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Chem analysis 1 refined answers

Question 1: explain the formation of ion dipole interactions in organic acids

- Ion dipole interactions occur when ions react with a polar molecule or functional
- Organic acids- ion dipole interactions can be observed when the weak acid partially
ionises creating hydronium ions
- the ion dipole interactions of inorganic acids arise from the interaction between ions
produced by the ionisation of the acid and the polar water molecules

Question 2 explain this solubility of nonpolar organic molecules

- “like dissolves like” - which means that substances with similar polarities are
more likely to dissolve in each other.
- Non-polar organic molecules are typically composed of hydrocarbon chains or
rings and lack significant polar groups like hydroxyl (-OH) or carbonyl (C=O)
- Nonpolar organic molecules can form forces between the molecules using
nonpolar dispersion interactions but is not able to form significant attractive
interaction to the very polar solvent molecules like water, as non-polar
hydrocarbon molecules are hydrophobic
- Non-polar organic molecules experience weak interactions with water
molecules because the polar water molecules are not as effective in breaking
the van der Waals forces holding the non-polar molecules together. As a
result, non-polar organic compounds tend to aggregate and minimize contact
with water, leading to low solubility.

Question 3: explain the trends in the solubility of alcohols in water

1. Size of molecule
Size of molecule increases, solubility in water decreases. Inverse relationship. As the
size of the alcohol molecule increases and therefore a greater number of non-
polar hydrocarbon bonds, the hydrophobic effect becomes more pronounced.
The larger hydrophobic portions of these alcohols make it more difficult for them
to be accommodated within the hydrogen-bonded structure of water.

2. Hydrogen bonding
- Hydrogen bonding occurs between the oxygen of the alcohol -OH group and
the hydrogen atoms of water molecules.
- Hydrogen bonding enhances the solubility of alcohols in water. It creates
attractive forces between the alcohol and water molecules, allowing them to
mix more easily.
- SMALLER MOLECULES have higher solubility as they can form hydrogen bonds with
the water molecules.

3. Branching
- Reduced ability for alcohol molecules to form hydrogen bonds with water molecules.
Branched alcohols have more compact structure, limits the exposure of hydroxyl
groups to water molecules.

Question 4: explain the solubility of other compounds in water

Summary of factors contributing to water solubility.

- More carbons means more of a nonpolar/ hydrophobic character and lower solubility
in water
- the more hydrophilic groups the greater the solubility in water
- anything with the charges group is water soluble unless it has a very large nonpolar
- any functional group that can donate a hydrogen bond to water e.g. Alcohol and
amines will contribute to water solubility
- any functional group that can accept a hydrogen bond from water e.g. Ketones,
aldehydes, esters

Ionic Compounds

1. Alkanes (Saturated Hydrocarbons):

 Generally, alkanes are nonpolar and have low solubility in water.
 The only interaction they can form with water is through weak dispersion
 lack functional groups that can form significant interactions with water
2. Alkenes (Unsaturated Hydrocarbons with C=C Double Bonds):
 Alkenes are nonpolar and have low solubility in water.
 The presence of a double bond reduces overall polarity, and weak dispersion
forces are not sufficient for substantial solubility.
3. Alkynes (Unsaturated Hydrocarbons with C≡C Triple Bonds):
 Like alkanes and alkenes, alkynes are nonpolar and have low solubility in
4. Aldehydes:
 Small aldehydes (e.g., formaldehyde, acetaldehyde) are soluble in water due
to the presence of a polar carbonyl group (C=O) that can participate in
hydrogen bonding.
 Solubility decreases with increasing carbon chain length in aldehydes.
5. Ketones:
 Similar to aldehydes, small ketones (e.g., acetone) are soluble in water due to
the polar carbonyl group.
 Solubility decreases with increasing carbon chain length in ketones.
6. Carboxylic Acids:
- Carboxylic acids are generally soluble in water due to the presence of the
polar carboxyl group (-COOH), which can form hydrogen bonds with water
 Carboxylic acids are highly soluble in water due to the presence of both a
carbonyl group (C=O) and a hydroxyl group (-OH).

7. Carboxylate Ions (Conjugate Bases of Carboxylic Acids):

- Highly soluble in water.
- Carboxylate ions have a negative charge and can form ion-dipole interactions
with water molecules.
8. Amines:
 Small amines (e.g., ammonia, methylamine) are soluble in water due to the
ability to form hydrogen bonds.
 Solubility decreases with increasing carbon chain length in amines and the
presence of nonpolar groups.
9. Amides:
 Amides are polar compounds and can form hydrogen bonds with water.
 Solubility decreases with increasing carbon chain length in amides.
10. Esters:
 Esters are generally less soluble in water compared to carboxylic acids.
 While esters contain a carbonyl group, they lack the hydroxyl group found in
carboxylic acids, leading to weaker interactions with water.

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