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T h e r m a l S c I e n ce 2 L a b o r a t o r y

The Hashemite University

Faculty of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department

Emission Analyzer

Supervised by Eng.Ayat

Student Name : Momen Khaled Hamad ID Number: 1934359

Instructor: Hussain Al-Dalgamoni

T h e r m a l S c I e n ce 2 L a b o r a t o r y

EX (8) Emissions Analysis of an SI Engine

Objective: To determine the equivalence ratio & the type of the mixture

Data & Results:

Co = 10%
Co2 = 5%
O2 = 3%
Q1. Calculate the equivalence ratio for the gasoline?

Actual combustion:

X 𝐶8𝐻18+Y (𝑂2+3.76𝑁2)  5 C𝑂2+ 10 CO + 3 𝑂2 + A 𝐻2𝑂 + Y (3.76) 𝑁2

Y = (100 – (5+10+3))/3.76 = 21.8

8X = 5 +10
X = 1.875
18*1.875 = 2A
A = 16.875
The equation after dividing on X value (1.875):
𝐶8𝐻18+ 11.62 (𝑂2+3.76𝑁2)  2.6 C𝑂2+ 5.3 CO + 1.6 𝑂2 + 9 𝐻2𝑂 + 43.71 𝑁2

Actual air-fuel ratio:

AF = (11.62*(1+3.76)*29) / (8*12+18*1) =14.07

T h e r m a l S c I e n ce 2 L a b o r a t o r y

Stoichometric combustion:

X 𝐶8𝐻18+Y (𝑂2+3.76𝑁2)  5 C𝑂2 + A 𝐻2𝑂 + Y (3.76) 𝑁2

8X = 5

X = 0.625
18 *0.625 = 2A
A = 5.625
2Y = 2*5 + 1*5.625
Y = 7.81
Dividing on X:
𝐶8𝐻18+ 12.5 (𝑂2+3.76𝑁2)  8 C𝑂2 + 9 𝐻2𝑂 + 46.98 𝑁2

Stoichometric air –fuel ratio:

AF = (12.5*(1+3.76)*29) / (8*12 + 18*1) = 15.13

Equivalence ratio:

= 15.13/14.07 = 1.075

Q2. Determine the type of mixture?

Rich mixture because the equivalence ratio > 1

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