Rapscallion ShipPlaybooks 03092023 1

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Name: Crew Crew Space

Fortune +5


Wreck Steadfast +4

Cargo Cargo Space

Fortune +5

Add a size-1 group of lackeys to

your crew
Defeat a powerful rival
Plunder an enemy stronghold

Become Pirate Lords

At Renown 3, you’re moving up in the world. Take Big Reputation.

At Renown 5, you’ve become true pirate lords, top dogs of the sea! Cut
to five years later...

In this world where the waves erase all things, only the biggest
legends leave their thumbprints on history. You had the world’s eyes
on you, and by the gods, you put on the show of a century. No-one
will forget your names: the greatest pirates to ever swindle, swagger,
and swash buckles.

Focus on the crew, one by one. Ask them: where are you now? What
new aims do you have? What big change have you wrought upon the world? Legacy Hold
What stories do they sing about you in the port taverns?

Then, ask the whole crew: what happened to your ship? Are you still
Begin game with 5 hold. This hold represents
having adventures? Or are you now another piece of the ship’s legacy? your ship’s legacy and the respect (or fear) people
have for it. Whenever you spend time in port, you
may spend 1 hold to pick 1 boon from Renowned
Pirates (page 25) and take it immediately.
Thanks for playing Rapscallion! Come back again sometime.
Special Ship Advancement
Oddities Your ship keeps its legacy through its... (choose 1): When you invest 2-Hoard into this ship over a
downtime... take Ironclad.
Lineage. This ship is part of a long lineage of ships, united by a special
When you find or confront this ship’s past, listed in
feature, which is salvaged from one ship and used to make the next one.
your oddity... take History.
Your lineage is (choose 1): the beautiful rainbow wood of an extinct tree as its
hull (take 1-armor; your ship is fireproof) • its thick brass dragon-headed prow When you defeat this ship’s historic rival... take
(can breathe flame if operated, 3-harm 1-wreck far fire big dangerous) • the Equal Footing.
fallen star embedded deep in its belly (strange, shines in presence of danger;
unleash its power to have it show you the way forward or through). If you When you bring another ship to heel, and take
find the skeleton of the last ship in your lineage, thought to be lost to the command of it... take Supplicants.
waves, take History. When you claim the legendary treasure hidden by
this ship’s former captain...take Treasure Island.
Voice. This is the fabled pirate’s ship of prophecies; its voice comes from
(choose 1): a beating heart in its belly • the copper-green face carved into it • When you invest 10-Hoard into this ship over a
somewhere else. Spend a bond with it to hear or see its prophecies and por- downtime... take Better Than Ever.
tents and decide whether the prophecy pertains to: an object you seek • an
enemy you wish to kill • a secret you wish to know. If you spend 3 bonds with When you get 3 Renown... take Big Reputation.
the ship, you may perform a ritual to commune with it and take History.

Ghosts. This ship is haunted with all the pirates who once served
Ship Advances
upon it; now your souls are bound to it too. Spend a bond with your ship
to summon a spectral horde (strange loyal dangerous 2-harm size-3 group) Better Than Ever. Take +1 to all of your ship’s traits.
that kills indiscriminately for a few minutes, sparing only the crew. The
ghosts are fathomless and voiceless until you learn what strange curse or Big Reputation. Whenever you parley with some-
act of pirate’s greed caused the ship to become this way. When you finally one important publically, no matter the result, add 1
do learn, take History. hold to your Legacy. If the other party respects your
reputation, take a +1 to the parley.
Kit Pick a kit and take its traits—items in bold and red are considered big.
Equal Footing. You can spend a bond with your
(0, +2, -1) A small sleek ship: 2 units of cannons, size-2 group of lack- ship to give you the ante when you’re up against a well-
eys, elegant lateen sails (take +1 to navigating new, dangerous waters), tar- known pirate rival.
nished filigree carved into the shape of dragons, a huge transparent crys-
tal embedded in the ship’s wheel (strange, shines when near magic)
History. When you need treasure, advice, or
(+1, -1, +1) A beautiful fancy ship: 2 units of cannons, size-5 group of manpower from your ship’s past, consult your
lackeys, enormous rippling sails stitched with gold (pitch-black or immac- ship’s history, spend x bond with your ship and roll
ulate white), a painted mermaid as a figurehead with jewels for her eyes +x. On a hit, mark a place on the map where someone
(1-treasure), a quarter gallery (lined with lapis lazuli or stained glass win- or something from the ship’s past will help you. The
dows), a lifeboat Fates will tell you what you might find there. On a 7-9,
(+2, -1, 0) A powerful old ship: 1 unit of cannons, size-6 group of pick one: the thing you find may not be readily helpful; the
lackeys, huge battened sails (dark crimson or seafoam pale), dark armored place is guarded heavily; this is the last time you can use
hull (1-armor), a brig with room for up to 6 prisoners, a prominent sharp this move. On a miss, you know of a rumor that might
beakhead (fashioned into a gaping toothy maw or capped with acid-etched gold) help, but nothing more.

Ironclad. Your ship takes 3-armor and -1 Speed.

Starting Questions
Supplicants. Add the following to your list of re-
1. Why is this ship famous? Name someone, or something, that wants nown boons available through Renowned Pirates:
it destroyed. Take 2-treasure from people asking for your protec-
tion or favor. You can force 2 more treasure out of
2. How did you come to crew this ship? What great treasure is
them if you also take 1 more unwanted attention.
rumored to have been buried by its former captain?
Treasure Island. You may always choose 1 ad-
3. Your ship’s name is (choose 1): The Thousand Dragon • The Jolly Roger
• The Star • something else. Write it in “Name”. ditional thing when you plunder hoards of treasure
related to this ship’s original crew, no matter what you
roll. When you plunder these hoards, you can add a
new booty option:
A missive from the original crew revealing an im-
portant secret or piece of information.
Crew Space
Name: Crew Fortune +5


Wreck Steadfast +2 u

Cargo Cargo Space

Fortune +5

Succeed on a bounty or job

Steal a load of treasure u

Win a big ship fight by yourself

Defeat a major foe

At Renown 3, you’re moving up in the world. Take Rising Star.

At Renown 5, you’ve become proper pirates—a force to contend with on
the seas! We cut to five years later...

They say rags-to-riches, but they don’t know the half of it. You were a rag-
tag bunch of misfits riding a leaky bucket onto that wide dark horizon—
and now you’ve found it. You’re a fire-forged family. It’s a weird crew, but
damn, it’ll do!
Focus on the crew, one by one. Ask them: what have you done in the last five
years? How have you grown as a crew? What new enemy do you have? What new
friend? What has drastically changed – and what has remained exactly the same? Scarper
Then, ask the whole crew: are you still out there, having pirate adventures? If
When your ship’s crew is in terrible danger, you may
not, where did your Ramshackle ship retire to?
spend a bond with your ship to scarper from any situa-
But if you are still adventuring, would you like to keep playing as a crew? If so, tion, at any time, no matter how unlikely it is or how wrecked
choose a new playbook for your ship. Take the new playbook’s moves, traits, you are. If you do, your ship washes up on (pick one): a bus-
and kit. Choose one of your old Specials to keep, and discard the rest; lower tling, busy port • a sleepy harbor town • a mysterious unchart-
your Renown to 1. How has your ship changed? What’s been added, and what’s ed island. Choose whether you:
missing? And what’s your big new adventure? lost vital cargo
left someone behind in the escape
find yourself in danger upon arrival
Thanks for playing Rapscallion! Come back again sometime.
Special Ship Advancement
Oddities You chose this ship because... (choose 1): When you invest 1-Hoard into this ship over a
downtime... take Gun Deck.
It is Freedom. You chose this ship because you needed to es-
When you invest 2-Hoard into this ship over a
cape something awful or sad. It is freedom to you. Whenever
downtime... take Cottonclad.
one of your number is about to be captured by a terrible pursuer,
you may spend a bond with your ship to miraculously get there in time— When you invest 4-Hoard into this ship over a
or get out in time. Decide what you have to leave behind to do it. You can downtime... take Improvements.
use this move once per chapter.
When you save your ship in the nick of time by do-
It is Your Wings. You chose this ship because you want to chase ing something daring... take Found Family.
something fathomless and far away. It has become your wings. De- When everyone on the crew has 3 bond with the
cide what your crew is chasing in their hearts. Whenever you ship for the first time... take The Underdogs.
feel lost and uncertain on a night in the ocean, you may
spend a bond with your ship to have a vision of the next step forward. When you get 3 Renown... take Rising Star.

It Came to You. This mysterious ship washed up on your shore when

you needed it most, because (choose 2):
that’s what it was made to do. When you scarper, you can always
Ship Advances
wash up on “a place where someone desperately needs you” instead
of the other options. Cottonclad. Your ship takes +1 armor.
it had a gift for you. The Fates decide what special precious thing
is stowed away in the ship; it costs 1 cargo space. Found Family. Everyone on the crew gains 1
it is a secret that needs to be told. The Fates decide what enor- bond with the ship.
mous, world-changing secret the ship’s existence represents, and
will tell you how you can learn it. Gun Deck. You can fit 1 more unit of cannons on
your ship at no Cargo cost. All your units of cannons
gain (choose 1): +1 wreck • piercing • extreme far • fire tag.
Kit Pick a kit and take its traits—items in bold and red are considered big
Improvements. Your ship takes +1 to a trait.
(-1, +1, -1) A tiny scrap of a ship: size-1 group of lackeys, scrappy gaff-
rigged sails (+1 to stealthy outmaneuvering), single tabernacle mast
Rising Star. Over your next downtime, you will be
(lower it for 1 extra cargo space and -1 Speed), a tiny cozy crow’s nest (gives
approached by a person or faction, Fates’ choice, who
+1 to sizing up), cheerful canopy over the deck, hand-painted hull
sees potential in you and wants to take you under
(+1, -1, -1) A piecemeal ship: 1 unit of cannons, size-2 group of lackeys, their wing. From now on, when you ask your ally for
patchwork sails (attempting to look proper, or a rainbow of color), cartoon- aid in a tough situation, roll +Fortune. Take +1 for
ish figurehead with chipped paint-job (smiling lion, leaping fish, dilapidated every 2-treasure you sweeten the pot with. On a hit,
goose), flags adorning the rigging, a lifeboat they’ll give you what you need, even if it’s dangerous.
On a 7-9, you’re in their debt; they can compel any
(+1, -2, 0) An old sturdy ship: size-6 group of lackeys (weak), spacious of you to do something for them. On a miss, you’ve
deck with plants growing from it (1 plant-based resource of your choice), stretched it too far. Choose whether you lose 1 renown
windchimes swinging from the awnings, bright paddle-wheels adorning or your ally.
the sides, a tiny library with a few strange dangerous books in it
The Underdogs. When you sail your ship fear-
lessly into danger, roll blank. On a hit, every crew-
Starting Questions member holds 1. On a 10+, they all hold 2. On a miss, a
crewmember may hold 1 if they spend a bond with the
1. Each crewmember may name an essential change or addition they
ship. While on your ship, a crewmember can spend 1
made to this ship, and gains 1 bond with it.
hold to use +max bonds with the ship for any move,
2. Who made this ship what it is now? Describe one secret thing they instead of the move’s original trait.
put into the ship that only the crew knows about.

3. Your ship’s name is (choose 1): The Going Merry • Charon’s Ferry • The
Goose • something else. Write it in “Name”.

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