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What is this thing called love?

What is this thing called, love ?
What ? Is this thin g called love?
What is this thin g called? ' Love'?
'What is this thing called? ' 'Love .'

.... I seem to have lost Naom i's address . I wonder if y Oll

A Full stops, sentences, paragraphs co uld have a look to sec if you've go t it.
.5 Cinde rella was in he r room , she couldn't help thinking
A sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a
abo ut the bov wh o had hought her the Coke , he r father
full stop (US 'period'), question mark or exclamation
came in and -asked her how the disco had been . she told
mark, Sentences are joined together to form paragraphs.
him about the bov, and how she didn't eve n know his
The sentences in a paragraph are related to each other
name , finally she "told he r father the worst of it, that she
and have the same theme or subject . When the theme
had forzotten
b he r lucvclc
, whe n she left the disco so me
changes, a new paragraph is used.
time around midnight, sudden lv the re was a ring at the
Sentences can be as short as two words, but one or two doorb e ll, it was the hoy who had bought he r the Coke ,
lines is an average length. If you frequently write more and he had he r bicvclc with him, 'this hike's much too
than three or four lines without a full stop , ask yourself: small for y ou', he said, 'shall I adj llst the saddle' Or
could anyone find my sentences difficult to read? be tter std!' if you'll he Ill)' girlfriend, I'll buy yOIl a new
have I joined together tw o sentences that should be moun ta in hike .'
separate? (1.0 below)
did I write and when I should have used a full stop? B In the following text, some commas are used
co rrectly, while other commas are used incorrect ly in the
If your sentences are very short (one line or less on
place of full stops . Use full stops and capital letters, then
average), ask yourself:
divide the text into three paragraphs. The first paragraph
co uld I co mbine two sentences to make a complex,
is an introduction to the theme, the second tells the
but equally clear, sentence? (1.1 opp osite)
story, and the third is the writer's (rather curious)
conc luding comm ent.
1.0 Practice
TIle Fakirs of India are disti nguishe d by their attempts
A It is possible to co mbine two sentences in many to de mo nstrate their resistance to pain and privation,
ways, but a comma alone cannot join two sentences. some have bee n frauds , and some have shown
Which of these sentences are correct? Which of them remarkable powers of mind OVt T matte r, demonstrating
need full stops to divide them into two or more that all pleasure and pain is .\1aya, o r illusion , at the
sentences? Insert full stops in the place of co mmas e nd of the 19 th c e ntury FakirAgastiya of Bengal
where necessary. proved the me ntal control he possessed o ve r his body
Example by raising his left arm above his head and leaving it in
l icatched the sold iers march past , schen they had gOlw I that posi tion until he died in 19 I2, gradually, the blood
scent hack to my !nitillg. circulatio n diminished to almos t nothing and rende red
Incorrect. T he correct punct uation is: the arm completely numb and rig id, even the jo int
I icatchcd the soldiers march past . ' Fhen they had gone. lock ed, and Agas tiya was laid to rest w ith his arm in
On e duv he married a cabaret dancer, this wo man the same position, the o nly poetic to uch to an
ulrr-ad vhad two dal,ghters. ot he rw ise po intless exercise was the decision by a
2 She was surp rised to see her father, who had come bird to nest in the palm of his hand , w het her the
home earlier than usual. accumulating bird-lime set so lid over the years and
3 I think that a teacher's method is very im portant , would helped to suppor t his arm is unkno w n and open (Q
I have learned as mu ch with anothe r teacher? afte r-dinner speculation,

Writing sub-skills • 29

1.1 Joining sentences 5 I fo und the film ho ring. I left th e cin em a and we nt to a
Writing very short sentences - like writ ing very long f A dog attacked a woman. She received no co mpensation
senten ces - can give a bad impression. Long sentences for her injuries.
are difficult to read , and only the best writers can 7 Dian a is wearing an expensive coat. Lau ren Bacall wore
structure them well. Sho rt sentences can look like a the same coat in Th e Big Sleep.
child's w riting, or can suggest that the w riter is not S I \\"011 the game of chess bv usiug a clever gamhit. I had
capable of using mo re complex grammatical structures. learn t the gambit from ~igel Short.
A Rew rite the followin g pairs of sentences as single
sentences in three different ways:
a using a present participle (-ing)
b using a conju nction B Commas
c using a relative clause
Lucy saw an udvertisem enr in Ti me Out. She was
inunediutel v interested.
1.0 Parenthesis and relative clauses
a Sedn g (/11 odccrtiscm ent in Time O ut, l.u cu rca!)
A Par enthesis in th e middle of a sente nce
immediately interes ted.
h A s SOOIl as Lllcy san: the adc ertisement ill T ime O ut, When part of a sentence appears in bracket s, you can
site lcas int erested. read the sentence without the words in brackets and it
c Liley lcas iUl1llcdiately interested ill the adcc rtlsement will still make sense.
that site SfI!I.J ill Ti llie Out. SC1I1Ul (more than allY other Sl )OI1811UIII ) Icas loced by the
:2 Lucy was looking for an adve nture. She answe red the Brazilian people.
udvr-rt isc-mc-n t. The main idea of this sentence is:
a Looki ng .
SClllla teas loved by the Brazilian I'coI}le.
h Since ..
C Luct] , U;/IO .
Commas can be used for parenthesis in the same wa y
3 She app roache d the desert island. She was imp ressed hy as bracket s.
its bcaut v. Selilla, //lore then allY other spo vtsnum, l etlS lor etl by th e
-t They !()l;1H1 a goo d place to ca mp. They pitched the tent Brazili an peopl e.
th ere . In the following sentences, the material between the
,5 Lucv needed to find food in orde r to su rvive. She commas is not the main idea of the sentence. Although
learned to fish. the words in parenthesis give extra information, the
B Another way of linking two short sentences is with a sentence would still make sense without it.
past participle. Rewrite the follow ing pairs of sentences Catherine , hari "? set out hefore dau:n, teas th e first to
as single sentences using a past partic iple. reach the peak.
1 I was excited about the job int erview. I woke up III i.Uly Main idea-
tim es in the night . Catherine ums th e first to reach th e peak .
Excited abou t th e j ob inlercietc, I uioke up nUlllY tim es More than one parenthes is can occur in a sentence.
ill th e /light . Fabiana decided , OIl hemi ll{!, about the deer, that she
2 l le was fright en ed h~' the <Ul on~l11 ous pho ne calls. ll e would, aft er all, climb th e 1110111lta;u.
went to the polk-c. Main idea-
3 Th e stamps were co llected by my father. Th ey are worth
Fabiana decided that she u;ould climb the mmmtaiu.
a fortune .
-! Children mu st he accompanied by an adu lt. If they arc Write the main idea in these sentences.
not . they will he refused admission. a \\'e all agreed that , in view of the condition of ou r
fect , we wou ld spend the next day touring the villages,
In ord er to link two sentences in this way, the past h Th e dee r, which stoo d, silently gazing at us, about 30
parti ciple must have a pa ssive meaning . In the sentences me tres away, were not d isturbed hy our p resence.
below , it might be necessary to transform a clause into c After ma ny years of st udy, yea rs which I believe I
the passive in order to achieve the link. have the right to describe as both long and pa infu l,
Greece Iascinutr-s me. I go th ere e\ 'ery summe r. mv brother Mat thew, abo ut who m \'011 will hear more
I (lIIlfa sci/Ultetl hy Grecce. I go th ere eeery slim mer. later, finally became a good enough tru mpet plavcr to
Fascinat ct! by Grcccc, I go th ere eGel1) stlmme r. join the arm y.

30 • Writing sub-skills

2 Remember to use a pair of commas for parenthesis. If C Defining and non-defining relative c lauses
you forget one of the tw o commas, the sentence can Bearing in mind that a phrase in parenthesis can be
become difficult to read. In each of the following pairs of omitted without changing the main idea of a sentence,
sentences, one is badly punctuated. Supp ly the missing note the difference in meaning between the following
commas . sentences.
l a She was, however tired afte r he r expe dition. 1 The girls, who we nt to ue rohics classes , foun d the climb
11> She was, howeve r ti red afte r he r expe d it ion, still easy,
smiling . 2 The girls who went to aerobics classes found the climb
2a Politicians have to be fair. lied th e Prime .\ Iiniste r. easv.
Zh Politicians huve to he fair , lied less this year. The main idea of 1 is The girls found the climb easy.
3a Il l' to ld me whe n his co mpany was goin g to be taken The main idea of 2 is The girls who went to aerobics
over hy a multinational, so I quickly hought shares. classes found the climb easy.
3b He to ld me when bis com pany was go ing to be taken In other words, in 1 all the girls found the climb easy,
over by a mu ltinat ional. that he was d rinking too much . whereas in 2 it is only the girls who went to aerobics
....a Jenny told the story of lief hu sband's accide nt, was classes who found it easy and the other girls didn 't .
angJ)' with hi m. In sentence 1, the phrase 'who went to aerobics classes'
41> Jenny told t he story o f he r husband 's accide nt, laughing is written between commas because it is a non- defining
till th e tears fall £10\\ 1 1 he r face . relative clause: like any phrase in parenthesis, it adds
information but it can be taken away without changing
B Parenthesis at the beginning or end of a sentence the main idea of the sentence.
You only need one comma if the parenthesis comes at
In sentence 2, the phrase 'who went to aerobics classes'
the beginning or end of a sentence: the full stop, colon,
is written without com mas because it is a defining
semicolon, question mark or exclamation mark takes the
relative clause. It tells us which of the girls found the
place of the oth er comma.
climb easy.
Catherine teas th e firs t 10 reach th e peak. !w ci ll g set out
bejore dau: n. D Sum mary
This exercise revises the use of commas for parenthesis.
The concept of parenthesis and the punctuation
Insert any necessary co mmas in the following sentences.
appropriate to it can be applied to many different
At least one of the sentences does not need a com ma.
grammatical structure s.
:\o ly hirthday which had heg11n wit h su nshine e nde d with
participle phrase
rain ,
.Hy broth ers bciflg rery [ ealous, l necer incite boy s hom e,
.2 Cleopatra He n ry's dog or rath er hitch was a nuisance
sentence adverb the who le dav.
Necertheless, lie u;as a pleasure to lice [Cult. 3 ~orway he ing a bit cold in January I've decided to go to
prepositional phrase beginning a sentence Morocco.
III the Muldlc A ges, A mll1 ula [co/tld haul' heel! burnt as a 4 Marion who was frighte ne d o r spide rs heggt'd us cryi llg
icitch. to turn back.
5 W haf' s hap pen ed to the car y01l used to drive whe n you
Supply the necessary commas in each of the following
were ill Ca lifornia?
6 l Ic nrv's brother the doctor was unable tu accompany liS
1l0wCH! r 1 d ecided to spe nd the day in the mountain hut his brother th e guita rist d id co me.
refuge . 7 Howe ve r old as she is she has e nte red the London
.2 \\'e found deer near th e top of th e mou ntain the highest Marathon again ,
in Ca talon ia. 8 Il l' to ld me and 1 know Y011're not going to like thi s afte r
3 On hea ring ab out the dee r Fabiana decided that she all the drin ks )'011 \ '(' hough t him ami all the elwrgy
would climh the moun tain. you've put into your atte mpt to sel l him a Jagua r that
4 1Iigh ill the sk)' an eagle soa red effort lessly enjoyi ng the he's hou ght a Fiat.
su ns hine.

Writing sub-skills • 31

1.1 Commas: verb and object 1.2 Commas: verb and subject

Don 't put a comma between the verb and its Don't put a comma between th e subject and the
obj ect, even wh en th e ob ject is a noun cla use. verb , whether the subject is a single wo rd or a long
Verb + object I har e forgotten 1111) chthlhood, noun phrase. In the following examples, the subject is
Verb + noun clause I ha re f orgoNell ich at . in bold.
l iconde r if... Da ncing excites me.
I cannot accept that . Th e only thing I ha ce fo rgotten is fum; it ends.
I ic ish sumeone (could . Th e lcay som e ofher b est studen ts spoiled th eir
Verb + two objects I told the capta in schat I tho ught . writing and co nf used th eir readers by failin g to
I told th e captain that . . . punctuate properly (cas a terrible (corry to .\ liss Brodie.

A Taking care not to separate the verb from its object, add A In each of the follow ing pairs of sentences, one of the
any co mmas that may be necessary in the following sentences is cor rectly punct uated , for the reason given
sentences. above. The other sentence is incorrectly punctuated , and
I asked her what time her mot her expected he r home . requires one comma . Decide which sentence is incorrectly
2 I co uld n't pe rsuad e him to tell me whe n he had sta rted punctuated , and add the missing comma.
to indulge in this habi t. l a " 'h en he sta rte d to play polo was whe n Kate stopped
3 I told her to simplify matters that I was the hoss. 100i ng him .
-4 T here was no way we cou ld have guessed who was going Ib Wb en be starte d to play polo Kate stopped Imiog him .
to he at th e part y.
Za Whether or not you're going doesn 't inte res t me at all.
B The role of punctuation is to make written English 21> Whether or not you're going I ce rtain ly am.
easy to read, and to make the meaning absolutely clear.
3<\ \ Vhere there used to he a factor)' 1I0 W th ere we re fields
In the following exercise we see how poor punctuation
of wild flowers.
can lead to amb iguity and misunderstandings.
3h Wh e re large su ms 01" moo ey ehao ge hand s is whe re
In each of the following pairs of sentences, one of the
lawyers are to he fouml.
sentences is well punctuated, while the other needs one
or two commas: add those commas. B Revision
l a She prom ised to leave the hall before mid night. Add any commas that may be necessary.
1h She promised to kee p her mot her happv to leave the 1 Wasn't it Chu rchill who said tha t power co rrupts and
bull before Illi<lnight . absolute power corm p ts absolutclv?
2a If oulv \'(HI 'd told Helen she would he welco me! 2 Manv of the stude nts amI their frien ds and supporte rs
2b If on I\' vou'd told Helen she wouldn't have been were shot at by th e police who later claimed that they
shocked when she saw it. we re only obe~i ng orders.
3a She asked me to cut a long story sho rt to mend her car. 3 ~ Iy youngest siste r who was a haby d urin g the time I
3b She asked me to devote my whole weekend to work ing spent in the 'Honse o f the Hising Sun ' was strongly
on the e ngine of her Seat 127, advis ed no t to do what I had don e.
-I A large nu mb er of fairly successful tria ls had alrea dy
-la l cun't re me mber wh et he r we dr ank five bottles or six.
been com ple ted with laboratory animals befo re any
-lh I call rem em be r whe the r vou ca n or not.
cha nge in the hehavtour of the professor who was
Sa It was she who chose whic h was unusual for her. responsible for the proj ect was noted .
5h It W"L'i she who chose which film we went to see.

32 • Writing sub-skills

1.3 Optional commas Insert co mmas as appro priate in the following sentences.
1 Before he took off Lindherg made himself so me
As a rule, you should use a comma only if it will make sandwiches.
the sentence easier to read, or make the meaning more
2 ~ llIch as I admire his paintings I wouldn't trust him with
clear by preventing an ambiguity. For example, why is
my daughters.
the comma useful in the following sentence?
:3 I hought this hicycle so I could go to the bead I every
Here 's (l box to ca rry the cat , alllf the dog call sit on my lap.
A With co nj unctions 4 Foothallers dream of scoring goals and philosophy
Commas are often unnecessary with co -ordinating students dream of finding the meaning of life.
conjunctions. As a general rule, when sentences are
joined together with and, or or but , commas are not
needed provided that both verbs have the same subject. 1.4 Lists and sequences
She M Ill; the bank robbcllJ (Jill! phonedfor the police.
Commas are used to separate items in a list.
11lC mot her of the bride loses (J daughter hilt ga ins (J SOIl.
At the schoo l there arc [actliticsjorjootball, tennis,
When the verbs have a different subject. a co mma is r;olley/wl! and croquet,
more usual. Charles "er;er d rinks heel': he p ref ers gill ami tonic, ,dUsky
She saw th e bank robbenJ. hilt the robbers d id not see her. ami soda, b randy ami ginge r, and ,ci ne.
In the following sentences, add any commas that may be The usual practice is not to put a co mma between the
useful. last two items of a list: they are joined instead by and .
1 Australian footbailers can kick the ball or throw it. But sometimes, when each item on the list is more than
one or two words long, a comma can make the
2 The burglars ate all our food and the bah~' never woke
sentence easier to read and avoid ambiguity.
In the first sentence above, there is no need for a
3 She thought M iss Verne r was going to he furi ou s and
co mma after volleyball; in the second sentence the
she waite d all morn ing to he sum m oned to the .5th floor
co mma after ginger is stro ngly recommended , in order to
but the call never came.
avoid an unpleasant cocktail.
4 She squashed a grapefl1 lit in Cagney's face and walked
Commas are used to separate a list ot nouns (as above)
out of his life .
but also adjectives, adverbs, etc .
B Subordi nate clauses The month of March teas cold , teet , rciudy and tho roughly
Commas are generally used when a subordinate clause Eugl;sh.
begins the sentence. For example, Although I had never She got to herfeet slOl cly , relllcffllltly ami paillflllly.
seen one before is a subordinate clause. The sentence is Tee looked here, there am! ecennchere.
not finished , but must cont inue with a main clause.
They are also used to separate items in a sequence or
Altho/igh I l/tId 1let:er see" OtiC before, I k"cw he teas a 'list' of clauses (but note the conjunction between the
zombie. final two items in the following examples).
When the subordinate clause follows the main clause, Frank packed his ba gs, put them ill his car, closed his [runt
commas are optional. As a rule, only use a comma when door, threic a petrol bomb through the scindou: th en droce
you need one to make the meaning of the sentence to the airport.
clear. They co me hom e lat e, they necer clean the stairs , I'm ofte n
I k"cu: he Icas (J :::.o mb ie(, ) a/though I fwd lIe r;er see" Ot IC u.oken up ill the night by their lloisy parties, ClI1lI 11:orst of
before. all they dOll't go to ch urch.
I get a heatlnclu: iclienecer I thi nk of YO Il . See also page 34 for the use of semicolons in lists.

Writing sub-skills • 33

1.5 Revision of commas C Semicolons

The com mas have been removed from the following text ,
To lose one parent, JUr \Vorthillg, may he regarded as a
a true story told and illustrated by Ralph Steadman. Put
misfortun e; to lose both looks like carel essness.
the commas back in the text.
Oscar Wilde
Do not he afrai d ofthe semico lon; it cml be most nsejnl.
Charles Charlesworth Who Died ofOld Age Sir Ernest Cowe rs
at the Age of Seven,
T he age ing proce ss affec ts us all at different rates. Some 1.0 Joining sentences
people of 53 like the esteemed author look a mere 35 with
sparkling brown eyes and a handsom e gait. Others like the When two sentences are very closely co nnected in
author's friend Co lin look like little middle-a ged men at 2 1 meaning, a semicolon can be used in the place of a full
wit h middle-aged o utloo ks set ways and planned future s. stop .
In women the former condition is common but women In which three of the examples below might a semico lon
rarely suffer from the latter being fired with the insatiable be preferred to the full stop?
drive of ambition for e ither an indep endent and distin- 1 Ne urotic men, from Lord Byron to C'.lI)' Grant, have
g uished career in a still male-dom inated wo rld or a ho me been admired for dominating their condition. Ne urotic
and seve n children by the time they are 30. women , notably Mar ilyn Monroe, have bee n admired for
No such lock for Charles Charle sworth who was born surrendering to it.
on the 14th of March 1829 in Staffo rd. At the age of four 2 Sir John was fou nd guilty of dri\in g with double the
Charles had a beard and was sex ually mature . legal limit of alcohol in his bloodst ream . 'You arc a very
In the final three yea rs of his life his skin wrinkled and foo lish man', said the judge , 'hut on this occas ion J shall
he developed varicose ve ins shortness of breath grey hair turn a blind eye to YOllr folly.'
se nile dem e ntia and incon tinen ce . Some tim e in his 3 At about two in the morning, the last custome rs left the
seventh ye ar he fainted and never regained co nscio usness. har. The next clay, J was awakened early hy the sound o f
The coroner returned a verdict of natural causes due to laughter outside my window.
old age. 4 In win t er, I hring the geraniums into the house. All the
other plants I leave outside .
S The strong kept 01 1 walking until they reached the safety
of the woods. The weak stopped to rest hy the side o f
the road.
6 It was good to he in Italy at last. My grand mother had
travelled a lot in Eu rope, ho t the rest of the family had
little or no curiosity about the Old World .

• 1.1 Lists
Semico lons are also used to separate items in a list on
occa sions where commas would make the list
ambiguous or difficult to read.
The C h ri sti ne Nielse n is the most successju l boat fishing
from North Shields. The wheelhouse is like a video arcade:
there is screel1 ajt er screen of coloured lights; sonar
eq uip me nt bleeps anrl pings; radarfillg er.s circle endlessly ;
the print-out inf orma tio1l machine chatt ers tll/;ay to itself.
Pet er Mortimer, The Last of the Hunters
Could YOll get me a kilo of potatoes, ti co sahnonstealcs, 500g
of pasta (spaghetti orjarfalle) tuu! sometlti1lgfresh to make
a hig salad?
Note the use of the colon in the first example to
introduce a list, also used in 1 and 3 below .

34 • Writing sub-ski lls


The following sentences all contain lists. Supply the i.V a m el y I and t hat is I in other u..' o rcls I
co mmas or semi colons, as appropriate. Make sure that for ex a m p le
the meaning is absolutely clear and unambiguous. Empress ' \'u 's eldest S O il cam e to afast " 'u-type em f: she
1 Almost half the club ,,;11 be pla\;o g in the doubles had h im mu rde red.
tou rnament : six wo me n including mysel f Pet er Bates Th e liL:er is polluted: don 't d rink th e tente r.
and John ' Vade the twins uud of course the team captain 7 Sudde nly I remembered my grand mother's advice:
with his par tne r. H She thinks she's a mod el:
:2 \ Vhile working at th e hospital she was ove rworked
exploited and constantly cri ticized at the same tim e as
being nnd erpanl undervalued and take n fo r granted.
1.1 Proverbs
3 When y O Il co me to one of OUf theatre works hops you Write your own pro verbs.
can expect a who le rainbow of acti vities: music an d
PU llctualion is like a referee 's icliistlc: too mu ch awl it
singing circus ski lls ind llding jugg ling \"egetarian cooking
interru pts the Jlmc ; too litt le awl the result is chao s.
mime and acrobatics im provisation and above all a warm
Full stops are like release fro m prison: they come at th e end
gn Hlp cxpc rk-ucc.
of a sentence.
Studying En glish is like _
2 Lil" is Iike _
o Colons 3 T rut h is like _
4 Fas hion is like _
5 \I one)' is Iike _
1.0 Joining sentences 6 Food is like _

A colon can be used between tw o ideas tha t are very 8

closely connected . It does not separate two sentences
like a semicolon does; in fact, it acts like a linking word in
the w ay it connects th em , so is not follow ed by a capital 1.2 Other uses
letter . A colon can have the same meaning as a num ber
of linking words, as illustrated in the following exercise. A It is possible to follow a colon with something less
than a sentence; in this case , the colon mean s and that
Write a phrase after the colon to complete the unfinished
is . .. or namely .
sentences (numbered 1- 8). In your finished sentence ,
the colo n sho uld have the meaning of the linking word Th ere 's 01l e thing that Ilobody understands: death.
given so you d o not need to use the linking word . Often , the colon is used in this w ay to introduce a list.
nenlUtie So me astronomers arc l)(lIiicula rly interested in the bod ies
The ricer is polluted: th ere is (J !Japerfacfory up st ream . th at make up 0 111' solar sys tem: th e S Il Il , .\10 0 11, planets,
He 11/IiS t luu:c been eery allgr y: he didn 't evell say comets aiu! oth er sm aller obj ects.
goml" igh r.
1 I thin k Marv is in love : Sebast ian COil tributes three th ings to the class: energy , hard
:2 I' m sure I will pass my exams: scork: and a sellse of humour.

Indeed / ill fact What goes before the colon should be able to stand
He comes from lUI athletic f am ily: both his parellts arc alone, like a complete sentence. A colon mu st not
separate a verb or a preposition from its object.
Olympic {f.yl1111 asts.
The ricer is Il wn~ than polluted: it is an op ell scice r. )( UnfO/i lUmtely , Sebastian u nde rstands 'lOthillg about:
.3 Silvia is interested in ani mals: gralll ll Ulr, p unctu c t ton or p ronnnctat ton. )(
4 Th e dress was elegant, sensual and provocat ive : ./ UlIj(ni ll1lately , Sebastian undcrstmuls Iwt hing abou t
g ralllllw r, punctuation or pmnuncint ton . ./
So t u« a res ult
But I {cas ill disguise ichen I met them: of COIlI~'e the y dhlll 't B A co lon can also intro d uce direct speech (1) or a
recof!.lIi:.e mc. quotation (2). In both cases, a comma is no rmally used
The ric er is polluted: lchy arc they slcimming ill it? rath er than a colon when the speech or quotation is only
The ricer is polluted: th ere arc no fi sh , am/ the ducks 110 one line long, or shorter (3, 4).
10llger s ust m the re. I The painter icho re-did th e sigH outs ide the [Jog
,5 He was bitt en bv a cobra: allll Duck pub It'as berated by th e landlord tcllO
6 I had a te rrible hangm'er th is mor ninjj: told him: 'Th ere s.Jwuld be e(l"al spaces between
"Dog" and "and" and "an d" and "Duck".'

Writing sub-skills • 35

2 Ano ther goo d point made by[ohn Mclr ermott is Practice

the followin§!,: 'America ll usage requires a c%n ill
the salutation of a letter (Dear j ohn:) ichere British Punctuate the following sentences, using dashes
Ellglish prefers (J C011l11l0 or nothing.' w herever appropriate and any other punctuation mark
3 G ret a Carbo ll;asfamollsfor the line, 'l icant to he necessary.
alone .'
1 Now at last here in rnv hands was a hook whose e ntire
4 " rhell asked u;hy she teas lCCarlng grass seeds ill snhject was railway t rain s ill India in the HJ40s
her hair, Carbo replied, 'I icant to be (/ lmcn. : 2 The people he re are always happy and smiling which is
mo re than can he said for Edward
3 Binocu lars must he held steadily which means resting
1.3 Practice
the m or your e lbows on a solid support
Add colons and commas whe re appropriate to these 4 The writer of this novel is hy ing to te ll us how impo rtant
sentences. (Look back at 1.1 Lists on page 34 first.) it is for us to keep in touch with our own vi ole nce and
aggression at least I think that's what she's trying to say
1 Hosewall no longe r had the strength and e ne rgy of his
.5 On the bli nk of a total hreakdown he met Laurie his
yout h and so his game becam e more econo mical nothing
fou rt h and greatest love who was to inspire so me of his
was wasted.
most moving compositions
2 The string quartet I play with co mprises two vi olins a
viola and a ce llo hut m)' jazz qua rtet has rathe r an
unu sual lme-u p double hass violin piano and te nor
.3 But now after a bath a change of clothe s and a drink the
F Hyphens
thought returned to me how was Foxton going to react
Hyphens can join two or more words toge ther.
whe n he found that I had esc aped?
4 I've just decid ed to e migrate to Canada it soun ds like green -e yed ncentn-one
the pe rfe ct solution. big-headed nineteen eig hty-four
.5 The re are four things we wo uld need to know more ha lf-ca ten three-quarters
about before we co uld offe r you a job we would ne ed to broad- sho ulde red seeen-eighths
question you fu rthe r about your education your f:unily out-of -date illf o r11latio ll (lNolls-Hoyce
backgrou nd your experience and your plans for the state-o!-the-ali tec hnology the Mason -Dixon line
future. the north-south di eidc
Hyphens can also be used to add a prefix to a wo rd ,
w hen the wo rd starts with a capital letter
E Dashes un-Ame rica n.
w hen the wo rd begins with the letter the prefix ends
Dashes may be used in three different ways , all of them
wit h
characteristic of informal writing . They should be
avoided in formal writing.
wit h the prefixes ex-, anti- , and pro-
1 A single dash can be used in the place of a colo n. ex-husba1/(/.
The ricer is poll uted - there's a papcr fnctoru upst rea m.
2 When an adject ive is made up of two or more words
2 A single dash can also be used to add an afterthought (as in the examples above) a hyphen is used , but not
(something you had forgotten to say). whe n the same combi nation of words is not an
lle used to be eenj go od at tenn is - fi nd golf too, of adjective .
course. She is a three- year-old girl.
but -
It can also mark a deliberate pause in order to
emphasize a final phrase w hich is very important to tlly d aughter is three years old.
the meaning of what went before. He 's got a part-time job.
lle used to be uenj good at tennis - or so he says . h ilt
He 's lcorking part time.
3 A pair of dashes - like this - can be used in informal
1\ ncentieth-cent uru problem.
writ ing to do the same job as a pair of brackets.
" 'hell I'm ready my driver - usufl lly a memb er of the
I lice in the ticentieth cen tury.
ba nd - p icks me up.

36 • Writing sub-skills

3 Some words often written with a hyphen can also be

written as two words : dining-room or dining room.
Others can be written either with a hyphen or as one
word: hard -hearted or hardhearted.
4 Hyphens become important when they make your
meaning clear: perhaps a violent butterfly collector
collects violent butterflies, whereas when violent
butterfly-colle ctor is written we know it is the collector
who is violent :
<Look £ 1 to see the man-ea ttug tiger!'
'Gire'me .sOp. Dad. atu! I'll slime 'JOlt (J boy eati llg ice
crell11l ..

5 In handw ritten English , don't use a hyphen at the end

of a line to split a word that is too long to fit onto that
line: write it on the next.

Add hyphens where appropriate in this newspaper

Po rsc he dri vin g arm y chi ef in

ant i nu cle ar pro tes t
LOCAL ANGE R wa s reveal ed i s alread y suspecte d of h aving
yester day when a cros s section of the comm itted a numbe r of acts of low
popula tion wa s questi oned about level sabota ge. Lad y Fox Tal bot , the
plans for a new gas cooled nuclea r Lieute nant Colone l's univer sity
reactor just tw enty three mil es north educat ed wife and cocoord in ator of
west of the city centre . Th e opinio n the group, ha s descri bed these
poll reveal ed strong anti nuclea r accu sation s as far fetched .
feelings among thre e fifth s of the 'We are simply remin ding the
popula tion. Indeed , the coexis tenc e democ ratical ly electe d govern ment of
of two pressu re groups in the valley it s democratic resp onsibi lities,' the
came to light: one a small time affair Fox Talbot s sa id in a joint statem ent
led by a dog loving cat food factory issu ed yester day. 'As paren ts with a
owner cohabi ting with a us ed car three year old son , we are deepl y
saleswoman in a tw enty st orey hi gh worried about the govern ment's
rise block, the othe r a more happy go lucky atti t ude to radiati on.
th reaten ing operat ion with left wing We urge all our fellow valley
Marxi st Lenini st sym pa thies . This dwell ers to join us and take
latter group, coordi nated by advan tage of this once in a lifetim e
Lieute nant Colone l James Fox oppor tunity to preven t the mist ak es
Talbot , the red haired Porsch e of tw entiet h century techno logy
drivin g manag ing directo r of an being carried over into t he twenty
ultra mod ern high explosive factory, first centu ry.'

Writing sub-skills • 37
Answer key

B SUAAPstN:1a nswe rs 10 him whe-nthey wr-n- sc-pnrutr-d hy the At t he e nd of the 19th century. Fakir A,I!;astiya
1 It is not advisable 10 drink beer after exige ncies of their harsh e-duca tion . of Ben !!:al proved the mental contro l he
vigo rous exercise lx-causr- alco ho l is a 11 ' Head poetry; poeirylllah 's me nlx-tter.' possessed over his bodv hy raising his left arm
dtun-ttc - it makes \"011 urinate. Thus rath er 12 Kropotkin was a n explorer who mapped above his head and It'a\in~ it ill that position
t ha n n-placmg what yon ha \"(- lost in sweat. SOlIl{' of till' wildest an d most majestic until lit' dtod in 191 2. Cruduallv. the hkxxl
it p rom otes dehyd rat ion . 13 rivers in th e wor ld. lit, was an anarch ist circulation diminished to allll()~t Ilot hin~ a nd
:2 Finally. I found the p ril'ill ~ to he as 11:110. when he was imprisoned in the rendered the ar m complete-lynumb and rigid.
at tractive as th e ot her features de tailed 1-1 dreaded fort ress of St Pet e-r a mi St Paul in Even t he' jo int locked. and .\ gastiya was laid
above. Accord ingl') I n -comnn-nd purchase vloscow. esca ped hy dashmg on t of 10 rest wi th his a nn in the same position. T he
oft hr- :\WIE Ul4CAE Mar k 1. 15 the gate into a waiti ng carriage an d o nly poetic to uch to all ot lu-rwisc po intless
3 With The Last of the vlohtcans'. Day- galloping through the st reets wa\ 'iug to his exercise was the dcclslon bvn ht rd to next in
1,('\\15 ha... found th at vital rk-un-ut - star lf friends who were wait ing al t'n'ly corner tlu- pal m of his han d . '
(luality . As a result, he is a st rong candidate to Sl't' tha t the way WiIS cle-ar: tl«-n he Whethe r t he accum ulating btrd-lnuc si-t solid
for all Oscar. 1i shaved o ff his heard and spe nt th e evening he-l pe-d to suppo rt his a n n
over thl' yca rs a nd
·t SOIT)' I d idn't conu- out last night, hut I ut a sma rt restaurant , rclwrt, nO-OIl('
Is unknown am i ope n to uflcr-dinnc-r
was [('ding a h it under the we athe r. Ttuu'e IS though t of looking for him . 11(' was a speculation.
It:" ') I stayed at bonu- ami watched telly. pioll('C'r o f the ccologtcal movr-nu-nt . a nd
5 DOll" fo rget to pack insect re-pe-llent. in 1.1 page 30
at/w lldsf', \'0 11 mav find vou rsclf pate n 19 his hoo k ' M utual Aid' he uses his OWIl A S1\~estc 'd an swe rs
alivr- by the' local m osq ui t oes. observat ions of na ture to suppo rt his 2a l .oo ktn g for an advent un- . Lucy answered
6 'She' s only Invtting you because you've got 20 vi ew that altruism has a n important rol e in the advertisement .
a ear: 'II I that case I won't go : evolution: he wa s also fon d of 2h Since she was loo king fo r an adventure.
2 1 (illoting D a rwin 's desc ripti on of the blind Luc...· answered the advertisement .
1.2 page 26 pe lican ll·hich was fed by its fellows. 2(' I.IIC;'. who was I(Xllill~ for an adventure.
22 ' Ylc moirs of a Hevolutionls t' is a answered the advcrttscuu-nt .
A adm ittedly true granted
wonderful adve nture .'ifory, red olent of th e ,3a Approaehing the desert island, she was
B as to nislungly incredibly su rp risingly 23 generous sp irit and \igo ro u ,~ mind of its Impressed by its lx-aury.
(1lIIIwr; if it ha s not alr ead y be en 3h A,<; she app roach ed the dese-rt island, she
C fortuna tely luckily happi ly
2-1 repri nted. it slumld hi'. was impressed hy its lx -autv,
IJ ,..trangely fuuuilv cnrious lv
Sc She approached the island. whose b eauty
t'n (ll l ~h e llouill enou gh Imp ressed her.
E natu rally o f cnurxe predictably PUNCTUATION -lu Fi llt l ill ~ a good place to ca mp , tILe)'
pitched the tent.
F a ppa re ntly it seems supposedly -lh W Ill'1l they found a good p IaC!' tu camp,
A Full stops, sentences,
C ill Illy opi nio n to my mind frankly paragraphs the)' p itch ed the te-nt.
-Ie T he)' found a good p lae(' to ca mp. where
1.0 page 29 they p itched the te nt.
A Sente nce 2 is co rrect ly punct uated . T he 5a :'\e('<!ing to find food ill orde r to su rvive.
C Reference Lncv lea r ned to fish .
others sho uld read :
1.1 page 27 l On e dav he marri ed a ca ba ret dance r. Th is 5h Silll~ she needed to find fcxxl in or de r to
w0 1Jl:m' alrea dy had two da llght N s. survive. Lut...· lean wd to fish.
SUKgestt'd a mwers 5c 1.11( ...·• w ho l;('('ded to find fOixl in cmlpr to
a ... oftpn refuse to; to go I to mot'c , etc 3 I th ink tha t a teilch e r's IIwthlXI is w ry
imp ortant. \ \ 'ould I han ' I('arn(>il as l~ltIch slln i w, lt'ilnl cd to fish ,
h Th is Illea ns .
c TIlt'S(' COl\('('m \\ith a no ther teadlPr? H 2 Fright en p<1 hy the a nOllYlllouS p holle ('ails,
d I think this research is . -I I s('e m to ha\·c lost :\ ao llli's add ress. 1 he we nt to the polict',
t' .. , m,) ln wking ccmdifion'i wonde r if yOIl co uld ha\'e a look to sc(' if 3 Th e stam ps co lledl'd hy Illy fatht' r art'
f ... Ill'l,d rescllillg (fro m th e se a) I to be rcsClled you\ 'e got it. wort h a fortu ne.
I lif es(/rill{!. 5 C ill(krella was in he r ["(Xl1l1. Sht, co uk ln"t -I C h ild ren not acco mp a nied hy illl adult \\ill
g .., han ' OI It', the re , hel p thinki ng ab out the boy who had hl' ["(·fmed admission.
hought he r the Co ke . I I('r Eithe r eame in 5 Bor ed hv th e film. I I('ft t he d llt' lIla a nd
1.2 page 28 and asked he r how the dise() had hl:'cn. She w('nt to :1cafe,
A SOllle ye ars ago J ca u\{' across a copy of told him ahout the hoy, and how she didn't () A wom an attackl'd hy a dog l"('c{'iv{'cl no
the 1BOG ed ition o f Prince Pet i'r ('\"l'n know his name, Fin ally she told he r c01np l'llsatio l1 If)r hl' r illjllril's.
2 Krop otkin 's ':\le m nirs of a Ht'voi lition ist' fathe r the worst of il . th at she had i D iana is \waring th t' t'-,:pe ns in' coat worn
in a second- hand hookshop . I hought forgott en he r b ieyd e when she le ft th e hy La ur e n 1beaU in T he' Big Sh,p'.
3 it for £3. As soo n as I star k d to read it I dis(1) so me ti me a round midnigh t. I') I won til(' gam e of d lt'ss hy llSi n ~ a d ew r

n "{'ogu ized a hero. Su ddenly the re was a ling at the doo rbell. ga mh it lea m t fro m :'\ij.!('1 Short.
-I Being mysel f a coward and a pessim ist. It was t he boy who had ho u~h l her the
an d hin i ng been oW as IOllg il<; l ea n Coke. and he had her hien 'le , \i th hilll,
5 rpnlC'mlx'r (a nd I C<.m rellH'm lx'r falling 'T his hike 's m uch too Sllll~lI for \"011: he B Commas
ont of my pram. whil' h {,(lIlfirmPcl me in said. 'Shall I adj ust the saddle ? ·O r helter
1.0 page 30
6 "''.1 rit'u;s), th e pe·op le I most ad mi re ar e stilL if ~u u'l1lx~ my girlfrie ml. 1"11 bu y you a
nt'W mountain bik e.' A la We all agreed th at W(' wo uld spe nd the
thl' bo ld and the opti mistic - unless o f
- course they an' H'I}-· stu pid il<; wel l. ne xt day tO llrin~ the \illagl's .
B T Ill' Fal..irs of Ind ia are d istingui shed hy th eir
Kropotkin , howe \'c r, Wil<; as c1e\'er as he Ih Th e c1p(' r were no t disturht'd hy nllr
alll' mp ts to de mo nst ra te t111'ir resis tancc to
S Wil<; kin d , and he had a sinc e re faith in th e prt'senc('.
pain a nd p ri\·ation . SOllle haw IX'l 'n fra uds ,
ah sol ut e im portam'C of rl'ading Ie \ I \' hrother \I a tl hl'w fina!l\· lwca me il
ilnd so me han ' ShO\\l l remarkable IXlwe rs of
9 hook s. In this he was c nl'tlllraged by his gc~)(1 f'no llgh t mmpd play;'r to jo in the
mind over matt er , de mon st ra ting that all
hdo\'('d el dc r broth e r. lcllO wro te to ar m),.
plea sure a mi pain is '\ / (/') (1, or illusion,

Answer key

lu She was, liowc-ver, tire d afte r he r 2 Man y of the students and th eir friends an d
expedition. supporte rs we re shot at hy th e police, who
C Semicolons
2b Politicians haw , to he fair, lied less this I:1te1'claimed that they we re only obeying 1.0 page 34
vear. orders.
1, 4, .5,
3b i ll' to ld me, when his mlnpan)' was going :3 My yo ungest sister. who was a baby during
to he taken 0\'('1' bv a multinat ional that the time J spe nt in the ' Ho use of the 1,1 page 34
he was drinking to'o much . Hising Sun ', was strongly advised no t to do
1 .., tournament: six women inclu diug myself;
4a Je n ny, tol d the story of her husband's what I had don e,
Pet e r Bates aud John \Vade; the twins: an d. of
ucctdcnt. was angry with him . 4 A large number of fairly successful trials
course, the team captain wi th h is partnN.
(The other S('llferlC('S (Ire correa. ) had alr eady been completed wit h
2 Wh ile wor king at the hos pita l she was
B 1 110\\'('\'('1", I decided to spend the day ill the laboratory ani mals before a ny change in
ove rworked, exploited a nd constantly
mountain refuge, the behaviour of the professor w ho was
cr tttcized at the sann- time as heing
.2 wo found deer near the top of tile responsible for th e proj ect was note d .
underpaid, undervalued and taken for
mou nt ain, the highest in C ata lonia . 1.3 page 33 gra nted.
.'3 O n hearing about the deer. Fabi ana .3 ... activit ies: music and singing; circus skills,
decided that she would climb the To avoid ghi ng the imp ression, half way t hrou gh
including juggling; vege tar ian cook ing; mime
mount ain. the sentence, that bot h th e cat and the do g go in
an d acro batics. improvisation . and , above all, a
4 H igh ill the sky, an eagle soa red the box.
wa rm group e xperience.
effortlessly, enjo)ing the sunshi ne. A 1 Australi an limt hallers can kick the ha ll or
D 1 ;"ly birthday, whic h had begun with th row it.
sunshine, e nded with rain. 2 The burgla rs at e all om food, and the babv D Colons
.2 Cleopatra, ll eu rv's dog, or rather bitch. never woke lip. •
3 She thou ght ;"Iiss Verne r was going to he 1.0 page 35
was a nuisance the who le dav .
3 Xorway heing a bit cold in [unuary. lve fur iou s and she waite d all mornin g to be Sllgges ted answers
decided to go to Morocco. summoned to the 5th Hoor, but the call I I think Mary is in love: she hnsu't bitten
ne ver came. anybody today.
-l Ma rton , who was frightened of sp ide rs,
hegged us, clying, to turn back. 4 She squashed a grapefru it in Cag ney 's face 2 I' m sure I'll pass my exams: r ill going out
5 \ Vhat 's happen ed to the ear )'Oll used to a nd walked ou t of his life, wit h the examiner.
drive when )'011 were in Ca liforn ia? R I Befo re he too k off, Lindbe rg made himsel f 3 Silvia is in te rested in an ima ls: she has
G ll c nrv's brother the do ctor was un alih - to so me sandwiches. lumdn-d s of wildlife videos.
accompany us(,) hut his brother the 2 Muc h as 1 ad mire his pa in tin gs, I wou ld n't 4 T he dress was elegant. sensual ami
guitaris t did come. trust him with my daughter s. provocative: to night she wou ld he irresistible.
i Howe ver , old as she is.. she has e ntered the 3 I bought this bicycle so I co uld go to the 5 1lc wax bitte n hv a cobra: he died at once.
IA.lIldOlI Mara thon again. beach ovry monung. f I had a te r riblc hangover t his morning: I
S l l e told me, and 1 know you 're not going to 4 Footballcrs dream of sco ring goals, an d stave d in bed till midday,
like th is(, ) after all the drin ks vou \'P ph ilosop hy students drea m of find ing the i Su~kIeuly I rcmemberc;! my grandmothe-r's
bou gh t hi m and all the cllergy you've put mcamng of life . advice: never tru st a man wh ose eyebrows
into your atte mpt to se ll him a Jaguar, tha t meet in the middl e.
he's bought a Fiat. 1.5 pa ge 34 8 She thinks she's a model: she spends all he r
time drcssmg up an d posing in front o f the
1.1 page 32 C IJAHLES ClIA HLE S\vOHTlI, Wh o Died of mirror.
Old Age (It the Age of ."level!.
A I I as ked he r what time he r mo the r expected 1.3 page 36
he r hom e . Th e ageing proc ess affe ct s us all at di ffere nt
2 I couldn't pers uade him to tell me when he rates. SOIllC peopl e of 53. like th e es te emed 1 lt oscwall no longer had the strengt h and
had sta rte d to indulge in this habit. aut hor, loo k a me re 3.5, wi th spa rkling brown enNgy of h is yout h and so his gam e beca me
.3 I to ld he r, to Simplify matt er s, that I was eyes and a handsom e gait. Othe rs, like the more economical: not hing was wasted .
the boss. author's li'iell{l C olin, look like litt le middl e- 2 Th e stri ng qua rtet I p lay wtth comprises two
4 Th e re was no way we cou ld han ' guessed aged me n at 21(,) wi th middl e-aged outl ooks, 'violins. a viola and a cello, hilt my jazz quartet
who was going to be at the party. set ways and plann ed futu res. In wom en the has ra ther an unusuallim--np. double bass.
fa nn e r co uditlou is commo n, but wo men violin, piano and tenor saxophone.
B l h She pro mised. to keep he r mot her happy, rarely suffe r from the latter, being fired with 3 But now, after a hath , a cha nge of clot hes an d
to leave t he hall before mid night. the ins atia ble dr ive of ambition for eit her an a dri nk, the though t ret urned to me : how was
2h If only yo u'd told I lel e n, she wouldn 't F oxton going to react when he' foun d that I
ind epen dent and distin guished care e r in a st ill
have been shocked when she saw it. male-do min at ed wo rld . or a home a nd seven had escaped?
Sn She as ked me, to cu t a long story short . to chil dren by the time they are 30. 4 I've just decided to emigrate to Ca nada: it
me nd he r car. sounds like the perfect solution .
4h I ca ll remember. whethe r von call or not. Xc suc h luck for Cha rle s C ha rle swo rth, who
5 T her e ar e fo ur things we would need to know
5a It was she who chose, whi~h was unusual was ho rn 011 the 14th of Ma rch 1829 in
more about befo re we co uld offer you a job:
for her. Sta ffor d. At t he age of four(,) Charles had a
bea rd and was se xua lly ma t ure . we would need to question you furt her about
1.2 page 32 your education , YOllr fami ly background. your
In the fina l th ree yea rs of his life{,) his skin cxpcncncct.) and your plans for the fut ure.
A u. when he started to play polo, Ka te wrinkled and he developed var icose vein s,
stopped lovin g him . short ne ss of b reath , grey hai r, senile de me nt ia
2b Wh e th e r or no t you're going. I certatuly and incontinen ce, Some tim e in his seve nth E Dashes
am . yea r(,) he fainted and ne ve r regained
3a Where the re used to he a factory. now co nsciousne ss. Practice page 36
the re we re fields of wild Bowers. Th e coroner ret ur ned a verdict of natural Xow at last - he re in mv hands - was a book
B 1 Wasn 't it Churchill who said that pow e r ca uses due to old age . wh ose e nti re subject w,;s railway trai ns in
corrupts a mi absolute power corrup ts Ind ia in the 1940s.
absolutely? (N.B. The CO /lllllf/S in brackets are possible but
no! very useful. )

Answer key

:2 Tilt, people here are always ha ppy and smiling I) A m agazl nc ad vcrt tscm cut. (ndjcctivcs - II Bec a use 1I0 - 0 1l(' wo uld read the m.
- which is more th an can be said for Edward . 'che..sic ', 'attractive", 'ideal'. 'p ractical' .., ) Par agraph 12 - '\ \' hid l is w hy it comes with
3 Binocul a rs m ust be held stcadtlv. whic h E A description . ta ken fro m it le tte r to a lost .., warruntv.' A relative clause. not a
me-ans resti ng them - o r your ('11>o\\"s - a ll a p rope rty office. (factual dcscrtpuon ) 'gra mm atical ' sentence.
solid support. F A personal advertisement . either fro m the Pa ragra ph 3 - · lncl lltliu~ the window on the
-t The writer of th is novel is t~i llg to tell us how 'small ads ' column o f a news paper or fro m a tailgate.' A participle clause. not a
important it is for us to keep ill to uch with card pinned on a nonccboard or in a shop 'gnun m ut tcalsc n tc ncc.
our own violence an d a~rt'ssioll - a t IC':1..,t(,) I window. (na me and tel, no.)
think that's what she 's t~i ll!!: to say. (; An ext ract fro m a descri ption of a paintin g, 1.1 Prac tic e page 46
5 O n the bri nk o f a tot al b reakdown . lip me t (trcds a nt! gree ns ', 'st rokes'. 'C:lII\'iIS' ..,) 1 C 2 J 3 G 4 I 5 II fi A
Lau rie - his fourth and greatest love - who
was to inspire some of h is mos t 1II00i llg 1.2 page47
(,oll1pos it io llS. 1B Describing pictures and A T he missing info rmation is ' II call tow a load
objects o f nvt-r D il l' and a half tons .'

F Hyphens 1.0 page 41 B Stoves have pro duced O\'t'IIS in Mcr scysklc
sin ce th e 1920s, Th ey spe-nd a tot of mOlley on
Pract ice page 37 A Use a dictionary to check that the compound s mar ket researc h and p roduct development.
)'011 have w ritt en exist. T he ovens they make can lx- siug ll' o r double,
POHSCI IE -D RI\ 'I:\ C A H~I Y C Ii IE F 1:\
1.1 page 42 gas or electric. and wtth or wit hout a fan ; all
A:\TI -:\ UCLEAH PHOT EST have a system to keep tln- door l,()OI. T he gas
I lx-cn 2 the 3 he 4 slowh' .'5 it O\'{'IIS haw a grill that ",ri\l'S au cvr-n hea t. All
L ocalan ger was revealed yesterday wh en a
6 ./ too Salsa 9 ./ 10' has tlu- owns an- designed to stay clean. (Stove s
cross-section of the populat ion was q uestioned
about pla ns for a new gas-cooled nuclear II both 12 such 13 aftor 14 ./ oven s are the best in Europc. )
reactor just twcntv-thn-e miles north-west of 15 and
tilt' dt)' centre. The opinion poll revealed
Three se nses dcscnbed -. sigh t, sound and smell
slro n~ an ti-n uclear fcelmgs amonv; thr ee-fifths 1.2 Desc rib in g a pho t ogra ph page 43 2 ACTION
of the population. Indeed. the coexistence of
[ ust for '}o llr OIL'll ill ternd , tlw j,II01Cillg wonls
tw o pn'ss lIft· grollps in the valley came to Warm up register exercise page 48
art' Ihc orig inal OIU'S from both texts.
light: om- a small- ttm e affair led h)' a dog-
I im pish 2 black 3 fur 4 plUllllllY SUJ4{l'sh't1an swe rs
loving ca t food factory-owner cohab iting with
a used -ca r saleswo ma n in a twe nty-s to rey
5 ,1l111o)i ng 6 happy i Independent
A Art icle about surfing - poop!o Interested in
S frightt·nc t! 9 tiny 10 ti1rhiddi ng
high-rise b lock , t he othe r a m ort' threate ning spo rt
I I bli ght 12 polluted
op e ration with left-wing M urxi st-Lcnintst B I'uckct of cocoa - consuuu-r
sympathies. Th is latter group. co-ordin ated by C Busines s advice - busmcssumn. administr at or
Lieu tenant-Colon el janu-s Fox-Talbot, the D Art icle. advice leatlet - pa rents
1C Describing products
red-haired Porschc-dr ivtng m:m a",ring director E Art icle abo ut co ffee - st udent
of an ult ra-mode m high explosive factory. is 1.0 page44 F C hris tmas cr acker. dgart'l h' packet - ge ne ral
alrea dy suspected of ha\ i llg conuu lttc d a A The theme of Freedom a nd l'sl'ape is audience
number of acts o f low-level sabo tage. Lady Int ro duced in the title (' C t'l (Jlw y car'), (; First Aid advkx- - people Il'ami ng First Aid
Fox-Talbot. the Lie ute na nt -Colon el 's techn iques
cou tmue d in paragraph I (j"cl'dom ),
untvcrsitv-educated \\ift, and co -coordi nator II Hccipc pcople mtc n-sted in cooking
pa ragraph .2 (libcratiOl,), paragraph fi (jar -c

of tlu- grou p. has dcscrtlx-d tht'st' acc usa tions I D irec t speech from teacher - studt'llls
flll:a'}) and pa rag raph 10 (i l l the leild ), and in
a.~ far-fetched,
paragraph 14 (gl't l i ll f!. flIl..'fly to Ill(' back of J Articlr- about ma.ssagt' - people interested in
'\ \ 't' are simply-re uundtng th e democratically- bc'}om[), massage techniques
e1e<-'ted gO\'emllle nt of its democratic K Shampoo bottle - """"m"f
B pa ragrap h i - 'Stefll a day 's sailhoarding'
n'slxlIlsih ilities,' the Fox-Talho ts said in a jo int Tt'll ill~ you to do so met hing - F, I
statc mc nt issued yt>s{('ft!.ly, 'As p:m 'nts \\ith a C I Th e word ' fore n lllne r is gin'n the strange Td lillg )1111 ho\\' to do SOlllt,thill g - n, II , J, K
th ft't'-yt'ar-old so n, we a re decply worried spelling 4 HIlIIIH'r in order!o l'()IIH 'y a C i\i ng :Hhil'{' on how to do sOIl\{'thing - C, ))
aboll t the go\'(' m me nfs ha ppy-go- llId,;; sel'Ond me ani ng, tha t it is a 4-wheel-d ri\'e I) t'sl'riIJing a proce ss - A, E, C
att itw lt' to radi ation , \\'1' urgt' all ou r fe llow veltide (a nd prpsllm ahly 11/11.' - wel l. or fast),
valley-dwel lers to join ns all~l take :\(h'alltage 2 • A car which dty peo p le eau dri ,'e to ge t
o f t h i ,~ 01lL'('-ill-a-lift't illle oppo rt llnity to away from the l'ity ; a ea r used for esc ape 2A Instructions and directions
pr{'w ut the mi stakes of !\v('lllil 'th-cellt lll'}' hv criminals,
tceh nology hdug ca rrie d on ' r into the tw eJlty- ll~eJl tally takell 10 an ot her plaee / worl d : 1.0 page 49
firsl (,{,lItm)'.' ph ysiea lly tak ell to anot llPr p lace , A Th e first set is m uc h m O T(' tldailed . alltl
an excit ing liIL" full o f adven lure; strip of would he ad equa te to exp lain t he e xe rcise
roatl marked out for f'l~ t trafTie, en'lI to somt'OIH' wh o had m'w'r dOll(' th e
a ca ra\'a n or t railt' r is 'h itd u"t)' (att ached) ('Xt'rl'ise hefoIT' and who did n 't haw the
to a ca r; a ·hitch ' is a disadva ntage, pidllre ,
1 DESCRIPTION D gl't in; tu m on / S\\itl'h Oil / start; Sta nd up ril2:ht \\ith your !XIU01I\ tuckt"tl in,
dimbing I dri \ing owr yom knees slightly IX'lIt ami ~'()ur hip s slightl y
Warm up: register exercise
F Pa raj.,TJ'a ph 5 - 'more poW('f am i torque than forward, Ben din g sideways at til(" waist to
I am i 2 page 38 au)thing dse in its ch..s' yom le ft , bring ~~1If ri~ht ann lip, Idting yo ur
A A d ictiollary definitio n. (hl'ading, e,g.. ·also....) G Pa ragra ph "; - 'It \\ill "dhh t ht' d imb' - left ann slide slow ly dO\\lI your It'g :L~ y OIl
B An {'xtract from a 'l'OnSUllle r athic.'C' article in b rea the out. Hold and start ~{)i ll~ upright as
l'ars a re 1I0t in fad ca pa b le of enjo~l llellt.
a magazint>. (de tails, figuft's , 'om tests' ) yon hreat he in, He pc a t fi\'(' tillil's and thell on
Pa ragraph 11 - 'this ea r \\i ll Jl('w r mak e
C Au ext raet from a it' uer of t'Olllp laillt. (I' m IIIl' other side five tillles ,
he avy wea t her of if - ca rs an' IIOt cap able
ha\i ng p roblems', 'I'm Writing' , 'firstly' ...) of ma king a task more d ilTic ult than it is. (k ilo magazine - ' Bea ut,,: FOl' IIs on Exe reise',
• t,d, VickiI' Bra mwell,


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