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Features of Java

 Simple
 Architecture neutral (java follows ‘Write-once-run-anywhere’ approach)
 Object oriented
 Portable
 Distributed (the program can be design to run on computer networks)
 High performance
 Multi-threaded
 Robust (pointers removed, automatic memory management, garbage-collector)
 Dynamic (OOP – inheritance, reuse the code)
 Secure

Software development process – overview

(native code vs. byte-code)

Portability (Java VM)

Software-only platform (Java) vs. Software-Hardware platforms

Java Platform Components:

Java Virtual Machine
Java application Programming Interface (API)

Program insulated from the hardware

Java Platforms:

 Java SE – Standard Edition

 Java EE – Enterprise Edition
 Java ME – Micro Edition

Other characteristics:

 C and C++ related (+ other languages)

 production language and not research language
 compiled and interpreted
 fully object oriented (no procedural programming)
Lexical structure

Case Sensitivity

Character set

 Unicode

Divizat in subintervale – blocuri

 \u0030 - \u0039 : cifre ISO-Latin 0 – 9
 \u03B1 - \u03C9 : simboluri grecesti

Keywords (reserved words)

Abstract continue for new switch

assert*** default goto* package synchronized
Boolean do if private this
Break double implements protected throw
Byte else import public throws
Case enum**** instanceof return transient
Catch extends int short try
Char final interface static void
Class finally long strictfp** volatile
const* float native super while

* not used
** added in 1.2
*** added in 1.4
**** added in 5.0

Not keywords (part of the language syntax) but literals, but not allowed
 true, false, null

 nu pot sa fie keywords sau reserved-words

 sir nelimitat de litere si cifre Unicode, incepand cu o litera, '$' sau '_'
 este de evitat '$' sau '_' la inceput (Oracle – documentation)
 “White space” nu se admite
 Case sensitivity (Name, name or NAME – identificatori diferiti)


1. // single-line comments
2. /* multi-line
comments */
3. /** multi-line
documentation comments */

Imbricarea nu e posibila.
/* sau */ pot apare in secventa // - dar nu mai au semnificatie
// poate apare in secventa /*, */ dar nu mai are semnificatie


Java literals
Integer Literals
Floating-point Literals
Boolean Literals
Character Literals
String Literals

Integer Literals (normali 32b sau lungi 64b - L,l)

int octLit = 0400; // octal equivalent of decimal 256

int hexLit = 0x100; // decimal 256, hexadecimal equivalent
int decLit = 256; // decimal 256

Floating-point Literals

float float1 = 89.0; // Type mismatch: cannot convert

// from double to float
float float2 = 89.0f; //OK
double double1 = 89.0D; //OK
double double2 = 89.0d; //OK
double double3 = 89.0; // OK, by default floating point
// literal is double

Boolean Literals

boolean boolFalse = false;

boolean boolTrue = true;

0 / diferit de 0 nu mai au semnificatia de false / true din C, C++

Character Literals

char charLit = 'a';

Secventele escape predefinite in Java sunt:

 '\b' : Backspace (BS)
 '\t' : Tab orizontal (HT)
 '\n' : Linie nou (LF)
 '\f' : Pagina noua (FF)
 '\r' : Inceput de rand (CR)
 '\"' : Ghilimele
 '\'' : Apostrof
 '\\' : Backslash

String Literals

String stringLit = "String Literal";


( ) [ ] {}; , .

String language = "Java";

" - The double quotes are used to mark the beginning and the end of a string.
; - The semicolon is used to end each Java statement.

System.out.println("Java language");

() Parentheses (round brackets) always follow a method name. Between the

parentheses we declare the input parameters. The parentheses are present
even if the method does not take any parameters.
. The dot character separates the class name (System) from the member (out)
and the member from the method name (println()).

int[] array = new int[5] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

The square brackets [] are used to denote an array type. They are also used to
access or modify array elements. The curly brackets {} are also used to initiate
arrays. The curly brackets are also used enclose the body of a method or a class.

int a, b, c;

, The comma character separates variables in a single declaration.

White Space

White-space in Java consists of the ASCII space character (SP), the ASCII horizontal
tab character (HT), the ASCII form-feed character (FF), and line terminators.

White space in Java is used to separate tokens in the source file. It is also used to
improve readability of the source code.

int i = 0;

White spaces are required in some places (for example between the int keyword and
the variable name). In other places, white spaces are forbidden. They cannot be
present in variable identifiers or language keywords.

int a=1;
int b = 2;
int c = 3;

The amount of space put between tokens is irrelevant for the Java compiler.

Coding Conventions

Conventions are best practices followed by programmers when writing source code.
Each language can have its own set of conventions. Conventions are not strict rules;
they are merely recommendations for writing good quality code. A few conventions that
are recognized by Java programmers:
 Class names begin with an uppercase letter.
 Method names begin with a lowercase letter
 The public keyword precedes the static keyword when both are used.
 The parameter name of the main() method is called args.
 Constants are written in uppercase.
 Each subsequent word in an identifier name begins with a capital letter.


Simple Assignment Operator

= Simple assignment operator

Arithmetic Operators

+ Additive operator (also used for String concatenation)

- Subtraction operator

* Multiplication operator

/ Division operator

% Remainder operator

Unary Operators

+ Unary plus operator; indicates positive value (numbers are

positive without this, however)

- Unary minus operator; negates an expression

++ Increment operator; increments a value by 1

-- Decrement operator; decrements a value by 1

! Logical complement operator;

inverts the value of a boolean
Equality and Relational Operators

== Equal to

!= Not equal to

> Greater than

>= Greater than or equal to

< Less than

<= Less than or equal to

Conditional Operators

&& Conditional-AND

|| Conditional-OR

?: Ternary (shorthand for if-then-else statement)

Type Comparison Operator

instanceof Compares an object to a specified type

Bitwise and Bit Shift Operators

~ Unary bitwise complement

<< Signed left shift

>> Signed right shift

>>> Unsigned right shift

& Bitwise AND

^ Bitwise exclusive OR

| Bitwise inclusive OR

More about operators

 operatori matematici:

Este permisa notatia prescurtata de forma

leftval operatie = rightval

x += 2
x -= 2

operatori pentru autoincrementare:

x++ (post), ++x (pre)

operatori pentru autodecrementare:

x-- (post), --x (pre)

Evaluarea expresiilor logice se face prin “metoda scurtcircuitului”: evaluarea

se opreste in momentul in care valoarea de adevar a expresiei este sigur determinata.

 operatorul if-else:

expresie-logica ? valoare-true : valoare-false

 operatorul , (virgula) folosit pentru evaluarea secventiala a operatiilor:

int x = 0, y = 1, z = 2;

 operatorul + pentru concatenarea sirurilor:

String s1 = "Ana";

String s2 = "mere";

int x = 10;

System.out.println(s1 + " are " + x + " " + s2);

 operatori pentru conversii (cast) : (tip-de-data)

int a = (int)’a’;

char c = (char)96;

int i = 200;

long l = (long)i; //widening conversion

long l2 = (long)200;

int i2 = (int)l2; //narrowing conversion

Precedence and associativity of operators:

Precedence Operator Description Associativity

[] Array index
1 () method call Left -> Right
. member access
++ pre or postfix increment
-- pre or postfix decrement
2 + - unary plus, minus Right -> Left
~ bitwise NOT
! logical NOT
(type cast) type cast
3 Right -> Left
new object creation
* multiplication
4 / division Left -> Right
% modulus (remainder)
+ - addition, subtraction
5 Left -> Right
+ string concatenation
<< left shift
6 >> signed right shift Left -> Right
>>> unsigned or zero-fill right shift
< less than
<= less than or equal to
7 > greater than Left -> Right
>= greater than or equal to
instanceof reference test
== equal to
8 Left -> Right
!= not equal to
9 & bitwise AND Left -> Right
10 ^ bitwise XOR Left -> Right
11 | bitwise OR Left -> Right
12 && logical AND Left -> Right
13 || logical OR Left -> Right
14 ? : conditional (ternary) Right -> Left
= Right -> Left
%= assignment and short hand
15 &= assignment operators

a = b = c = 8

System.out.println("1 + 2 = " + 1 + 2); // out: 1 + 2 = 12

System.out.println("1 + 2 = " + (1 + 2)); // out: 1 + 2 = 3

System.out.println(1 + 2 + " = 1 + 2"); // out: 3 = 1 + 2

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