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Stock Price Analysis:

 Import data (e.g., CSV) using pandas.

 Create time series using pandas' DatetimeIndex.

 Calculate basic statistics (mean, standard deviation) of closing prices

using NumPy.
 Use Matplotlib to visualize time series plots and identify trends.

 Implement a loop to filter specific date ranges and calculate returns.

2. Movie Recommendation System (Basic):

 Load movie data (e.g., CSV) with columns like genre, rating.

 Use pandas' groupby to analyze average ratings by genre.

 Create a simple recommendation function based on genre preference.

3. Spam Email Detection (Basic):

 Load pre-labeled spam/ham email data (e.g., CSV).

 Preprocess text data (e.g., lowercase, remove punctuation).

 Use a loop and conditional statements to identify keywords or patterns

associated with spam.

 Calculate basic spam detection accuracy metrics (precision, recall).

4. Customer Segmentation:
 Load customer data (e.g., CSV) with features like demographics,

purchase history.
 Use NumPy's array operations to calculate total spending per customer.

 Employ pandas for exploratory data analysis (e.g., grouping by age,

 Create basic customer segments (high spenders, low spenders) using

conditional statements.
5. Music Genre Classification (Basic):
 Load audio data (e.g., pre-processed features).

 Use NumPy arrays to represent features of different genres.

 Implement a loop to compare features of unknown music samples against

known genres using distance metrics (e.g., Euclidean distance).

 Classify based on the closest genre (Note: This is a simplified approach,

real-world classification uses machine learning models).

6. Image Analysis :
 Load an image using libraries like OpenCV or Pillow.

 Convert image to NumPy array for efficient processing.

 Use loops to access pixel values, calculate statistics (mean intensity), or

apply basic image filters (e.g., grayscale).

7. Simulating Coin Flips (Probability):

 Use NumPy's random number generator (np.random.rand) to simulate

coin flips (heads/tails).

 Implement a loop to generate a specified number of flips and count

occurrences of each outcome.

 Calculate the empirical probability of heads and tails.

8. Data Cleaning and Preprocessing:

 Load messy data (e.g., missing values, inconsistencies) using pandas.

 Use pandas methods (fillna, dropna, replace) to handle missing values.

 Implement loops and conditional statements to identify and correct

format inconsistencies.

9. Text Analysis (Word Frequencies):

 Load text data (e.g., document, article).

 Preprocess text (lowercase, remove punctuation, tokenize).

 Use a dictionary (or pandas Series) to count word frequencies.

 Sort words by frequency to identify the most common terms.

10. Social Network Analysis (Basic):

 Load data representing a social network (e.g., connections between

 Use pandas or network analysis libraries to create adjacency matrices.

 Calculate graph properties (number of nodes, edges) using loops or graph

analysis functions.
 Identify central nodes/influencers (Note: A simplified approach, real-

world analysis uses network centrality measures).

11. Sales Forecasting (Basic):
 Load historical sales data (e.g., CSV) using pandas.

 Use pandas' time series functionalities to analyze trends and seasonality.

 Implement a loop to calculate moving averages or simple exponential

smoothing for forecasting future sales (Note: This is a simplified

approach, real-world forecasting uses time series models).
12. Game: Number Guessing (AI Simulation):
 Use NumPy's random number generator to generate a secret number.

 Implement a loop to allow the user to guess.

 Simulate AI behavior by calculating the difference between guesses and

the secret number and adjusting subsequent guesses using a loop and
conditional statements (Note: This is a simplistic simulation).
13. Simple Decision Tree:
 Create a basic decision tree structure using nested if-else statements.

 Provide test data with features and desired outcomes.

 Traverse the decision tree based on features, following if-else conditions,

to predict the outcome (Note: This is a very simplified approach, real-

world decision trees involve training and optimization).

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