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Social media isn't always a friendly place.

Cyberbullying is a harsh reality, where hurtful
comments and aggressive behavior can occur
behind the anonymity of a screen. This
behavior can deeply affect someone's mental
health, leading to anxiety, depression, and a
loss of self-esteem.
Bullying breeding
Cyber bullying can manifest in various ways across
different platforms. On social media like Facebook
and Instagram, it may involve hurtful comments or
spreading rumors through posts and messages. X
(formerly Twitter) can see public shaming through
tweets or retweets, while online gaming might
witness cyberbullying in in-game chats. Messaging
apps like WhatsApp or Snapchat can harbor hurtful
messages or images sent privately.
Did you When people can hide their identity on the internet,

know ?
it can make them feel braver, and they might be more
likely to say mean things to others online.

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