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How Karma function

Alright, my friends, we have just understood the meaning of karma, and some types of
karma. Now, I would love to deliver to all of you my thought about "how karma
function" and how it influences people's life.

As we already know, karma or we can understand it as the result of the action. Good
actions will lead to good results and so do the bad actions will get bad karma. Like, if
you are hard training in your school, the mentor will see your efforts and give you a
high score. In some cases, the same actions of 2 people won't lead to the same result. I
would make an example from my family here, 2 men are born in the same place, same
parents, and the same education but their success in their careers in this life is totally
different because their actions caused in the before-life are different, so the result are
also different, one is quite rich, one is poor. And that 2 men are my uncle and my
father. But that's just a small part of karma, so let's continue to find out.

The interesting part about karma is karma will arrive at the right time. And karma will
get bigger and heavier due to the flow of time.

In my experience, the weaker the karma, the sooner it comes and reverses. I got my
fingers cut right after I threw the foods that still can be eaten into the trash bin. So,
when will the punishments come to those who have done such evil things? Actually, I
don't know either because only god can decide when they will be punished. But I've
observed some situations like that before because I've been through that in 2018 and
2019. While I was a grade 8 student in 2016, I cheated on 2 beautiful girls in my
school, because of that, I've suffered more than 1 year seeing all my crushes, and also
my friends cheated on me from grade 10 to almost over grade 11. You can see, karma
will get a lot heavier according to the timeline.

Nowadays, a lot of people blame their fate and blame the gods for their miserable
lives and always wonder why gods don’t help them. But in fact, they don’t know their
sins in the before-life have turned their life into misery and they don’t know their
savior is themselves, so they keep paying a very high price. From my story, you can
see karma will follow our soul from this life to the after-life, but nothing is forever.
Now, I would like to show you some good ways to improve good karma and decrease
bad karma that I still doing with my friends.

Simply, everyone can do it. You should try to do good things to people from the
smallest to the biggest. Like, you can lend them a pen if their pen is broken. You can
give them some money for motorcycle parking if they don't have any. Or you can
donate money to famous charities. If you don't have money, you can volunteer. And if
you're weak, you can give them a beautiful smile. Moreover, the most important thing
that you should do is always feel regret for your sins by reading repentance in front of
the altar continuously.

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