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Interviewee: Shiva Prasad Moorthigari

Method of Acquisition: The opportunity to interview Shiva Prasad Moorthigari arose through a

personal connection, as he is a friend of my father.

Interview Location: The interview was conducted over a Zoom video conference, providing a

platform for a direct and engaging dialogue.

Preparation and Comfort Level: The environment of the video conference, combined with the

pre-existing personal connection, contributed to a comfortable and prepared state for the


Summary of Learning:

The discussion with Shiva Prasad Moorthigari yielded insightful perspectives on the importance

of a comprehensive approach to learning in the tech field. A key lesson was the emphasis on the

significance of data structures in addition to technical coding skills. The advice provided

highlighted that mastering data structures could enhance my profile beyond mere coding

prowess, suggesting a more holistic approach to professional development in technology.

Potential for Mentorship: Despite the positive and informative nature of the interview, it was

decided not to pursue a mentorship relationship with Shiva Prasad Moorthigari. This decision

was based on specific considerations and the nature of our interaction.

Additional Connections: The interview did not lead to the establishment of further connections

within the industry.

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