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Stephanie Elizabeth Osorio Bracamonte

People Make Games (May 17th, 2022) Making Sense of VRChat, the
"Metaverse" People Actually Like [Video]. YouTube.

Pay attention to the video and answer the following questions individually. Notify
your instructor when you have finished and wait for further instructions.

1. What’s the general subject of the video?

VRChat spaces and their communities and how they will evolve in the
future thanks to big companies like Meta.

2. What are some common issues with the technology presented?

the bugs that may exist, the lack of censorship that represents a danger
specifically for minors, the lack of control of the people you can find, failures
in the created environments, and the difficulty or the non-existent physical
interaction between characters.

3. List some of the uses related to our class’s subject matter.

some spaces are useful for meeting, so this is another way to connect with
people, either in meetings or activities in a more interesting way.

4. Propose a use or feature not seen in the video.

Thematic meetings could be held in which people participate through
dynamics, whether they are games between the characters or other types
of activities.

5. What are the business opportunities that may arise if this technology
catches on?
Companies could choose to make simulations of real stores within the
worlds, where people can play the role of worker and be monetized, in
addition to needing people to manage the servers, or even people in charge
of promoting brands within the game.

6. List some of the problems around this technology that may make it difficult
for it to get mainstream.
I think that censorship is something important, especially because many
children are not supervised and in these spaces they can expose
themselves to dangers when interacting with people with bad intentions, in
addition to the possible theft of information leading to problems in real life. I
also think that there would be people who would develop an addiction to
these types of tools and become completely disconnected from real life.
Stephanie Elizabeth Osorio Bracamonte

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