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"Fleet" can have a few different meanings depending on the context:

1. **Nautical or Military Usage**: In a nautical or military context, "fleet" typically refers to a group of
ships or vehicles under one command. For example, a naval fleet is a large formation of warships.

2. **Group of Vehicles**: In a civilian context, "fleet" often refers to a group of vehicles owned or
operated by a single organization or person. This could be a fleet of trucks, cars, taxis, buses, etc.

3. **Speed**: "Fleet" can also be an adjective meaning fast, swift, or nimble. For example, "fleet of
foot" means someone is very quick and agile when running.

4. **Software**: In computing, particularly in the context of software management, "fleet" can refer to
a group of computing devices managed as a single unit. For instance, a "fleet" of servers or a "fleet" of
Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

So, depending on the context, "fleet" can refer to a group of vehicles, a group of ships, something fast
and nimble, or even a group of managed computing devices.

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