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Angela Dianne Y Garcia


1. Among the 17 SDG's discussed, choose 3 and explain what the SDG is talking about.


One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that was included in the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development by the United Nations in 2015 is "Zero Hunger." Making sure that
everyone has year-round access to safe, nourishing, and sufficient food is the aim of the "Zero
Hunger" campaign. By 2030, this objective aims to eradicate all types of food instability,
malnutrition, and hunger. The "Zero Hunger" goal is an overarching objective that aspires to end
all forms of hunger and malnutrition worldwide, increase agricultural productivity, and develop
resilient and sustainable food systems that can offer adequate nutrition to all people, especially
the most vulnerable. It acknowledges that tackling challenges with access, distribution, and
nutrition are just as important as increasing food production if not more so.


One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development is the goal of "Quality Education," which emphasises access to education as well as
the enhancement of educational quality, relevance, and the results. The SDG target associated
with this goal is to "ensure a fair and equitable educational system that promotes lifelong
learning opportunities for all." The "Quality Education" goal acknowledges that access to a quality
education is both a fundamental human right and a major factor in sustainable development. It
places a greater emphasis on providing relevant and excellent education that enables people and
communities to succeed in a world that is changing quickly than just meeting enrollment goals.


One of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) enshrined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable

Development by the United Nations is "No Poverty." In all of its manifestations and dimensions,

"No Poverty" seeks to eradicate poverty on a global scale. It seeks to guarantee that everyone

has access to fundamental materials, services, and opportunities that let them live honorably and

meaningful lives, with a focus on the most defenceless and marginalised individuals. The "No

Poverty" aim acknowledges that poverty is a complicated, multifaceted problem that goes

beyond simply considering income levels. It contains elements like a lack of access to necessary
services like clean water, sanitary facilities, and education. Addressing the underlying causes of

poverty and fostering an environment that empowers people and communities to escape poverty

and improve their quality of life are the objectives.

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