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Software Quality Prediction Based on Information Analysis - A Decision Tree


Gordan Topić and Dragan Jevtić*

Ericsson Nikola Tesla d.d, Research & Development Center, Krapinska 45, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia
*University of Zagreb, Department of telecommunications, Unska 3, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Abstract: The problem analyzed in this paper is related to the The method applied in this software quality prediction is
software development in telecommunication industry. It is based on Shannon and Weaver information theory and
evaluated and presented as a decision-making task comprising information gain calculation measured by entropy. The
non-numerical parameters. The results are focused on
algorithm used for data classification and introduction of
extracting the conclusions incorporated in the conflicting
criteria such as minimum costs, maximum quality and
Decision Trees, also known as the ID3/C4.5 algorithm, is
minimum production time. introduced by Quinlan [5, 7, 9].
ID3 algorithm is used to find the gain of each non-numerical The problem in this paper appears in software development
attribute and to make final decision tree. The motivation of this and can be formulated by the question: How to make
job is to find auxiliary tools for resolving complex decision- software with minimum expenditures, minimum time
making tasks through the introduction of computer supported consumption and maximum quality? The problem can be
and automated prediction in software production. The solved only by neglecting less important things that is, in the
obligatory quality limits were related to the fault density swarm of information, crucial for high productivity.
parameter. The model was based on 20 different software
However, the key question is how to distinguish more
modules coded by different programmers and under different
conditions. Critical attributes were detected and considered in important from less important information parameters? Is it
decision tree analysis. spending time for code programming, or the quantity of tests
and document inspection, or someone’s competence? Other
parameters are relevant for the decisions like stress, which
1. INTRODUCTION arises from erroneous estimation of the time to complete a
task. Major important parameters, just like quality, are the
Software development industry employs the most complex costs.
processes to create software products from the basic brain
idea. Every process must be measured and the product tested
at different development phases, to minimize the program 2. CREATING TRAINING DATASET FROM
errors and product’s costs of development [1, 2 and 4]. Many DATABASE AND MANAGEMENT
different parameters, not included in the numeric calculations MONITORING
and not easy to measure, determine software quality.
Consequently, drawing of the conclusions that are key for The assumption is that the information is collected during
implementing corrective actions are not facilitated by these software development. The recorded and analyzed
data. Some of these parameters arise from software testing information are taken from:
and document inspection, while the others have non-
numerical nature. For example, numerical values are not  Software Document Inspections (SDIs)
sufficient to describe a software creator, designer or tester, or  Basic and Function Test results (BT, FT)
his/her behavior and work. Human behavior and work can be  planned Cost Precision (CP)
described in words only rather than numerically and  planned Lead Time Precision (LTP)
therefrom workability is expressed. The problem appears  Fault Density (FD)
with the use of these non-numerical values for software  volume of the code per module
quality prediction, especially when there are many
 management monitoring
parameters to be met. This paper offers one of the solutions
 work competence.
as a model, which can be used to monitor and improve
software quality management in decision-making.
This example is based on measuring 20 different modules,
coded by different programmers under different conditions.
Each module has a size or code volume, and every module QUALITY attribute is derived from Fault Density
passes Basic and Function Test. The documents produced measurement and talks about good or poor quality module.
before coding are reviewed by the inspection teams in SDIs. This attribute is the final state of a decision tree with two
The quality of every module is visible in the ratio between different states (good and poor).
the number of trouble reports from function test and code
volume, also known as fault density. ATTRIBUTE VALUES DERIVED
Many coding mistakes are corrected in SDIs (60%), PROGRAMMING_SPEED fast, slow, average LTP (prj. mng)
making it the best way to decrease the number of trouble STRESS high, normal, low Line mng.
INSPECTIONS yes, no Insp. records
reports on a product when it is launched on the market. On
the other side, SDIs need human resources, many man-hours PROGRAMMER expert, novice, learned Comp. mng.
QUALITY good, poor FD
and regular scheduling. Unfortunately, the inspections often
take less time than the good SDIs require. Table 1 shows a Table 2 Attributes with their values
database with the information about few modules; SDIs and
results of Function Testing of the modules. First of all, database with training information has to be
created using discrete attributes and their values for
INSPECTION TESTING describing the modules shown as the records in the database.
mod I-hrs pages mist pg/h volume TRs FD
Table 3 shows the created training database.
M-0 10 8 2 0.8 3347 2 0.6
M-1 4 7 3 1.75 2324 2 0.86
M-3 10 51 10 5.1 4563 3 0.66 No. SPEED FIELD
M-4 4 14 7 3.5 1320 3 2.27 0 expert fast yes high good
Abbreviations: 1 expert slow no normal good
mod name of the module 2 expert average yes low good
I-hrs total time used for software document inspection 3 expert average no low good
pages number of pages of the inspected document 4 expert fast no high poor
mist number of mistakes in the text that produce functional error 5 expert average no high poor
pg/h inspection velocity (pages / hours) 6 expert slow yes normal good
volume code volume in the module (measured in kilo-lines of code) 7 novice fast yes high poor
TRs number of trouble reports (Function Test) 8 novice slow yes normal good
FD fault density (TRs / volume) 9 novice average no normal poor
2.27 exceeded parameter value 10 novice slow no normal poor
11 novice average yes normal good
Table 1: Results of SDIs and Function Test 12 novice fast no normal poor
13 learned fast yes normal good
14 learned average no normal poor
As shown in the table, only M-0 and M-2 modules have good 15 learned slow no high poor
16 learned average no low good
inspection velocity, being within the recommended of one
17 learned average yes normal good
page per hour [11]. Fault Density is a measurement defined 18 learned average no high poor
by quality and project management. In this case the 19 learned average no normal poor
borderline is one trouble report per 1000 non-commented
lines of a program code without the empty lines. Table 3 Training database with discrete values
Consequently, only module M-4 has a higher value of the
fault precision parameter. The table shows that few variables From the data shown in Table 3, a decision tree is created
for a decision tree algorithm can be derived, such as the using ID3 algorithm. As shown, each record has the same
attributes INSPECTION with values (yes/no) and QUALITY structure.
(good/ poor) as a class field, i.e. quality of the module. Other
attributes, like PROGRAMMING_SPEED (fast, slow,
average) could be derived from the project management 3. ID3 ALGORITHM
information, such as Lead Time Precision (LTP), which is the
percentage between the planed and the realized programming Algorithms ID3/C4.5 are introduced by Quinlan for inducing
time in days. Also, the percentage between the planned and Classification Models, also called Decision Trees, from data.
the realized man-hours can be used for the same purpose, The task is to determine a decision tree that, on the basis of
known as Cost Precision (CP). The attribute like STRESS the answers to questions about non-categorical attributes,
(high, normal, low) can be derived from the monitoring of the correctly predicts the value of the category attribute named
line and project managers, and PROGRAMMER (expert, QUALITY. Category attribute takes the values (good/poor).
novice, learned) can be derived from the database of In any case, one of its attributes takes the meaning “failure”,
competence management. Table 2 shows the attributes with i.e. poor quality module [7].
their values. All attributes are discrete. A decision tree consists of the nodes and unidirectional
arcs, which connect the nodes. To make a decision, one has The set, on the basis of an input attribute X, is partitioned
to start from the root node, ask the questions to determine the into the subsets T1,T2,...,Tn. The information needed to
arc to follow, and reach the leaf node. Main points of the ID3 identify the class of an element of T is the weighted average
algorithm are: information needed to identify the class of an element of each
 each non-leaf node of a decision tree corresponds to subset:
an input attribute, and each arc to a possible value of
that attribute. A leaf node corresponds to the
expected value of the output attribute (QUALITY)
when the input attribute is described by the path
from the root node to that leaf node;
Quantity of information about the output attribute that can
 in a “good” decision tree, each non-leaf node should be obtained by knowing that the value of an input attribute X
be associated to the input attribute which is the best is the difference between the information needed to classify
informative output attribute among the unconsidered an element of T before knowing the value of X, H(T), and the
input attributes on the path from the root node to information needed after partitioning the dataset T on the
that node, and basis of the known value of X, H(X, T). The information gain
 entropy is used as a measure to determine how is defined, due to the attribute X for set T, as:
informative a particular input attribute is about the
output attribute for a subset of the training data. Gain(X, T) = H(T) – H(X, T)

Entropy as a measure of uncertainty in the communication In order to decide which attribute to split, the ID3
systems is introduced by Shannon [8]. algorithm computes the information gain for each attribute,
Consider the source S that can produce n messages {m1, m2,..., and selects the one with the highest gain. For example, the
mn}. All messages are produced independently of each other, information gain for the attribute PROGRAMMER is
and the probability of producing the message mi is pi. For calculated. The attribute PROGRAMMER can have three
such a source S with the message distribution probability P = values: expert, learned and novice [8]. Partitioning on the
(p1, p2,..., pn) the entropy H(P) is: basis of the PROGRAMMER will, thus, divide T into three
subsets: |Texpert| = 7, |Tnovice| = 6 and |Tlearned| = 7. Calculation of
the information needed to classify an element of T after this
partitioning is:

If a set T of the records from the training database are

partitioned into k classes {C1, C2,..., Ck} on the basis of the
output attribute, then the average amount of information
(measured in bits) needed to identify the class of record is
H(PT). PT is distribution probability of the classes, estimated
from the data as:
The information gain for the attribute PROGRAMMER for
the set T is:

The notation |Ci| means the number of elements in the set Ci. Consequently, the ID3 Algorithm works by recursive
For the training database, where the QUALITY is the output application of the procedure above each subset produced,
attribute, PT for the entire dataset T is: until the “pure” nodes are found, or until there are no
attributes left to consider. A pure node contains only one-
class elements [8]. Shortly, the ID3 algorithm for a decision
tree construction can be described as follows:

 a tree starts a single node representing all data;

where class C1 corresponds to “good” and class C2 to “poor”.  if all the samples are of the same class, then the
Consequently, the entropy of the set T is: node becomes leaf labeled with the class label;
 otherwise, select the attribute that separates the
sample into individual classes best, and
 recursion stops when the samples in a node belong
to the same class, or if there is no attribute left on
which to split, or if there are no samples with the
attribute value.
The finished tree is shown in figure 1:

Picture 1: Decision Tree created by ID3 algorithm

quality software, even in these conditions.

4. DECISION TREE ANALYSIS  SDIs are always suitable for reducing the errors
and improving the quality.
The most informative attribute being a case in the
PROGRAMMING_SPEED, the attribute is set as a root Consequently, from this information quality and project
node. Therefrom, three branches proceed to the next level, management can draw some useful conclusions before a
being the best informative attribute of the remaining project starts. Prior to that, they must have some
attributes in the training database. The tree has four levels: information e.g. about the people’s competence, the time
PROGRAMMING_SPEED, STRESS, INSPECTION and required for project realization, volume of the job, etc.
the last is the PROGRAMMER. Some conclusions can be Basic rules that can be derived from the decision tree
made on the basis of the tree. For example: results are:

 if a novice or a programmer beginner is not  if quality is the aim, the novices cannot be
suitable for quality programming, someone else involved in the programming if not mentored by
as an expert programmer can support the novice. the experts or trained people, even if the
programming conditions for them are good and
 Slow programming speed creates quality
suitable. The problem is in the incompetence and
modules, because there is enough time for the
insufficient experience.
programming and for problem solving. In the
extremes (high stress and poor programming  In any case stress must be controlled and rapidly
without SDIs) the quality is not acceptable. reduced. If this is not possible, the SDIs can
improve the quality in the conditions of high
 High stress in any case creates poor quality
stress and fast programming.
modules, but with good programmers (experts
and trained people) and SDIs support the modules  In any case SDIs must be undertaken. Only in the
can be made good. conditions of slow programming and low level of
stress, SDIs can be excluded from the process.
 Only slow programming and low level of stress
can produce the quality modules without SDIs.  The programming speed should not be too high
The exception is when a novice creates good and must be controlled, because stress also
depends on it.
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