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Santiago Agudelo
Ms Lumsden
Silence has several effects on our lives, but when we learn from it we can use it as a path to our deep identity and
self truth.
Attaching Clint Smith’s speech and the short story “Lather and nothing else” I make a brief analysis of how
silence in our lives is of great importance and how we can get to know ourselves better through it.
Clint Smith shows us how important it is to know our own voice. He
demonstrated how by giving up his speaking he could find his own voice through
the silence. He privated his talking by just listening to what people said but
paying more attention to the things they don’t.

This turns the silence of people into their voice that they do not share
out of insecurity this being their truth.
People are aware of their identity thanks to the space
they give themselves to understand it through the

The barber being in a dense situation with Captain Torres, he

managed his silence as a moment of reflection. He Had many
thoughts at that moment suah as hatred, desire for revenge,
unsafety, but his silence was the basis for realizing that he was
not a murderer and that his own truth was to be a barber.
“Silence is of vital importance, it’s a space for encountering
ourselves; where we learn to listen to ourselves and listen, to be
attentive with all our senses, including our perception. Which
allows us to develop as human beings”.(Ms Teresa Valenzuela,
professor at the University Iberoamericana)
Being young you go through many experiences in
your life. Situations where you learn to interpret things
in a broader way. For me it has been essential to
learn to listen to myself; giving me a space of silence
not only verbally but also mentally. It has allowed me
to see things in a more subjective way; leading me
towards my own path of decisions and actions, where
I can feel like myself and express my own voice.
Silence plays an important role in our society and
for ourselves. We can achieve more open and
honest communication because we give ourselves
a space to know our truth through it. Silence has
always existed and will always exist, but it depends
on us how we use it in our lives.

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