished with permission of Oxford University Press, from Plant Physiology and
Development, Sixth Edition by
Lincoln Taiz, Eduardo Zeiger, Ian M. Møller, and Angus Murphy, 2015. Permission conveyed
through Copyright
Clearance Center, Inc.]

What can be deduced from this experiment?

A. Only parts of the chloroplast contained chlorophyll.

B. The distribution of bacteria indicates the action spectrum of photosynthesis.

C. Most oxygen is released from the algae in green light.

D. Chloroplasts reflect blue and red light.


4. 19N.1.HL.TZ0.9

Some photosynthesis experiments require water that is free of carbon dioxide. What is the best
way to produce this?

A. Boiling and cooling water

B. Adding hydrogencarbonate solution to water

C. Adding alkali to water

D. Immobilizing carbon dioxide on alginate beads


5. 19M.1.HL.TZ1.9

Which wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is absorbed efficiently by chlorophyll for


A. 45 nm

B. 45 μm

C. 450 nm

D. 450 μm


6. 18N.1.HL.TZ0.10

What are final products of photosynthesis and of aerobic respiration?


7. 22M.2.HL.TZ2.6

(a) The processes of photosynthesis and respiration have some factors in common and others
differ. Compare and contrast both processes for specific factors.


8. 19N.2.HL.TZ0.4

During photosynthesis plants use water in the conversion of light energy to chemical energy.

(a.i) State the name of this process.


(a.ii) Explain how water is used in photosynthesis.


9. 19M.2.HL.TZ2.8

(a) Draw a fully labelled graph of the action spectrum for photosynthesis.


(b) Explain Calvin’s experiment and what was discovered about photosynthesis through his


10. 23M.3.HL.TZ1.3

Researchers set up apparatus that continuously monitored the rates of water uptake and loss
from cut flowers. A rose shoot was inserted into a flask of water placed on a balance. The flask
was kept full by a water supply from a reservoir. The graph shows the results over five days.
[Source: Lü, P., Huang, X., Li, H., Liu, J., He, S., Joyce, D. C. and Zhang, Z., 2011.

Continuous Automatic Measurement of Water Uptake and Water Loss of Cut Flower Stems,

HortScience horts, [e-journal] 46(3), pp. 509–512.]

(a) Suggest a reason for including a lid with vents above the water reservoir.


(b) Explain the differences in the water loss rate in dark and light conditions.


(c) Describe how the rose shoot could be treated to show what part of the plant loses water.


(d) A standard potometer only measures water uptake. Explain how this apparatus measures the
amount of water lost by the shoot as well as uptake.


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