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Getting stuff done isn't as hard as
people think




This book brings together the key habits and thought

patterns that are common among highly successful

It's not just a feel-good read; it's for those who are
serious about making meaningful changes in their lives.

You'll find two main sections in this book: Mindset and


In the first part, we'll explore five critical mindset shifts.

Having the right mindset is crucial because with it,
success becomes about consistently showing up and
putting in the effort.

The second part focuses on building positive habits and

eliminating the negative ones. This means stopping
actions that lead to laziness or stagnation and starting
ones that encourage success and growth.

Important note: real change takes time; expect to

commit to these practices for at least 30 days to see a
difference. If that seems too long, this book might not
be for you. It's designed for those who are prepared to
work hard every day.

Just read this book and apply its teachings to begin

your transformation.
Why Mindset?

"A person becomes what they think about all day long."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Believe it or not, artificial intelligence is already among


"Where?" you might wonder.

taps forehead "Right here."

Your mind is a powerful processor capable of

performing intricate operations.

When you input commands into your mind, it executes


Similar to programming a computer, you can also

program your mind.

Many dismiss the concept of "mindset" as vague self-

help jargon.

What they fail to see is that their very skepticism of the

term 'mindset' actually proves its existence.

Their doubt is a result of their mental programming.

Throughout our lives, external factors constantly

program us.
This programming subtly infiltrates through the media
we engage with and the people we surround ourselves

Fortunately, with dedication, you can rewire your mind

and transform yourself into a powerhouse.

Simply "install" these mindset presets into your mind,

and embrace them fully in your life.

These presets have previously guided others toward

becoming healthier, wealthier, more enlightened, and
more content.

Review them repeatedly and integrate them into your

daily life.

You're not required to take them as absolute truth.

The true strength comes from creating your own

mental filters and shaping your mind into an
unstoppable force.

Here are the presets.

Preset # 1: Accept Everything

“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes
it so.” - William Shakespeare
Most of the negative emotion you feel can be attributed to
the gap between your expectations of how you want things
to be and how things actually are.

Problems WILL happen. It is part of the game of life.

You will break up with the love of your life. You will lose
money. Family members may die unexpectedly. Old friends
will disappear.

No matter what happens, you are never a victim.

Human beings have an unbelievable ability to adapt to any

situation, no matter how hard they seem.

You will go through hardship but better yet, you will be

astonished at just how strong you are and how well you can

You need to be open to reality. No matter how bad shit gets, it

is never personal.

Reality is what it is. The more emotionally detached you are

from reality, the easier it is to accept.

Again, it is NEVER personal.

Most of the time, how you interpret a situation is the problem.

Without your interpretation, there is no problem. There is a

situation and you have to handle it. That’s it.
“For example, maybe sales have fallen this week for your

Most people will interpret that as a big problem.

However, a minority (hopefully, you) will interpret that as an

opportunity to improve your sales process or the quality of
your product.

Guess who is going to come out on top in the long run?

“Good” and “bad” are words that you learned in your


They aren’t absolute truths. They are filters that you use to
interpret the situation (aka reality).

Accepting everything means eliminating the filters you put

on life’s natural events.

Reality isn’t good or bad. It just is. Complaining and feeling

bad about the things that happen to you won’t change
reality. If anything, it will just worsen it.

When you accept reality as it is, you will be better equipped

to handle it in the most practical and professional way
possible, rather than react to it in a way that puts you at a

By adopting a “IDGAF” mindset towards reality, your

confidence will grow as you begin to accept that you have
the power and ability to deal with any kind of situation.

It’s easier said than done but when you train yourself to stay
calm and emotionally detached no matter what happens,
you will play the game better and harder than everyone else.
Preset #2: Nothing is Hard. Only New
Your life matches your beliefs, not the other way around.

If you believe life is hard, it will be hard.

If you believe life is easy, it will be easy.

If you want to get more out of life, you need to learn how to
frame your experiences in a way that makes them easier to

One of the most effective framing techniques is one I learned

was “there’s no such thing as hard, only new.”

You see, most of your day-to-day life consists of habits or

actions that you do automatically because you’ve been
repeating them your whole life.

Chewing food isn’t hard for you because you’ve been doing it
since you were a baby. But have you seen a toddler learn to
eat solid foods? It’s a messy process because it is a new
experience for her.

The same thing applies for any new skill you are learning or
any new goal you are trying to achieve.

It just feels “hard” because it is unfamiliar. It is a new


The reason why you say it’s hard is because as an adult,

you’ve lost your sense of patience and curiosity in
discovering new things and having new experiences.

When you learn to re-frame “hard” as “new”, your curiosity

will take over and new skills become fun to learn, and goals
become pleasurable challenges you’ll want to achieve.

Because rather than seeing them as impossible feats which

cause you to run away or procrastinate, you reframe them as
new and interesting experiences that are worth pursuing.

When you learn to frame difficult experiences as new and

interesting challenges, your mind’s natural curiosity will drive
you towards them rather than scare you into running away
from them.

When you adopt this mindset, that new challenge you are
facing suddenly becomes much easier to conquer and
chasing success becomes as fun to you as building a sand
castle is to a child.

Preset # 3: “Whatever happens to

me, I’ll be able to handle it”

Every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to

bed, I repeat these words to myself

“Whatever happens to me, I’ll be able to handle it.”

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned in life is that 99% of

the things that I’ve wanted and haven’t got, has been a result
of self-sabotage.

I failed to make money because I got frustrated and gave up

too quickly out of fear of feeling like a loser who lacked the
skills to make money.

I failed to get women because I got sick of rejection and

stopped approaching them out of fear of being rejected
Self-sabotage is real and people do it far too often before
they even begin to gain any momentum.

So why do people sabotage themselves?

Because they are crippled by the fear that they will fail and
they are afraid of feeling like a failure.

They paralyze themselves with fear and end up

procrastinating and running away from reality.

Remember, there are no good or bad events. Reality just IS,

so start accepting it.

Your fear of failure is irrational.

It’s not that you cannot handle hardship. You can handle so
much more than you think you can.

It is the belief that you cannot handle hardship that’s

triggering the fear you feel.

You feel fear because you’re imagining a monster that

doesn’t exist.

When you repeat this affirmation to yourself daily, you

empower yourself to face reality no matter what happens:

“Whatever happens to me, I’ll be able to handle it.”

You are stronger than you think and your ability to endure,
survive and handle hardship is far more powerful than you
can ever imagine.
Your ancestors endured far bigger challenges than you ever
will in order for you to be here, reading these words at this
precise moment.

Like them, you too, have the strength to face your fears,
survive big challenges, and deal with whatever situation life
delivers to you.

Keep repeating this affirmation to yourself and eventually it

will become a core belief in your subconscious.

Before you know it, you’ll become a fearless warrior ready to

handle whatever stone reality throws your way.

Preset # 4: Cultivate the power of

Want to get more out of life?

Cultivate the power of curiosity

Curiosity is the driving force which makes life interesting.

If you don’t believe me, just watch how a child explores a

living room.

Every cabinet must be opened. Every object must be


A baby can get hours of entertainment from something as

simple as a spoon and a plate.

Just because you aren’t a baby, it doesn’t mean you have to

stop being curious about the world.
When you are curious, challenges become games.

Instead of worrying that your business is going to fail, you’ll

see it as a fun game you are trying to learn and win. Just like

Instead of seeing challenges as “hard”, you’ll see each one as

a new game with undiscovered strategies and rules you’re
excited to learn about so you can play the game better.

Winning will become FUN.

When you cultivate the power of curiosity, you’ll learn

something that only a minority of people have figured out…..

Life is just a bunch of games you can play.

When you look at someone who is truly successful like Jerry

Seinfeld or Warren Buffett, do they look stressed to you?

Of course not.

They are having fun.

They maintain an insatiable curiosity towards their craft,

whether that’s investing billions of dollars in companies, or
making people laugh.

No matter how much money they’ve accumulated, they keep

going because they take pleasure in discovering new things
about life and they do it through their craft.

Buffet does it through investing in companies and Seinfeld

does it through observing people and writing jokes about
human nature.

Whatever your craft is, approach it with an attitude of

insatiable curiosity and you’ll find that success is simply a
side effect of living life and having fun.
When you are curious, challenges become games.

Instead of worrying that your business is going to fail, you’ll

see it as a fun game you are trying to learn and win. Just like

Instead of seeing challenges as “hard”, you’ll see each one as

a new game with undiscovered strategies and rules you’re
excited to learn about so you can play the game better.

Winning will become FUN.

When you cultivate the power of curiosity, you’ll learn

something that only a minority of people have figured out…..

Life is just a bunch of games you can play.

When you look at someone who is truly successful like Jerry

Seinfeld or Warren Buffett, do they look stressed to you?

Of course not.

They are having fun.

They maintain an insatiable curiosity towards their craft,

whether that’s investing billions of dollars in companies, or
making people laugh.

No matter how much money they’ve accumulated, they keep

going because they take pleasure in discovering new things
about life and they do it through their craft.

Buffet does it through investing in companies and Seinfeld

does it through observing people and writing jokes about
human nature.

Whatever your craft is, approach it with an attitude of

insatiable curiosity and you’ll find that success is simply a
side effect of living life and having fun.
Preset # 5: Focus on the Process, not
on the Outcomes

Focusing on the outcome is a big mistake most people make.

You can’t control outcomes. You can only influence them by

improving your process.

When you focus on the outcomes, you put yourself in a

vulnerable position because what you are essentially saying
is that your happiness is dependent on things beyond your

By focusing on outcomes, you are letting randomness

determine your level of happiness.

Let’s look at a simple example of running a cafe.

If your sales drop by half in week 2 of opening your cafe, what

do you do?

Do you keep looking at your poor sales figure and go down

the rabbit hole of feeling sorry for yourself and regretting your
decision to open in the first place?

Or do you switch your focus to the process and start

improving things like:
Your marketing and advertising strategy
The quality of your products
The quality of your customer service
Your menu

When you focus on the process, you focus on what you can
Regardless of the immediate outcome, as long as you are
working on your process daily, you will be happy.

By focusing on the process, not only do you improve your

process but you also increase the likelihood of positive
outcomes in the long run.

That’s a win win scenario for you.

An outcome is black or white. You either get the outcome you

want or you don’t. You either win or lose.

Only a minority of normal people can handle taking a string

of losses for awhile (and you will go through periods like this)

When you focus on the process instead of the outcome, you

detach your emotions and attitudes from the outcome and
instead focus on getting better each day.

Obviously you cannot ignore the outcome completely but

when you invest most of your focus on the process, you’ll find
yourself living a more efficient life, one where you see yourself
constantly improving each day and over the span of your life,
you will chalk up more wins and better outcomes.
Why Habits?

Mindset without action is just daydreaming.

A life lived without strong habits will bring you sporadic

moments of luck at best, and a string of misfortune at worst.

A successful man can only stay successful through the

cultivation of strong habits.

Your habits are your foundation.

Whether you are in an up cycle or a down cycle of your life,

your habits are what propel you forward over the long run.

You see, success doesn’t happen linearly. It happens

exponentially. This is true regardless of whether or not you
measure success in monetary terms.

You show up everyday. For a long time, nothing happens.

You’ll want to give up. Then suddenly, out of nowhere,
opportunity comes knocking at your door. You jump on it and
start to gain some momentum.

If you stick to your habits and show up consistently, you’ll win.


This is why you need habits. Your habits generate

momentum and momentum attracts opportunity and luck.

It took me years of trying, failing, and learning from my life

and from those before me to form the following habits.

Like most habits, these habits will appear simple at first

glance, but when applied daily, they will bring you more
success than you could ever dream of.

Here are my habits.

Habit # 1: Invest 1 hour in yourself

Most people are barely breaking even in life.

They earn just enough money to pay their living expenses

and maintain their debt.

They eat well enough to get through the day, even if they feel
energy and unfocused.

They have just enough skills to get them to a 9-5 job, where
they are content with earning just enough money to support
their break-even lifestyle.

Winners don’t live like this.

Winners stay ahead of the curve by doing more than break


They make more money than they spend and have more
money to save and invest.

They eat healthy, nutritious foods that energise them and

keep them healthy in the long run.

They have skills that make them self-reliable and invest in

learning new skills that open up opportunities for them in the

If you want to be a winner, you have to always be growing, no

matter how successful you currently are.

This is how you stay ahead of the game and live an above
average life and not just an average life where you are barely
breaking even.
Sell yourself an hour a day.

This hour could be used to:

Practice a new skill
Read a good book
Build a side business
Write a book
Exercise and build your body and health

You already use a bulk of your time living for other people.

You give half of your day away to an employer who can get
rid of you at any time.

You give your free time away to hang out with friends that
don’t truly care for you.

When you have time for yourself, you give it away freely to
big tech companies like Netflix and Facebook.

Why don’t you give yourself an hour a day to do something

that helps you grow?

By investing one hour into yourself daily, you ensure that the
you of tomorrow is better than the you of today.
Habit # 2: Practice Box Breathing

If you are reading this, it means that all your physical needs
are taken care of.

You have food, you have water and you have shelter.

The biggest challenges of the modern world are not physical.

They are mental.

Modern life is chaotic, stressful and full of anxiety and worry.

You see it all the time on social media.

People freak out over some insignificant comment an anon

left on their Instagram account, or worry because they
haven’t made a sale from their 2 week old e-commerce

A fantastic way to stay calm and thrive in the modern world

is to cultivate a breathing technique.

Some would consider this meditation.

I see breathing and meditation as exercise for your mind.

When you are online all day long like me, it’s easy to go a bit
crazy with all the information that you are absorbing
because the human mind can only handle so much.

I have tried various forms of breathing and meditation but

the one that has worked best for me is called Box Breathing.
Box Breathing is a breathing technique that is practiced by
US Navy Seals in highly stressful situations such as being in
the middle of a shootout in war.

They use box breathing as a way to remain calm when they

are in these highly stressful situations.

If soldiers can use box breathing to get through warfare, you

can use it to get through the stresses of your modern

The technique is very simple and when you understand it,

you will understand why it is called box breathing.

Here are the four steps to box breathing:

1. Inhale 4 seconds
2. Hold 4 seconds
3. Exhale 4 seconds
4. Hold 4 seconds
5. Repeat cycle for 5-10 minutes

Start with doing 5 minutes and then slowly build up to 10


Once you can do 4 second cycles for 10 minutes, try to

increase your breaths to 5 seconds.

If you would like to get a more detailed instruction on how to

practice box breathing from a former US Navy Seal, check out
this video.
Habit # 3: Active Journaling

One of the reasons why people go insane is because their

brain is cluttered with information and negative thoughts.

All of this stimulus becomes a cluster fuck and in extreme

cases, they can drive one to insanity or even suicide.

A good way to battle this is to actively journal every day.

Think of journaling as a way to have a conversation with your

deeper self, a way to tap into the power of your subconscious

It’s also a fantastic way to “check in” with yourself daily.

There is no strict methodology on how to journal, but here are

guidelines to help you get the most out of your journaling

Journal first thing in the morning when you wake up or in

the evening before you go to bed
Ask “why” questions (Eg. Why am I feeling this way?”)
Don’t try to be perfect
Write about what you did well today
Write about what you could do better tomorrow
Write to the future you (Where do you want to be 5-10
years from now?)
Simply write out whatever is on your mind
Journal daily
It doesn’t really matter how you journal.

The most important thing is that you journal every single day,
even when you don’t feel like it.

You won’t feel the effects of journaling immediately but over

a span of weeks and months, you will have better control of
your thoughts and emotions.

More importantly, the process of journaling will get you to

know yourself better and you’ll have a better understanding
of where your deepest thoughts and emotions come from.

Cultivating a daily habit of journaling will keep you focused,

happy and in control of your mind.

Habit # 4: Watch a Mental Movie of

your Ideal Life

I’m going to let you in on a big secret.

Nothing that is in your head is original.

From the moment you came into this world until now, outside
influences have been planting ideas, thoughts and emotions
into your head.

Some call this conditioning, and some call this programming.

Whatever you choose to call it, most of what you think and
feel came from an outside source.

That may sound like bad news but as long as you accept and
understand what I am about to explain, you can turn it into
good news.
You are either getting programmed by someone else or you
are programming yourself.

If you would like to be the latter, then you need to take active
steps in reinforcing the things you want out of life.

Some call this process “visualisation” but to make things

simpler, I am going to call it watching a mental movie
because that’s exactly what we all do on a day to day basis.

You see, as much as the nerds want to believe, human

beings don’t process information in bits and bytes.

We process them in visual images.

A student who wants to grow up and be a doctor doesn’t

comprehend that desire by counting the amount of patients
he’ll have, the amount of surgeries he’ll do or the amount of
money he’ll make.

Instead, he watches a movie of himself wearing a lab coat,

going to work in a hospital and helping and improving the
lives of his patients.

If you have a particular goal in mind, visualise yourself

accomplishing that goal.

Watch a mental movie of how your life will be when you have
accomplished that goal.

How will you feel?

How will you live?
What kind of food will you eat?
What kind of activities will you do?
What kind of lifestyle will you have?
What kind of people will you be around?
Habit # 5: Write Everything Down

One of the best habits I have is I carry a notebook and pen

with me everywhere I go.

Even If I am just popping down the street to buy a coffee, I

always have access to pen and paper.

The human mind is a powerful supercomputer, but it has one,

big fault.

Its short term memory sucks.

Have you ever noticed that some of your best ideas come to
you at the most random times?

It could be while you are waiting in line to pay for your


It could be while you are taking a shower.

Hell, it could be while you are arguing with your wife.

Whatever it is, if you don’t have a pen and paper to note

down that idea as soon as it pops into your head, you run the
risk of losing it forever.

Make it a habit to write everything down, even if it sounds


After just a few weeks of doing this, your notebook will be

packed with hundreds of ideas.

Your notebook will become your secondary brain.

While average people are struggling to keep their head

above the water, you’ll have two brains working for you.
You can use your notebook to:

Generate ideas for content

As a tool to help you visualise
Write down important tasks that you would’ve otherwise
Plan your day
Be more creative

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