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1. I recently _______ a rise at work, which was a pleasant surprise.

2. It's important to _________ voluntary work to give back to the community.

3. I hope to get _________ to a higher position within the company.
4. She's in _________ of the marketing department and handles all major
5. Unfortunately, he ________ sacked for consistently underperforming in his
6. Job _________ is a major concern in today's unpredictable economy.
7. She's currently _______ maternity leave, enjoying time with her newborn.
8. After being ________ of work for months, he finally found a new job.
9. Stepping out of your _________ zone can lead to personal and professional
10.Sometimes, you just have to ________ your teeth and face challenges head-
11.________ a sense, his decision to pursue a different career path was
12.Despite opposition, she decided to stick to her guns and follow her passion.
13.Close family members often share similar traits and values.
14.Even though he's a distant relative, I take after him in many ways.
15.Family get-togethers are always filled with laughter and joy.
16.Everyone has a skeleton in the cupboard, a secret they'd rather keep hidden.
17.Despite their differences, they manage to see eye to eye on important
18.Leadership qualities seem to run in the family; it's in their genes.
19.In many traditional households, the phrase "wearing the trousers" implies
being the decision-maker.
20.He's considered the black sheep of the family due to his rebellious nature.
21.It's important to face problems head-on rather than avoiding them.
22.When making decisions, I often go with my gut feeling.
23.Sometimes, it's okay to tell a white lie to spare someone's feelings.
24.I can't remember that far back; it was so long ago.
25.Planning a vacation is a bit of a challenge with conflicting schedules.
26.A while back, I used to live in a different city for work.
27.Despite challenges, she never gave up, even when life gave her a hard time.
28.Sometimes, we need to kill time with activities we enjoy.
29.After years apart, it's time to make up for lost time with old friends.
30.Classic literature is way before my time, but I still appreciate it.
31.At times, it's necessary to compromise for the greater good.
32.Dealing with the issue is just a question of time; it will be resolved soon.
33.I'll be working from home for the time being due to the ongoing situation.
34.With deadlines approaching, I feel pushed for time to complete my tasks.
35.She was texting the whole time during the meeting, distracting everyone.
36.It's important to get hold of accurate information before making decisions.
37.I get the impression that he's not happy with the recent changes.
38.Sometimes, you need to get your own back when treated unfairly.
39.Despite efforts, it feels like I'm not getting anywhere in my current project.
40.It's time to get your act together and focus on your priorities.
41.After the explanation, I finally got the message and understood the situation.
42.In negotiations, finding common ground is key to getting your own way.
43.Instead of worrying about trivial matters, it's time to get a life.
44.Breaking the rules might let you get away with things temporarily.
45.Finding creative excuses to get out of doing chores is an art for some.
46.The new policy faced a backlash against unpopular changes.
47.It seems like they have it in for him, always criticizing his work.
48.The workplace environment is a lot more lax compared to my previous job.
49.In my lifetime, I've witnessed incredible technological advancements.

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