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Virtual Reality : 100 years after

There is no doubt that after 100 years, the technology of

virtual reality will go through some massive changes. The
obvious change I believe it will go through is that it will
become way more realistic. The general people will probably
find it difficult to differentiate from real life. I believe virtual
reality will become essential in educational institutions;
Students will be able to learn a lot of practical things without
any risks. Furthermore In health sector, the effects of new
medicines could be simulated in virtual reality; medical
students will be able to perform realistic surgery. I suppose
in 100 years, most if not, all games will be made in virtual
reality. Gamers will be able to live out there fantasies in
these games more realistic than ever. Also the movies, tv
shows, streaming services might become virtual reality
oriented. There will probably be interactive shows where the
audience will be able to insert themselves as a character and
impact the story. However, I don’t think it will be all positive
changes. There will be virtual reality oriented scams and
crimes that will force the authorities to limit the reach of
virtual. There will probably be immense rise in social
distance as people will spend most of their times in the
comfort zones of virtual reality, which will not be good for
the development of the youth. Overall, I believe in 100
years, virtual reality will massively change itself and the
world along with it.

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