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Ministry of Education and Training

University of econimics Ho Chi Minh city


Instructor: Ts. Tran Dang Khoa

Number: 31231023619
Name: Phạm Nguyễn Thu Thảo
Class: EMP001- Friday afternoon
Topic: Write about a case that you managed your work as a manager

A small milk tea cart called "Đậu" was in operation for more than 2 months before I stepped foot
on the threshold of the University.
As a first step towards the sale, I made a few plans so I could define my working steps:
- First and foremost, capital is needed. Because I was just a student who had not made any
money, I borrowed 3 million VND from my mother and received advice and support from her.
- After that, I consulted the recipe and listed the ingredients and tools needed to make a
complete milk tea such as tea, milk, heavy cream,... and many other ingredients.
- Next, I consulted the online video tutorials and found the necessary tools such as: cups
for shaking, pudding trays,...
- A place to sell is also extremely difficult when I first start selling something, but luckily
for me I have the space available which is my grandparents' house. It was a place with a lot of
cars, a large, airy yard and very suitable for me to try starting a business.
- At that time, naming my first milk tea car was difficult, because I had no idea. But
suddenly once I sat watching videos about the UEH school I had always dreamed of, I hoped that
I would get into this school... and the name "Đậu" comes from it.
- And finally, in order to proceed smoothly and quickly, I asked my two friends, Trang and
Nhi, to help with a certain level of agreement between the three of us.
- The plan is short-term, so my goal is to be able to recoup capital and profits in the short
term, so I decided to sell at a low price and profit per quantity to be able to compete with the milk
tea shops nearby. Finally, the goal that I set for my milk tea cart is to sell at least 15 cups of milk
tea every day for 20,000 VND / cup

Next was the time to arrange so that storks could organize my work:

- To buy ingredients to make when I listed in step 1, I went to a store that specializes in
selling ingredients near my house for reference. But because I was not sure, at first I only bought
a little bit of everything, so the price will be a little higher than wholesale buyers.
- Tools for preparation, to buy them, I went to wholesale chainsaws, or went to Shopee
shopping floor to compare prices and then buy at the best price and quality

- The recipe is created by me from YouTube tutorial videos, then I process, reduce the
flavor to create a distinct flavor that I like, then I give it to my friends, brothers and sisters to
enjoy and evaluate. After 4 times of research and revision, I have my own recipe.
- I then calculated the cost of a topping, then calculated the number of glasses, and finally
offered a low price compared to the general ground but still profitable. With a glass of milk tea
20,000 VND with 4 types of toppings and 2 types of pearls, I can profit from 4000-5000 VND for
a glass depending on the type of tea that the guest chooses. Besides, with the first 3 days of sale, I
had a discount of 20% per glass and gave lollipops to customers
- One day before the sale, I wrote an ad post on Facebook and asked friends and relatives to
share it widely and wished to have a lot of customers.
From what I set out to start my business based on goals: goal-aligned, balanced, efficient,
flexible, on the first day I sold 51 cups of milk tea and was able to get almost a third of my
capital back

(A pictures of my "Đậu")
To be able to get started, I have to take on the role of a leader and carry it out:
- To prepare for work, me, Trang and Nhi washed the car together, which was the car left
by my grandmother because she used to sell lemon tea. At first, I went to print the menu and a
small poster because I did not have much money, Nhi and Trang went to choose flowers to plant
vases. We then washed the car together and started making arrangements to prepare for work the
next day.

- By that evening, I had cooked pudding and made milk tea for the next day to sell.
Cooking the pudding in the evening before selling will ensure greater freezing, hardness and
deliciousness. The same goes for milk tea, the fatty and aromatic flavor of the tea will meet my
requirements when refrigerated for a certain time. And for the ingredients that are ready to be sold
when they are not sold out, I will remove it and make a new one for the next day to ensure the
safety of customers.
- Pearls will be boiled early in the morning at 5am, because the boiling and brewing time is
quite long to prepare for the sale
- To make my work smooth, I have set some basic requirements for myself: toppings are
always in ice containers for storage, avoiding hot weather leading to spoiled toppings. Pearls
should always be taught thoroughly to avoid insects. Milk tea cups and bags should always be
neatly and neatly folded: straws, spoons also need to be inserted into the tube and covered.
Dispensing utensils after use need to be stored in a cold ice container to prevent damage when
used again. Tables and chairs that guests sit on always need to be cleaned. Always maintain

(Traditional milk tea and black sugar fresh milk)

- The milk tea cart will open for sale at 8:30 a.m., and end at 7 p.m.

To control my work:

- I always pay attention to protecting students when selling, and always maintain a good

attitude towards customers.

- After a while, I contrasted and compared on each topping. For example, white pearls will
be more expensive than black pearls, black sugar milk will be superior to milk tea. From there,
prepare suitable raw materials and avoid more redundancies to reduce losses and avoid waste.
➔ It was a great experience for me to try my hand, so that I could test my dream and
my choice. It was a great experience for me to try my hand, so that I could test my
dream and my choice. I think that in the future as a student, I will get friends to
cooperate and also try a startup job Macro and more long-lasting.

Finally, I would like to thank the management lecturer Mr. Tran Dang Khoa forconvey to me a lot
of useful knowledge. I would like to wish you a lot of health, enthusiasm and good luck in your

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