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Sentiment Analysis Project Documentation

This document provides comprehensive documentation for the Sentiment Analysis
project. The project aims to analyze and classify textual data based on sentiment into
positive, negative, or neutral categories using machine learning techniques.

Table of Contents:
1. Data Exploration
2. Data Preprocessing
3. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)
4. Text Vectorization
5. Model Selection
6. Hyperparameter Tuning
7. Cross-Validation
8. Model Interpretability
9. Evaluation Metrics
10. Deployment (Optional)
1. Data Exploration <a name="data-exploration"></a>
 Dataset Information:
 Loaded the dataset using pandas ( pd.read_csv()).
 Displayed basic information about the dataset ( ).
 Showed the first few rows of the dataset ( df.head()).

2. Data Preprocessing <a name="data-preprocessing"></a>

 Text Preprocessing:
 Created a function ( preprocess_text()) to lowercase text, remove stop words,
and lemmatize words using NLTK.
 Applied text preprocessing to the 'text' column of the dataset.

3. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) <a name="exploratory-data-

 Visualization:
 Plotted the distribution of sentiment labels using Seaborn ( sns.countplot() ).

4. Text Vectorization <a name="text-vectorization"></a>

 Vectorization:
 Utilized the TF-IDF vectorizer ( TfidfVectorizer ) to convert preprocessed text
into numerical vectors.
 Chose the TF-IDF vectorization method based on dataset characteristics.

5. Model Selection <a name="model-selection"></a>

 Multinomial Naive Bayes:
 Selected the Multinomial Naive Bayes model for sentiment analysis.
 Trained the model using the TF-IDF vectorized data.
6. Hyperparameter Tuning <a
 Fine-Tuning:
 Tuned hyperparameters of the Multinomial Naive Bayes model for
 Utilized techniques like grid search or random search.

7. Cross-Validation <a name="cross-validation"></a>

 Assessment:
 Implemented 5-fold cross-validation to assess the generalization performance
of the model.
 Calculated cross-validation scores and mean score.

8. Model Interpretability <a name="model-interpretability"></a>

 Feature Importance:
 Explored feature importance for RandomForestClassifier.
 Displayed the top 10 important features.

9. Evaluation Metrics <a name="evaluation-metrics"></a>

 Model Evaluation:
 Assessed the model's performance using metrics such as accuracy, confusion
matrix, and classification report.
10. Deployment (Optional) <a name="deployment-optional"></a>
 Flask API:
 Developed a Flask API to deploy the trained model for real-time sentiment
 Created an endpoint ('/predict') to receive text input and return sentiment
predictions in JSON format.
This documentation provides a step-by-step overview of the Sentiment Analysis
project, including data exploration, preprocessing, model development, and
evaluation. Code snippets, visualizations, and explanations are included to aid in
understanding the process. For further details, refer to the individual sections above.

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