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Career Prediction System Using Machine Learning

1st Rohit Mishra 2nd Dr. Amit Kumar Tiwari 3rd Adarsh Pandey
Computer Science Engineering Computer Science Engineering Computer Science Engineering
United Institute of Technology United Institute of Technology United Institute of Technology
Prayagraj, India Prayagraj, India Prayagraj, India

4th Pranav Dubey 5th Khushi Agarwal 6th Sanchi Srivastava

Computer Science Engineering Computer Science Engineering Computer Science Engineering
United Institute of Technology United Institute of Technology United Institute of Technology
Prayagraj, India Prayagraj, India Prayagraj, India

Abstract—The great majority of students worldwide are usu- chine learning algorithms are able to identify complex patterns
ally confused when they complete their upper auxiliary, optional, that forecast prospective career pathways that correspond with
and graduation courses and reach the point where they have to a student’s profile.
select a suitable career path. Understudies lack the maturity to
fully understand the steps that an individual needs to take to Furthermore, the paper will highlight the practical implications
choose a career path that suits them. As we proceed through of such a system within educational institutions and guidance
the phases, we realize that each understudy experiences a series counseling setups. It will showcase how this technology can
of queries or ways of thinking about what to pursue beyond empower students by providing them with comprehensive
the tenth, twelfth, and graduation—which is merely the highest insights, thereby assisting them in charting a well-informed
question of all. Then follows the subsequent agony of wondering
if they possess the necessary foundational skills for the chosen and fulfilling career path. [2]In essence, the integration of
stream. Our automated career prediction system is used to Machine Learning in career prediction has the potential to
predict an individual’s satisfactory employment based on their revolutionize traditional career guidance methods, offering
performance on a goal test, which is determined by their selected students personalized, data-driven recommendations.
advantage points. After completing the online assessment that
we have included into our framework, the person will find II. L ITRATURE S URVEY
themselves selecting the appropriate course, which can also lower
the likelihood that they will choose a career path that is not Using categorization, a performance improvement forecast
suitable for them. Ibrahim M. Mohammed and Alaa M. El-Halees This study
Index Terms—Career Prediction,algorithm,Preprocessing,Data- uses a case study including graduate student data from Khany-
driven,Questionnaire. ounis College of Science and Technology to examine the
educational use of data mining. [3] The information spans
I. I NTRODUCTION fifteen years, from 1993 to 2007. It demonstrated the types
Students frequently struggle to make well-informed judg- of data that could be gathered, how to preprocess the data,
ments about their future pathways amid the constantly chang- how to use data mining techniques on the data, and how to
ing world of school and professional options. Combining use the knowledge that was revealed. The data can be used
career counseling with Machine Learning (ML) techniques to uncover a wide range of knowledge. The most popular
has become a potential way to offer individualized insights ones—association rules, classification, clustering, and outlier
and predictions by letting individuals know and understand detection—were examined in this work. The techniques are
their capabilities and talents . In order to provide students with applied on using the Rapid Miner program techniques on the
personalized recommendations at crucial points in their aca- data set of the graduate student.
demic journeys, such as when they are graduating, changing In the research paper titled ’Career Interest Prediction’ au-
from the tenth and twelveth grades, this research paper will thored by Shahane P in 2022, the focus revolves around
investigate the creation and application of a Career Prediction addressing challenges pertaining to student career decisions
System that makes use of Machine Learning algorithms. [1] and forecasting academic performance. Machine learning tech-
Career counseling has historically placed a strong emphasis on niques are employed as a support system to aid students in
general assessments and standardized examinations, frequently making informed decisions regarding specialization choices,
ignoring the unique talents, interests, and possibilities that graduate-level course selections, and forecasting suitable ca-
arise in a variety of professional fields. Through the examina- reer paths. [4]
tion of extensive datasets that include academic achievement, In the paper titled ’Intelligent Career Guidance System’ au-
extracurricular pursuits, interests, and career prospects, ma- thored by Shinde N et. al in 2022, a sophisticated computerized
career counseling system is introduced. This system aims to SVM and Decision Tree algorithms have demonstrated an
predict the most suitable department for an individual based on accuracy rate of 85 percent in analyzing the data.
their skills assessed through an objective test. The entire sys-
tem is built using the Python programming language, utilizing
the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm for classification III. M ETHODOLOGY
purposes. KNN operates by determining the distances between
each neighbor to classify the target values effectively. The • Data collection: Data collection involves gathering and
researchers have successfully implemented a web application measuring information about variables of interest in a
leveraging the KNN algorithm to classify candidates’ skill sets systematic manner. This process enables the exploration
and predict the most appropriate department based on the of research questions, testing hypotheses, and evaluating
candidate’s performance. This innovative approach presents outcomes. Students will either register or log in to the
a valuable contribution to automating and streamlining the site. New users must register first, while existing users can
process of guiding individuals towards career paths that align log in directly. Students then select their desired field for
with their skill sets and strengths. [5] the test, such as 10th, 12th, or graduation (engineering).
In the research paper titled ’Career Prediction’ authored by [10]After selecting their field, students can proceed to
Deshpande S et. al in 2021, an automated career guidance take the assessment associated with their chosen category.
system is introduced to predict the most fitting field of study [11]
for an individual based on their abilities assessed through • Data Labeling: In machine learning, data labeling is
an objective evaluation. The implementation of this system the act of identifying raw data and attaching meaningful
relies on the Python programming language, where the pri- labels to provide context. This enables a machine learning
mary classification technique employed is the Naive Bayes model to learn from the data. Each student is labeled
algorithm. Naive Bayes is used extensively in implementing based on their responses to the questionnaire they have
career guidance by categorizing candidates’ skill sets and pre- attempted.
dicting an appropriate department based on their performance. • Data Preprocessing: Data preprocessing involves clean-
Moreover, the researchers have successfully developed a web ing, transforming, and integrating data to make it suitable
application using the Naive Bayes algorithm, which facilitates for analysis. The goal is to enhance data quality and adapt
the classification of candidates’ abilities and forecasts suitable it for the specific data mining task. Categorical data is
career paths aligned with their strengths. This innovative use converted into a numerical format. For example, students
of machine learning techniques through the Naive Bayes algo- with high scores in mathematics and logical ability in
rithm offers a promising approach to guide individuals toward class 10th can opt for the PCM stream. Missing data is
career paths that resonate with their abilities and proficiencies. handled if necessary.
[6] • Train-Test Split: The dataset is divided into a training
In the research paper titled ’Career Guidance System’ by set and a testing set. The training set is used to train the
Daharwal A. in 2020, the primary aim is to provide machine learning model, while the testing set is employed
guidance to students by uncovering their hidden key skills to evaluate its performance.
through a standardized system. This system takes inputs from • Model Selection: The chosen algorithm for this process
a graphical user interface (GUI), [7] processes the information, is the k-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithm due to its
and provides recommendations for three job fields based simplicity and effectiveness in classification problems.
on the user’s input. The algorithm utilized in this system KNN assumes similarity between new and available
is the Naive Bayes algorithm, known for its simplicity in cases, placing the new case into the category most similar
constructing classifiers and models that assign class labels to the available ones.
represented as vectors of feature values. By leveraging Naive • Model Training: The KNN model is trained using the
Bayes, the system evaluates user-provided data, achieving training set, allowing it to learn patterns and relationships
an accuracy rate of 83 percent. Additionally, the researchers between student responses and their labels.
have developed a website interface that enables users to input • Model Evaluation: The model’s performance is assessed
their data, the system then processes this information using on the testing set using metrics such as accuracy, preci-
the Naive Bayes algorithm, [8] calculates the output, and sion, recall, and F1 score. F1 score quantifies the model’s
presents the recommended job fields back to the user. This accuracy in a single value.
integration of machine learning techniques and a user-friendly • Prediction: Using the trained KNN model, predictions
web interface marks a significant advancement in providing are made based on new students’ responses to the career
tailored career guidance to students by unveiling their potential prediction form (questionnaire). [12]
job fields based on their hidden key skills. [9] • Result Visualization: Results are visualized graphically,
The implementations within this study utilize a combination using charts like pie charts or bar charts, to provide a
of Support Vector Machines (SVM), Decision Trees, and XG clear representation of how students’ anticipated skills
Boost algorithms. These algorithms collectively contribute to align with the predicted career options suggested by the
the process of evaluating user-provided data. Specifically, the model.
Fig. 1. Work Flow Diagram

IV. R ESULT based on their unique characteristics.

After implementing the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) al-

gorithm in our career guidance system based on the dif- Comparative analysis with other machine learning algo-
ferent questionnaires test, the results showcase promising rithms used for career guidance highlights the strengths of
accuracy and effectiveness in recommending suitable career the KNN approach. The KNN algorithm, while differing
paths. Utilizing the data collected from students’ responses in performance compared to alternative methods, exhibits
to questionnaires, specifically focusing on their interests and commendable accuracy and robustness in predicting suitable
personality traits derived from the questions, our trained KNN career paths based on qustionnaires attributes. Its reliance on
model demonstrates notable accuracy in suggesting relevant proximity-based similarity measurements allows for a user-
career options. The algorithm’s ability to identify similarities centric approach, offering recommendations aligned with in-
in personality traits among users and map these to successful dividuals’ personalities. This result emphasizes the efficacy
career trajectories is evident, resulting in personalized and of the KNN algorithm as an integral component of our career
insightful recommendations. Through rigorous training on guidance system, providing valuable insights and personalized
a diverse dataset encompassing various personality profiles, career suggestions to users, thereby enhancing the overall user
the KNN model efficiently captures patterns and similarities, experience and utility of our platform in assisting individuals
enabling it to provide tailored career suggestions to new users in their career decision-making process.
Table 1: Calculated Accuracy Score and Execution Time for each classifier

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